anti-fascist | 1st |
anti-poverty | - family |
anti-corruption | - women |
pro-woman | - business |
pro-student | - First Peoples |
pro business | - the public interest |
let's - ALL - be friends let's - ALL - enjoy THE GOOD LIFE for theMAX! aNEWCanada a 100%democraticrepublic a4-daywork week a7.5-hourwork day $25/hminimum |
middle finger sky
blue POWER!
2thePEOPLE encircled equal
eh-revolution mutual responsibility blueberries the polar bear the goldfinch
the woodpecker 100% transparency slashing costs
1.1 French Language
Protection |
_2. Family - 1st! |
Promise |
theÉ(eh)PC introduction the eh-list (the membership list)
eh-recruiter job election
of |
The É(eh)PCguaranteed income+ income security measureswill get rid of poverty |
For100%*financially* .
Selinsay'leen |
encircled equal
sign![]() The É(eh)PC is represented by a sky blue equal sign within a sky blue circle:
means everyone is
of "equal" value in
the eyes |
sky blue of having a war-free, poverty-free, pros- perous world where everyone can lead a productive life. |
middle finger |
theÉ(eh)PC electoral
slogan![]() By NOT supporting ... by NOT voting for theÉ(eh)PC, you SABOTAGE your future + that of your family |
blueberries |
![]() the polar bear ![]() The animal of the É(eh)PC is the polar bear. It represents WE, THE NORTH of North America, BIG, STRONG, and FREE! |
![]() the woodpecker ![]() The persistenceof thewoodpeckerinspires the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader: his Uncle William Selin in August 2004 at the family reunion in Hearst to celebrate the inauguration of Henry Selin Park on Front Street (the main street) recommended that he take the woodpecker as his model for success.
The success of the É(eh)PC will be due to |
priorities |
will replace our CROOKED, FASCIST, |
SPENDING will be
because THE PRIORTIY of Gov't will be helping you create your own small business so you can be RICH! THIS will give you THEGOODLIFE For THEGOODLIFE - join theÉ(eh)PC for $5 - become an eh-recruiter yourdiscountcard get it here
5 equalities![]() "The fundamental premise of the É(eh)PC is 'the principle of equality for all' per- sons. Every person deserves to be treated in a non-threatening, fair, respectful, and non-prejudicial manner by the Gov't." "Democracy implies equality, but there can be no equality where there's po- verty." Kenneth Selinsay'leen É(eh)PC President/Party Leader
second equality is
that of the
third equality is
the right to NOT
fourth equality is
fifth equality is
strong income |
Language Protection
achieve that, the É(eh)PC
... |
Interest - 1st!
access of
É(eh)PC's eh-revolution
is about
spending will be done in terms of
Office of Nationalization of the Cana-
Regionalization Office of the
is how the É(eh)PC puts THE PUBLIC
- unnecessary Gov't
spending in the
NEW Telecommunications Law
telecommunication must 100% | News
media news (in print, |
Gov't User![]() and License Fees (See 1.2.4) An É(e)PC Gov't will try to reduce Gov't user and license fees to ZERO! |
protect workers
to express the con-
will even encourage
Apprentice programs will NOT
unions in Canada as of 2017 |
of the Unions (OU) |
Americans back
Note: this is "an
up-date" of |
It means only those
refugees and That's so unfair.
of Gov't is to serve NOT
Note: Canada
accepts 260,000 |
and Regionalization of |
for Athletes,
Athletes representing Canada will get a monthly
artists and performing artists [who |
- 1st!
78 countries, (mostly African
The É(eh)PC has a Women
FIRST! policy
to help mothers, the É(eh)PC
5.1 The É(eh)PC is dedicated to
the well-
will be SUBSIDIZED according
to vious year is less than 10%, for example 7%, the cost of the child's daycare will be subsidized by 30% 5.10 The É(eh)PC encourages women to run as É(eh)PC candidates for public office. 5.11 The female É(eh)PC members of ![]() Parliament will defend women issues in Canada and abroad. 5.12 The É(eh)PC will make affordable social housing a Gov't priority. |
New Law
All É(eh)PC legislation will be re-
Under The
New Law our fascist
the É(eh)PC,
the judicial sys-
In this way time spent in jail will
In most cases, they'll pay a fine
There will be no institutional There will be no probation.
Currently, there are more than
The total cost (including judicial
Here are the seven (7)
parts of
A. Legal
![]() A.1.1 It will be treason to hide ... .i who makes financial decisions in the Gov't and who they are all associated with outside Gov't; .ii the details of those decisions; .iii who are benefiting from those decisions and with whom they are all associated. Note: Gov't contracts go to organized crime; American Hells Angels are taking over or- ganized crime. .2 Anybody guilty of hiding any in- formation will either lose his/her job in the Gov't and go to jail for two (2) years or never do busi- ness with the Gov't again. Note: all PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) will have to conform retroactive- ly because Canadians have the right to know the details involving their money. Note: the Gov't of Canada is NOT accountable to the taxpayer because it conducts its affairs behind closed doors: because Canadians doN'T know what's going on in the Gov't, they're victims of BLIND TAXATION.
A.2 Any Gov't
employee guilty of "need-
lessly" spending public funds will lose his/her job and go to jail for two (2) years in jail. (See 12. Financial Mismanagement of Public Funds) Note: the reward for finding unnecessary Gov't spending will be $5,000 TAX-FREE each time._ ___ .1 (hand in hand with Canadians) monitor the Gov't for financial mismanagement; .2 prosecute the criminels in the Gov't . Note: Gov't employees doN'T go to jail because there is no Police force nor intelligence agency that looks for criminal activ- ity in the Gov't. A.4 The practice of political patronage will be illegal. A.5 Because members of Parliament are to serve everyone without prejudice, lobbyists will be ille- gal. A.6 It will be illegal in the Gov't to ![]() NOT have equal representation of both sexes wherever possi- ble: 50% male, 50% female.
A.7 To
ensure trials are EXEMPT from
political interference no judge nor Crown attorney can be (nor have been) a Freemason. Note: the Canadian judicial system like the rest of the Canadian bureau- cracy has always been run by the Freemasons. In a democracy, the ju- dicial system is separ- ate from the rest of the Gov't in order to avoid Gov't interference.
A.8 No case can be
brought to trial
A.9 All trials
will be with jury and con-without due process. Note: when the Crown attor- ney's office lets the Police bring people to court without re- specting due pro- cess for an automa- tic conviction, it's malicious prosecu- tion. ducted by a judge (NEVER by a justice of the peace). Note: nearly everyone is found guilty by a judge (or by a justice of the peace) in trails (without jury) in- volving summary con- victions. Note: too many persons "incap- able" of criminal intent (mental patients, addicts who commit crime under compulsion) are incarce- rated though this is illegal.
Note: the
of male in-
A.10 It will be illegal for
a former Gov't mates are First Nations men, followed by Afri- can-Canadians. Note: the majority of female in- mates are First Nations women. Note: the É(eh)PC will disallow Crown prosecutors from having the Police do se- cret criminal, mental he- alth background, and other checks on mem- bers of the jury selec- tion list. minister to get paid to be on a board of directors. ![]() A.11 It will be illegal for the Gov't to spend more than $25 billion on the military each year. Note: with Mr. Harer, we tired to please the USA by spending $500 billion EXTRA! Note: the Mexican military NEVER spent mo- ney abroad trying to please the USA. Note: the the NATO 2011 24/7 bombing of Libya for seven (7) months: NOT necessary; a waste of tax- payers' $$$. A.12 It will be illegal for the Gov't to finance non-governmental or- ganizations. Note: public organizations financed by the Gov't come with Gov't oper- atives. Note: secret Gov't opera- tives are notorious for infiltrating anti- government pro- tests, then, using violence that al- lows the Police to detain every- one for 24 hours. A.13 To ensure transparency, busi- nesses publish theirs budgets and revenue statements on- line. A.14 Every business will offer its products and services in French and English. A.15 It will be illegal for the Police and intelligence services to be involved in food banks, shelters for the homeless, social housing, employ- ment insurance, and the guaranteed income pro- gram as it impinges on the privacy of the indi- vidual. A.16 Every Canadian is entitled to a copy of his Police file as well as any other file the Gov't may have regarding him/her. A.17 Gov't surveillance of any per- son canNOT exceed 28 days and will require a Court or- der that becomes public only after 28 days. A.18 No case of psychiatric incar- ceration can proceed with- out sufficient proof of a psychiatric disorder and only by a Court order. A.19 The Police canNOT have ties with private security firms. A.20 The uniforms of private se- curity firms canNOT resem- ble a Police uniform. A.21 The heads of Canadian com- panies guilty of abusing the Poor abroad will be incarce- rated in a detention centre for two (2) years. A.22 A person will spend 30 days in jail for possession of each firearm without a hunting permit outside of a gun club if it's NOT required for work. A.23 National security certificates will be illegal. A.24 No teenager will be incarce- rated for non-violent crimes. A.25 In cases of violence, teena- gers (anybody 19 years of age and younger) will be sent to a psychiatric facility. A.26 There will be NO MORE pro- bation.
Reform of the Criminal Code
C. Prison Reform
And it's
a complete waste of
inmates, Canada's
The É(eh)PC residential de-
___ D. The
Canadiana Law
E. The
1-civil-servant-per-family Law
F. The Canadiana Media Law June 19th 2014 Subject: "Is the USA-run Toronto Star 'intentionally' stirring up RACIAL HATRED by saying sla- very was WORSE IN CANADA than in the USA?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party Leader
G. The 10% Commercial Rent Law ___
H. The 10% Surplus Profit Law
J. The Respect for Life Law
Assisted suicide will be illegal.
K. Commercial Rent Ceiling
L. No Volunteer Law
will be illegal for anyone to work
M. The 3-month Maximum
Temporary Job Law.
person can work at a temporary |
NO-Abortion, NO-Violence Law![]() "Transforming THE WOMAN'S WOMB INTO A SLAUGHTERHOUSE is the epitomy of EVIL!" Kenneth Selin (say'leen) É(eh)PC President/Party Leader The NO-Abortion Law ================== The NO-Abortion recognizes that ... 1. a humun being comes into 1. existence at the moment of 1. conception 2. the newborn is NOT PART 1. of the woman's body 3. abortion is A CRIME AGAINST 1. HUMANITY 4. abortion is a major contributor 1. to the depopulation crisis Single mothers will ... 1. get a $2,400 monthly guaranteed income 2. be able to offer up her child for adoption [The adoptive parents will inform her every four (4) months regarding the development of her child; at the age of 18, the teenager will be able see her/his biological mother.] The NO-Violence Law ================== For THE SAFETY OF ALL and for THE GOOD OF THE CHILDREN all forms of violence will be illegal. The NO-Violence Law applies to all media: radio, TV, newspapers, movies, pictures, Internet, video- games, toys, clothing ... . Note: ALL toy firearms, toy grenades, .... Note: as well as military paraphernalia Note: will be illegal. This law outlaws all forms of violence be it neglect or psychological, physical, verbal violence as well as threatening and disrespectful behavior. ONLY THE MILITARY will be armed. FIREARMS IN CANADA WILL BE ILLEGAL except for THE RIFLES OF HUNTERS: they WILL BE ALLOWED provided they are registered at the local Police station every January after which they will be confiscated by the Police and the owner will NOT be able to get another one. (THE ONLY EXCEPTION will be in the case of First Peoples and Métis hunters providing they have a valid reason to explain why they did NOT register their rifles in January.) Note: the Police will be responsible for Note: the training of future hunters Note: in the handling of rifles. Marital Violence ============== In the case of marital violence, the marriage will be annulled by the Police via a court order sent to both ex-spouses. HOWEVER, if the marital violence is the result of adultery at work the marriage will NOT BE ANNULLED by the Police; the Police will ensure that the employer gives the couple $50,000 in compensation for the affair; both parties in the affair will loose their job. Any attempt by one of the spouses to contact the other will be considered a crime of viloence. Both parents will have "shared custody" of the children until one of the ex-spouses moves away. Any attempt by an ex-spouse to "demonize" the other will lose "shared custody" for three (3) months, the first time; six (6) months, the second time; etc. A Gov't appointed counselor will ... 1. act as go-between in the "shared custody" 2. work out the temporary custody of the parent who moves away and comes back to visit the children. The Legal Penalty for an Act of Violence ================================= FIRST OFFENCE: "immediate" 30 day incarceration; SECOND OFFENCE: 60 day incarceration; THIRD OFFENCE: 90 day incarceration; etc. NO-Fire-Arms ============ Members of Canada's NEW national Police force will be UNARMED. (See: Note: in an armed confrontation, Note: the army will be ready to Note: intervene. Border guards will, also, be UNARMED: the army will work ("on a rotational basis") with the border guards to ensure their security. Note: the army ("on a rotational basis") Note: will be in charged of the airports Note: and ports including the ports of Note: Halifax, Montreal, and Vancouver. Prison guards in Canada's NEW fenced-in residential prisons will, also, be UNARMED. Note: people will only be sent to jail only Note: "in the public interest"; there, they Note: will receive job training suitable to Note: ability on site or at a nearby college Note: or university. Note: violent inmates will be incarcerated Note: by the army in a psychiatric facility Note: until they are NO LONGER considered Note: to be a threat. ![]() |
Breaks |
Minimum Wage; Students: $15/hr |
Abuse![]() Businesses will be allowed to operate provided they offer the best wages and social benefits; they will NOT be allowed to hire part-time workers instead of full-time workers. |
and Regionalization
(a) All health care workers
will |
Though the Gov't does it,
(a) No
ill person will go |
No individual at any time
should be treated by Gov't in a manner
Gov't gives a person on social assistance $605 a
4 million Canadians suffer
from food
insecurity: 12.7%
É(eh)PC income security measures
Note: the Gov't has always
spent live in poverty. Whose fault ![]() is that? The Gov't's! Its SPENDING PRIORITIES. |
Sex Marriage![]() A same sex couple will be able to be married by the mayor or by any other designated municipal official. |
Law |
Rent Reduction:![]() 5-year Freeze All rents (including commercial) will be reduced 20% in the year following the election of the É(eh)PC and fro- zen for five (5) years after that. |
Family Villages
![]() They will be built right away. The units will be sold and rented. . Note: there will be no property tax to pay. |
New Taxation
those with
a small
New Taxation will 1. 3% sales tax. 2. There will be only two (2) 2. income tax rates: 2. a. 7% for those earning 12. . $100,000 or less 2. b. 10% for those earning 12. . more than 100,000. 3. The first $20,000 earned ![]() 2. will be TAX-FREE. . 4. 15% tax of net business revenue. Note: businesses will NOT get grants, NOR subsidies, NOR tax incen- tives NOR con- cessions. Note: there will be NO cost capital al- lowance (CCA). 5. There will be NO capital gains tax. 6. 10% tax on interest revenue 5. and dividends. 5. Note: financial institu- tions and busi- nesses will de- duct them at the source. 7. Unpaid taxes due to inability to pay 5. will be automatically forgiven after 5. three (3) years. 5. Note: this can only happen to ow- ners of a small business be- cause only they will be filing a yearly income tax form. 8. NO tax credits for charitable dona- 5. tions. 5. Note: this means more tax revenue for the Gov't. 9. NO tax credits for political dona- 5. tions. 5. Note: this means more tax revenue for the Gov't. 10. NO sales tax rebates. Note: this will reduce Gov't costs. 11. NO deferred taxes. 12. NO tax shelters. Note: this means more tax revenue for the Gov't. 13. NO sales tax on the sale of personal property. 14. NO estate tax. 15. 5 % wealth tax every five (5) years on those with $1 mil- lion or more of assets. ![]() |
2.12.4_Ashley Smith's
is that Ashley Smith Her story: Ashley Smith. The É(eh)PC will honour her heroicresistance against Canada's twisted, crooked Police State FASCIST Gov't by erecting an Ashley Smith statue out in front on the lawn of Parliament for to see Canada's greatest heroine. She fought fascism that rapped her repeatedly behind prison bars only with her smile of defiance. (See 5.) |
5._Kenneth.Selin+![]() Ashley.Smith+ Oscar Romero 1. The highest mountain in will be renamed Mount Kenneth.Selin (say'leen). 2. Victoria Day in the month of May will be replaced by President Kenneth Selin (say'leen) Day, on April 25th, the birthday of the 1st president of the Re- public of Canada. 3. The 2nd highest mountain will be renamed Mount Ashley. Smith. 4. Ashley Smith National Teen Holiday, will be on October 19th. 5. Ashley Smith's Statue will be erected on the lawn of Parliament for every to see. (See 2.12.4) 6. The Ashley Smith Museum will be housed in the former U.S. embassy facing Parlia- ment. 7. Bishop Oscar Romero Social Justice Day on March 24th will be a national holiday. |
North-American Party |
2.12.2_16 |
Peoples - 1st!
the Gov't of Canada has "always"
finally signed the UN Declaration
will actively
promote abori-
have over
600 First Nation communi-
natives canNOT afford to buy the
yet, the treaties with the British
genocidal law of the 1930s
maintenance on the 600 reser-
a 100 years, the 60 indigenous
provinces (NOT the
Liberal Party and
the aboriginal population is a First Peoples first!" policy: this includes the First Nations, the Inuit, and the Métis. Note: the É(eh)PC will amend the Indian Act in order to confer "Indian Status" on any person who can trace his/her roots back to a First Nations com- munity. ![]() 2. The É(eh)PC will ensure that First Nations do NOT pay income tax as they are NOT subjects of the Crown because their land is NOT Crown land (though they enjoy the protection of the Crown). 3. The land of First Nations (NOT being Crown land) canNOT be sold by the Crown. 4. The sale of native land is "ultra vires" (outside of the law). 5. They'll receive an adequate garanteed income. 6. June 21st will be a national ho- liday: "Aboriginal Day". It will highlight the cultures, langua- ges, and diverse identities of the First Nations and Inuit peo- ples along with the Métis cul- ture and the French language of Canada. 7.1 The provincial capital cities and the National Capital, Ottawa, will showcase the ARTS and CRAFTS of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. 7.2 The provincial and federal governments will put in place a national marke- ting mechanism to sell their ARTS and CRAFTS. 8. Every First People will develop its own economic plan that will be continually updated. It's fo- cus will be on tourism. Sur- rounding communities will get to provide input. It will be put online for public review. The military will be in charge of it development and execution creating the most avant-garde communities that Canada will showcase. Note: the costs will go towards the set- tling of the land claims. 9. Native/Métis youth will get on- going military and technolo- gical training for which they'll be well paid. 10. The progress made settling native land claims will be re- ported weekly online. 11. All trips abroad by the Prime Minister will include a repre- sentative contingent of First Peoples and Métis. 12. The Office of Indigenous Affairs will be responsible for the tea- ching and diffusion of First Peoples' history, culture, and language including college and unversity aboriginal cour- ![]() ses. 13. The aboriginal communities will own the resource (log- ging, mining ... ) rights to their land. 14. February will be "Métis Month". The Fraternal Indigenous Law ![]() English law NOR the Napoleonic Code (Que- bec law) will apply to First Peoples NOR to the Métis. The Fraternal Indigenous Law applies to First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis: under this law, the indigenous population and the Métis will NOT go to jail. NEITHER will their communties have Police forces: all members of the community will be responsible for "law and order". The sentencing will be held in the community hall at 2:00 pm on Saturday in front of mem- bers of the community in a relaxed and infor- mal manner. The theme of the encounter will be: "WE CARE FOR EACH OTHER." NO offender will NOT go to jail; NO offender found guilty will have a criminal record: NO record will be kept of the offence. A REPEAT OFFENDER (or one with anger or displaying anti-social behavior) will be sent to a psychiatric facility run by 1st Peoples and the Métis in order to get the needed care: upon leaving the facility, the person will remain in the community for two (2) years. The sentencing will be followed by a FREE reception paid for by the Gov't of Canada: the person in charge of the reception will be the Chief. (The Chief could appoint someone to be in charge of the reception with the consent of the Band Council.) A person who allegedly committed a crime outside their community will be escorted by Police (with- out handcuffs) back to his/her community (where they will be housed and fed) for sentencing. The sentence will be in terms of restorative justice and/or com- munity service. PRIOR TO sentencing an academic evaluation will be made and a plan for upgrading the person's acade- mic skills will be proposed. The person will be offered an academic plan that will mean living in a FREE room and board boarding school run by the indigenous and Métis community where the person can upgrade his/her academic skills and learn computing: s/he will be paid $2,00 a week. Note: any aboriginal or Métis will be accepted there in order to upgrade his/her academic skills and learning computing. ![]() The goal is to REINTEGRATE the person back into the community: the sentence, therefore, has to be reasonable and fair in the eyes of the community. All members of the community have to do their part in ensuring that the individual feels welcome starting with the Chief. Upon sentencing, the person will be offered three (3) options to choose from. Upon completion of the sentence, the individual will be FREE to leave the community. Six (6) elders elected by the com- munity will finalize the sentencing. Each will be paid $3,000 a month for three (3) years [if all six (6) get reelected, their pay will increase to $5,000] by the Department of Justice Canada. The six (6) judges prior to senten- cing must get "all" the relevant facts that will determine the severity of the sentence. IF IT IS DETERMINED the crime was a cry for attention with no criminal intent, THEN, the sentence "must" be light. IF, HOWEVER, the crime is due to anger, the person will be sent to a psychiatric hospi- tal run by the aboriginal and Métis community. IF, HOWEVER, the crime is due addiction, the person will be sent to an addiction treatment centre run by the aboriginal and Métis community where s/he will learn social skills. ![]() |
9._Our Military
soldiers killed or han- bile, and avant-guarde. 2. Our military will protect Canadi- an sovereignty. 3. Our military will be a versatile rescue and search force. 4. Our military will also serve as an auxiliary police force. 5. Abroad, our military will only act under the auspices of the United Nations (NOT under NATO nor any other interna- tional organization). Note: Canada will leave NATO. 6. Canada will disentangle itself from NORAD because a very limited military cooperation (NOT military integration) with the USA is best for Canada. 7. Canada's military budget NOT exceed $25 billion: the 2012 budget for our armed forces was $22.5 billion. (See 1.6.A.11) 8. To ensure greater security, the military will secure all ports of entry. Note: soldiers chosen at random will work on a 3-month rota- tion every 5 years. 9. The military will be in charge of the economic plan with a focus on tourism for each First Peoples community. And they'll rebuild each one : they'll be the most avant-guard, the most en- vironmentally friendly and the most fuel efficient. 10. The military will ensure our native youth get the very best techologically-based computer military training. 11. There will be a division that will specialize in quick en- vironmental assessments. 12. Canada will be a neutral country. ![]() |
1.8_Serving the Poor![]() "A Gov't lead by criminals WILL NOT worry about those living in poverty." "THE WORST THING for the economy? POVERTY!" Kenneth Selinsay'leen founder of the É(eh)PC To help the Poor, the É(eh)PC will ... 1. create FREE self-serve food banks open 24/7; 2. offer the Poor FREE monthly bus passes; 3. create FREE self-serve used clo- thing stores; 4. create FREE self-serve used fur- niture stores; 5. create the Office of Employment Help and Training for the Poor.
É(eh)PC income
security |
_ _
_ _
students![]() paid $300 monthly TAX- FREE per course 1. Canadian college and university students will be paid monthly $300 TAX-FREE per course for up to four (4) courses. 2. When living away from home in Canada, taking four (4) courses, they be paid monthly $1,200 TAX-FREE. Note: 40% of students away from home experience food insecurity. 4. College and university will be FREE. (See |
10._No Sales Tax |
Dissolution of Public-Pivate
Agreements![]() will become 100% Gov't property. |
for![]() Poor Farm Families (See 1.4.1) "The foundation of a healthy economy is farming - especially the family farm." Kenneth Selinsay'leen É(eh)PC President/Party Leader a. Farm families earning $100,000 or less a year (after expenses) will receive a guaranteed monthly income of $2,400 and $250 per child TAX-FREE paid every two (2) weeks for 12 months at a time. b. In a bad year due to the environment, the Gov't will ensure they get the average in- come of the their last 10 years. |
for![]() the Handicapped (See 2.4) 1. The handicapped unable to work will receive monthly $2,400 TAX- FREE paid twice a month. 2. Those earning less than $75,000 a year will get the $500 Monthly Disability Employment Premium paid twice a month. |
Urban Transportation |
of a Loan![]() The maximum interest allowed on a loan will be 2+ prime: anything greater will be illegal and should NOT be paid. |
problem with today's Police forces
other problem is that they're always
With the
the Gov't will be CLEAN
Its motto
will be To
facilitate, not to intimi-
Note: Transport
police Police Force (CPF). Note: the RCMP Commissioner gets a $250,000 a year sa- lary along with an $80,000 a year bonus. Note: the RCMP is a 26,000 member national Police force; it's bud- get is greater than $4 billion; it has an anachronistic para- military structure. 2. The CPF will replace all other police forces. Note: the CPF will reduce Police deployment numbers by 90%. Note: the hallmark of a terrorist Police State is too many Police involved in "illegally" over-extending their autho- rity through unnecessary policing like having the Police in high schools and on construction sites in Toronto. 3. Members of the CPF must be Canadian- born. 4. Members of the CPF will require an hon- ours university degree. 5. Police chiefs will require either a mas- ters or doctorate degree. 6. Policing will be seen as part of social services. 7. The Canadian Information Agency (CIA) will police the CPF. 8. The military will be used as a backup auxiliary police force - where needed. 9. They will make sure before any minor charge is laid: _ __ .1 the individual knows the law; _ __ .2 has received warnings. 10. They will lay the charge only if it's in the public's interest. Note: too many persons "incapable" of criminal intent (mental pa- tients, addicts who commit crime under compulsion) are incarcerated though this is illegal. ![]() Note: the majority of male inmates are First Nations and African- Canadians. Note: the majority of female inmates are First Nations women. 11. FREE criminal background checks. 12. All police service revenue will be: .1 made public; .2 remitted to the Gov't of Canada. Note: currently, police revenue from fines and other things consti- tute a supplementary source of revenue that is open to a- buse. Note: the Toronto Police has star- ted a new revenue genera- ting practice several years ago, the "commercializa- tion" of their services: this means that every construc- tion site has to have one (1) or MORE constables; even office furniture going across the sidewalk requires a cop. The law does NOT allow this. This is racketeering. 13. The CPF will NOT "commercialize" its services. 14. It will be illegal for the CPF to use se- curity guards as an auxiliary Police force. Note: the Police cultivate personal relationships with private se- curity guards which they then use to harass the Poor and Homeless by preventing them to circulate freely in public areas. 15. It will be illegal for the CPF to fine the Homeless and those receiving a gua- ranteed income because of their ina- bility to pay. Note: the Police needlessly fine the Homeless whenever they can. It's clearly Police harassment. 16. The CPF will have to issue three (3) warnings before fining someone. Note: the É(eh)PC considers the excessive fining by the Police harassment so much so that it can be considered as Police extortion whose purpose is to increase Police re- venue at the expense of the overtaxed taxpayer. ![]() 17. The CPF will be unarmed. Note: any armed intervention will be the responsibility of our armed forces. 18. Members of the CPF will NOT be paid more than teachers. 19. Members of the CPF will be multi- racial. 20. This Police force will be a gentle- man Police force. |
16._The Canadian Information
(CIA) It will have an office in each region.
It will be
Canada's intelligence agency. |
Gov't Contracts![]() After three (3) years, the Gov't contractual employee must find a job in the private sector for at least three (3) years before getting another 3-year contract. After the end of his/her third contract, s/he can at that time have a full-time job depending on his/her experience, level of competence, and bilingualism. Note: only 1-member of a family Note: will be allowed to work in Note: the Gov't. See: The 1-civil-servant-per-family Law See: |
22._The Toronto TAMIL Institute![]() The TAMIL language (with a worldwide population of 80 million) is THE OLDEST SPOKEN LANGUAGE and THE OLDEST LANGAGE - ever! The TAMIL language is the "official" language of Singapore, Shi Lanka, and the Indian state of TAMIL NADU. For that reason, it "merits" study and research. TheToronto TAMIL Institute will have its own TAMIL-looking, multi-story building located in downtown Toronto within easy access to the Toronto subway system. The Institue will be run - entirely - by the Toronto TAMIL community: they will be able to make adjustments to everything in a "collegial" manner. All those working there will TAMIL Torontonians with the "possible" exceptions being the English, French, and Spanish translators. Note: TAMIL fluency will NOT be a requirement as English will be "the working language". EVERYONE will be on a 3-year contracts with benefits which can be "renewed" only once: ONLY ONE PERSON per Torontonian TAMIL family will be allowed to work at there. The Toronto TAMIL Institute "has to be" a financially rewarding place to work: INITIALLY, salaries will range from $65,000 to $95,000 - depending on the level of responsibility with salaries being "reviewed" - each year. Though, the Institue will be "apolitical" and "independent", all employees will be Gov't. of Canada employees as THE TORONTO TAMIL INSTITUTE is a Gov't of Canada initiative as AN ENTRANCE DOOR INTO INDIA. EVERYTHING will be FREE: it will be entirely financed by the Gov't of CANADA including salaries, all programming costs, and building costs. A Torontonian TAMIL ACCOUNTING FIRM will oversee the spending which will be accountable to the Auditor General of Canada via quarterly financial reports. The public will have access to the building as it will be owned by the Gov't of Canada. THE THEME OF THE INSTITUTE I'm proud to be a TAMIL Canadian. The languages of the Institute will be ... 1. TAMIL 2. English 3. French 4. Spanish. Every thing will be online in those four (4) languages: the budget, the salaries, the spending in real time, resumes of talks and conferences, the background of the guests and speakers. THE GOAL The PROMOTION of the TAMIL language and culture within a socio-linguistic framework on the one hand and developing the most effective way to teach languages in general, and, TAMIL, in particular, on the other hand, putting the emphasis on FUN and EASE OF LEARNING. ALL the informal talks and formal symposiums (regarding the THE TAMIL PEOPLE, history, culture, and language with particular attention paid to its evolution and unique linguistic aspects) will be broadcast and archived online. ![]() TAMIL holidays will be celebrated at the Institute, and, with that, the employees will will have Tamoul paid holidays. THE INSTITUTE will have "The Toronto Tamil Institute Bi-weekly". Its four (4) parts will be online: the content will be light and easy-to-read ... - in Tamoul - English - French, - Spanish. Here are the four (4) newspaper sections: 1. TORONTO 2. OUTSIDE TORONTO 3. TAMIL NADU, INDIA 4. THE TAMIL DIASPORA. The Toronto TAMIL Institute will develop ties with all Tamil com- munities in and outside of Canada so that they know The Toronto Tamoul Insti- tute is an important resource available to them as well as an effective means to broadcast their concerns and needs to the TAMIL community throughout the world; this will allow the Institute to be an in- formatonal centre for TAMIL NEWS. The Institute will count on feedback and recom- mendations in order to keep its programming "relevant" and "fresh". The Institute will invite dignitaries from the TAMIL Nabul State Gov't in order to so- licit their feedback and recommenda- tions: they will be guests of the Gov't of Canada. The TAMIL Travel Agency This travel agency will promote TAMIL tourism to those parts of the world with a TAMIL population. Tamil_population_by_nation The Gov't of Canada will sub- sidize the travel of low income TAMIL Canadians. THE IMPORTANCE OF INDIA INDIA is the homeland of humanity: all five (5) ethnic groups come from there, from the northern bank of the holy Hindu river, the Ganjes (the Ganga), to where the Great Buddha was born in Nepal. India's influence stretched through out Asia and South-East Asia, with Hinduism and, later, fol- lowed by Buddhism, but, as well as, into the Gulf States by way of trade. In fact, Arabic numbers are called Indian numbers in Arab countries, and, in the West, the numbers are called Arabic numbers. :D Interestingly, Hindu prayer beads gave way to Buddhist prayer beads, which gave way to Muslim prayer beads, which gave way to Catholic prayer beads in 1208. AND let's NOT FORGET (Hindu) yoga and the yoga mats - popular with young professionals who want to be flexible and fit for a better sexual life. (Ha! Ha!) And what about "The Kama Sutra" ('Principles of Love'), the 300 BC ancient Indian Hindu book on sexuality, eroticism and emo- tional fulfillment, eh? The GYPSIES We called them GYPSIES because we thought they came from Egypt: we now know they came from INDIA and their guitar is a light version of the Indian sitar. Today's GYPSIES are the FLAMENCO DANCERS of Southern Spain, and THE ROMA PEOPLE of Europe. WHAT THIS MEANS is this: INDIA'S influence has stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific: no other nation can make such a claim to greatness. Therefore, the country that has had THE MOST INFLUENCE on the world is INDIA. Toronto Star Newspaper The Gov't will close down the Toronto Star because it's a U.S. Gov't news- paper in the most ethnically diverse city in the world that "only" talks about the alleged abuse of Afro- Americans in Toronto, thereby promoting racial hatred. Incidentally, the largest CIA com- munity runs Toronto: guess who are in charge? AFRO-AMERICANS - the excep- tion being the Chinese American mayor. The CIA, also, run "more" than 20 cities. Black History Month It is important to note ... 1. it's a CIA Afro-AMERICAN initiative 2. there were few BLACK PEOPLE in 1. Canada until the 1970s 3. Back History Month *NEVER* 1. INCLUDED the BLACK TAMILS. 1. (It will be CANCELED as it's 1. rooted in AMERICAN HISTORY.) ![]() |
Gov't![]() due to *good* design 1. You will be able to monitor the details of Gov't spending online knowing i. who's making the financial decisions ii. who the person making the financial decisions is associated with iii. who's benefitting iv. who they're associated with 2. Gov't spending will be presented in terms of "costs and expected benefits" 3. unnecessary Gov't spending will be a crime 4. every time you report unnecessary Gov't spending at the CIA Web site, you'll get $5,000 TAX-FREE.
the É(eh)PC, the Gov't will
run effectively |
candidates |
eh-friends |
open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. Here's their toll-free telephone number: 1-800-463-6868. b) For everything you need to know, click here. c) There are 4 steps: 1. get an official agent: the official agent will ... a. open up a bank account b. receive donations c. authorize campaign ex- penses 2. make sure the Returning officer receive the election forms by 2 p.m. on the 21st day: s/he will confirm within 24 hours if your nomination has been accepted or rejected. a. the election forms consist of ... i. the Nomination Papers ii. a list of at least 50 to 100 signatures with first, last name, and address of the per- son. Note: this data will be checked by the Returning Offi- cer who will disqualify you if some of the data canNOT be verified. Note: it's a good idea to have at least 150 sigatures. 3. you'll need to make a $1,000 deposit. Note: the $1,000 deposit will be refunded once the campaigne ex- pense forms have been given to Elec- tions Canada after the election. 4. you'll need an accountant in order to certify that the a- mounts on the expenses forms are correct. Caution: you must NOT spend more than the elec- tion expense limit alowed for your riding. ![]() Note: for example, the limit for Toronto Centre is around $92,000. |
"Let's be friends."
Support for
a) The É(eh)PC is dedicated to hel-
The É(eh)PC wants to move the
United Nations
According to the Organisation
for Economic
of Egalitarian Nations
To join ...
4. rich nations must increase
D. The É(eh)PC Foreign Policy Shift ![]() Under the É(eh)PC, Canada will be a neutral country. |
_ debt-free![]() _ a) The É(eh)PC will be run debt- free. _ b) Because it will have no offices, the É(eh)PC will be able to operate at minimal cost. _ c) Its members will promote the É(eh)PC without cost. _ d) The É(eh)PC will have a very inexpensive media-driven orientation making maxi- mum use of the Internet. e) The cost and donations of each electoral riding cam- paign will be posted at$/eh.htm |
donations![]() a) Only donations from individuals will be accepted. b) No business donations will be accep- ted. c) Donations for each ection campaign will be posted by riding at$/eh.htm. |
has been happening to him ... a) The President/Party Leader choses
those who'll work for the É(eh)PC.
b) The É(eh)PC will act in full public view (NEVER in secret behind closed doors). c) Only after an elected É(eh)PC candidate has been given se- veral warnings OR has refu- sed to justify his/her actions publicly can s/he be dismis- sed from the É(eh)PC for disloyalty by the President, Party Leader. d) Failure to adhere to the É(eh)PC platform will be considered dis- loyalty. e) All elected É(eh)PC members must respect Canadian his- tory with regard to the pri- macy of the First Peoples and the Métis and Cana- da's constitutional dua- lity of an English Cana- da and a French Cana- da with within a multi- cultural context of an inclusive society. ![]() f) There will be NO riding offices. g) There will be NO riding asso- ciations. |
join ...![]() Anybody 16 years or older living in Canada can join the É(eh)PC for $5. - Do a $5 INTERAC e-transfer to - In the body of the e-mail provide your initials, family name, and birthday (year-month-day: 00-00-00) in order to be added to the official membership eh-list. |
Oath |
Card![]() 1. it's optional 2. the size of a credit card 3. get it here.
will re- |