To go where you
to go,
theÉ(eh)PCwill put$$$in your pocket by ... 1. automatingGov't services 2. cuttingthe size of Gov'tby75% 3. doing awaywith income tax forms 4. eradicatingneedlessGov't
5. redistributingthe wealth of the nation 6. settingthe business income tax at20% 7. reducingthe Police+judicial+prisonsby90% 8. eliminatingfines+user/license fees+needlesstaxes 9. providingFREE daycare+college+university+urban 8. providtransportation 10. givinguniversity+college students$300TAX-FREE 8. providmonthly for each course they take up to 4 courses; 8. 8. 8. providanother$1,200TAX-FREEmonthlyfor 12 months 8. providfor those living away from home in Canada 11. limitating tax per personto3%sales tax; 7%income tax 12. limitingthe number of persons in the Gov't to one per family |