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TheÉ(eh)PC vision for
a multilingual (English, French, Spanish), multicultural, education-centric society with a 75% smaller, 100% financially transparent Gov't that creates prosperity. Prosperity 1. a 100% financially transparentdemo- craticGov't the details of whose spen- ding, you'll be able to monitor online in real time 2. the World's best income security pro- gram you'll benefit from when jobless. However, the priority will be job creation by promoting small business because they create 80% of the jobs. TheÉ(eh)PC is NOT a fake political party existing for bribes+kickbacks: it's Canada's only democratic party. TheÉ(eh)PC exists to support you. With theÉ(eh)PC you'll be rich+happy because you'll have your share of the pie. PrimaryConcerns
1. clean Gov't You will be able to monitor the details of Gov't spen- ding online in real time. Every time you report unne- cessary spending you get a $5,000TAX-FREE reward+the person respon- sible goes to jail for 2 years. TheÉ(eh)PC calls this clean Gov't by design ap- proach the sky-blue eh- revolution, sky blue be- ing the colour of the Party. This will result in a100% financially transparent democracy run by thePEOPLE for thePEOPLE. Plus, it will be 50% smaller costing 50%LESS! All of this is explained in theÉ(eh)PC slogan: POWER! 2thePEOPLE It ends of the following abuse of you, the taxpayer 1. blind taxation (You don't know who are getting the Gov't contracts and the details of those of those contracts.) [As a rule, the Gov't spends three (3) times more than is necessary for products+services.] 2. unnecessary spending (due to bribes+kickbacks) 3. lack of financial controls (20% of your tax$$$s disappear without a trace *every* year) 4. emptying the budget by the end of the fis- cal year, March 31st (to avoid a budget cut the next year) that's*not*fair 2. wealth redistribution When jobless, you'll be able to lead a productive life thanks to *strong* income security measures that redistribute the wealth and give you a guaranteed income. ![]() 3. jobs The priorityisjob creation. This will be done by 1. by promoting small business that generates 80% of the jobs. 2. having 7.5 hour work days 3. having a 4-day work week 2.+3. will create 20% *more* jobs 4. the focus: education The focus for Canada will be education. TheÉ(eh)PC will 1. nationalize colleges, universities+daycares 2. offer FREE college+university education 3. pay college+university students $300 a month for each courseTAX-FREE 4. for those living away from home in Canada going full-time will get monthly an extra $1,200TAX-FREE Education is gold. Education is *the* key to prosperity. See your future. 5. health care TheÉ(eh)PC will 1. nationalize health care facilities 2. offer FREE dental to those on social assistance. Theseprimaryconcernswill ensureprosperity. ![]() SecondaryConcerns
The É(eh)PC will lift the
French language banner HIGH!
6. French Canada- making all levels of Gov't bilingual - *prioritizing* French immigration - ensuring every town+city (out- side of the Province of Quebec) has its own *inexpensive* French language bookstore - ensuring every province+territory has a French university+college - ensuring there are FREE French- language activities in *all* major centres (outside of the Province of Quebec) - financing French programming through the Ministry of Quebec Affairs - introducing French inGrade 3 in English schools. (See 1.1) Note: theÉ(eh)PC believes Note: Canada canNOT be Note: strong without a Note: strong French Canada. French-Canada from the Pro- vince of Quebec to the West will be called Québec le Grand with the Province of Quebec being THE HEART- LAND of French-Canada to the west of Quebec. The Quebec flag will indicate where French-language ser- vices are being offered out- side of Quebec in the West. The City of Quebec will be recognized as The National (Cultural) Capital of French- Canada. Quebec DayJune 24th will be a national holiday. Vive
Québec !
French-Canada from the Province of New Bruns- wick to the East will be called l'Acadie La Grande with the City Moncton be- ing THE HEARTLAND of French Canada to the east of Quebec. The Acadian flag will indicate where French-language ser- vices are being offered. The Day of the AcadiansAugust 15th will be a national holiday. Vive
l'Acadie !
The City of Quebec and the City of Moncton will work together to ensure homogeneity of French services in their territory. L'Office de la Franco- phonie of the Gov't of Canada will finance everything. In international franco- phone affaires, Ottawa, Quebec City, and the City of Moncton will be EQUAL PARTNERS each represented by its respective flag. (See 17.) ![]() The Republic of Haïti Under theÉ(eh)PC policy of prioritizing French, Canada will help the Republic of Haïti build a strong economy in four (4) ways by 1. encouraging the creation 1. of small businesses 2. participating in the refor- 1. estation of the country- 1. side 3. providing agricultural help 1. to family farms 4. providing academic sup- 1. port. The Canadian Military will be in charge of this 4-month Club Med approach: 50% of the participants will be Canadian university+col- lege students wanting to improve their knowledge of French+50% will be Haitian university+college students. All the participants will be well paid receiving the sa- me salary: all expenses will be paid by the Gov't. We will invite France to participe in this fun, youthful adventure. 7. ending americanization TheÉ(eh)PC will enforce its Canadiana Law which will end the americanization of Canada. TheÉ(eh)PC active canadi- anization policy will oblige all U.S. media content to be labeled "A- merican". Onlythe Canadian flag will be flown in public (unless other- wise justified). Dual citizenship will be cancelled: no Canadian will have dual citizen- ship. #0000FF No U.S. Gov't agents will be al- lowed into Canada. The Canadian military+Police forces will remain independent of those of the USA. "In Canada, we talk about Canada (*NOT* the USA)." Kenneth Selinsay'leen É(eh)PC President/Party Leader 8. environmental health TheÉ(eh)PC has two (2) approaches for taking care of the environment 1. The green Plan 2. The Environmental 2. Health Agency of Canada 9. zero violence f fSee: "NO-Abortion, NO-Violence Law" No violence - on TV - at home - at the workplace No unregistered firearms No threats of violence Regarding any threat of violence, the Law will require the person to follow an anger management program+per- haps, get psychiatric help. ![]() A person, who commits any act of violence will face up to 10 years in jail. No teenagers (19 years or youn- ger) will go to jail: s/he will be obli- ged to follow an anger manage- ment program+perhaps, have to get psychiatric help - depending on the nature+seriousness of the crime. The maximum sentence for a vio- lent crime will be 10 years+for a non-violent crime, two (2) years. All firearms will be registered with the local Police whenever a per- son moves into the area: failure to do so will result in an automa- tic 30-day jail sentence, lost of the firearm+lost of Canadian ci- tizenship if the person was not born in Canada. Any person trying to enter Canada with a firearm will be stopped at the border. Police approval will be required for the purchase of any firearm. 10. Latino integration Spanish will be Canada's 3rd non-official language. (See 7.) Canada will promote demo- cracyprosperity in the OAS (Organization of American States, Thesesecondaryconcernswill
a world leader. Be
for jobs democracy income security your share of the pie reduced cost of living 7 *new* national holidays prosperity |