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anti-fascist: a person opposed to crooked, anti-fascist: abusive, illegitimate Police anti-fascist: state Gov't heroine: Ashley Smith was a young teenage heroine: woman of exceptional courage who heroine: refusing to be broken defied our heroine: fascist Police State System from heroine: the tender age of 13 till 19 at the heroine: time of her death with playful, good- heroine: natured disposition, her quiet, know- heroine: ing smile, and sense of humour. SUMMATION of the Case
Teenager *against* Police State FASCISM
heroine: She was sent to jail for
30 days afterheroine: turning 13 for breach of probation and heroine: kept in solitary confinement in 17 jails heroine: across Canada for a total of 2,299 heroine: days. [That's 6 years and 239 days heroine: (4.5 months)] heroine: Clearly, the duration of Ashley's solitary heroine: confinement alone (6 years and 4.5 heroine: months) constitutes a crime against heroine: humanity. heroine: The laying of of 501"institutional" heroine: DISCIPLINARY CHARGES by all 17 heroine: prisons Ashley was in strongly sug- heroine: gests that Ashley was "intentionally" heroine: used by the prison officials, the Police, heroine: and the judiciary to make extra money heroine: while knowingly defrauding the taxpayer. heroine:Therefore, they contrived to not only to heroine:commit a crime against humanity for heroine:"personal gain", but they also inten- heroine:tionally contrived to defraud the tax- heroine:payer. The Cost
of this FASCIST Police State Crime
heroine: The cost of Ashley's 6.4 year incarce-heroine: ration, the cost of the inquest, the cost heroine: of her court appearances, the money heroine: spent by the Gov't to hide her abuse heroine: amount to $13,210,000. (See the heroine: details below.) heroine: This was an unnecessary expense heroine: to the taxpayer due to an unnecessary heroine: incarceration that cost Ashley her life. heroine: This serves as a blatant example heroine: how our evil FASCIST Police state heroine: Gov't misspends our tax dollars. heroine: Note: with the É(eh)PC teenagers heroine: Note: will not go to jail, but receive heroine: Note: psychiatric help instead. |
officials *watched*
New Brunswick teenager, Ashley
Smith (who
spent 2,000+
days (over 6.4 years) in *tiny* solitary
confinement cells in 17 prisons across
Canada for throwing a few
crab apples at a
postal worker) allegedly
kill herself. OR
Did they murder her as she was about to leave the prison system
promising to tell all including about being raped? |
The Inquest Designed
to be A WHITEWASH! "They (the 5-women jury) may not assign blame or name anyone,including Corrections Canada or its staff in their verdict." Toronto Star, Thursday, De- cember 19th 2013, "ASHLEY SMITH INQUEST Mom hopes for justice, but expects more pain: Family won't be there as jury delivers verdict in teen's death", page A23 The Staggering Cost to the Taxpayer Ashley's incarceration: $250,000/year x 6.4 = $1,600,000 NOTE: the "real" yearly cost of NOTE: Ashley Smith's incar- NOTE: ceration was probably NOTE: $250,000 because she NOTE: was in solitary confine- NOTE: ment. Ashley's inquest (Jan. - Dec. 2013): $3,000,000 To keep the abuses regarding Ashley Smith's incarceration a secret, the Gov't of Canada spent $3,600,000. Toronto Star, Sunday, January 18th 2013, "Feds refuse to explain secrecy in Smith case", Front Page The estimated cost of her court appearances for each of the 501 institutional charges (Police, judiciary, prison system costs): $10,000 x 501 = $5,010,000. The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: + $1,600,000 The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: + $3,000,000 The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: + $3,600,000 The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: + $5,010,000 The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: +_______ _ The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: +$13,210,000 The total estimated cost to the taxpayer: +========= The Ashley Smith story
HOW NASTY+HOW COSTLY unchecked Police state FASCISM *really* is. DEFAMATION!
Canada *falsely*claims
thatAshley Smith was mentally ill: because it's illegal to keep a mentally ill person in jail as s/he is incapable of "criminal intent", she should not have been in prison in the first place. Corrections Canada never said what her "alleged" mental illness was though she has been sent to several psychiatric prison hospitals. She never had to take psychotic medication on a "daily" basis which a mentally ill person has to do: therefore, she was *NOT* mentally ill. Mental illness is "anger-based". Her playful, good-natured disposition and quiet smile indicate that she was a happy person and *NOT* at all a violent *NOR* i angry teenage girl. In fact, according to her "adoptive" mother and others, she was a delightful, young girl. Without strong supporting evidence, the accusation of "mental illness" in the case of Ashley Smith is without foundation and thus, consitutes defamation: in her case, it was both spoken (slander) and written (libel), both criminal offences. Her *Alleged* Asphyxiation Habit
Canada *falsely*claims thatAshley Smith had a "daily" habit of asphyx- iating herself several times a day from the first time she entered the prison system at the age of 13 while her guards watched. In fact, it was recorded by video as there was a video camera pointed at her 24/7. Why was this "alleged" video evidence *NOT* presented at the inquest? The answer to the question it that this is a manufactured story that canNOT be true as she had nothing in her cell that would allow her to asphyxiate herself. This is an unbelievable bullshit story spun by Corrections Canada "from the get go". Her *Heroic* Defiance
Because she resisted the inhuman abuse (instead of submitting to it), she received 501 institutional charges: those charges confirm how heroic she was in defying Corrections Canada and, in doing so, in defying *vile* Police state FASCISM. +++
the É(eh)PC believes - Corrections Canada heartlessly "preplanned" - her murder. the É(eh)PC will avenge the murder of this "non-violent" kid treated like a monster in a cage. Date: August 31st 2011 Subject: "Ashley Smith (A YOUNG TEENAGE GIRL Subject: from Moncton, NB, IN SOLITARY CON- Subject: FINEMENT in 17 jails over 4 years) Subject: HEROICALLY FOUGHT our *EVIL* Gov't: Subject: this makes her Canada's Joan of Arc", says Subject: the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Subject: ashley Date: November 22nd 2012 Subject: "Canadians will get the Ashley Smith Oct. Subject: 19th National Teen Holiday, the Ashley Subject: Smith Statue on Parliament Hill's Front Subject: Lawn, the Ashley Smith Museum across Subject: the street, and the Ashley Smith Anti- Subject: FASCIST Law" says the É(eh)PC Pre- Subject: sident/Party Leader ![]() Subject: Ashley_Smith_heroine Date: February 4th 2013 Subject: "5'8", 260 lbs., incarcerated teen, Ashley Subject: Smith, was DRUGGED; then, STRAN- Subject: GLED by staff, I suspect," says the Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Subject: AshleySmith_STRANGLED Date: October 8th 2019 Subject: "Ashley Smith, just A KID, BATTERED, Subject: TORTURED, BRUTALIZED by *our* Subject: VICIOUS, CROOKED, FASCIST Police Subject: state Gov't," says the É(eh)PC Presi- Subject: dent/Party Leader Subject: A KID ![]()
STATS - 200+ jails - 55,000+ inmates - average yearly cost per inmate: $200,000 - 20%: women (nearly all First Nations) - 25%: teenagers (NOT in school) COMMENTS MOST Canadians go to jail on A SUMMARY CON- VICTION by a JP (Justice of the Peace) (who may NOT have finished high school) (NO JUDGE, NO JURY) for drugs with undercover cops selling the drugs. Canada's ILLEGAL (There is NO legislation that justifies fulltime undercover cops.), SECRET un- dercover cops (male+female) living among the Poor use entrapment+inducements to commit crime to send them to jail. Though crime is at a 40 year LOW, the prison population is SET TO GROW due to a Police quota system. A QUARTER of the budget of the Gov't of Canada is devoted to this RIDICULOUS, MONKEY, FA- SCIST Police state "law+order" apparatus set up by the FREEMASONS who run the Gov't bureau- cracy+judicial system "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" like in all the other 51 commonwealth countries . This results in BLIND+OVER TAXATION (unne- cessary taxation) for UNNECESSARY SPEN- DING by THESE CROOKS who run our three (3) levels of Gov't with 20% of your tax dollars disappearing EVERY at ALL THREE (3) LEVELS OF GOV't with NO TRACE. Is that FAIR to you, the taxpayer, who is being bled to death by a 100% CROOKED FASCIST Police state Gov't? |
IMAGES Ashley Smith
![]() ![]() ![]() Abuse ![]() ![]() TINY Cells ![]() ![]() ![]() |