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113 GoogleNews Group |
113Groupes de DiscussionsGoogle |
295messagesGoogle |
295 GoogleNews
Group postings . |
In July 2017,
the Gov't deleted 7024%. |
En juillet 2017, le Gouv. supprima 7024 %. |
May 13th 2001 Subject: 2 Serve or NOT? English |
May 17th 2001 Subject: E-Business, The New "Net-based" ___ ____Economy English |
June 6th 2001 Subject: E-Learning Hooey English |
July 8th 2001. Subject: ICG's Demise: a Classic Collapse of ___ ____an OLD Economy Business English |
August 3rd 2001 Subject: Social Assistance : Criminal Negligence, ___ ____Canadian Criminal Code, Article 228 English |
August 11th 2001 Subject: Letter to Carleton University Student ___ ____President English |
September 9th 2001 Subject: Grand Chief, Matthew Coon Comb, ___ ____"Slandered" in Newspaper Article English |
: le 28 novembre 2001 Objet : Les psychiatres et les compagnies pharmacologiques ABUSENT TROP notre système de santé public français |
: le 21
décembre 2001. Objet : Revenu annuel guaranti : la solution pour un tas de maux sociaux français |
February 17th 2002 Subject: Old Dow Jones Style of Business ___ ____versus New Nasdaq Style Business English |
June 14th 2002 Subject: The New Economy: "Net-based" English |
el 1 de julio 2002 Sujeto: Transmisión ilegal de programas en español... espagnol/Spanish |
el 16 de julio 2002 Sujeto: Nuevo partido político, el Partido Égalité de Canadá espagnol/Spanish |
July 17th 2002 Subject: Teacher = Tyrant English |
October 26th 2002 Subject: Pharmaceuticals: BAD, BAD, BAD... English |
November 26th 2002 Subject: Toronto City Hall "Leasing Gate" ___ ____Affair: Bureaucratic Fraud - BIG ___ ____TIME!? English |
March 17th 2003 Subject: NO FRAUD at Ottawa City Hall!? We ___ ____do NOT KNOW that - for sure. English |
May 24th 2003 Subject: The Ontario Public Service Web: an ___ ____Exercise in Try-to-find it. Try! English |
Date: May
26th 2003 Subject: "BRIBE-based" Favouritism in Awarding ___ ____Gov't Contract? français/English |
June 16th 2003 Subject: New Forensic-Auditor-Based Security ___ ____Force "Needed" English |
June 16th 2003 Subject: Pentagon's Total Information Aware- ___ ____ness Database = Police State English |
July 19th 2003 Subject: Youth Tech Program NEEDED! Not ___ ____Deleted. English |
August 21st 2003 Subject: Corel: with Microsofts help becomes ___ ____American? English |
August 25th 2003 Subject: "Another" BOGUS University E-learning ___ ____Project? English |
September 2nd 2003 Subject: My "Personal Commitment" to the First ___ ____Peoples of Canada English |
September 3rd 2003 Subject: CONGRATS! on Running in November ___ ____11th Municipal Election English |
September 20th 2003 Subject: New Privacy Commissioner: *ANOTHER* ___ ____Patronage Appointment English |
October 25th 2003 Subject: It's all about "SERVICE VALUE" English |
November 10th 2003 Subject: Égalité Party+the Net English |
Date: November
11th 2003 Subject: Dirty! Dirty! MERX English |
: le 18 novembre/November 2003 Objet : L'Ontario, une province "bilingue" - BIENTÔT ! NO French? français/English |
Date: November
19th 2003 Subject: "The Ultimate Internet" English |
: le 20 novembre 2003 Objet : Le Meurtre du Président Kennedy : PAS UNE HISTOIRE BANALE ! ![]() français |
: le 28 novembre 2003 Objet : Victime d'une Église apostate ? victime français |
: le 12
décembre 2003 Objet : M. Charest, le "BOURREAU FRISÉ" du Peuple ? Un "AUTRE" Robespierre ? français |
: le 16
décembre 2003 Objet : Charest, un premier ministre S-C-A- B-R-E-U-X ? français |
December 16th 2003 Subject: Ottawa's *TOP* COP: Impudent THUG? English |
: le 12 août
2004 Objet : Une Église *PERCUTANTE* et d'actualité - ou - une Église *MORTE* du passé ? français |
August 14th 2004 Subject: A *VICTIM* of **CRIMINAL** Gov't? English |
: le 14 août
2004 Objet : Un *VICTIME* de Gouv. **CRIMINEL** français |
September 28th 2004 Subject: Colleges+Universities *FLEECE* Students English |
January 2005 Subject: Discourse RESTRICTED @ Ottawa U, ___ ____Carleton U+l'Université du Québec English |
: le 3 juin 2005 Objet : VICTIME de BRUTALITÉ par la Police d'Ottawa français |
: le 5 juin 2005 Objet : Police d'Ottawa: BRUTALE ! (la suite) français |
June 2005 Subject: Canada, a Democracy? NEVER! English |
July 16th 2005 Subject: Ethics: *GOOD* 4Business English |
August 19th 2005 Subject: The Égalité Party of Canada: 4the ___ ____Rural Revolution English |
August 22nd 2005 Subject: The Choice: Sexual Harassment - or - ___ ____Sexual Exploitation? English |
: le 19 octobre 2005. Objet : Police d'Ottawa : Compensation, S.V.P. ! français |
: le 25 octobre 2005 Objet : Police d'Ottawa : Compensation, S.V.P. ! français |
November 9th 2005 Subject: Tracking EVERYONE! = Police State English |
November 9th 2005 Subject: *CROOKED* Municipal Gov't: Surprised? English |
November 21st 2005 Subject: The *PAIN* of First Nations English |
December 7th 2005 Subject: The Égalité Party of Canada wants into ___ ____the USA+Mexico English |
December 18th 2005 Subject: The Égalité Party of Canada extends an ___ ____invitation to First Peoples to *JOIN* the ___ ____É(eh)PC English |
Date: .December
27th 2005 Subject: "Do N-O-T, *NOT* Vote", says the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada President/Party Leader English |
December 27th 2005 Subject: Question: Funny Guy - OR - Gov't ___ ____Operative? English |
December 29th 2005 Subject: The Gov't of Canada *continues* to ___ ____*HARASS* the Égalité Party of Canada ___ ____President/Leader English |
December 30th 2005 Subject: *NEW* World thanks to our YOUTH English |
December 30th 2005. Subject: The *ROT* in Gov't (PINCH! Your Nose) English |
December 31st 2005. Subject: Evidence RIGHT HERE of *ONLINE* ___ ____*Harassment* English |
December 31st 2005 Subject: Online LAWBREAKER! English |
December 31st 2005 Subject: *M-O-R-E* Online Harassment ![]() English |
January 1st 2006. Subject: *MY* POSTINGS - where are they? English |
January 1st 2006 Subject: Prime Minister Paul Martin's GOONS, ___ ____FRIENDS, or DEMONS? English |
January 1st 2006 Subject: RCMP investigation *warranted* English |
January 1st 2006. Subject: Égalité Party of Canada President/Leader ___ ____finds 1cm-diameter camera in living room ___ ____ceiling English |
January 6th 2006 Subject: Égalité Party of Canada President/Leader ___ ____finds *2nd* SPY-cam in his apartment English |
January 11th 2006. Subject: SUCKER-bait? English |
January 30th 2006 Subject: HELP! Get some. English |
January 30th
2006 Subject: SPOOKed! English |
January 30th
2006. Subject: POLICE STATE, BIG! BROTHER Surveil- ___ ____lance English |
April 9th 2006 Subject: POLICE Charging Égalité President/Party ___ ____Leader with Internet Libel English |
May 3rd 2006. Subject: Gov't *T-e-r-r-o-r-i-z-e-d* Égalité President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
: le 12 juin 2006. Objet : La Police d'Ottawa : des imbéciles - ou - des menteurs ? français |
June 18th 2006. Subject: Ottawa Police Assault Égalité President, ___ ____Party Leader at the Elgin Street Police ___ ____Station English |
June 26th 2006. Subject: Ottawa Police Libeling Égalité President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
July 13th 2006. Subject: Ottawa Police/Crown SMEARS Égalité ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
July 17th 2006 LETTER of CONGRATULATIONS addressed to the Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Phil Fontaine English |
July 24th 2006. Subject: "Let's *STOP* poverty", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
: le 1er septembre 2006.. Objet : "Soyez anathématisés !", dit le Président, Chef du Parti Égalité du Canada français |
October 10th 2006 Subject: North Korea: *GOOD* NEWS for the U.S.A.; ___ ____*BAD* NEWS for Canada English |
October 13th 2006 Subject: "Canada is a *FASCIST* POLICE State", ___ ____says President/Party Leader of the Éga- ___ ____lité Party of Canada English |
October 30th 2006 Subject: "*END* Freemasonic GHOULISH Gov't ___ ____in Canada", urges the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
November 20th 2006 Subject: President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada Faced with Eviction ___ ____was *REFUSED* Welfare English |
el 27 de noviembre 2006 Sujeto: Carta pediendo ayuda del Presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chavez espagnol/Spanish |
December 4th 2006 Subject: "Is Stéphane Dion's Liberal Party Leader- ___ ____ship Win, a Hoax?", asks the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
December 16th 2006 Subject: "*Immediate"* BENEFITS demanded for ___ ____*THE POOR* by the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ![]() français/English |
January 11th 2007 Subject: "Will the Prime Minister DEcriminalize ___ ____the Gov't?", asks the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
January 25th 2007 Subject: Canada's Judicial System: A *POISONOUS* ___ ____MIX OF Judicial FRAUD+GOON POLICING ___ ____suspects the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
February 4th 2007 Subject: "Madame President!" (President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada) English |
February 20th 2007 Subject: Asking for $460,000 in Back Pay from ___ ____the Senate of Canada (President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada) English |
: le 11 mars 2007.. Objet : L'ADQ : OUI ! (Le PLQ + le PQ : - ben - _ ____ NON !) (Président/Chef du Parti Égalité du Canada) français |
March 30th 2007 Subject: "*CLEAN* Gov't means *NO* ___ ____Freemasons." (President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of ___ ____Canada) English |
Date: April
28th 2007 Subject: "Protest Excessive: Cops" ("No need ___ ____to attack us, officers say.") ("The Pro- ___ ____vince", April 27th Article) English |
May 5th 2007 Subject: "$15 MINIMUM wage, *FREE* college+ ___ ____university - NEEDED N-O-W!" (Presi- ___ ____dent/Party Leader of the Égalité Party ___ ____of Canada) English |
Date: June
4th 2007 Subject: "Do refugee claimants have to *BRIBE* ___ ____Canadian officials? I think so," says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada (Regarding an Iranian ___ ____refugee case in Vancouver.) English |
Date: June
28th 2007 Subject: President/Party Leader of the Égalté Party ___ ____of Canada Can Only Receive Social Assis- ___ ____tance from the BC Gov't *IF* He Declares ___ ____Himself Mentally Ill English |
Date: July
18th 2007 Subject: "The Province of New Brunswick STINKS!" ___ ____says President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
Date: July
31st 2007 Subject: "Will I need to ask for POLICE PROTECTION?" ___ ____asks the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
August 2nd 2007 Subject: "The hallmarks of a POLICE STATE like ___ ____Canada are PUBLIC DISSENSION and a ___ ____VAST (UNcontroled) MULTI-TIERED ___ ____POLICE APPARATUS *DESIGNED* ___ ____To *DRAIN* and *DEBILITATE* the ___ ____taxpayers." says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
August 10th 2007 Subject: "The Canadian Taxpayers Federation ___ ____*BOGUS* like the rest of the Feemason- ___ ____run Canadian Police State Gov't" su- ___ ____spects the President/Party Leader of ___ ____the Égalité Party of Canada English |
August 19th 2007 Subject: "The solution to *aggressive panhandlers ___ ____is SIMPLE!" says the President/Party Leader ___ ____of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
September 5th 2007 Subject: "From TORONTO to ALL! North Americans, ___ ____give the Gov't THE FINGER! *DON'T* VOTE!" ___ ____says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English/français |
September 7th 2007 Subject: "Put an end to the POLITICAL MADNESS! ___ ____*Don't* vote!" says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ![]() English |
September 8th 2007 Subject: TORONTO Ryerson University at Toronto ___ ____Film Festival *ARRESTS* the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
September 11th 2007 Subject: Mafia-run City of Toronto *REFUSES ___ ____SHELTER* to the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ___ ____UNLESS he receives psychiatric care English |
September 21st 2007 Subject: "MONKEYS running MAFIOSO Gov't+ ___ ____you aer going to vote for THAT?" asks ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Éga- ___ ____lité Party of Canada English |
October 5th 2007 Subject: "*AFTER* Ontario Election Day *MORE* ___ ____Gov't *ABUSE*+*BULLYING* of the TAX- ___ ____PAYER. Vote for THAT! Why bother?" ___ ____asks the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 18th 2007 Subject: "Gov't of Canada TAKES DOWN *MY* ___ ____MySpace page," exclaims the Presi- ___ ____dent/Party Leader of the Égalité Party ___ ____of Canada English |
October 26th 2007 Subject: "This is OLD NEWS: Torontonians will ___ ____'continue' to pay *MORE* TAXES", says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
October 30th 2007 Subject: First Nation Band Council *Corruption*: ___ ____a KEY INSTRUMENT in the Canadian ___ ____Gov't Policy of Passive Genocide accor- ___ ____ding to President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
November 19th 2007 Subject: The Canadian PRESS seems to - habitually ___ ____- allow the Gov't of Canada to dupe the ___ ____Public or so it seems to the President/Par- ___ ____ty Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
December 4th 2007 Subject: The Toronto Reference Library *SCOLDS* ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
December 21st 2007 Subject: Those SICK! Gov't BASTARDS prescribe ___ ____*again* mental disability for the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
February 14th 2008 Subject: "WOMEN 1st!" says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
February 24th 2008 Subject: "*STOP* the *THE SHIT* from the Gov't: ___ ____*SUPPORT* the É(eh)PC", says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada français/English |
February 28th 2008 Subject: "Gov't's 2008 Budget: KICKED in THE A ___ ____double S - *AGAIN*" says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
May 28th 2008 Subject: "I was *PROHIBITED* BY Gov't OPERATIVES ___ ____from speaking with 1st Nation People who ___ ____came to Toronto's Queen's Park to protest ___ ____the incarceration of Robert Lovelace," says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
June 3rd 2008 Subject: "I'm *TOTALLY* IN FAVOUR of the Vancouver ___ ___ injection clinic," says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
June 5th 2008 Subject: "It's hard to believe that the Canadian ___ ____harm reduction programs are NOTHING ___ ____*BUT* a Police SCAM," says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
August 26th 2008 Subject: "*BOYCOTT* the Elections+Vancouver 2010 ___ ____Olympics" says the President/Party Leader ___ ____of the Égalité Party of Canada after his pail ___ ____of chalk was thrown across the street by an ___ ____undercover cop at the Toronto Eaton Centre ![]() English |
September 3rd 2008 Subject: "Conservative Party **propaganda** article ___ ____by the Toronto Star undermines Canadian ___ ____media independence" says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
September 12th 2008 Subject: "VOTING in a FASCIST POLICE STATE ___ ____like Canada is POINTLESS! Take the day ___ ____OFF! instead+be good to yourself," says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
September 26th 2008 Subject: "The NEW Downtown Eastside Vancouver ___ ____Community Court is the 'hamster in a cage' ___ ____effect of a *SELF-SERVING* GOV'T that DOES ___ ____*NOTHING* for the POOR", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 3rd 2008 Subject: "My wife was *RAPED* at her Gov't job. ___ ____I've been *continually* *HARASSED* ___ ____*SLANDERED* *LIBELED* by the Police. ___ ____I want $10,000,000 in damages", says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 7th 2008 Subject: "KILL! NATO: *SAVE* Europe by making ___ ____Russia PROSPER!", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 10th 2008 Subject: "This Election is about NOTHING! NOT-A- ___ ____THING - really. S-T-A-Y H-O-M-E on Elec- ___ ____tion Day", says the President/Party Leader ___ ____of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 15th 2008 Subject: "PESSIMISM+VOTER REMORSE reigns ___ ____for the 59.1% of Canadians who elected ___ ____*another* *BOGUS* Gov't that *SHUTS* ___ ____CANADIANS OUT", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of ___ ____Canada English |
October 17th 2008 Subject: "Toronto Police Chief *MUST* RESIGN over ___ ____the manufacture+distribution of drugs by ___ ____undercover cops at Seaton House+over ___ ____POLICE *EXTORTION* of construction ___ ____firms+I want my OWN ROOM at Seaton ___ ____House" says the President/Party Leader _______of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
October 22nd 2008 Subject: "John McCallum when Minister of Revenue ___ ____Canada *NOW* touted as Liberal Party of ___ ____Canada *interim* leader *EMPTIED* my ___ ____bank account in November 2004 so I ___ ____had *NO* $$$," says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party ___ ____of Canada English |
November 4th
2008 Subject: "*CROOKED* Toronto COPS want to have ___ ____me declared *INSANE* so Seaton House ___ ____can go back to *FULL* CRACK PRODUC- ___ ____TION, I suspect", says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
November 11th
2008 Subject: "My French-Canadian mother forced to ___ ____become a *LUMBERJACK* at 13 because ___ ____of CROOKED! *City* COPS", says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
November 20th
2008 Subject: "York University Students *DUPED* by anti- ___ ____STRIKE rally+me, *HARASSED* by York U", ___ ____says the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
November 28th
2008 Subject: "Toronto Police $800,000,000 budget is ___ ____WHAC-KO!", says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ![]() English |
December 16th
2008 Subject: "As *former* Chief Page of the Senate ___ ____of Canada, I am simply *STUNNED* that ___ ____**THE CROWN** has **INCAPACITATED** ___ ____Parliament: it's time for a REPUBLIC, for ___ ____the É-revolution",says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of ___ ____Canada English |
December 22nd
2008 Subject: "Somebody *EMPTIED* my WALLET at ___ ____Seaton House while taking my shower: ___ ____ITS *TIME* to kick off the É(eh)PC's ___ ____*VICTORY* Campaign", says the Pre- ___ ____sident/PartyLeader of the Égalité Party ___ ____of Canada English |
December 29th
2008 Subject: "I want $10,000 in *DAMAGES* from PEN ___ ____EQUITY for assault+battery on Xmas ___ ____*DAY* by their private security guards ___ ____in their NEW! TORONTO LIFE SQUARE ___ ____across from the Eaton Centre" says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
January 3rd 2009 Subject: "H-A-R-A-S-S-E-D by *TWO* undercover ___ ____*COPS* at the Toronto Reference Library ___ ____+the Library did NOTHING!" says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
January 7th 2009 Subject: "Toronto Reference Library W-I-T-H ___ ____THE Toronto POLICE **continue** ___ ____to **HARASS** me. Will this be an ___ ____on-going saga?" asks the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party ___ ____of Canada English |
January 10th
2009 Subject: "The Gov't of Canada has *ALWAYS* ___ ____practiced P-S-Y-C-H-O-L-O-G-I-C-A-L ___ ____*TERRORISM* **internally**," says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____Égalité Party of Canada English |
January 28th
2009 Subject: "This L-O-O-N-Y, *BULLSHIT* DIRTY ___ ____TRICK budget does *NOT* ADDRESS ___ ____THE PROBLEM of **permanent** ___ ____J-O-B LOSS: it's *CATASTROPHIC*" ___ ____says the President/Party Leader of ___ ____the Égalité Party of Canada English |
March 17th
2009 Subject: "Given that this *BIZARRE* Gov't ___ ____is a *self-serving* FASCIST POLICE ___ ____STATE, it's *NOT* surprising that ___ ____Mr. Harper+his Party do *NOT* ___ ____seem to know the difference ___ ____between LYING+'being po- ___ ____sitive'", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
Date: April
2009 Subject: "The *RADICAL* É(eh)PC judicial REFORMS ___ ____make Canada *THE* LEADER in PRISON ___ ____REFORM", says the President/Party Lea- ___ ____der of the Égalité Party of Canada English |
May 4th 2009 Subject: Iggy! Iggy! Iggy! NO! NO! NO! English |
May 7th 2009 Subject: "The PERVERSE 2009 (federal and Ontario) ___ ____stimulus-spending budgets are certainly ___ ____*NOT* FAIR for the JOBLESS" says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the Égalité ___ ____Party of Canada English |
May 17th 2009 Subject: "I'm sure Canadians *DON'T* WANT Iggy ___ ____as Prime Minister", says the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the Égalité Party of ___ ____Canada English |
May 25th 2009 Subject: "Politicians: Stop messing with us" English |
June 6th 2009 Subject: CAP, the É(eh)PC+Halloween English |
June 18th 2009 Subject: "What ... ETHICS? Iggy SELLS OUT to ___ ____Harper to enjoy summer, weekly Go- ___ ____vernment cheque, while *BOTH* major ___ ____political parties SHUT OUT the jobless ___ ____who get WHAT?" asks the President, ___ ____Party Leader of the É(eh)PC English |
June 29th 2009 Subject: "Michael Jackson will be remembered as ___ ____an ARTISTIC singing+dancing *GENIUS* ___ ____that CELEBRATED African-American life ___ ____and made it accessible to the World", ___ ____says the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____É(eh)PC English |
July 6th 2009 Subject: "Metro Toronto newspaper correspondent ___ ____was perhaps *FOOLED* by UNDERCOVER ___ ____COP posing as bronze busker statue in ___ ____front of Toronto's Eaton Centre", says ___ ____the President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC English |
July 9th 2009 Subject: "The KING OF POP said it June 23rd 2009: ___ ____WE ... AGREE!", says the President/Party ___ ____Leader of the É(eh)PC English |
August 2nd 2009 Subject: É(eh)PC Leader *ILLEGALLY* ARRESTED ___ ____for *OPPOSING* *unwanted* Canada Armed ___ ____Forces booth at Toronto Turkish Festival English |
August 12th 2009 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader *SLAN- ___ ____DERED* by female UNDERCOVER COP ___ ____when applying for Court date English |
August 22nd 2009 Subject: Toronto paper, radio station+ad agency ___ ____**mistook** $200,000+ UNDERCOVER! ___ ____COP as panhandler in their photo ___ ____suspects É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
September 1st 2009 Subject: "A *FASCIST* POLICE STATE 'behind ___ ____closed door' Gov't like Canada's can ___ ____*NOT* BE *CLEANED* from the inside", ___ ____says the President/Party Leader of the ___ ____É(eh)PC English |
September 4th 2009 Subject: "DROP! FEES campaign treats college, ___ ____university students as *potential* ___ ____SUBVERSIVES!" says the É(eh)PC English |
September 9th 2009 Subject: "Vote? What for? NOTHING?" asks ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
September 10th 2009 Subject: "REPORTERS! First, find out about ___ ____the $$$", says É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
September 17th 2009 Subject: "É(eh)PC *proposed* EI benefits are ___ ____BEST!" says É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader ![]() English |
September 29th 2009 Subject: "Toronto newspapers doN'T tell the ___ ____*WHOLE* STORY", says the É(eh)PC English |
October 20th 2009 Subject: "The Poor+Homeless are the *SCAPE- ___ ____GOATS* for a 100% CROOKED, secre- ___ ____tive *FASCIST* SYSTEM", says the ___ ____É(eh)PC English |
October 22nd 2009 Subject: "What to make of the TTC *FINE* ___ ____*BINGE* by the City of Toronto ___ ____run by CIA-backed HELLS AN- ___ ____GELS?", asks the É(eh)PC English |
October 30th 2009 Subject: "Fantino, *TOP* Cop+alleged *TOP* ___ ____MAFIOSO telling truth about ___ ____CRACK?" asks the É(eh)PC English |
November 4th 2009 Subject: "The COST-BENEFIT OPTICS of the ___ ____ROYAL VISIT *NOT* GOOD", says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC English |
November 12th 2009 Subject: Toronto Seaton House Memo: CIA ___ ____HQ Langley, Virginia English |
November 18th 2009 Subject: "Gospel of prosperity"+the É(eh)PC English |
December 9th 2009 Subject: "The NON-CONSENTING **CULTURE** ___ ____of SEXUAL EXPLOITATION of women ___ ____in Gov't is DISGUSTING!" says the ___ ____President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC English |
December 15th 2009 Subject: theÉ(eh)PC, Canada's - *ONLY* - **anti- ___ ____fascist** political party English |
December 20th 2009 Subject: the É(eh)PC is about ... RE-VO-LU-TION! English |
January 21st 2010 Subject: The É(eh)PC says NO! to the Alberta ___ ___ _Oil Sands, YES! to the ENVIRONMENT English |
February 2nd 2010 Subject: "THERE ARE *NO* JOBS; the Olympics ___ ____are questionable; the Americans are ___ ____taking over," says the É(eh)PC. English |
February 9th 2010 Subject: "Undercover *COP* at the Toronto Reference ___ ____Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library ___ ____does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
February 22nd 2010 Subject: "Was TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) ___ ____boss, Adam Giambrone, groomed by the ___ ____CIA to be mayor?" asks the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
March 7th
2010 Subject: "This new Disneyesque *FANTASY* ___ ____budget fixes ZIP!" says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
March 27th
2010 Subject: "Is the Liberal Party Montreal - PITCH- ___ ____MANURE - gabfest FOR THE FLIES?" ___ ____asks the É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
April 14th
2010 Subject: With the É(eh)PC in power there will ___ ____be *NO* NEED for whistleblowers ___ ____thanks to *CLEAN* Gov't BY DESIGN! English |
April 16th
2010 Subject: Did the Toronto Police Force hire a ___ ____PR firm to *DISS* Kenneth Selin, [the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader] at ___ ____CraigsList-dot-com Toronto Politics? ___ ____YES? English |
April 19th
2010 Subject: "With USA support, even Bozo - THE ___ ____*CLOWN* - can be elected Mayor of ___ ____Toronto," says É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
April 22nd
2010 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader PISSES ___ ____*OFF* the *FASCIST* Police State Gov't ___ ____of Canada at Craigs-list-dot-com Toron- ___ ____to Politics English |
May 4th 2010 Subject: "E-X-A-S-P-E-R-A-T-E-D Muslim border ___ ____countries *REALLY* do feel - Israel - is ___ ____RUNNING OUT OF TIME," says the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ![]() English |
May 26th 2010 Subject: "Was the Toronto Star newspaper paid ___ ____*BIG* BUCKS to print article that *WHITE- ___ ____WASHES* former Ontario Attorney Gene- ___ ____ral that killed bicycle courier?" asks the ___ ___ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
May 30th 2010 Subject: "Was the Toronto Sun newspaper paid ___ ____THE *BIG* BUCKS to print the FULL PA- ___ ____GE STORY about the Toronto Sun *AC- ___ ____CIDENTAL* encounter with the former ___ ____prime minister, Jean Chrétien?" asks ___ ____the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
June 6th 2010 Subject: "I was charged with TRESPASSING at ___ ____the Dundas+Yonge Square by what - I ___ ____suspect - is a CIA-backed Hells-Angels- ___ ____run Toronto Police involved in North ___ ____America's largest drug network" says ___ ____the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
June 10th 2010 Subject: "I was *ATTACKED* by AN **UNDERCOVER ___ ____COP** at the Toronto Reference Library ___ ____entrance" says the É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
June 13th 2010 Subject: Will the Toronto *FASCIST* G20 security ___ ____apparatus put - global - MEDIA ATTEN- ___ ____TION on the É(eh)PC? English |
June 23rd 2010 Subject: "I want my OWN ROOM@Seaton House ___ ____(men's shelter) *WITHOUT* the 2-CIA ___ ____African-Americans, blinking surveil- ___ ____lance camera, *permanently* OPEN ___ ____DOOR" says the É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
June 24th 2010 Subject: "PM talks ... *DANGER* while we live ___ ____in THE DANGER ZONE - already!" ___ ____says the É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
June 27th 2010 Subject: "The Toronto 2010 G8/G20 Summits ___ ____turned into a *monumental* *FASCIST* ___ ____Police State FARCE" says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
July 15th 2010 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader *AS- ___ ____SAULTED* BY undercover COP: RED ___ ____CROSS does NOTHING! English |
July 18th 2010 Subject: Undercover COP *BEATS* UP É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader @Toronto ___ ____Osgoode Hall Faculty of Law while ___ ____other undercover cops look on and ___ ____laugh English |
July 20th 2010 Subject: ANOTHER undercover COP BEATS UP ___ ____the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @ ___ ____131 Bloor St. W. at noontime and ___ ____Toronto Police treats it as A JOKE! English |
July 22nd 2010 Subject: BOTH undercover COPS (*DANGEROUS* ___ ____CRIMINALS) who HAD BEATEN UP the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader turned ___ ____up at the RED CROSS sponsored BBQ English |
July 24th 2010 Subject: CIA+English SEPARATISTS at Toronto ___ ____Reference Library *BANNED* the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
July 28th 2010 Subject: *ANOTHER* Toronto undercover COP ___ ____*ASSAULTS* the É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader @corner of Bloor+Yonge English |
August 6th 2010 Subject: "There are three (3) kinds of BAD! ___ ____GUYS in the Gov't," says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
August 10th 2010 Subject: É(eh)PC Toronto G20 Summit Report ___ ____BACKGROUND MATERIAL ![]() English |
August 15th 2010 Subject: Undercover COP *ASSAULTS* the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ___ ____@Toronto Library; another makes ___ ____DEATH THREATS English |
September 8th
2010 Subject: The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ___ ____BEATEN UP downtown Toronto BY ___ ____panhandling UNDERCOVER COP English |
October 6th
2010 Subject: Re: Economic F_R_E_E_Z_E [10 points ___ ____by the É(eh)PC+its 10-point solution] English |
October 20th
2010 Subject: "Municipal elections are *POINTLESS* ___ ____in those cities like Toronto, London+ ___ ____Waterloo where the HELLS ANGELS ___ ____are THE BOSS," says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
November 3rd 2010 Subject: "GHOULISH-looking 300 lb. UNDER- ___ ____COVER COP *threatens* É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader with violence ___ ____at University of Toronto Robarts ___ ____Library English |
November 17th 2010 Subject: "IF Police+City councils of Toronto, ___ ____London, Waterloo+others are run ___ ____by CIA-backed Hells Angels, THEN, ___ ____it's **MASS** TREASON!" says the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
November 27th 2010 Subject: "Why did the 'made in China' Toronto ___ ____Santa Parade (1/2 the size of the past) ___ ____have so many triangular ad-carts?" ___ ____asks the É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
December 4th 2010 Subject: "We see THE TRUE COLOURS of the ___ ____PC Harper Gov't with the RECKLESS ___ ____*KILLING* of the Climate Change Ac- ___ ____countability Act, Bill C-311", says ___ ____the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 11th 2010 Subject: "The practice of paying Tory (Conser- ___ ____vative Party) lobbyists for Gov't con- ___ ____tracts is - clearly - *NOT* ETHICAL", ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 18th 2010 Subject: "Are you telling *ME* - with the NEW ___ ____Toronto MAYOR - Torontonians will ___ ____NOT get SCREWED OVER: *THIS* ___ ____TIME - it's different?", asks the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 20th 2010 Subject: "Here's my song+dance dedicated to ___ ____THE *FASCISTS* - in my opinion - like ___ ____Ferrero Rocher who LIMITED ME to ___ ____one ball of chocolate a day at the ___ ____Toronto Eaton Centre", says the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 23rd 2010 Subject: The É(eh)PC *CALLING* English-Canada ___ ____(on behalf of French-Canada): Allô ? ___ ____Allô ? (You betta WATCH OUT! The ___ ____Yankees are *poised* to become ___ ____your TASKMASTER!) English |
January 1st 2011 Subject: "Canada is a *FASCIST* 100% CROOKED ___ ____*secretive* Police State that SERVES ___ ____THE RICH because that's how THE ___ ____BRITISH DESIGNED IT," says the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
January 19th 2011 Subject: "100% *FREE* education will be THE KEY ___ ____to Canada's resounding ECONOMIC SUC- ___ ____CESS", says the É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
Date: March
4th 2011 Subject: "Why does the ADDITIONAL REVENUE ___ ____from 70,000 condo units a year kept A ___ ____SECRET by the City of Toronto in order ___ ____to create what seems to be an *ARTI- ___ ____FICIAL* $740+ MILLION - 2012 - BUDGET ___ ____SHORTFALL?" asks the É(eh)PC Presi- ___ ____dent/Party Leader English |
Date: March
23rd 2011 Subject: "The É(eh)PC offers you PROSPERITY", ___ ____says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
April 14th 2011 Subject: "Harper seems to SOUND LIKE A DAR- ___ ____WINIAN FREEMASON", says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader ![]() English |
April 23rd
2011 Subject: "BILLIONS of TAX $$$ spent on *SO- ___ ____CALLED* INDEPENDENT ORGANI- ___ ____ZATIONS financed by the Gov't" ___ ____says the É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
April 26th
2011 Subject: "If you feel you have to vote, VOTE NDP. ___ ____Otherwise, you might as well STAY HOME", ___ ____says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
August 31st 2011 Subject: "Ashley Smith (A YOUNG TEENAGE GIRL ___ ____from Moncton, NB, IN SOLITARY CONFINE- ___ ____MENT in 17 jails over 4 years) HEROICALLY ___ ____FOUGHT our *EVIL* Gov't: this makes her ___ ____Canada's Joan of Arc", says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
December 15th 2011 Subject: "Being the 4th in line - waiting - for Maple ___ ____Leaf Gardens Loblaws GRAND OPENING ___ ____I was *sadly* DISAPPOINTED, but A GOOD ___ ____- media - GUY SAVED THE DAY", says the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: January
12th 2012 Subject: "Is my Seaton House (Toronto Men's ___ ____Shelter) 4th Floor roommate, Ramón ___ ____Robles, a CIA Cuban-American agent ___ ____whose job is to harass me?" asks the ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: January
30th 2012 Subject: "This bulletin to 10,650 MySpace friends ___ ____sent (whom I consider the Seaton House ___ ____men's shelter CIA) psychiatrist, Dr. Rowe, ___ ____to my room door," says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
February 12th 2012 Subject: "My new Toronto Seaton House men's ___ ____shelter roommate, Laval-Montreal Police ___ ____undercover cop (in my opinion), Blondin ___ ____(Sylvain Cardinal), has come to THE RIGHT ___ ____SPOT if he's looking for A CRACK BINGE," ___ ____says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
March 12th 2012 Subject: "The US Gov't has been sponsoring THE ___ ____KILLING OF 6 MILLION East Congolese ___ ____BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE OF ___ ____250,000 women for the benefit of for- ___ ____eign and Canadian mines. The Ca- ___ ____tholic Church does NOTHING!" says ___ ____the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: July
25th 2012 Subject: "The CIRA intends to *ILLEGALLY* shut ___ ____down Canada's only ANTI-FASCIST po- ___ ____litical party Web site, the É(eh)PC, at the ___ ____end of July", says the É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
Date: July
30th 2012 Subject: ", doN'T **BOW DOWN** to ___ ____the FASCIST Police state CENSORSHIP ___ ____of the Gov't of Canada that's using CI- ___ ____RA to *allegally* shut down, ___ ____Canada's only ANTI-FASCIST political ___ ____party Web site", says the É(eh)PC Pre- ___ ____sident/Party Leader English |
August 2nd 2012 Subject: "After operating 5 years, the Gov't - using ___ ____CIRA - takes offline Canada's only *ANTI- ___ ____FASCIST* political party Web site, ___ ____Here's why", says the É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
August 16th 2012 Subject: Your FASCIST IQ Test (with the ANSWERS) ___ ____courtesy of the É(eh) PC, the Égalité (eh- ___ ____gah'-lee-teh) Party of Canada English |
: le 1er septembre 2012 Objet : Voici ton TEST de QI (Quotient Intellectuel) ___ __FASCISTE (avec les RÉPONSES) graci- ___ __euseté du PÉC, Parti Égalité du Canada français |
: le 18 septembre 2012 Objet : Ton MEILLEUR INVESTISSEMENT de 2 $ : ___ __le PÉC français |
Date: September
18th 2012 Subject: "DoN'T re-elect Obama if he's NOT going ___ ____to OUTLAW the KKK!" says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
Date: September
19th 2012 Subject: Your BEST $2 INVESTMENT: the É(eh)PC English |
Date: October
4th 2012 Subject: "I PROCLAIM the Ottawa African-Canadian ___ ____barber from Barbados, Terrance, É(eh)PC's ___ ____1st national HERO!" says the É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
Date: October
22nd 2012 Subject: The É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada), ___ ____eh-USA, and i-México are based on ___ ____LIBERATION THEOLOGY - thanks ___ ____to Vatican II English |
Date: October
28th 2012 Subject: "When the Obama U.S. Administration ___ ____said unemployment DROPPED from ___ ____8.3% to 7.8%, it LIED!" says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
Date: October
31st 2012 Subject: "USA + Canada - probably - wanted ___ ____*ME* (NOT Tony) KILLED on the ___ ____Seaton House camping trip," ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader ![]() English |
November 22nd 2012 Subject: "Canadians will get the Ashley Smith ___ ____Oct. 19th National Teen Holiday, the ___ ____Ashley Smith Statue on Parliament ___ ____Hill's Front Lawn, the Ashley Smith ___ ____Museum across the street, and the ___ ____Ashley Smith Anti-FASCIST Law" ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
November 28th 2012 Subject: '''YANKY GO HOME!' starts with GETTING ___ RID of Toronto's mayor, Rob Ford," says ___ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: December
10th 2012 Subject: "COPS as Seaton House shelter room- ___ ____by ANOTHER COP, and verbally abused ___ ____by 2 COPS December 7th is TOO MUCH!" ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
February 4th 2013 Subject: "5'8", 260 lbs., incarcerated teen, Ashley ___ Smith, was DRUGGED; then, STRANGLED ___ by staff, I suspect," says É(eh)PC Presi- ___ dent/Party Leader English |
March 9th 2013 Subject: President Obama - The Phony Interview :o) English/français |
April 5th 2013 Subject: "MAYBE Justin Trudeau knows what he's ___ talking about. MAYBE!" says É(eh)PC ___ President/Party Leader English |
April 13th
2013 Subject: "The Royal Bank of Canada iGate SCANDAL ___ ____*STINKS* to the high heavens", says É(eh)PC ___ _ ___President/Party Leader English |
June 20th
2013 Subject: "Canada's Police seem to be becoming A ___ __ __CRIME SYNDICATE + we're forced to adopt ___ _ ___U.S. style surveillance ALL thanks to the ___ _ ___USA", says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: August
2013 Subject: "LQQk at Harper's 'LAST' FASCIST Police ___ state BUDGET *GENOCIDAL* TREATMENT ___ ____of the First Nations+the Poor. WHAT did it ___ ____it do for the jobless? NOTHING!" says ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
November 23rd 2013 Subject: "BOYCOTT the Toronto Eaton Centre: I ___ ____was *BANNED* FOR LIFE @McDonald's ___ ____there - thanks to CIA agent, SONAM," ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 24th 2013 Subject: "Is the Yonge-Dundas Square (across from ___ __ __the Toronto Eaton Centre), 'another' *CROOKED* ___ __ __PPP DEAL?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party ___ __ __Leader English |
January 11th 2014 Subject: "The Toronto 2015 PanAm Games is A GOOD ___ __ __LESSON on 'how' the USA is taking Canada ___ ___ _over", says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
January 22nd 2014 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader, Kenneth Selin ___ ____(say'leen), is EXCEPTIONAL! (Le Président/Chef ___ ___du PÉC, Kenneth Sélin, est EXCEPTIONNEL !) English/français |
January 27th 2014 Subject: "Get ALL THAT AMERICANA (Obama's+ ___ __ __Kissinger's faces) off my 4th floor Seaton ___ ___ _House (men's shelter) wall", demands ___ __ __É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
March 12th 2014 Subject: "Russia 'can' SAVE the Ukraine, BANK- ___ _ __RUPT USA+nearly BANKRUPT EEC ___ _ __certainly CAN'T!" says É(eh)PC ___ ___President/Party Leader English |
April 19th 2014 Subject: "Just telling this Globe+Mail reporter ___ ____LIKE IT IS!" says É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
June 9th 2014 Subject: "The É(eh)PC is TOTALLY OPPOSED ___ __ __to having 20,000 'poor' volunteer stu- ___ ____dents at the Toronto 2015 Pan Am ___ ____Games WORK FOR NOTHING! Pay ___ ____them $20 an hour," says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
June 19th 2014 Subject: "Is the USA-run Toronto Star 'inten- ___ _ ___tionally' stirring up RACIAL HATRED ___ _ ___by saying slavery was WORSE IN ___ ____CANADA than in the USA?" asks ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
June 29th 2014 Subject: "The É(eh)PC Canadiana Law is designed ___ to 'effectively' get rid of CIA (U.S. Central ___ Intelligence Agency) agents in Canada" ___ says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ![]() English/français |
Date: September
22nd 2014 Subject: "The Gov't of the USA is AFRAID of ___ 1 word+3 letters", says É(eh)PC ___ President/Party Leader English |
Date: September
24th 2014 Subject: "This 2-word combo TERRIFIES the ___ ____Gov't of the USA", says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
Date: September
28th 2014 Subject: "The RICH get richer+the Poor ... poorer, ___ WHAT HAPPENS to the economy?", asks ___ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: September
30th 2014 Subject: "For the economy of the USA TO *NOT* ___ GET WORSE, it 'must' create 250,000 jobs ___ MONTHLY!", says É(eh)PC President/Party ___ Leader English |
October 6th 2014 Subject: "Is the $640 *BILLION* a year WAR MACHINE ___ ___ _of the USA based on GREED - or - love of thy ___ ____neighbour?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ___ _Leader English |
October 8th 2014 Subject: "What does the $7.25 MINIMUM WAGE in the ___ __ __USA mean?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
October 12th 2014 Subject: "The NEW child fitness TAX CREDIT is NO- ___ __ __THING, but *HYPOCRISY*, a political *STUNT*, ___ __ __by a right-wing FASCIST (4-THE-RICH) political ___ _ ___party," says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
October 15th 2014 Subject: "The É(eh)PC wholeheartedly endorses mayoral ___ candidate, Olivia Chow, for Mayor of Toronto," ___ says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
October 19th 2014 Subject: "Why THE RUSSIA BASHING? Is the Gov't of ___ ____the USA interested in TRUTH - or - "denigrating" ___ ____PROPAGANDA?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
October 21st 2014 Subject: "Why does President Obama NOT OUTLAW ___ ____the world's *OLDEST* TERRORIST ORGANI- ___ ____ZATION, the KKK (the Ku Klux Klan)?" asks ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
October 27th 2014 Subject: "IF you are *NOT*4A LIVING WAGE, THEN, ___ __ __you're WHAT? A FASCIST!" says É(eh)PC ___ _ ___President/Party Leader English |
October 29th 2014 Subject: "IF you're AGAINST THE PEOPLE getting ___ __ __THEIR 'fair' SHARE OF THE PIE, THEN, ___ ____you're A FASCIST!" says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
November 3rd 2014 Subject: "IF you are in favour of *OUR* current "law+ ___ ____order" "behind closed doors" (CROOKED) ___ ____Police state Gov't, THEN, you're *NOT* A ___ ____DEMOCRAT," says É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
November 5th 2014 Subject: "Bank of Canada BOSS encourages 200,000 ___ ____JOBLESS *YOUNG* ADULTS to WORK FOR ___ ____FREE! Why?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
November 8th 2014 Subject: "12 months from now, I'm LOOKING FOR- ___ ____WARD to moving into 24 Sussex Drive," ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
November 10th 2014 Subject: "Be a HAPPY *DEMOCRAT* with the ___ ____É(eh)PC - OR - a 'miserable' FASCIST," ___ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
November 16th 2014 Subject: "Mr. Harper (Canada's Prime Minister), ___ ____should the CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence ___ ____Agency) get out of Canada?" asks É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
November 18th 2014 Subject: "Does the CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence ___ ____Agency) run McDonald's+Starbucks in ___ ____downtown Toronto?" asks É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader ![]() English |
November 23rd 2014 Subject: "U.S. flag in Seaton House 4th floor OFFICE; ___ ____Obama on the WALL; CIA: staff+clients+room- ___ ____mates, HOW COME?" asks É(eh)PC President, ___ ____Party Leader English |
November 23rd 2014 Subject: "WHO owns the University of Toronto? ___ ____The CIA-back *AMERICAN* Hells Angels, ___ ____I suspect," says É(eh)PC President/Party ___ ____Leader English |
December 7th 2014 Subject: "TALK of 'fiscal accountability' by ___ ____*OUR* FASCIST Police state Gov't ___ ____is *JUST* TALK, nothing else," says ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 15th 2014 Subject: "Justin Trudeau increased Liberal ___ ____Party of Canada membership 500%: ___ ____true? *NOT* TRUE?" asks É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
December 17th 2014 Subject: "IF you doN'T want *CROOKED* Gov't, ___ ____THEN you want the É(eh)PC," says ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 19th 2014 Subject: "What's THE RELATIONSHIP between ___ ____Letterman's replacement, STEPHEN ___ ____COLBERT+'zombie' USA?" asks ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
December 23rd 2014![]() Subject: "With the É(eh)PC, it's CHRISTMAS - ___ __ __every day! Avec le PÉC, c NOËL - tous ___ __ __les jours !" says É(eh)PC President, ___ __ __Party Leader français/English |
January 27th 2015 Subject: "Are *BLOODSUCKING* AMERICANS ___ ____running Toronto shelters+Toronto ___ ____Housing+City Hall?" asks É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
Date: May 7th 2015 Subject: "FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY, IMPOSSIBLE ___ ____with our FREEMASONIC Gov't+U.S. HELLS ___ ____ANGELS running Canadian cities," says ___ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
: le 11 mai 2015 Objet : "L’IMPUTABILITÉ FISCALE, IMPOSSIBLE ___ ____avec notre Gouv. MAÇONNIQUE+les HELLS ___ ____ANGELS des É.-U. menant des villes cana- ___ ____diennes," dit le Président/Chef du PÉC français |
Date: May
30th 2015 Subject: "*WHO* is financing it? *WHO* are getting ___ ____the Gov't contracts? ThePEOPLE have ___ ____THE RIGHT TO KNOW," says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
June 3rd 2015 Subject: "Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau recalls ___ ____President Reagan TALKING *CRAZY* at ___ _ ___the 1981 Quebec Montebello Summit," ___ _ ___says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
August 4th 2015 Subject: "By IGNORING THE *STARVING* POOR in __ _ ____Canada, THE TOP 3 political parties are __ _ ____DEVIL WORSHIPPING (like the CIA)," says __ _ ____É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
September 20th 2015 Subject: "The POPE'S CREDIBILITY is ON THE LINE ___ ____when he visits the USA, " says É(eh)PC ___ ____President/Party Leader English |
September 25th 2015 Subject: "THIS *LATINO* POPE has to say LIBERATION ___ ____THEOLOGY is THE *NEXT* STEP for the Church", __ _ ____says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
October 10th 2015 Subject: "Are you *VOTING* FOR NOTHING?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: February
9th 2016 Subject: "Seaton House CIA agents took *EVERYTHING* ___ ____I had from my room," says É(eh)PC President, ___ _ ___Party Leader ![]() English |
Date: January
19th 2017 Subject: "UNFORTUNATELY, it really does *NOT* matter who is the U.S. President," says É(eh)PC Pre- sident/Party Leader English |
Date: May 2nd 2017 Subject: "TELLING QUOTES from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's book, 'COMMON GROUND' ", É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: June
11th 2018 Subject: "President Trump's *next* book: 'How AN IDIOT became president' ", predicts É(eh)PC Presi- dent/Party Leader English |
Date: Ocotber
23rd 2018 Subject: "The USA: Canada's ENEMY", says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
: le 25 octobre 2018 Objet : "Les É.-U. : L'ENNEMI du Canada", dit le Président/Chef du PÉC? français |
Date: Ocotber
8th 2019 Subject: "Ashley Smith, just A KID, BATTERED, TORTURED, BRUTALIZED by *our* VICIOUS, CROOKED, FASCIST Police state Gov't," says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: Ocotber 12th 2019 Subject: "JAILED at age 13 till age 19, *REPEATEDLY* DENIED PROBATION, Ashley Smith was ALWAYS KEPT IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT IN 17 JAILS" says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: Ocotber 15th 2019 Subject: "Our EVIL, FASCIST Gov’t TORTURED Ashley Smith, a teenager, over 6 years from the age of 13 and then, KILLED HER" says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
Date: June 27th 2020 Subject: The É(eh)PC will give Canadians a NEW gentleman Police force. English |
Date: January 10th 2021 Subject: "PM Trudeau, get rid of the CIA - ASAP! LET Meng WanZhou GO!" says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader English |
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