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Subject: ANOTHER!
Toronto undercover COP ASSAULTS! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @corner of Bloor+Yonge At 2:25 p.m. on Tuesday July 27th 2010 turning left onto Bloor Street off Yonge Street the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was ASSAULTED! by a VERY! AGGRESSIVE, INTIMIDATING, clean shaven, short trimmed, black hair, athletic, medium build UNDERCOVER COP dressed in a black t-shirt, black below-the-knee shorts+black shoes who comes right up frontally to the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader forcing him to move backwards. "GET the f*ck OFF MY! STREET: the people here doN'T want you peddling your shit around here." GET OFF MY! STREET: I doN'T want you here." The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader said: "You're an under- cover cop and you're HARASSING ME. It looks like I'M GOING TO NEED POLICE PROTECTION." As the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was going to go into a store to call the Police, the undercover cop starts to walk away saying "DoN'T go in there+bother the people there." Then, the undercover cop turns around and grabs his genitals through his clothing and starts jerking them up+down while grinning. He turns around+walks away telling everyone that the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader is crazy. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader KEEPS YELLING - repeatedly - while pointing: "HE'S A STINKING UNDER- COVER COP who is HARASSING ME!" 2010 Incidences of Police Brutality =========================== 1. Date: February 9th 2010 Subject: "Undercover COP! at the Toronto Reference Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/undercover_cop.htm 2. Date: April 16th 2010 Subject: Did the Toronto Police Force hire a PR firm to DISS! Kenneth Selin, [the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader] at CraigsList-dot-com Toronto Politics? YES? http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/pr_firm.htm 3. Date: June 10th 2010 Subject: "I was ATTACKED! by AN **UNDERCOVER COP** at the Toronto Reference Library entrance" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/attacked.htm 4. Date: July 15th 2010 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ASSAULTED! BY undercover COP: RED CROSS does NOTHING! http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Red_Cross.htm 5. Date: July 18th 2010 Subject: Undercover COP BEATS! UP É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @Toronto Osgoode Hall Faculty of Law while other undercover cops look on and laugh. http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Osgoode_Hall.htm 6. Date: July 20th 2010 Subject: ANOTHER undercover COP BEATS UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @131 Bloor St. W. at noontime and Toronto Police treats it as A JOKE! http://eh-ok.caGOOGLE/Bloor_Street.htm 7. Date: July 22nd 2010 Subject: BOTH undercover COPS (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) who HAD BEATEN UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader turned up at the RED CROSS sponsored BBQ. http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/RED_CROSS_BBQ.htm ![]() NOTE: these are just SOME! of the incidences. Police intimidation+harassment goes on DAILY! Standing in the line at McDonald's THE NEXT DAY at 10 a.m. Wednesday July 28th 2010 downstairs at Bay+ Yonge across from the bus station, a POLICE-PAID AGITATOR that was at Seaton House (shelter for home- less men) who made it a point to eat at the table of the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader whenever he could to harass him. This POLICE-PAID AGITATOR had showed up at a book store frequented by the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader including several times at Dundas+Yonge Square in the evenings. He's one of many. THIS IS classic **GOON!** POLICING. DISBAND! the Toronto Police ======================= The É(eh)PC recommends that the Toronto Police be DISBANDED for GOON! POLICING+for acting as A GANGSTER ORGANIZATION involved in drug trafficking. This kind of GANGSTER POLICING appears to have swept westward from Ontario into British Columbia in the view of what the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader saw+heard when living in Vancouver in 2007. THE TORONTO POLICE seems to be IRREMEDIABLY DYSFUNCTIONAL: for that reason it needs to be DIS- BANDED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as far as the É(eh)PC is concerned. Taxpayers should NOT! be paying for OVER-PRICE BLOOD SUCKER COPS who are out to look after ONLY! THEMSELVES rather than protect+serve the Public. SMART! Policing ============== With the radical É(eh)PC judicial reforms+SMART! POLICING the Police forces will be REDUCED! by 90%, the judiciary by 66%. Radical judicial reform http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal SMART! Policing http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one This means TREMENDOUS! SAVINGS for the taxpayer. The É(eh)PC will get rid of the Cold War apparatus that feeds on the annual $7 billion security budget that the the É(eh)PC will use to offer FREE! college+ university EDUCATION so Canada can be A WORLD LEADER. The CSIS intelligence service will be replaced by the Canadian Information Agency (CIA) ending the current practice of ***ILLEGAL*** SURVEILLANCE "IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST" which has been VICTIMIZING the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader since he defended Yasser Arafat at the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa on December 13th 2001 when the Ottawa newspapers said Arafat was the problem. The Canadian Information Agency http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info ![]() Police Protection ============= Tell the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000 the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader requires POLICE PROTECTION until a POLICE TASK FORCE apprehends the TWO (2) DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS that had beaten him up+until the undercover cop harassment ends. There seems to be NO! ALTERNATIVE as the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader is - continually - being ASSAULTED. The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC Toronto G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! * GOON! COPS ... GONE ... WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== (UNLIKE MANY POLITICAL PARTIES) the É(eh)PC receives NO! *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't. YOU ==== JOIN. SUPPORT. (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384). VOTE ... É(eh)PC TO REDESIGN! the Gov't TO WORK - 100% - for YOU! TO REPLACE! "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't that OPENLY! serves ALL! Canadians. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! ***anti-fascist*** political party ~~~ 4GOOD! jobs 4a GOOD! life 4 CLEAN! Gov't that MAKES! the Gov't work ... 100% ... for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |