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Subject: "Was
the Toronto Star newspaper paid BIG! BUCKS to print article that WHITEWASHES! former Ontario Attorney General that killed bicycle courier?" asks the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Today's May 26th Toronto Star's front page story entitled
Michael Bryant gets his
life back" with subtitle "Courier Darcy Allan Sheppard had a history of angry run-ins with motorists, such as the one below 3 weeks before he was killed by a car driven by ex-AG Michael Bryant, Tuesday, charges against Bryant were dropped" Under this was a full picture that occupied the rest of the upper half of the newspaper whose caption reads"An onlooker took the photos (two inch by three inch photos were superimposed on the MAIN PHOTO on the left-hand side), above, of an Aug. 11, 2009 incident showing bicycle courier Darcy Allan Sheppard in a furious confrontation eerily similar to the one in which he was killed." KEY QUESTION: WHO! is the person who took the photo? KEY FACT. It's a NO-ORDINARY PHOTO: no passerby could possibly, I think, have taken this photo. It seems to be TOO CLOSE A SHOT. The car in ALL THREE PHOTOS seems to be a black BMW with A RUNNING BOARD upon which the TALL COURIER who is shirtless sporting a MOHAWK haircut is holding onto the A HALF-OPENED car window on the driver's sides with his BACK VERY CURVED because he is SO! SO! TALL and knees in a squat position with his his forehead touching the top of his head. In the main photo the car to the right is a black 4-door car with a bike on the street in front of it with a yellow fire hydrant to the left with another two (2) bikes behind the fire hydrant by what could be a pole. In the top left-hand mini-picture superimposed to the left of the MAIN PHOTO the car to the right is NOT black, but light silver. In the bottom mini-picture superimposed to the left of the MAIN PHOTO there is a bicycle parked perpendicular to the front of the car whose back wheel seems to be NEXT TO THE FRONT of the car. The article is attributed to Rosie Dimanno, but does NOT sound like her in the least, but the work of a PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM. It seems that the Toronto Police have a knack of having public relations articles posing as public interest stories the Toronto Sun and more sophisticated articles like this one in the Toronto Star. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/crime/article/814341--dimanno-the-28-seconds-that-changed-michael-bryant-s-life THE KICKER is, I think, I know this TALL GUY in the photo: he's an undercover cop that's recognized by MOHAWK HAIRCUT. I remember seeing Courier Darcy Allan Sheppard as I walked up Bloor Street from George on my way to Bloor and Yonge weekly in the morning around 11 a.m. He was a SHORT! GUY with a VERY SMALL! BIKE. I remember him because he looks like my brother Dan who is like Darcy 5'4" and wiry. He NEVER! struck me as an angry person. _________ AN ASIDE ======== THE KICKER is that we have in Canada a BILLION $$$ PLUS NETWORK OF UNDERCOVER COPS. They crisscross the country 24/7 in planes, trains, and buses. They're wherever the poor are: social housing, shelters now run by the Police, where FREE! food is offered usually in churches, on the streets bumming $$$. Now CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) wants to be above them. THEY ARE THE DIRTY! COPS. They apparently LIED IN COURT, PROVIDED FALSE EVIDENCE and done OTHER ILLEGAL activity to prove their loyalty to the Police Force. Now, we have YOUNG UNDERCOVER COPS with little Police experience who are THE NASTIEST! AND THEY ARE *TOTALLY* ILLEGAL: there is NO! LEGISLATION that justifies their existence. ![]() THEY OPERATE IN *TOTAL* SECRECY: we doN'T even know who pays them. Our BOGUS JUDICIAL SYSTEM that heavily relies on SUMMARY CONVICTIONS BY JUSTICES OF THE PEACE that have LITTLE EDUCATION depends on them to put more poor+homeless who CAN'T adequately DEFEND THEMSELVES in jail. The judicial system wants HIGHER CONVICTION RATES every year. And judicial costs have ALWAYS! BEEN OUT OF CONTROL and are NOT! even monitored by the auditor generals. Call the Office of the Attorney General in your province and ask: 1. how the undercover cops are paid? 2. what do they do? 3. and they are legal? Ask for their budget and those of the Crown Attorney Offices in your province to see if you can get them: such information seems to be TOP SECRET. If living in Ontario call - Chris Bentley, Attorney General, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) or 1–800–518–7901 - online e-mail form http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/feedback.asp Incidentally, UNDERCOVER COPS harass me EVERY DAY including where I live at Seaton House, OFFICIALLY! a shelter for homeless men, but perhaps a COVER for the largest Police-based manufacture and distribution of drugs in North America. Seaton House may well have been specifically built with the manufacture and distribution of drugs in mind.) Evidently, Canada is a 100% FASCIST "behind closed doors" "law and order" Police State. My political party, the É(eh)PC, wants to REVOLUTIONALIZE! Gov't by offering CLEAN! Gov't that puts BUSINESS FIRST! and offers FREE! education because Canada is a RICH! country and its COMPETITIVE EDGE *is* EDUCATION. Moreover, with the É(eh)PC there will be ONLY! *ONE* FEDERAL POLICE FORCE. That means BIG! SAVINGS for cities that already have their own municipal Police force. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one __________ On page A12 under the title of "The night Darcy Sheppard Died" we have a time line that DETAILS THE - supposed - CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS back in September 2009, EIGHT (8)! MONTHS AGO. WHY! WAS THE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS NOT! provided before the printing of this article? ![]() Is THE TIMING of THE CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS in this article that whitewashes the former Ontario Attorney General JUST A COINCIDENCE? NOT! LIKELY - I suspect. It's important to note that the former Attorney General drove his car into THE ONCOMING LANE where the fatal incident happened. Does the former Attorney General have an anger problem? Was he DRUNK! at the time? Is he a *known* alcoholic? Is his wife a *known* alcoholic? Were they *BOTH* DRUNK? This article raises some IMPORTANT! questions: 1. did a PUBLIC RELATIONS FIRM put this story together? 2. if so, WHO! PAID the public relations firm - the taxpayers? 3. if so, HOW MUCH $$$ was the Toronto Star paid to publish this SUSPICIOUS! newspaper article? I think what we have here is A *VERY* BAD! SITUATION. IF NEWSPAPERS in Canada ARE FORCED! TO DO THE BIDDING OF THE POLICE, CANAD MUST - TRULY BE - A FULL BLOWN POLICE STATE. On a Personal Note =============== Two (2) Toronto Police - without their name tags - charged me with trespassing at the Yonge+Dundas Square across from the Eaton Shopping Centre though I was on Yonge Street (NOT! on the Square). I was on the street protesting the presence of the Canada Forces kiosk at the August 2nd 2010 Turkish Festival and the killing of Muslims in Afghanistan. They tapped me twice on the shoulder as I walked away saying: "DoN'T! HARASS me." I was then taken by the arm, put against the cruiser, had my hands handcuffed. I was taken away from the area and told NOT! to come back there for 24hours. Then, I was given a $75 trespassing ticket which I said I didN'T deserve. ![]() I'm in Court - again - on June 8th at 10 60 Queen Street West Old City Hall, Rome 5F as I insisted on March 16 at 9:00 to defend myself in French. I spoke to the Crown Attorney and told her that the Trespass Act did NOT! apply to a pubic square like Yonge+Dundas. She LAUGHED OUT LOUD along with the other cops dressed in civvies AND SAID IT DID. When I left the Court room half a dozen cops on my case followed me out of the door. I SMELL A SETUP. AND IT STINKS! BIG TIME. THIS SYSTEM IS F*CKED! THE FOLLOWING STORY CONFIRMS! THIS. Here's a Toronto Star story of a crabapple-throwing 15 year old girl gets FIVE (5)! YEARS IN JAIL who ENDS HER LIFE IN JAIL by committing suicide. ""It's pretty clear to me there must be something worth hiding," Kim Pate, executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies, a non-profit advocacy group for federally sentenced women." "Five months before asphyxiating herself in a dark segregation cell at Grand Valley Institution while guards watched, Ashley Smith, pleaded for help. She asked Pate to review her prison files to find out why she had been confined to a windowless room for 23 hours a day, months on end, wearing nothing but a padded asbestos gown. She also wanted Pate to look for evidence that would support her allegations that she had been seriously assaulted by prison staff. Some of the incidents were videotaped." "Originally from New Brunswick, Smith, 19, had been imprisoned in that province's youth justice system at 15 for throwing crab apples at a postal worker. Bad behavior stretched her four-month sentence to almost five years. After she turned 18, she was bumped to the federal system, where she was transferred 17 times between institutions in four provinces within the last year of her life." "Her death prompted Canada's federal prison ombudsman to issue a scathing report that criticized the prison system's use of segregation and its methods of dealing with mentally ill inmates. "The Star's ongoing investigation of her case reveals how both provincial and federal correctional systems mistreated Smith by failing to recognize her developing mental illness." "Ashley Smith took her own life in a Kitchener prison in October 2007." (Toronto Star, Saturday, May 1st 2010, "Prison service withholds files on teen's death", page A19) ~~~ Financially support (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384) join, and vote for the É(eh)PC that will MAKE THE GOV'T WORK FOR YOU! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution make the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |