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Subject: "Was
the Toronto Sun newspaper paid THE BIG! BUCKS to print the FULL PAGE STORY about the Toronto Sun ACCIDENTAL! encounter with the former prime minister, Jean Chrétien?" asks the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader A third of page 3 of the Toronto Sun Friday May 28th 2010 FULL PAGE STORY is a picture of former prime minister, Jean Chrétien looking at the camera holding up the Toronto Sun caricature of his new Parliament Hill portrait printed the day before and smiling. The page title is "Chretien draws on his popularity" and it is subtitled "A pair of pictures -- and pitcher of beer -- for the former prime minister". But we doN'T see the pitcher of beer. A white lie? What about the rest of story written by Don Peat - though? And HOW ACCIDENTAL in fact was the Toronto Sun encounter? Let's read the second paragraph for clues. "Chretien was spotted enjoying a beer on a tropically hot Thursday at Betty's on King Street E. , just steps from the Toronto Sun -- which of course, meant we had to go over there and bother the Liberal legend as soon as we heard." Sounds like A SETUP to me: what about you? Did the Liberal Party of Canada pay the Toronto Sun THE BIG! BUCKS to print this story? THE OPTICS! Does it LOOK LIKE THAT? It does to me: what about you? HOW MUCH? Or was this A FREEBIE for old-time sake? (Ha! Ha!) What are the chances of that, eh? Can we trust such a newspaper? Treat me like A SUCKER? DoN'T expect me to like you. DoN'T. Anyhoo... about THIS so-called LIBERAL LEGEND let's look at his legacy which starts with his relationship with our native First Nations. Interestingly, like Pierre Trudeau, another former Liberal Party prime minister, he - like many French-Canadians - looks Métis. So it's probably NOT surprising he adopted a young First Nations boy. I believe he was the first Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs to relax the rules regulating every little aspect of the lives of those on First Nations "reserves": to change just a window pane on their VERY! SMALL Gov't-built SHACKS, those on the First Nations "reserves" required permission from the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. He gave First Nations an Aboriginal Day, June 21st. [My political party, the É(eh)PC, intends to make it a national holiday. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#First_Peoples] Besides that he did little else for First Nations from what I can see, but his former Finance Minister, Paul Martin, who became prime minister after Jean Chretien NOW! wants to help First Nation communities have A GOOD EDUCATION when he is no longer in power and HE SOUNDS SO SINCERE - just like a politician. At the beginning of the 1970s when he was Minister of the Environment he acknowledge the mercury pollution of the waterways in North-Western Ontario attributed to Great Lake Pulp and Paper mill in Dresden affecting the Grassy Narrow and White Dog reserves. http://www.dominionpaper.ca/articles/1981 http://archives.cbc.ca/environment/pollution/topics/1178/ http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/790616--mercury-nightmares-relived Three (3) days later he said, I believe, something to the effect that the problem had been taken care of. ![]() But it wasN'T - at all. He's also know for the Shawinigate affair. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawinigate http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/chretien/shawinigan.html He's also known for the Shawinigan handshake. http://archives.cbc.ca/on_this_day/02/15/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawinigan_Handshake He's associated with THE BIG BROTHER DATABASE which the Gov't promised to dismantle, but apparently didN'T. It now goes by many names like RAM-Q. http://www.govtech.com/gt/articles/1737 http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/freedom/canadasbigbrother2000.html He will probably be *especially* remember for the Quebec Sponsorship Scandal that in the end "technically" sunk the Liberal Party of Canada for which he, Paul Martin, and Stéphane Dion, ALL *KEY* QUEBEC federal LIBERAL seem to claim no knowledge of - as INCREDIBLE as that may seem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsorship_scandal http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/groupaction/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/groupaction/sponsorshipprogram.html Anyhow, to better understand Mr. Chrétien it's important to remember that he was Mitchell Sharpe's protégé. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_Sharp http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2004/03/19/sharp040319.html Mitchell Sharpe, I suspect, was Canada's TOP! BUREAUCRATIC FREEMASON. (The Freemasons run the Canadian bureaucracy AND judiciary.) THE PIVOTAL MOMENT that confirmed Trudeau as the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada was when Mitchell Sharp decided to throw his support to Mr. Trudeau in the Liberal Party of Canada leadership convention in Ottawa in 1968. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Party_of_Canada_leadership_convention,_1968 What made Mr. Trudeau THE GREATEST CANADIAN and the reason why the É(eh)PC want to rename the highest mountain after him and rename Victoria Day Pierre Elliott Trudeau Day is because he was THE ONLY! prime minister that fought with the Freemasons with his "you-want-that-then-you-give-me-this" approach. ![]() http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#PET By the way the É(eh)PC intends to get rid of the Freemasons as it sees them as being THE UNDERPINNINGS OF *massive* GOV'T FRAUD. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#no-Freemasons The OTHER! prime ministers have FACILITATED MAJOR GOV'T FRAUD in my view either through IGNORANCE or LOOKING THE OTHER WAY or HARNESSING it to benefit their political party. Harnessing it to benefit their political party seems to have lead to the demise of the Progressive Conservative Party after Mr. Mulroney and the somewhat slower demise of the Liberal Party after Mr. Chrétien. (Remember it's Mr. Harper who resurrected the Progressive Conservative Party by combining it with the Reform Party.) The É(eh)PC plans to completely END! GOV'T FRAUD by REDESIGNING THE GOV'T so Canadians can monitor Gov't spending online. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#peoples-money The É(eh)PC will fold all the Police forces into a new federal Police force that sees policing as a SOCIAL SERVICE. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one The É(eh)PC will fold CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) into the Canadian Information Agency. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info The É(eh)PC believes that the existence of a CIA COLONY dating back to the Vietnam draft dodger days is PROOF of HOW USELESS the RCMP and CSIS really are and HOW USELESS it is to spend $7BILLION on national security yearly given THEIR INCOMPETENCE. The É(eh)PC believes the U.S. Gov't has the ability to control Gov't corruption in Canada and to benefit from it. THIS IS A NATIONAL SECURITY DISGRACE! Canadians can count on the É(eh)PC to SACK! the CIA and to make their Gov't to work for them. Join, financially support (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384) vote for the É(eh)PC for Gov't that will work for you. ![]() In the following letter to a Toronto Sun journalist I pooh-pooh the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. To find out more why I doN'T like the Liberal Party of Canada read Date: October 22nd 2008 Subject: "John McCallum when Minister of Revenue Canada NOW! touted as Liberal Party of Canada *interim* leader EMPTIED! my bank account in November 2004 so I had NO! $$$," says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/john_mccalum.htm ~~~ Hi Michael (Mr. Dentard), Re: your article today's, May 28th, Toronto Sun "Ignatieff misses the boat" article http://mdentandt.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/ignatieff-misses-the-boat-againSun I like your last sentence "Deep thoughts beyond our ken, perhaps." You have to admit Iggy is ONE SMART GUY: he's DEEP! I suspect the Americans figured that he'd be running the Liberal Party of Canada one day and with that in mind, decided to invite him to the States to do a "psychological profile" on the guy to find out to what degree he is a U.S. friend or foe. It turns out that he's JUST FINE BY THEM cuz Iggy is ALL! ABOUT IGGY. He's seems to be another Anwar Sadat in the eyes of the U.S.A.: just STROKE! his ego and he'll eat out of your hand, I think is probably their assessment. (Ha! Ha!) Evidently, he's SMART! at MAKING THE SYSTEM WORK - FOR HIM! He gets his FAT CHEQUE and seems to want to AVOID AN ELECTION - as much as possible - SO HE CAN SLOP! IT UP ... at the GRAVY THROUGH ... for as long as he can. PROBLEM is the PROVINCIAL *FIBERALS* of Quebec are hurting the federal Liberal chances of getting reelected HANDING Harper AN EASY long-sought-after MAJORITY - BY DEFAULT. :o) When I worked nine (9) years at the Senate of Canada the Gov't was referred to BY "THOSE IN THE KNOW" as "THE WHORE HOUSE". Parliament Hill shoud be called THE PIG FARM (no offense made to my Dutch-Canadian inlaws who are pig farmers earning a 100% legitimate living by THE SWEAT OF THEIR BROW and know the smell of GOOD MANURE. The probem with THE SHIT on Parliament is that you caN'T sell it: NO ONE WANTS TO BUY IT. (Ha! Ha!) All the BEST! Cheers! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |