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Subject: GHOULISH-looking
300 lb. UNDERCOVER COP *threatens* É(eh)PC President/Party Leader with violence at University of Toronto Robarts Library Time: 10:05 p.m. Date: November 2nd 2010 Place: University of Toronto's Robarts Library, 2nd Floor http://robarts.library.utoronto.ca/help/contact-us University of Toronto's Campus Police: 416 978 23232 http://www.campuspolice.utoronto.ca/about-police/contact-us.htm The Situation ========== Ghoulish-looking 300 lb. undercover cop wearing white running shoes with an capitalized big black "N", sporting Halloween-looking black sweat trousers wearing an expensive black leather jack with an unshaven face with 1/2 a mu- stache and a haircut that had been done with a razor blade lumbers deliberately slowly swaying his weight from one leg to the other from one end of the wide open lunch room to the other where there's a wall with telephones with a 3/4 empty water bottle dangling from one hand. His mouth is a bit drooling and he has teeth missing. His head is sunk into is neck and bobs somewhat up and down as he moves. When at the phones, he acts normal and stares at theÉ(eh)PC President, Party Leader who is seated in the middle of the room. Confrontation =========== He eventually comes over and plops himself down in an arm chair right right across from where theÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader is sitting. TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader tells him that he better behave pointing to the video camera and the security desk by the 2nd floor elevator which can be seen from the glass enclosed lunch area. The undercover cop says that he's out of prison. Then, in a very calm and intentional manner makes threats of physical violence JUST LIKE another undercover cop had done previously at the Toronto Reference Library. Date: February 9th 2010 Subject: "Undercover COP! at the Toronto Reference Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/undercover_cop.htm Avoiding Trouble ============== TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader moves farther to the back of the room in order to avoid a confrontation. The undercover cop can be heard repeatedly saying "Vote for Kevin Clark for mayor." Kevin Clark had the notoriety during the municipal election period to write on the sidewalk and streets of Toronto urging Torontonians to vote for him dressed like another Bob Marley and acting like a Jamaican bum though in reality he is a clean shaven conformist person with short hair. Mr. Clark, an African-Canadian, could possibly be a Gov't operative paid to act as a clownish candidate in his Bob Marley costume. http://wn.com/Kevin_Clarke-Toronto's_Next_Mayor Obviously, the undercover cop is A SMART GUY to make such a "Kevin Clark" reference who seems to be pretending to be SPACED OUT, but in fact in well aware of what his is doing and the image he is projecting. Few minutes later, he decides to leave shortly after. He goes and jokes with the person at the 2nd Floor security desk - by the ele- vator. The 2nd Floor African-Canadian male security guard then comes by to escort him out: the undercover cop is LAUGHING and acting clownish while the se- curity guard is ALL SMILES as if they were OLD FRIENDS. As the undercover cop is taking the 2nd Floor elevator to go downstairs theÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader is standing up and pointing at him and telling those around him that he's in all likelihood an undercover cop who came there to *TERRORIZE* him on purpose with the CONSENT and FULL KNOWLEDGE of the University of Toronto's Campus Police. TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader referred to him as a FASCIST Police State TERRORIST who habitually terrorize the Poor+Homeless. He tells them the reason he's at the U of T Robarts Library is to avoid such confron- tations. FASCIST Police State TERRORISTS! ============================= Such undercover cops *TERRORIZE* the Poor and Homeless. They earn $200,000+ a year and are TOTALLY *ILLEGAL* as there is NO legis- lation to justify their existence. ![]() They are also THE MAIN FEEDERS of the judicial system resorting to ENTRAPMENT to put the Poor+Homeless in jail. They OPERATE IN *TOTAL* SECRECY. NO ONE seems to know how they are paid, who pays them, and how they operate. Wherever there are undercover cops (where the Poor+Homeless can be found) CSIS (the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) wants also to there too. 11 p.m. ====== Members of the public like theÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader are obliged to leave at 11 p.m. 2nd Floor Control Desk =================== The young person usually there has been replacedby an African-Canadian Cam- pus female cop that theÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader had already spoken to previously several times on campus. He reports the incident to her. She SMILINGLY feigns having no knowledge of the incident while another well- dressed clean-cut 35ish undercover cop with short brown hair wearing a yellowish suede jacket is listening a few yards away. 1st Floor Encounter with 2nd Floor Security Guard ========================================= TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader spots the 2nd Floor African-Canadian male security guard at the elevator that goes up to the 2nd Floor. He explains the incident to him and that next time he'll be more inclined to take the incident much more seriously rather than let it pass as he was caught com- pletely off guard. He said this incident evoked THE SHACKLING by the Police of 80 Quebecers who were staying on campus at U of T during the G20 who were charged with CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT A CRIME. (After having to appear in court several times and having to come all the way from Quebec for each court appearance, the MALICIOUSLY FALSE CHARGES were eventually dropped.) BOTH incidents, his along with the 80 Quebecers were, he said in his view, acts of *FASCIST* Police State TERRORISM: something the University of Toronto must have consented to and THAT is NOT acceptable given that U of T is a reput- able institution of higher learning. TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader told the campus security guard how DIS- APPOINTED he was over the whole incident as he expected the Library to be A SAFE PLACE. Campus Security Guards at the Entrance ================================= TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader told them that he did NOT expect to be threatened by a *FASCIST* undercover cop Police State TERRORIST at the library as he was leaving the building. One of them, an African-Canadian, chased after him outside saying: "I want to talk to you." He responded saying: "DON'T BE A JOKER!" ![]() Canada's Security Apparatus: DANGEROUS! =================================== The RCMP and CSIS have said that college/university campuses and places of worship have been *secured* without EXPLAINING what that means. It seems to mean according to THIS INCIDENT that the SECURITY AP- PARATUS in place exists to REINFORCE *FASCIST* Police Sate TERRORISM. *WHO* Owns U of T? ================ Crooks? It looks like it. The University seems to be making A BIG DEAL over a $22 million deficit in their liberal arts program. They have used the deficit to justify the increasing class sizes, the reduction in the number of profs and teaching assistants while resorting to multiple choice exams. The multiple choice exams DOWNGRADES the program to a college-level pro- gram thereby PENALIZING the students for NOT paying higher tuition fees. U of T seems to have forgotten that each university liberal arts courses MUST have a research component otherwise it's NOT a university-level course. The subtext of this DEFICIT MESSAGE is that TUITION FEES ARE GOING TO GO UP. That in itself is PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM as most students doN'T have that much $$$. Back to the question of U of T losing $$$, is it really true? Perhaps, NOT! Apparently, Rothman School of Management have charged Kuwaitis $35,000 semester tuition fees. PLUS, the engineering faculty charges foreign students close to $20,000 tuition fees. Check the U of T's FEE SCHEDULE for 2010 (See Appendix B+C) http://www.planningandbudget.utoronto.ca/Assets So is U of T losing $$$? Apparently NOT! So WHY the fuss? Why is THE FOCUS ON $$$ and *NOT* on delivering QUALITY EDUCATION? Who's running the University? CROOKS? The fact of the matter is NO ONE seems to know who owns Canada's colleges and universities. TheÉ(eh)PC believes FASCIST Police State TERRORISM starts with those *RIDICULOUSLY* HIGH TUITION FEES. Everyone agrees Canadians need to get all the education they can during their lifetime: the Gov't has said that OFTEN! It, therefore, does NOT make any sense if they canNOT have it because they canNOT afford to pay THE EXORBITANT TUITION FEES especially when education determines such important things as job options, job mobi- lity, and quality of life. ![]() It is so FUNDAMENTAL to Canada's economic survival that it has become A NECESSITY OF LIFE. Consequently, theÉ(eh)PC will NATIONALIZE colleges+universities in order to provide FREE college+university because Canada's prosperity depends on education, education, education. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#nationalization CONSPIRACY to commit a crime? =========================== Did the U of T Campus Police INTENTIONALLY allow an undercover COP to come on campus and make threats of violence against theÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader? Call them to find out: 416-978-23232. The HORROR =========== TheÉ(eh)PC President/Party Leader has been under *ILLEGAL* Police surveillance for nearly 10 years. Such surveillance infringes on his privacy. THE *REAL* HORROR is that any action taken by the Police "technically" has to be signed off by those involved in his surveillance: the Toronto Police, RCMP, OPP, CSIS and quite possibly even the CIA. His *ILLEGAL* surveillance costs the taxpayers well over a million dollars a year. Is this money well spent by the Gov't? Clearly, NOT! It SMACKS of FASCIST Police State TERRORISM by a 100% CROOKED Gov't that seeks to MUTE legitimate CRITICISM of a SE- CRETIVE "behind closed doors" oppressive Gov't that abuses the tax- payer solely for its benefit. Put an end to FASCIST Police State TERRORISM by supporting INFORMATIONAL DEMOCRACY. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info-democracy Support theÉ(eh)PC ================ TheÉ(eh)PC receives *NO* *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUP- PORT from the Gov't (unlike the majority of Canada's - bogus - political parties). To REPLACE "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY- BASED Gov't whose emphasis is on education+productivity so YOU get THE GOOD LIFE+YOUR SHARE OF THE PIE +jobs join support+ vote for theÉ(eh)PC. Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84 Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of theÉ(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) ~~~ Canada's *ONLY* anti-fascist political party ~~~ for *GOOD* jobs for the *GOOD* life for *CLEAN* Gov't that WORKS ... 100% ... for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |