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Subject: "I
was ATTACKED! by AN **UNDERCOVER COP** at the Toronto Reference Library entrance" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader
==== Today, June 10th 2010 at 12:10 p.m. while talking to someone at the entrance to the Toronto Reference Library I was ATTACKED! by an undercover cop. He crossed the street with arms wildly flaying, YELLING! "DoN'T listen to him: he's CRAZY!" Repeatedly. He opens the door to the Toronto Reference Library. THEN! he RETURNS **spitting** at me. He goes into the Library. I go in. I ask one (1) of the security guards to follow me as I go after the guy. The guy EXISTS QUICKLY after showing what's inside backpack to security. I'm left thinking: WTF! happened here? This is NOT! isolated incident. It's one (1) in A SERIES! The following are some others. 2nd Incident ========= Monday, May 31st 2010, leaving the corner of Wesley+Yonge going up Yonge to the Toronto Reference Library I was handing out my card saying "4CLEAN! Gov't that puts BUSINESS FIRST!+gives you FREE! education" My card http://eh-ok.ca/card.htm If NOT! interested, I’d SMILE! and say: “I'm GOOD! I know where the Welfare Office is+how to get there." BANG! These TWO (2)! YOUNG (in their early 20s) PUNK! undercover cops come back to me. One says: "WHAT! did you say?" I YELLED! "I doN'T take SHIT! from undercover cops. “MOVE! ON ... DON'T! **HARASS** me." This ADDED FUEL to the FIRE! One (1) holds out a yellow COURT paper AS IF to say he's NOT! a cop+smirks! Before leaving the SAME! undercover cop RECORDS! me YELLING! at him with his 4"x8" camera phone. He SHOWS ME the recording+SNICKERS! (This reminds me of the NASTIEST! YOUNG *undercover* COP I ever came across in the Robson St. welfare line while in Vancouver June 2007: he was posing as a PUSHER!) The Yonge+Wesley incident was NO! ACCIDENT. ![]() It's FASCIST! Police State interference in the political process meant to undermine POLITICAL CHOICE. Canada has MANY! political organizations that seem to be (except the few major ones) financially supported by the Government of Canada. Each claims to have members, but who are they? With the É(eh)PC in power ALL MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS will be obliged to make their membership lists accessible online. É(eh)PC political platform article 1.2.D. Membership Organizations ========================== All membership organizations (whether political, religious, charitable or any other) must provide 1-click online access to their membership lists. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency The É(eh)PC is NOT! sponsored by the Government: HERE'S! the membership list. http://eh-ok.ca/mem/mem.htm 3nd Incident ========= Saturday, May 29th 2010, I was passing around my card saying: "4CLEAN! Gov't that puts BUSINESS 1st!+gives you FREE! education" To those who showed NO! interest, I SMILED+said: "I'm fine ... I know where the Welfare Office is. That's all I need to know." :o) Leaving the corner of Wesley+Yonge going up Yonge to the Toronto Reference Library TWO (2)! undercover cops come at me. (THE SAME! PLACE as the above incident.) One (1) undercover cop comes from behind+ another one (1) comes up on his BIKE! BOTH! said IN UNISON. ![]() "QUIT! harassing the people on the street." I YELLED! them off. However, there were COPS standing WATCHING beside TWO(2)! COP CARS across the street. The undercover cop on his bike with a backpack points to the cops, smiles,+says:“The cops are WATCHING!!! you.“ I YELLED! “You are a STINKING! UNDERCOVER COP **HARASSING** me.“ He leaves saying: "You're a NEUROTIC! SICKO." I YELL BACK - repeatedly: "You're a - TAXPAYER - ABUSER!" 4th Incident ========= Two (2) Police-paid (in my opinion) psychiatrists on the 4th Floor Seaton House where I live with them have been coming up to me wherever I am wanting to talk to me and tell me - indirectly - I’m crazy. Incidentally, the office of one of the psychiatrists has been moved RIGHT NEXT! TO MY ROOM. The door of my room is ALWAYS! KEPT OPEN which means NO! PRIVACY for me. After 9 a.m. there can be a line up outside my door. This is the psychiatrist who insisted on seeing me. For that story see: http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/crooked_cops.htm PLUS! the fire alarm light in my room BLINKS. The fire alarm is hooked to the electrical system: it’s NOT! blinking because the battery is dying. So, is this a SURVEILLANCE CAMERA? ![]() What are the chances of that? Are ALL! THOSE INCIDENTS instances of Police harassment? It certainly seems that way. Undercover Cops: 100% ILLEGAL! =========================== 100% ILLEGAL! Canada's BILLION $$$ PLUS NETWORK OF UNDERCOVER COPS crisscross the country 24/7 in planes, trains, and buses. There is NO! LEGISLATION to justify their existence. They operate IN SECRET. We doN'T know who pays them as they MOVE ABOUT Canada+the USA NOR their relationship to the RCMP+American Police forces. They tend to work in pairs, but we doN’T really know how they operate - TACTICALLY. They're wherever the Poor are: - food banks - social housing - shelters (now run by the Police) - wherever FREE! food is offered (often in churches even under the auspices of the Red Cross). You will find them on the streets bumming $$$ around Starbucks, McDonalds, liquor stores+hotels. These guys/gals are NOT! POOR: they earn $200,000+. They are THE **DIRTY** COPS. They more than likely PROVIDED FALSE EVIDENCE, LIED IN COURT, and done OTHER ILLEGAL! things to get the convictions+prove their loyalty to the Force. NOW! we have YOUNG! UNDERCOVER COPS with little Police experience who are THE NASTIEST! The JUDICIAL SYSTEM seems to depend on them to put the Poor+Homeless (the vulnerable) in jail. ![]() This is achieved by SUMMARY CONVICTIONS arbitrarily given by a JUSTICE OF THE PEACE who perhaps has little education and was entirely directed by the Crown Attorney. NO! judge. NO! jury. GUILTY! The EVER! HIGHER conviction rates year after year GROWS! the JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Consequently, the UNMONITORED JUDICIAL COSTS have ALWAYS! been OUT OF CONTROL because NO! auditor general monitors them. This means MORE! needless TAXATION+ a the BIGGER! public debt than is necessary. The É(eh)PC RADICAL! judicial reforms will get rid of JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal Now CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) seems to want to be above the undercover cops wherever they might be found. CALL! the Office of the Attorney General in your province. Chris Bentley, Attorney General of Ontario, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) or 1–800–518–7901 online feedback form http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/feedback.asp ASK! 1. for the PAY SCALE for undercover cops 2. how are undercover cops paid? 3. what do they do? 4. WHY? WHY! Given that there’s NO! LEGISLATION that justifies their existence undercover cops are ILLEGAL! WTF! is going on here, eh? ![]() With the É(eh)PC there will be ONLY! *ONE* FEDERAL POLICE FORCE: NO!!! undercover cops. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one This means TREMENDOUS! SAVINGS for municipalities who have their own municipal Police force. With the É(eh)PC CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) will be folded into the CIA (Canadian Information Agency). http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info (It seems that CSIS has **BLINDLY** allowed a CIA COLONY to thrive in Toronto.) EH-OK! ====== Canada's ONLY! anti-fascistpolitical party. Join, vote for+ financially support (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384): the É(eh)PC. Give them SHIT! ============ CALL! 1. Attorney General of Ontario, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) or 1–800–518–7901 online feedback form http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/feedback.asp 2. the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000, 3. his Executive Officer (416) 808-8015 4. the Toronto Mayor Miller's Office (416) 397-2489 Tell them to LEAVE ME, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ... ALONE! Tell them to QUIT! *INTERFERING* in the DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL PROCESS. Tell them we need to SUPPORT! POLITICAL CHOICE for the sake of democracy. By calling, you’ll help END! Police State F_A_S_C_I_S_M in Canada. Thanks for your help. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |