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Subject: "Undercover
COP! at the Toronto Reference Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Toronto Reference Library Incident =========================== Short hefty African-Canadian sitting next to me on the 4th Floor of the Toronto Reference Library made INCREDIBLE THREATS of physical violence and then, later called me a "sicko" after I reported the incident to the staff. The time of the incident was around 6:20 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9th 2010. He then continued to sit in front of a blank PC screen as he had been doing previously for at least 20 minutes with a sour mean-looking angry big face and decided to make a lot of noise chewing on an apple.(Eating food on the 4th Floor is NOT allowed.) After eating his apple, he logs onto the Net using his library information that he apparently knows by heart as he did NOT need to look at his library card. Once I figured out that this guy was NOT deranged, but knew what he was doing, I called the 4th Floor staff over regarding the incident who did NOTHING. Usually, given the number of times I've been there, they look after all such incidents themselves, but NOT in this case. Later, security guards came over and they did NOTHING. Then, Janice Lavery, Toronto Reference Library employee, came in A HUFF! Janice Lavery =========== I told her that I was threatened by the guy to my left. She asked me to tell her what he had said. I refused to say because I WAS SO SHOCKED by THE LEVEL OF THE VERBAL THREAT that I didN'T dare. She said that from what she could see I was the one creating the incident by raising my voice and attracting the attention of everyone around and that she was thinking of obliging ME to leave the library. She hadN'T even talked yet once to the lout who had threatened me and I was ALREADY being threatened by the Toronto Reference Library with expulsion. I told her he had munched on an apple and that was NOT allowed on the fourth floor as she well knows. She refused to ask him about it. She asked him though for his version of things. He said that I was the troublemaker. I said the reason I was bringing the incident to the attention of the staff was because I wanted assurances that I did NOT have to be afraid of him. I said that to prevent any further incidents I'd move elsewhere which is what I did as I was TOO AFRAID to stay by that guy. She did NOT even try to get the other guys name, but did ask for mine - repeatedly - which I refused to give. Interestingly, her name does NOT appear on the Directory of Management Staff of the Toronto Reference Library. http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/con_adm_index.jsp#ref So what's her position? Mystery Lout ========== Who is he? My take is that he was a Toronto Police undercover cop, but he could have been an African-American CIA guy who works for the Toronto Police Force. The Toronto Police Force should NOT have people on their force born outside of Canada: it compromises national security and is JUST PLAIN STUPID. What from I can see there are a lot of CIA guys in Toronto including on the Toronto Police Force. I even had one in my room at Seaton House, a CIA African-American with dual citizenship and Toronto Police undercover cop who lifted the trash can and threatened to throw it at me. In any case, the Americans are taking over - in all sorts of ways. I doN'T like it. ![]() Police Harassment =============== This was - in my opinion - A PLANNED AFFAIR by the Toronto Police. There have been two (2) other incidences regarding the Police at the Toronto Reference Library in the past. Date: December 4th 2007 Subject: The Toronto Reference Library *SCOLDS* the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/Reference_Library.htm Date: January 3rd 2009 Subject: "H-A-R-A-S-S-E-D by TWO! undercover COPS! at the Toronto Reference Library+the Library did NOTHING!" says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/Toronto_Reference_Library.htm Date: January 7th 2009 Subject: "Toronto Reference Library W-I-T-H THE Toronto POLICE **continue** to HARASS!! me. Will this be an ongoing saga?" asks the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/Toronto_Reference_Library_Warning.htm Incidentally, I experience Police harassment is on a - DAILY - BASIS. This is NOT! an isolated incident, but is - BY FAR - THE MOST! SERIOUS. Give them SHIT! ============ Call - the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000, Executive Officer (416) 808-8015 - Toronto Mayor Miller's Office (416) 397-2489 - Janice Lavery, Toronto Reference Library, (416) 416-393-7131 Tell them to LEAVE! me, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC ... ALONE! Tell them they are INTERFERING! in the POLITICAL PROCESS. tell them we need to SUPPORT POLITICAL CHOICE. By calling, you will be helping to END! Police State F_A_S_C_I_S_M. Thanks for your help. Note ==== With É(eh)PC "SMART POLICING" such an incident would NOT! happen. (See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one) Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) ------->Canada's ONLY! ANTI-fascist political party ~~~ 4a bet-ter life the EH!-revolution http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk&mode=related&search = |