The Problem
has acrooked behind closed
doors (secretive)law+ordersurveillance-basedfascist Police state Gov't that serves *firstly*THE SYSTEM 1. theRich 2. the Police 3. the Freemasons 4. the judicial system 5. thecrookedbureaucrats [20%of*your* tax $$$'sat all levels of Gov't. (municipal+provincial+federal) disappearyearly without any trace] The
give you100%financially transparent democracy - bythePEOPLE - forthePEOPLE so you can berich+happy WhytheÉ(eh)PC?
1. jobs 2. democracy 3. income security 4. your share of the pie 5. reduced cost of living 7 *new* national holidays prosperity
17 National Holidays
1. New Year's DayJanuary 1st 2. Bishop Oscar Romero Social Justice Day new March 24th 3. Good Friday April xxth 4. Easter April xxth 5. Easter Monday April xxth 6. President Selin (say'leen) Day new April 25th (replacing Victoria Day) 7. Aboriginal Day new June 21st 8. Quebec Day June 24th 9. Canada Day July 1st 10. Day of the Acadians new August 15th 11. Labour Day September xth 12. End Poverty Day October 4th 13. Thanksgiving Day October xxth 14. Ashley Smith National Teen Holiday new October 19th 15. Louis Riel Métis Day new November 16th 16. Christmas Day December 25th 17. Boxing Day December 26th How?
A. Throughwealth
redistributionviahugetaxsavingsby doing three (3) things 1. cutting the size of Gov'tby half 2. dismantlingour *fascist* Police state apparatus 3. makingunnecessaryGov'tspending a criminal offence Wealth redistributionwill be done throughstrong income secrurity measuresthat will 1. eliminate poverty 2. allow you to havea good quality of life B. By giving you a100%financially transparent democratic Gov't how? You'll be able tomonitor Gov't spendingin real time online important? Here'sthe problem "We don't know specifically where our tax dollars are going because we have*crooked* fascist Police state Gov'toperating behind closed doors." "TheÉ(eh)PC believes 1. ORGANIZED CRIMEget the Gov't contracts 2. the American Hells Angelsare taking control of ORGANIZED CRIME 3. the American Hells Angelshave taken control of the City of Toronto 4. the American Hells Angelshave taken control of the colleges+univer- sities in Greater Toronto Note: theÉ(eh)PCwill nationalize Note: colleges+universities. 5. the American Hells Angelsare sup- ported by the largest CIA community in the world in Toronto 6. New York City Police Department tells the Toronto Police what to do: is Toronto's new Chief of Police American?" Kenneth Selinsay'leen founder of the É(eh)PC C. By makingthe promotionof small business THE PRIORITYof Gov't because they create 80%of the jobs how? By allowing you to start your small business by going to aFREEplacewhere there are FREEkioskswhere you'll be able to sell your products+servicesTAX-FREE THE PRIORITYof the Gov't will be topromote your products+services Prosperity
in 3
the savings $5,000reward
- you'll
be able to monitor
the details
Gov't spending online - as it happens: report unnecessary spending at theCanadian - Information AgencyWeb site. Accountants with Police enfor- - cement power will investigate. - in the case ofunnecessary spendingyou'll get a$5,000 - TAX-FREEreward+he person responsible does two (2) - years in jail - theÉ(eh)PCcalls thisthe eh-revolution the result: a100%financially transparent democracy 2. dismantling ourfascist Police 2. stateapparatus:the savings The spending prioritiesof oursecretive(crooked)fascist Police stateGov't are 1. the Police 2. the prisons 3. the judiciary FASCISM is costly because it's CROOKED! 3. the savingswill financethe income security 3. measureslikeguaranteed income - nolobbyists - nouser fees - nolicense fees - bilingualWeb sites - 1-click accessto financial statements - nopatronage appointments - money owed the Gov't will be forgivenafter three (3) years - noincome tax form to fill out - because 1. all revenue deductionson salary+ business+investment income will bedone "at source" 2. there will beno - tax shelters - tax deductions - tax exemptions - tax credits for political+charitable - donations - tax incentives for such things as - R+D (research+development) this represents a$100 billionin savings 3. there will benocapital gains deduction (taxes are paid on50%of capital gains) 4. there will benodeferment of taxes by businesses Note: Canada has a *regressive* Note: tax system because it allows Note: the Richto pay the *least* Note: taxes through all kinds Note: of tax shelters. 1+2+3+4 = $100 billion in savings "The *hallmark* ofa fascist Police stateis the corrossive bleeding of the life-blood of the taxpayer by *continuously* increasing taxes while offeringtheRichall sorts of tax shelters." Kenneth Selinsay'leen founder of theÉ(eh)PC ![]() - noCrown corporationsunlessit's in - the public interest - Note: theÉ(eh)PCbelieves that - Note: *most* of the lesser known - Note: Crown corporations serve - Note: only to give those well-con- - Note: nected to the Gov't jobs: - Note: it's hidden nepotism. - 80%costreduction - in policing+judicial+prison costs - (current cost: 1/2 of the budget) - 25%savings - on property tax because policing - will no longer be a municipal - responsibility - 50%reduction - in Gov't size+costsdue to - 1. theautomationof services - 2. the 1-civil-servant-per-family Law - 33%heath carecostreduction -due to the elimination of poverty - thanks to the strong social poli- - cies oftheÉ(eh)PC - nopaybonuses - the salary ceilingin the Gov't(outside -of Parliament)will be$150,000(until the -economy returns to at least3 %economic -growth) - the military budget ceilingwill be -$20 billion(it's currently$50 to - $75 billion)(2% of GDP) - several billion $$$in savings - with the elimination ofthe secret -+illegalundercover Police force - several billion $$$in savings - with the elimination of the financing - of governmental organizations - (like public institutes) - $7 billionin savings - with the elimination of the national - security budget usedfor illegally - spying inmates
A. Policing- one (1) Police forceunarmed+university- - trained a. theCanadian Police Force b. who seespolicing as as *extension a. of social services - in minor cases,the Police must make - sure the person a. knows the law b. was givenwarnings B. Crown Attorney - charges can be laid if it'sin the public interest C. sentencing - no moreprobation - up to 10 years fora violent crime - not more than two (2) years fora - non-violent crime - *automatic* pardontwo (2) years - after having served a sentence - a guilty verdict will*not*necessarily - mean a jail sentence - nobodygoes to jailfor consuming - illegal drugs - nobodygoes to jailfor selling illegal - drugs, butwill lose the$$$earned+ will also get a criminal record - no teenagergoes to jail,but will be - treated as a*psychiatric* patientif necessary D. jails - no more solitary confinement - no more institutional charges - no more American companies running our prisons - no more pigsty jails 1. they'll be residential jails run 1. byunarmed personnel 2. inmates will getjob training 1. for the job they want 200+ jails Note: the Gov't isbuilding bigger Note: jailsin order to reduce the Note: number of jails. 55,000+ inmates - a yearly increasing number - 25%:teenagers not going to school (read about teenager,Ashley Smith) - 20%:women - mainly First Peoples Note: the mentally ill are *illegally* Note: incarcerated(because, for there Note: to be a crime, there has to be Note: *criminal* intent: a mentallly Note: ill person is incapable of Note: *criminal* intent). average annual cost per inmate: $200,000 total cost $200,000 x 55 000 = $11 BILLION the *expected* total cost with theÉ(eh)PC $1 BILLION total savings $10 BILLION - FREEurban transportation - municipal librariesopen24/7 public organizations
- bilingualWeb
sites- 1-click accessto financial statements religious organizations
- TAX-FREEsalaries- bilingualWeb sites - a20%flattaxon investment revenue charitable organizations
- bilingualWeb
sites- 1-click accessto financial statements
- the
agewill be16- FREEGov't sponsoredafterschool community programs students
- FREEcollege+university- $300monthlyTAX-FREEfor college and university students for each course;another $1,200TAX-FREEfor 12 consecutive months living far from home in Canada - (See $1,200_monthly) Note: 40%of students away Note: from home experience Note: food insecurity. - noancillaryfees education is so importantbecause it affects the amount of money we earn+our job options+our job mobity+our quality of life+our self-esteem in fact, we rely on education for innovationwhich not only enriches our life, but also createsnew jobs obviously, the most educated countrywill havethe competitive edge+the best jobswith the É(eh)PC, that will be Canada: see your future college+university staff
- nocontractual
positionsonce the colleges+universities are nationalized - the personnel will beGov't employees - theirunionswill have an advisory role - not more thanfour (4) shifts a week - no one will work more than 7.5 hours a day ![]() health care staff
- TAX-FREEsalariesonce the health care facilities are nationalized - nocontractual positions - the personnel will beGov't employees - theirunionswill have an advisory role - not more thanfour (4) shifts a week - no one will work more than 7.5 hours a day environmentalists
- the
Gov't willpromotegreen
technology- every organization will havea green councilthat will be connected to theNational Network of green Councils - any business harming the environment will be automatically nationalizedwithout compensation businesses
- noloans- nosubsidies - nooutsourcingoutsideof Canada: - only in Canadaprovided - 1. it results innojob loss - 2. employees arepaid top wages+benefits) - nopaybonuses - bilingualWeb sites - no morecapital cost allowance - no moredeferment of taxes - 1-click accessto financial statements - 20%flat tax - (corporations pay15%, small business35%) - any business refusing to offerthebestwages+social benefitswill benationalized+sold to those who will - no businesswill be allowed tohire contractual norpart-time emloyeesfornot more than 90 days - no businesswill be allowed tohire contractual(which - the hospitals+colleges+universities are doing) - norpart-time
the grocery+department
- nounpaidinternships- them full time with full benefits - noworkerson call(ready to work just waiting for the - call)without being paid - not more thanfour (4) shifts a week - no one will work more than 7.5 hours a day resource-extraction
- 20%royalty
mineral resource extraction- (currently: 3%to18%depending on what's extracted) Canadian
businesses abroad
benefitswill benationalized+sold to those who will jobs
- the
priority of Gov'twill
promotionof small busines: they create80%of the jobs in Canada - a guaranteed income - 20%more jobsdue to a4-day work week - no one will work more than 7.5 hours a day women
- FREEdaycarethe daycares will be nationalized subsidizedaccording to thethe 10% rule: if the employer's net profit the previous year is less than10%, for example7%,the cost of the child's daycare will be subsidized by30% - a monthly guaranteed income of$1,900TAX-FREEforstay-at-home *single* mothers with pre-school children [paid every two (2) weeks] - a monthly guaranteed income of$2,200TAX-FREEforstay-at-home *single* mothers [paid every two (2) weeks] - working women with children will havethe optionof working - a half (1/2) week - 50%of all Gov't jobswill be occupied by women the divorced
monthly guaranteed incomeof$2,400TAX-FREE - [paid every two (2) weeks] farmers earning$100,000
monthly guaranteed incomeor less of$2,400+$250/childTAX-FREEfor 12 months - [paid every two (2) weeks] athletes
monthly guaranteed incomeof$1,900TAX-FREE - [paid every two (2) weeks] artists+performing
monthly guaranteed income - until age 36of$1,900TAX-FREEto those who are 1. university graduates 2. professionals with five (5) years experience or more [paid every two (2) weeks] low-income family
- noproperty tax- low-cost mortgage housesin *villages* renters
- 20%reductionin
rent- 5-year rental *freeze* ![]() loans
- the
maximum legalinterest
a loan: 2+
primehourly workers
hourly wagewill a $25iving wage EI recipients
- theNEWemployment
insurance (EI): automatic+100%of salary6 months of EI for 4 months to 1.5 years of work 8 months of EI for 1.5 years to 2 years work 12 months of EI for more than 2 years work Note: there will beNO PENALITY Note: for quitting NOR for getting Note: fired. Note: the employer will apply Note: for employment insurance Note: on behalf of the employee. THIS WILL BE REPLACED BY GUARANTEED INCOME. for familiesearning$65,000(or less)+ for individualsearning$35,000(or less) - FREEmonthlybus/metro passes - a monthly guaranteed income for one personwill be$1,900TAX-FREE [paid every two (2) weeks] - will be able towork at a part-timeorat a temporary job - for three (3) months or less(without being penalizedfinancially) - FREEself-servefood banks :fully stocked(without restrictions) - opened24/7 - FREEself-serveused-clothing stores Note: all used-clothing stores wil Note: come under the control of Note: the Gov't. - FREEself-serveused-furniture stores Note: all used-furniture stores will Note: come under the control of Note: the Gov't. They'll specialize Note: in furniture repair. - The Office for Job Training poor regions
liveincomeTAX-FREE- after 5 years of operationthe business taxwill go from20%to10% immigrants
- noGov'tfees- speedyprocessing - noCanadian experiencewill be required for a job First Peoples+the
towardsself-gov't- the settling of land claims - an economic planfor each community - they'll receivean adequategaranteed income a bilingual Canada
immigration will
be predominantly
from French-speaking
countries- the Gov't will bebilingualin accordance with the Constitution of Canada ![]() Be
for 1. jobs 2. democracy 3. income security 4. reduced cost of living 5. your share of the pie 7 *new* national holidays prosperity |