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Subject: "Is the USA-run Toronto Star 'intentionally' stirring up RACIAL HATRED by saying slavery was WORSE IN CANADA than in the USA?" asks É(eh)PC President, Party Leader on page 15 of the Toronto Metro News (owned by the Toronto Star - known to hire Chicago Tribune employ- ees) Monday, February 10th 2014 as part of Black His- tory Month in Canada is TOTALLY DISINGENUOUS YELLOW JOURNALISM unsupported by facts - based on OUTRAGEOUSLY, IRRESPONSIBLE CONJECTURE. Its TONE is CONDESCENDING, DISRESPECTFUL, DANGEROUSLY INFLAMMATORY - in my view - and seems to be "tinged" by AFRICAN-AMERICAN RACISM. http://dictionary.reference. Its intent seems to be to *FOMENT* RACIAL HATRED: you can judge that for yourself - after reading what I have to say. http://www.thefreedictionary. I have to QUESTION THE JUDGEMENT of the Toronto Star in letting Toronto Metro News to print (what I feel is) such a SHAMEFUL, RECKLESS, SUBSTANDARD JOUR- NALISTIC ARTICLES whose INTENT seems to be "inten- tionally" MALICIOUS! Such journalistic *WICKEDNESS* - by Americans (the author+editor) (I strongly suspect.) - is EVIL! Let's look. (See scanned copy of the page at: THE TOP AT THE TOP of the whole page is the caption "SPECIAL". Just under that is the heading "Slavery Myths in Canada" under which is presented 4 "so-called" myths. Myth No. 1 Under "Myth No. 1", we have the 2nd of 3 sentences: "Many Canadians are under the assumption that sla- very never existed in Canada (or not at the same le- vels found in the U.S.), which is false." This is NOT TRUE and TOTALLY EGREGIOUS! But MORE THAN THAT: it's A VICIOUS, *MALI- CIOUS* LIE! This is just "Myth No. 1". Myth No. 2 Under "Myth No. 2", we have the 2nd (of 4 sen- tences): "Politicians enacted legislation in 1793 that set limitations on slavery in the country." The 4th sentence following the 3rd, I think, is DEROGATORY and MEANSPIRITED! "The 1793 bill meant anyone born a slave would secure his freedom when he turned 25." (3rd) "At the time, the average lifespan of a slave was 20 to 25 years." (4th) The 4th is *UNSUBSTANTIATED* by any refer- ences, A LIKELY A COMPLETELY *FALSE* AS- SERTION. So much for "Myth No. 2". Myth No. 3 "Myth No. 3" seems to me to be U.S. *VICIOUS- NESS* SERVED ON A SILVER PLATER. The 2nd (of 3 sentences) says, in effect, that the slaves who came to Canada were NO BETTER OFF suggesting that they had wasted their time in coming to Canada via the FREEDOM TRAIN (the underground railroad): "Despite the warm and fuzzy images and scenes displayed in most current-day slave narratives, black slaves who escaped to Canada faced discrimination, vio- lence and segregation." The 3rd sentence is THE WOWZER! It says that LIFE WAS *PROBABLY* WORSE IN CANADA than the USA for African-Americans be- cause the racism was discreet, NOT OVERT in the USA where APARTHEID REIGNED because of the Jim Crow (KKK) laws. "Unlike racist legislation, like Jim Crow laws, passed in the U.S., Canada had largely unwritten racist codes, which many could argue made it more difficult for black people in Canada." This article seems to be MORE + MORE LIKE A *PRO- PAGANDA* ARTICLE by a "disaffected" CIA agent who is MISDIRECTING HER RACIST ANGER channeling it at Canada rather than the USA. Myth No. 4 Here comes "Myth No. 4". The truth, she seems to be saying WITHOUT ANY SUPPORTING EVIDENCE, is that African-Ameri- cans who came to Canada were SO UNHAPPY that they went back to the USA. In the 2nd (of the 3 sentences), she uses the word "some", but in the 3rd sentence, "some" becomes "entire generations". Talk about HYPERBOLE! She caN'T be serious. "Some former slaves left Canada for the U.S. once slavery was abolished in America to escape the dif- ficulties in Canada and for chances at upward mobi- lity ... . Entire generations of black Canadians were completely lost to Canadian history by moving to the U.S." THE PICTURE 3/4 of the page below that top row of 4 myths on the left-hand side is an "anonymous" picture with the cap- tion with a spelling mistake "This painting, originally entitled Portrait of Negro Slave, is one of very view (sic) public pieces of art that depicts a black Cana- dian slave." (Provenance: "Montreal Museum of Fine Arts".) THE *MAIN* ARTICLE On the right-hand side is another article, A DOOZY! THE TITLE Just look at the "titillating" title: "Canada's unknown slave-owning past". Don't expect Ms. Small (a family name she comes by honestly) to supply references: that's TOO MUCH TO EXPECT coming from HER STYLE OF YELLOW JOUR- NALISM. THE SUB-HEADING Look at the sub-heading: "Historians believe about 5,000 slaves were brought to the country. Their stories are often left out of the history books." PROBLEM! Which historians - exactly? None are given: NOT EVEN ONE! THE QUOTE To the right of the picture is A CALLED-OUT QUOTE she says "in authoritative fashion" (Ha! Ha!): "The le- gacy of the underground railroad is positive and em- powering but what that legacy does is that it blinds us and obscures the other things that were going on before the railroad. We had slavery in Canada, it just ended sooner." Sentence No. 1 The 1st sentence is fairly "innocuous": "You've heard this story before: A group of slaves escape for free- dom in the middle of the night." Sentence No. 2+3 The 2nd + 3rd tough are VEXING, BAREFACED LIES! Where is THE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE? It's NOT NEEDED because it's public knowledge? Or is this U.S. Gov't PROPAGANDA that seeks to *DENIGRATE* CANADA by "rewriting" history? Here they are: "But here's the twist: These slaves weren't running toward Canada. They were run- ning away from it - fleeing from Canadian slave owners and headed for freedom in Detroit." DETROIT! So there were slaves in Windsor, Ontario across from Detroit: is that it? WHO KNEW? But, it seems, Ms. Small and the Toronto Star Re- search Department (that serves as the CIA Research Department in Toronto - as far as I'm concerned) do. Is their goal TO REWRITE BLACK HISTORY IN CANADA to favour the USA at the expense of CANADA'S GOOD REPUTATION? It seems that way, doesN'T it? By the way, the 4th sentence is A CONTINUATION OF THE SAME *WACKY* THESIS of CANADIAN OPPRESSION of African-American slaves: "... the story of Canadian slaves - whose lives were as unjust and inhumane as those in the south - has largely been ignored." TAKARA SMALL ( Where was she born? USA? Where did she do her elementary+high school? In the USA? Did she graduate from the Ryerson University School of Journalism? Ryerson U. seems to be run by the CIA. CHECK ALL THE AMERICANA on the north- west corner of its Image Centre: there is NOT ONE Canadian there. Across the street is a billboard featuring Martin Luther King: (By the way, we do *NOT* KNOW who owns our universities: it's NOT the Gov't. TheÉ(eh)PC intends to NATIONALIZE colleges+universities in order to offer TUITION-FREE education.) NO SLAVE-TRADING MARKET in Canada Unlike the USA, there was NEVER an ACTIVE SLAVE-TRADING MARKET in Canada. However, there was an "active" SLAVE-TRADING MARKET In the *FASCIST*, war-mongering USA, ("the land of freedom", run by the KKK Freema- sons where there's NO LIVING WAGE making the USA a SLAVE LABOUR CAMP for the Rich). [And the KKK "figure-head", Obama (probably a former CIA guy), doesN'T care about OUTLAW- ING the KKK NOR providing the WORKING- POOR Americans with a living wage.] (It is safe, I think, to speculate that THE FOUN- DING FATHERS OF THE USA were SERIAL RAPISTS of African-American women especially Jefferson who had bi-racial children: if true, that's A BLACK STAIN on the history of the USA. Inci- dentally, Obama admires Jefferson, I do NOT!) CONSPIRACY On the one hand, Ms. Small seems to be sug- gesting that there is A *CONSPIRACY* TO *HIDE* Canada’s SLAVERY PAST, but she intends to set the record straight with these articles - WITHOUT REFERENCES, WITH- OUT FACTS - articles that are WORKS OF FICTION! On the other, she "whitewashes" the USA by saying that African-Americans went back to the USA: they missed it so much. (Ha! Ha!) That's JUST PLAIN LUDICROUS! Ms. Small, contrary to what you (and your employer) would have us believe, THE *REAL* VILLAIN when it comes to sla- very is the USA (*NOT* Canada): that's AN UNCONTESTED HISTORICAL FACT. Why, then, would you (and your employer) have us BELIEVE OTHERWISE, eh? It's INCOMPREHENSIBLE! All this sounds like "wicked" CIA PROPA- GANDA to me. AMERICAN PROPAGANDA? To suggest things were *EQUALLY BAD* for African-Americans arriving in Canada seems to be U.S. PROPAGANDA that is MEANT TO *DENIGRATE* CANADA and SHAME African- Americans who believe to this day that LIFE WAS BETTER for African-Americans IN CA- NADA.
MORE TROUBLE The É(eh)PC believes Toronto has THE LAR- GEST CIA COMMUNITY that is supporting their man, Rob Ford from which we an expect NOTHING, but MORE TROUBLE. Incidentally, THE MAJORITY of which are Afri- can-American with A "BADASS ATTITUDE" who claim to be from Caribbean - especially Jamaica: I HIGHLY SUSPECT Ms. Small to be one of them, A TRUE-BLUE "UNCLE TOM". TAKE IT DOWN The É(eh)PC intends to get rid of the Toronto Star for providing TOO MUCH NEEDLESS American media coverage. Many of their reporters appear to be CIA agents who went out of their way to do RUSSIAN BA- SHING - EVERY DAY - during the Olympics. In fact, it appears that Ernest Hemingway was hired by the Toronto Star AT THE BEHEST OF THE U.S. GOV'T so he could be sent to Europe to *SPY* on the intelligentsia for the U.S. Gov't while working for the Toronto Star. Clearly, the Toronto Star has proven to be A SOURCE OF U.S. Gov't CHICANERY in Ca- nada - in my eyes. I STRONGLY FEEL the Toronto Star has OUT- DONE ITS STAY IN CANADA: it's time for the Toronto Star to leave. We *doN'T* want trouble. IT`S GOTTA GO! YANKY, GO HOME! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ POWER! 2thePEOPLE [theÉ(eh)PC slogan] ~~~ cost of lifetime membership (for those 16 years of age - or older - living in Canada): $2 ~~~ become an eh-recruiter ~~~ theÉ(eh)PC for *your* share of the pie make it *your*party, *your* biz |