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To go where you want to go,
will put$$$in your pocket
by ...
1. automatingGov't services
2. cuttingthe size of Gov'tby75%
3. doing awaywith income tax forms
4. eradicatingneedlessGov't spending
5. redistributingthe wealth of the nation
6. settingthe business income tax at20%
7. reducingthe Police+judicial+prisonsby90%
8. eliminatingfines+user/license fees+needlesstaxes
9. providingFREE daycare+college+university+urban
8. providtransportation
10. givinguniversity
+college students$300TAX-FREE
8. providmonthly for each course they take up to 4 courses; 8. 8. 8. providanother$1,200TAX-FREEmonthlyfor 12 months
8. providfor those living away from home in Canada
11. limitating tax per personto3%sales tax; 7%income tax
12. limitingthe number of persons in the Gov't to one per family
What does a communist call a *capitalist*?

A crook!

Someonesaidan American!
that'll make any Latino laugh.(Ha! Ha!)

{USA Take-over of Canada:
the Story}

The spectator says to the captain of the USA team:
"You cheated!"

"I know,
butdid wewin?" he asks.

The spectator then goes over to the captain
of the Canada team and says:
"You lost!"

"Yes! But we played fair, didn't we?"
asks the Canadian captain.

"Yes! But gee! you lost! Didn't you?",
asks the spectator.

(In Chris de Burgh's song, Spanish Train,
 Christ loses at poker withthe Devil who cheats.)

President Obama's
*Imaginary* Interviewarrow

{Our Story}
BECAUSE we're all family sharing 99% of the same DNA,

WE MUST make our story
a GOOD one worth telling.


And it came to pass, they lived happily ever after. The END.
