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Subject: ANOTHER
undercover COP BEATS UP the
É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @131 Bloor St. W. at noontime and Toronto Police treats it as A JOKE! This undercover cop is in fact a CIA agent. On Tuesday July 20th 2010 at 11:55 a.m. in front of the Colonnade Building at 131 Bloor St. W., the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was confronted by a medium built undercover cop with full beard with long dark red hair who's well-known in the Poor+Homeless community. The undercover cop came within an inch of him YELLING! Unable to move forward, he turned around to go back. The undercover cop started beating him on the back of his neck NON-STOP! He runs around the fountain in front of the building . The undercover cop chases him. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader YELLS! - REPEATEDLY. "CALL! THE POLICE. I'M BEING ASSAULTED+BATTERED BY AN UNDERCOVER COP." The undercover cop walks down the street. He then turns around and chases the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader AGAIN! - around the fountain. The \ undercover cop says: "IF YOU KEEP RUNNING AROUND THE FOUNTAIN EVERYONE WILL THINK YOU'RE A LOONEY." He then leaves walking - NON- CHALANTLY - down the street with A GRIN ON HIS FACE. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader follows after him down towards the end of the block YELLING+POINTING . ![]() Toronto Reference Library ==================== The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader sees the guy at 2:45 p.m. at the Toronto Reference Library. He tells Security to call the Police. Security calls the Head of Library Security and then Police at 2:50 p.m. At 3:30 p.m (40 MINUTES LATER) constable L. Palermo arrives with a BIG GRIN on her face and takes notes regarding the incident. At 3:35 constable J. Atkinson arrives. He LAUGHS! when the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader says he's sure the guy is AN UNDERCOVER COP. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader says: "NEVER! IN THE HISTORY OF CANADA HAS A POLITICAL LEADER BEEN BEATEN UP BY A COP BEFORE AND YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY? IT'S A SHAMEFUL! DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY." BOTH cops SMILIING NON-CHALANTLY walk over to the guy. They came back to The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ONLY MINUTES LATER - again - ALMOST LAUGHING. They said they were NOT! GOING TO DO ANYTHING because the guy said he did NOT! START THE FIGHT. In fact, the Police said they were thinking of arresting the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader and that he WAS BANNED! from the Library FOR THE DAY. ![]() The Head of Library Security said that he was going along with what the Police said. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader HAD TO LEAVE THE LIBRARY FOR THE REST OF THE DAY for having the Police called regarding a criminal matter. The Police and the Head of Library Security escorted the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader out. Outside, the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader SAYS to the two (2) cops "I caN'T believe YOU LET! THIS GUY GO." Do you think (pointing to his BROKEN $500 glasses and BRUISED! FACE+ SCABBED! KNEES) I did that to myself?" The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was referring to last Sunday's Osgoode Hall beating by an undercover cop who got away. http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Osgoode_Hall.htm "KEEP TALKING like that and I'll put you in the back of the cruiser," said the female cop. "Those are POLICE THREATS!" said the É(eh)PC president/Party Leader. The KEYSTONE COPS got in their crusiers GRINNING! The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader walked away. Were the Police DERELICT! in doing their duty? YES! They they did NOT! even BOTHER TO INTERVIEW THE PEOPLE who were outside by the fountain at 131 Colonnade who work in the building and WITNESSED EVERYTHING. They could confirm the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader did NOT! start the fight. There was NO FIGHT. ![]() The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader did NOT! hit back. QUITE CLEARLY THE GUY *IS* AN UNDERCOVER COP. WHY! ELSE would the POLICE TREAT THE INCIDENT AS A JOKE? WORSE! THE POLICE - even - BLAMED! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader for the incident and the Reference Library went along with the Police assessment - like ZOMBIES! BOTH! the Toronto Police and the Toronto Reference Library *clearly* acted MALICIOUSLY by SHOWING NO! REGARD FOR THE SERIOUSNESS of the matter. This is DANGEROUS! G-O-O-N Fascist! Police State POLICING. The physical well-being of A POLITICAL LEADER, (Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political leader) is THREATENED! The cops AND! Toronto Reference Library treat it as A JOKE!? It's time for SMART! COPS. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one SHAME! ON THE TORONTO REFERENCE LIBRARY because there have been OTHER! UNDERCOVER COP incidents - there - THIS! YEAR. Date: June 10th 2010 Subject: "I was ATTACKED! by AN **UNDERCOVER COP** at the Toronto Reference Library entrance" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/attacked.htm Date: February 9th 2010 Subject: "Undercover COP! at the Toronto Reference Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/undercover_cop.htm Give them SHIT! ============ - the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000 Tell him to KEEP HIS GOONS! FAR, FAR AWAY FROM the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. They are NOT! to HARASS, ASSAULT+BATTER him. - Attorney General of Ontario, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) 1–800–518–7901 Tell him to DISMANTLE the MULT-BILLION DOLLAR network of ILLEGAL!!! UNDERCOVER COPS that ACT LIKE GOONS. ![]() - Toronto Reference Library, 789 YONGE ST (416) 393-7131 BANNING the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader for having called the Police regarding a VERY SERIOUS CRIMINAL MATTER is just SENSELESS! This affair is all the more serious because it's THE BEATING UP OF A POLITICAL LEADER that's meant to SHUT HIM UP + keep him from offering POLITICAL CHOICE. The STUPID FASCIST! GOONS doN'T VALUE FREE SPEECH - obviously. The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC FASCIST! Police G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! **STUPID** GOON! COPS ... GONE WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== The É(eh)PC (UNLIKE the MANY PHONY! POLITICAL PARTIES financed by the Gov't) is A REAL POLITICAL PARTY: it receives NO! backdoor financial support from the Gov't. It's therefore worthy of your financial support. YOU ==== Please join. Please financially support [$2 or $20 support for the "sky-blue" EH!-revolution: Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384]. Please vote for the É(eh)PC. It's THE ONLY! political party that will REDESIGN! the Government to WORK - FOR YOU! The É(eh)PC will REPLACE! "law+order" SECRETIVE! Government with a PROSPERITY-BASED Government whose spending, Canadians will monitor online. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |