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Subject: BOTH
undercover COPS (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) who HAD BEATEN UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader turned up at the RED CROSS sponsored BBQ. These 2 undercover cops who assauted the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader are in fact CIA agents. At the entrance of Our of Lady Church, July 21st 2010 at 5:30 p.m. the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader met the RED CROSS person in charge of the delivery of the RED CROSS FREE MEAL PROGRAM. He showed her what the guy who had beaten him up Sunday had done, the very same guy who A WEEK EARLIER attacked him at Our Lady of Lourdes. SHE! (the person in charge) WAS THE ONE who had REFUSED! to call the Police. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader pointed out to her what the guy had beaten him up Sunday at the back of Osgoode Hall: $500+ broken glasses, bruised jaw/face+scabbed knees NOT TO MEN- TION THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA of being beaten up. She said: "Im SO, SO SORRY." Really? THEN! She said she would NOT! call the Police UNLESS! the RED CROSS saw the guy had done something illegal. She said that the guy (A DANGEROUS! CRIMINAL) was ENTITLED TO BE THERE as much as the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader: The OTHER! RED CROSS STAFF participating in the BBQ said that it was their position as well. But the guy ASSAULTED! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader right there LAST WEDNESDAY+**SHE** HAD REFUSED! TO CALL THE POLICE. When asked if É(eh)PC President/Party Leader could have HER NAME she REFUSED! to give it. Date: July 14th 2010 Subject: É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ASSAULTED! BY undercover COP: RED CROSS does NOTHING http://eh-ok.ca/Red_Cross.htm Date: July 20th 2010 Subject: ANOTHER undercover COP BEATS UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @131 Bloor St. W. at noontime and Toronto Police treats it as A JOKE! http://eh-ok.ca/Bloor_Street.htm (Incidentally, Cindy Malcolm, Director of Regional Operations for the Toronto Region of the Red Cross sent an e-mail regarding the incident to which the the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader responded: SEE IT AT THE BOTTOM.) BOTH undercover COPS (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) turn up at the BBQ supported by MANY OTHER UNDERCOVER COPS. They BOTH! LEFT the RED CROSS BBQ TOGETHER at 7 p.m. after MAKING SURE they were seen by the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader who brought this to the attention of the RED CROSS staff at the BBQ who REFUSED TO CALL THE COPS. This is clearly AN OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by the RED CROSS letting TWO (2) VERY DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS GET AWAY. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader is asking RED CROSS CANADA for $100,000 in DAMAGES for BREACH OF FAITH+PUTTING HIS LIFE IN DANGER. The fact that both were BRAZENLY THERE TOGETHER was ASSAULT as the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader FEARED! FOR HIS LIFE. ![]() Incredibly, THE RED CROSS DID NOTHING - AGAIN!!! A LIFE IS AT RISK+ THE RED CROSS DOES NOTHING - when asked! The person IN CHARGE has be to FIRED! Toronto Reference Library ==================== BOTH GOON! undercover cops (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) were LATER! at the Toronto Reference Library. Leaving the library the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader at 8:25 p.m. noticed the guy who had BADLY! BEATEN HIM UP Sunday come from the First Floor washroom as the Library was closing. As the guy passed the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader, he told EVERYONE (that includes the Library staff+security guards at the counter+those leaving the Library). The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader said: "THIS IS THE GUY THE HAD BEATEN ME UP SUNDAY. THIS IS THE GUYS WHO BUSTED MY GLASSES, BLOODIED! MY FACE+ KNEES.") BOTH GOON! undercover cops (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) then stood outside the library entrance TOGETHER. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader told the LIBRARY STAFF+ SECURITY to CALL THE COPS. The security guard said it did NOT! concern them because they were now OUTSIDE. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader FEARING FOR HIS LIFE left with the crowd. This was ANOTHER! INSTANCE OF ASSAULT+the Toronto Library REFUSED! to call the Police: THAT WAS OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader is seeking $100,000 in DAMAGES from the Toronto Reference Library for PUTTING HIS LIFE IN DANGER.+ for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader wants 24 hour POLICE PROTECTION until these TWO (2) DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS are apprehended. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader wants heo Toronto Police to set up a Police task force to apprehend the TWO (2) DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS so he doesN'T need to FEAR FOR HIS LIFE. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader wants $100,000 in DAMAGES for FAILING TO DO A PROPER POLICE INVESTIGATION of the Bloor Street ASSAULT+BATTERY incident. ![]() The Toronto Reference Library: NEXT DAY ================================= The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader sees the guy who had beaten him up Sunday go right in front of his First Floor PC station at 11:00 a.m.. He points out to Dale in charge of Security that the guy who had beaten him up Sunday is there and that he feels threatened by the guy. THAT'S ASSAULT. Dale REFUSES! to do anything. At 12:10 p.m. the OTHER! undercover GOON COP who had beaten him up Tuesday, July 20th 2010 in front of the Colonnade Building at 131 Bloor St. W. at noontime shows SITS RIGHT ACROSS from his Toronto Reference Library PC work station. He goes back to Dale, priviate security firm and tell him that BOTH GUYS who had beaten him up were in the Library and felt ASSAULTED+believed his LIFE WAS IN DANGER and wanted to know what they library was going to do about it. He asks to see the Head of Toronto Reference Library Security. At 12:45 Ellizabeth Sutter who identifies herself NOT! has HEAD OF SECURITY in the letter she hands him, but as MANAGER hands him a letter saying that he was BANNED! for TWO (2) months. When the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader explained that the two (2) GOOD undercover COPS (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) were BOTH! in the library and that he felt his LIFE WAS IN DANGER. She said the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader explained IMMEDIATELY! They were NOT! going to even let him get his things. He told them that he felt ASSAULTED BY THE VERY FACT BOTH DANGER- OUS CIMINALS were there at the Toronto Library and made a point of making their presence felt to the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader - INTENTIONALLY! He told Elizabeth Sutter that it was AN OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by the Toronto Reference Libary because the Library REFUSED! to do anything, but BAN HIM for two (2) months. Outside, he told the guards who ALMOST! PUSHED HIM OUT that he was asking for $100,000 in DAMAGES from the Toronto Reference Library. Seaton House =========== John in Room 453 is a GOON UNDERCOVER COP that has been harassing the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader NON-STOP! since his arrival at Seaton House, a shelter for homeless men, last year in June 2009. He's ALSO! a Seaton House DRUG MULE in the opinion of the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. Seaton House, he believes, is THE EYE OF THE DRUG STORM manufacturing CRYSTAL METH+CRACK involving the whole block on EACH SIDE OF GEORGE STREET where Seaton House is located. ![]() According to him it's a Toronto Police operation that has been going on probably since Seaton Hous was built+involves the FULL PARTICIPATION of the Hells Angels+CIA and possibly helps explains why there is in his view A WHOLE CIA COLONY. This problem has spread to 25 cities in Canada from Ontario to BC: a POLICE SPONSORED DRUG NETWORK run by the Hells Angels and the CIA, he suspects given cursory evidence. The É(eh)PC intends to put an end to CIA RULE in Canada that seems to be preparing for a U.S. 10-year military occupation of Canada given that the dessertification of the middle of U.S.A., shortage of water,oil+gas. Fraser is another GOON UNDERCOVER COP - in his view - who has been harassing him since he arrived saying such things as "THEY ARE WATCHING YOU." etc. BOTH are CRIMINALS who need to be STOPPED! SICK ==== CSIS+RCMP have Seaton House observers regarding the THREE (3) YEARS of POLICE HARASSMENT of the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader in his view. In the upcoming É(eh)PC FASCIST! Police G20 Summit Report he'll mention he suspects NEW YORK COPS were invited to be among the G20 protesters to see FIRST HAND HOW PREPARED the Integrated Security Force was in dealing with the Toronto G20 Summit protesters. The YouTube Toronto G20 Summit videos seem to confirm that there were 250 lbs New Police Department Cops POSING! as PROTESTERS. All that is SICK! GOON POLICING that's OUT OF CONTROL+ GIVING THE TAXPAYER A BLACK EYE according to the É(eh)PC. TIME! ==== THE TIME HAS COME for a A NEW POLICE FORCE to replace all the other Police forces in Canada+ for major judicial reforms that will Canadains out of jail. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal COP TERROR-IZATION of the Poor: Commission ====================================== The É(eh)PC intends to setup a commission to investigate THE METHODS+PRACTICES used by ILLEGAL! under- cover cops that terrorize+use ENTRAPMENT to send the Poor+Homeless to jail Give them SHIT! ============ Tell them ![]() - RED CROSS Toronto, 416) 236-3180 COMPENSATION needs to paid. - the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000 COMPENSATION needs to paid+ a Police task force set to apprehend the TWO (2) DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS (MORE THAN LIKELY GOON! UNDERCOVER COPS). - Attorney General of Ontario, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) 1–800–518–7901 To DISMANTLE the MULT-BILLION DOLLAR network of ILLEGAL!!! UNDERCOVER COPS that TERRORIZE THE POOR. - Toronto Reference Library, 789 YONGE ST (416) 393-7131 Compesation needs to paid. - Fourth Floor, Seaton House Annex Harm Reduction Program. 416-397-5598, 416-338-3190 POLICE! HARASSMENT by John, Fraser+others has to STOP! The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC FASCIST! Police G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! **STUPID** GOON! COPS ... GONE WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== The É(eh)PC (UNLIKE the MANY PHONY! POLITICAL PARTIES financed by the Gov't) is A REAL POLITICAL PARTY: it receives NO! backdoor financial support from the Gov't. It's therefore worthy of your financial support. YOU ==== Please JOIN. Please FINANCIALLY SUPPORT [$2 or $20 support for the "sky-blue" EH!-revolution: Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384]. ![]() Please VOTE for the É(eh)PC. It's THE ONLY! political party that will REDESIGN! the Government to WORK - FOR YOU! The É(eh)PC will REPLACE! "law+order" SECRETIVE! Government with a PROSPERITY-BASED Government whose spending, Canadians will monitor online. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~~ Cindy, I'd like $1,000 in damages so I can get NEW GLASSE because the guy ended by BUSTING MY GLASSES and beating me up four (4) days later. Had the Red Cross staff called the Police my glasses would be fine. http://eh-ok.ca/Osgoode_Hall.htm I'll give you, THE RED CROSS, FULL CREDIT for helping me out. Thanks. Ken On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 20:31:48 -0400, Cindy Malcolm wrote: Good evening Mr. Selin, > > As Director of Regional Operations for the Toronto Region of the Red Cross, I am acknowledging receipt of your email and complaint regarding the personal treatment you were exposed to during recent participation in the program offered by the Red Cross at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010. > > As we take these types of situations seriously I would like to extend to you the opportunity to discuss the details further. Please contact me at 416-480-0195 extension 2200 at your convenience. > > > Cindy Malcolm > Director, Regional Operations > ÌCanadian Red Cross > 21 Randolph Ave. > Toronto, Ontario M6P4G4 > cmalcolm@redcross.ca > > 416-480-0195 ext. 2200 fax: 416-480-2777 |