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Subject: Did
the Toronto Police Force hire a PR firm to DISS! Kenneth Selin, [the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader] at CraigsList-dot-com Toronto Politics? YES? ........Kenneth Selin, you're
a mentally ill, paranoid, disturbed
man with delusions of grandeur.
You're clearly ill and that's why you're being kept at Seaton house. Time to face reality, weirdo.....you're sick and everytime you post your crazy crap here everyone knows it. Nobody will vote for or join your 'party', nobody believes you. You sick, pathetic, and sad. Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the President/Party Leader of the É(eh) PC, responds to the above HOSTILE! **derogatory** demeaning ... NASTY! comment: WELL! WELL! What do we have here? Did the Toronto Police Force hire a PR (public Relations) firm AGAIN! as THEY ARE IN THE HABIT OF DOING for this precious piece of PEARL IN THE MANURE diatribe. OH! ... MY GOD! HOW SLEAZY! is that on a scale from 1 to 10. I'd say 11. I mean HOW FAR will **our** FASCIST! 100% CROOKED "behind closed doors" secretive, abusive, oppressive POLICE STATE go to DELEGITIMIZE! **any** LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION. IF THIS IS TRUE, (and any deconstruction of the above strongly suggest it is) THEN, WHO! ... IS SICK, SAD, PATHETIC? THE *sick, sad, pathetic* REFRAIN, HOW MANY! TIMES ... HAVE I HEARD IT? I say, LET IT GO! GIVE IT UP! WE KNOW you want to DRIVE! YOUR MESSAGE HOME, but NOT! over a DAMN! cliff. HOW SMART is this PR firm ... anyway? What are THE ODDS! I'M BETTING! NOT! SMART. ANYONE ... ELSE? (ha! ha!_ The bottom line seem to be ... COPS are WEIRDOS, A **SPECIAL BREED** OF - off the wall - ZOMBIES. THEY DRESS SMART! but SMART ... they are NOT! NOT! TO WORRY though. It's ALL PART OF THE **NATURAL ORDER** OF THINGS IN A FASCIST POLICE STATE like ours. AND! if the COP SHOP is paying a PR FIRM the BIG BUCKS, I **MUST ASSUME** I'm a **pretty important** guy. I was AN IMPORTANT GUY IN OTTAWA. NOW! I'm EVEN A MORE! IMPORTANT GUY IN TORONTO because I'm trying to SAVE CANADA from a bunch of ADDICTED-TO-MONEY Gov't-paid CROOKS. Yes, **SAVING CANADA**, it can be done. Yes, I'M THE! GUY ... TO DO IT that's why I'm here in Toronto - to get things going. (ha! ha! When dealing with the Police Canadians should keep in mind cops really caN'T THINK FOR THEMSELVES though they are paid THE BIG BUCKS: a thing called COP CULTURE does the thinking for them. That way IT KEEPS THINGS ... SIMPLE ... for the simpleminded. As a result, THERE IS ***NO SUCH THING*** AS A SMART COP. ![]() I realized that when I met my first RCMP commissioner in the mid 1970s and I spent a whole day with the current one, Bill Elliot, on Orientation Day at Ottawa U. back in September 1972 and followed his career: he's known to be FRIENDLY, but I understand, NOT! PARTICULARLY SMART. But I might be wrong. I doubt it. Anyhoo .. ONLY ONE WORD about STUPID COPS comes to mind: PATHETIC! The GOOD! NEWS with the É(eh)PC Canadians will get SMART POLICING that will reduce judicial costs DRAMATICALLY! http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# Anyhow regarding the above ABUSIVE! STATEMENT LET ME SAY ... THIS! to it author - or - AUTHORS (plural). You doN'T think the Toronto Police Force is A GANGSTER ORGANIZATION and that it and the City of Toronto is NOT run by the Hells Angels backed by the CIA like SO MANY OTHER! Canadian municipalities whose numbers are growing. And YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE AMERICANS ARE TAKING OVER. What %age of City of Toronto contracts go to US companies or Canadian companies owned by the US? Are Mayor Miller and Giambone and company CIA *associates*? Could EXPLAIN WHY TORONTO IS BEING DRIVEN INTO THE HOLE financially. AN OLD! TIME STRATEGY used by the Yankees is ANYTHING! that can BANKRUPT! CANADA is A GOOD THING like FORCING out autoworkers to take pay cuts when in Germany it was NOT ALLOWED, buying Canadian companies just to shut them down 3 years later like the case of MacMillan Bloedel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ defence system is THE BEST! because according to the Yanks North Korea is DANGEROUS! (ha! ha!) When it comes to drugs, in the WORLD VIEW marijuana comes from Northern Quebec, Northern Ontario and Northern British Columbia. THE WORLD'S LARGEST METH PRODUCER according to the UN is British Columbia. BUT! what about the GOLDEN HORSE SHOE that includes Toronto? NOTHING? Can't be. Ex Toronto Chief of Police and OPP Commissioner, Fantino, added his two (2) bits. ![]() My take was he was PUTTING UP A SMOKE SCREEN to HIDE the fact that Toronto is FAST! becoming THE NARCO CITY - possibly in the whole wide World. I responded with the following Internet posting and e-mail to news people, "Fantino, TOP! Cop+alleged TOP! MAFIOSO telling truth about CRACK?" asks the É(eh)PC (http://eh-ok.ca/Fantino.htm) Incidentally, on Fantino's watch member of the Toronto Police Force were involved it seems in protection racketeering involving the bar owners in downtown Toronto's posh entertainment area of town south of the Eaton Centre. What happens to Fantino? Does he get fired? NO! He becomes OPP COMMISSIONER. I'm HAPPY! that I got rid of TWO! Chiefs of Police in Ottawa: Ford and 10 years later Bevan in March 2007, a month before I left Ottawa. Anyhow .... THE NEW! PHENOMENON - in crime - is **POLICE-SPONSORED** DRUG RACKETEERING involves WHO? (By the way, it ALL! STARTED - here - in Toronto extending into Jamaica, the States, and Mexico.) THE POLICE! THE POLICE *protected* by a 100% CROOKED! JUDICIARY - as far as I'm concerned. THIS CANCER! HAS BEEN SPREADING from Ontario all the way to B.C. - apparently. YOU rather NOT! talk about it, RIGHT? I SAY: LET'S! TALK and FIND OUT if ALL THIS IS TRUE or NOT! ![]() I've been involved in the intelligence business going back to the Cold War days when it was SCARY (pre-Gorbachev) and got involved with the Arabic/Muslim intelligence community because my University Arabic teachers felt I could contribute to the affair of the Middle East. I have AN EXCELLENT! REPUTATION as an intelligence person in the international intelligence community. SO GOOD in fact that the Russian Gov't offered me a Russian girlfriend several times over the years. I can safely tell you we RISK DOMESTIC TERRORISM as we are FACED WITH TOTAL! SYSTEM FAILURE due to A TOTALLY! CORRUPT SYSTEM. Will your kids or grandchildren be able to afford college or university as TUITION FEES GO STEADILY UP? NO! Who owns the colleges and universities? WE DON'T! KNOW. My political party solves this question by NATIONALIZING! them. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# THE SYSTEM DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE: NOTHING! ADDS UP and NOTHING! CHECKS OUT. With my political party, the É(eh)PC everything in Gov't will add up and everything will check out because corruption will be DESIGNED OUT. http://www.eh-ok.ca By the way, an undercover cop at Seaton House said that he can arrange for me to go back to Vancouver where he promised me I can get social assistance though I was refused being on it for only a month and a half and given THE OPTION of taking mental disability after speaking to a psychiatrist who was waiting to speak to me in the next room or get NOTHING AT ALL: so I left. This was said to me in Allen Park just up the street and as MY REWARD I'd get a GOOD AMOUNT of $$$. The Police want me out of Seaton House more than likely because I'm hurting their $$$ drug-game. IT *ALWAYS* ABOUT ... THE MONEY! ![]() MONEY, the worst drug around as the Toronto Police has learned as they are ILLEGALLY IMPOSING THEMSELVES ON ALL CITY CONSTRUCTION SITES - A FORM OF PROTECTION RACKETEERING. NO COP ON SITE, construction work must come to a halt? THAT'S NOT POLICE PROTECTION RACKETEERING? I think so. DoN'T you? There is NO! BENEFIT to business for having these COPS (sometimes TWO OR MORE!) there. They DON'T! have to be there. There are 180 cops on construction sites EVERY DAY on average according to Police Chief Blair and 40 cops in schools. That's CLEARLY! (180+40) 220 COPS TOO! MANY BLEEDING! the Toronto taxpayers. THE TORONTO POLICE from the MERE! LOOKS of things IS! A GANGSTER ORGANIZATIOIN. The People of Toronto are **BEING HAD** by these guys. Are THEY BAD! GUYS or good guys? I think THE CORRECT ANSWER is BAD! - REALLY BAD! - GUYS. Anyhow, OBVIOUSLY, you are UPSET! Touched a nerve, eh? PISSED OFF, eh? COP, eh? DIRTY! OH! ![]() re: MY FEELINGS OF GRANDEUR see my resume: http://eh-ok.ca/kens_resume. I'm a multilingual 5-time University of Ottawa "magna cum laude" graduate with a French college certificate and a college diploma. PLUS! I *nearly* have 5 OTHER! University degrees. Completed 2.5 DECADES! of University education. I'm A *TRAINED* SOLDIER: I did my GMT (General Military Training) in Petawa. Later worked for National Defense on contract at NDHQ (National Defense Headquarters). Worked 9 years in the Senate of Canada and got PSAC (Public Service Alliance of Canada) singlehandedly on Parliament Hill in 1984 working with Yolande Viau from PSAC. Did my PSAC Union Steward course in French when unemployed in March 1985. Worked OVER A DECADE through 15 temp agencies including the Public Service Commission in 25 Gov't Departments successfully completing 85 temp assignments. Worked in high tech as an Internet troubleshooter and DSL modem salesperson for Sympatico over in Hull (now Gatineau), worked as a Compaq Presario troubleshooting in North America's largest call centre in Ottawa, and worked as a cable modem trouble- shooter for Times Warner National Desk through Convergys in Ottawa located at the Huron Gate Mall. I have 5,500+ MySpace friends that include Shania Twain, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Megan Fox ... http://www.myspace.com/ken_ AND I'M being *CONSTANTLY* HARASSED ON A DAILY BASIS BY UNDERCOVER COPS for whom there is NO LEGISLATION and consequently are ILLEGAL and ACTING OUTSIDE THE LAW, but on whom the judicial system depends to get higher conviction rates every year to GROW THE BUSINESS year after year. WHO do these undercover cops go after? The POOR and HOMELESS. EASY! CONVICTIONS. This is UNMISTAKEABLY OPPRESSION! of THE POOR by an **ILLEGITIMATE** FASCIST! Police State. In fact, wherever the poor are located: social housing, FREE! food distribution places including food banks THE UNDERCOVER COPS ARE THERE! watching them, handing them food, serving them, or whatever: the poor and homeless are THEIR KEY! CLIENTELE. ![]() This kind of SNEAKY! POLICE STATE SURVEILLANCE is ILLEGAL and UNNECESSARY and thereby, A WASTE! of taxpayers' $$$. It's NOT! ACCEPTABLE. INCREDIBLY! undercover cops will even use ENTRAPMENT! to catch THE **UNSUSPECTING** POOR in order to get the VERY EASY! convictions as THE POOR DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES and are forced to LET THE SYSTEM BLINDLY HAVE ITS WAY with them. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE when it comes to drug scene: the cops sell the drugs, pocket the $$$ and get an easy conviction as AN ADDED! BONUS. NOT! surprisingly, most of the people are in jail because of drug convictions: SUMMARY CONVICTIONS often involving a Justice of the Peace with VERY LITTLE EDUCATION. Interestingly, most of those people are drug addicts who committed the crime UNDER COMPULSION and are NOT! GUILTY according to the Law, but the judges and lawyers doN'T! CARE they want the convictions to prove THE SYSTEM IS WORKING. HOW PERVERSE! is that, eh? WHAT KIND OF MONKEY! SYSTEM is this that puts KNOWINGLY INNOCENT PEOPLE - including the MENTALLY ILL - behind bars, eh? Consequently, the judicial system does NOT! REALLY BOTHER go after BAY STREET ORGANIZED CRIME that are getting NEARLY ALL! the Gov't contracts NOR white collar crime NOR crime in the Gov't: that would be TOO! MUCH TROUBLE because **THOSE GUYS** KNOW! how to defend themselves. We doN'T even have an intelligence agency NOR a police force that looks for crime in the Gov't. Does this NOT make Canada A PARADISE FOR CRIMINALS - WITH $$$? Canadians are NOT! AWARE that undercover cops are ALWAYS! crisscrossing the country on buses, trains, and planes. NOBODY! seems to know WHO PAYS THEM HOW THEY OPERATE: THEY OPERATE IN **TOTAL** SECRECY. ![]() We do know that must be paid in the $200,000+ range earning their $$$ by FEEDING the judicial system with their dragnet. because these are SENIOR COPS with A LOT OF SENIORITY who have PROVEN! THEIR LOYALTY TO THE FORCE - a lot of people believe - by COMMITING CRIMINAL ACTIVITY like LYING and PROVIDING FALSE EVIDENCE to get convictions. Undercover cops are TOP! SECRET like the budgets of the Attorney Generals and those of the Crown Attorney Offices across Canada. They are TOTALLY! ILLEGAL because there is NO! LEGISLATION (NO TERMS OF REFERENCE) that allows for them to exist in Law. Now, there are YOUNG, INEXPERIENCED! undercover cops to add to THIS WICKED witch BREW. I had them in my apartment building in Ottawa. An undercover RCMP guy - in my view - who had replaced my superintendent (who said he was NOT! allowed to speak about the whole affair) at 125 Stewart Street in Ottawa came to my door several times with them as I was being evicted. Is Canada a FASCIST! Police State? Clearly, YES! It does NOT! redistribute the wealth and ACTS BEHIND! CLOSED DOORS in **total secrecy** like its OVERPAID, DIRTY! DIRTY! undercover cops. Canadians are POORER! as a result of such BAD! 100% CROOKED, oppressive, abusive, and ILLEGITIMATE! Gov't. And Canadians are expected to vote for THAT SHIT! NO WAY! STAY HOME if you caN'T vote for the É(eh)PC. ONLY the É(eh)PC will put as much $$$ as possible INTO YOUR! POCKETS by REDISTRIBUTING THE WEALTH which will provide SECURITY THROUGH PROSPERITY. So WHICH! political party are you going to join and financially support? The É(eh)PC for jobs, prosperity, and THE GOOD! LIFE. YOU DESERVE THE ... BEST! the É(eh)PC http://www.eh-ok.ca |