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Subject: "This
Election is about NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. S-T-A-Y H-O-M-E on Election Day", says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada NOTHING! ======= This Election is *really* ABOUT what? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. What are you *really* getting from these political leaders? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. But the politicians want you to GIVE THE SYSTEM A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE by voting. This will allow our *lackadaisical* Canadian politicians to continue to *PRETEND* that THE SYSTEM (that gives them their pay cheque) IS LEGITIMATE. For doing what for you? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. *NEXT* Parliament:Zip! ================= What will the NEXT! Parliament be ABOUT? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. Another RUDDERLESS Gov't where MPs SIT AROUND on their duffs YAWNING and picking their nose while doing WHAT - for YOU and ME? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. What are you GETTING from these bozos? Ask yourself that before you get the foolish notion of going to vote. NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. Why bother? Prime Minister Harper: SERIOUSLY? ============================ Prime Minister. Harper promises employment insurance for entrepreneurs - IF THEY QUALIFY, of course - few probably will - rather than IMPROVING the employment insurance program. This promise will likely *NOT* amount to much. Prime Minister Harper: SERIOUSLY? Remember when Mr. Harper promised to compensate 4000 Chinese Canadians for the Head Tax: after adding *EXTRA* conditions, *ONLY* 400 were compensated. Did he LIE? He promised NEW! Canadians that they'd have their education and work experience *fairly* evaluated LAST! election. One (1) WHOLE! YEAR LATER regarding this Election promise Prime Minister Harper apologized for DOING WHAT? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really. How concerned was he - really? NOT! Mr. Harper wanted to PLUNGE! Canada into the *VERY* EXPENSIVE War in Iraq that is breaking the back of the USA financially. Whose speech did he use on March 20th 2003 to defend Canada's participation in that *USELESS* war? Someone else's, the one the Prime Minister of Australia used two days before. Prime Minister Harper: SERIOUSLY? US Involvement in PC Affairs ==================== Did the United States Gov't give them both the same speech? IT most certainly LOOKS LIKE IT. His speech writer, Own Lippert, what's his relationship with the US Intelligence Community? It has long been thought - by many like myself - that the USA RUNS! the PC Party through the back door: is this PROOF? Prime Minister Harper: SERIOUSLY? 150+ Canadian Corporations Sold =========================== Canada LOST! 150+ TOP FLIGHT CORPORATIONS to foreign interests in Mr. Harper's FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE - ALONE! That's UNPRECEDENTED in economic World history and significantly impinges on CANADIAN SOVEREIGNTY. Can we count on Mr. Harper to *DEFEND* CANADIAN SOVEREIGNTY? DoN'T think so. Historically, it has been the Liberal Party who has DEFENDED Canada's sovereignty THE BEST. NOT! the PC Party. Notably, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, using FIRA: Foreign Investment Review Agency for which he was vilified by the Americans because it effectively *PROTECTED* Canadian BUSINESSES from being swallowed up by foreign interests - namely American. (Thanks to Prime Minister Trudeau, Canadians owned PETRO CANADA: the ÉPC plans to NATIONALIZE it, have Canada join OPEC, and keep the gas prices low.) Prime Minister Harper: MORE! Military Spending? ====================================== Whereas Prime Minister Trudeau wanted Canada's military budget PEGGED! at $7 billion dollars, Mr. Harper has taken it to the $35 billion dollar range and wants to take it to $50 billion - apparently. This benefits who? Canadians? NO! The US Industrial Military Complex. (Incidentally, the ÉPC intends to LIMIT! Gov't military spending to $10 billion and reduce the Security Budget from $7 billion to less than a billion dollars.) Evidently, the military counts for Prime Minister Harper, but NOT the cultural industry of Canada REDUCING! Gov't financial SUBSTANTIALLY in the cultural sector hurting the Canadians artistic community. (The ÉPC intends to PROMOTE and *FULLY* SUPPORT FINANCIALLY the Canadian *multicultural* artistic community paying special attention to the French, First Peoples, and Métis FORGING A *STRONG* VIBRANT Canadian culture.) Prime Minister Harper Home-Buy Election Promise: CRUMBS! ================================================ Mr. Harper promises a TAX CREDIT for first time home-buyers on their first $5000. THAT'S *ALMOST* NOTHING. Child Care: NOT! MUCH There Either ============================= Prime Minister Harper proposes a $100 a month tax credit for child care while the Liberals are proposing to pay parents a *measly*$100 a month to cover daycare costs. Either way - with the HIGH COST of daycare - it's *NOT* MUCH. These political leader seem to be *PRETENDING* TO CARE. (With the ÉPC, stay-at-home moms with pre-school children would get $1200 a month and suitable daycare for children would be paid by THE WOMAN'S EMPLOYER - subsidized by the Gov't if necessary: it would *NOT* be HER PROBLEM, but her employer's.) The Liberal Party *FUZZY* GREEN Tax ============================== Loosey-goosey Dion is LOSING CANADIANS when he talks about his GREEN SHIFT. What is the GREEN SHIFT about? A *G-R-E-E-N* T-A-X designed to deal with (what the Liberals call) "the $123 BILLION DOLLAR infrastructure DEFICIT". NO OTHER PARTY admits this $123 BILLION DOLLAR infrastructure DEFICIT exists. But the Liberal Election rhetoric would like us to believe it does. AND the Liberal Election rhetoric would like to have us believe that they, the Liberals, are THE ONLY ONES who care to deal with this problem that NO ONE ELSE SEES. AreN'T the Liberals, THE ONES, who gave us the MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Quebec Sponsorship Scandal and the Judge Gomery Commission? What did the Judge Gomery Commission do? It exonerated Prime Minister Chrétien, Prime Minister Martin, who was Finance Minister at the time, and Mr. Dion also a cabinet minister at the time: ALL! of whom are from Quebec and claimed to NOT! KNOW ANYTHING about the scandal. HARD TO BELIEVE? The GREEN SHIFT coming from the Liberal is EQUALLY HARD TO BELIEVE. One could cynically speculate that the reason the Liberal Party wants the GREEN! tax is so they can SPEND *MORE* once they're back in power. Mr. Layton ======== And there's Mr. Layton, the Pied Piper that NO ONE wants to follow over the cliff like a lemming. Some are claiming that he'll say anything to get elected like promising to hire 2,500 more cops for our Police State. Do we really need more cops? Really? Is crime on the upswing? What's he talking about? Some expect that he'll be promising everyone JETPACKS before this election is over that's how DISPARATE they feel he is. 3-RING CIRCUS Election =================== For me this election NOTHING, but a 3-RING CIRCUS with the political leader being the clowns: it's FUNNY. It's ENTERTAINING, but THAT's IT: it's goes NO FARTHER than that. The TOP three (3) political parties have demonstrated - WITH CLARITY - that Canadian politics is essentially about NOTHING! - really. And that if elected, they doN'T plan to do all that much for Canadians - really, do they? It's pretty much THE STATUS QUO which means letting THE Police State SYSTEM have its way while Canadians get NOTHING! NOT-A-THING - really besides MORE TAXES! And you are going to vote for that? Fundamental Problems: NOT! Being Addressed ===================================== Did Prime Minister Harper, Mr. Dion, or Mr. Layton address any of pressing national issues: Poverty? NO! Child poverty? Absolutely NOT! That promise that it would be eliminated within 20 years was made more than 20 years ago. The OVER POLICING of the Poor and Homeless so the Police can fill the jails? NO! EXORBITANT! post-secondary tuition? NO! Do they think post-secondary STUDENTS COUNT? NO! (BUT THEY DO. THEY DO! COUNT. They are Canada's future.) Did these political leaders deal with First Nation Peoples concerns like unsettled land claims, living in squalid third world conditions on the reserves, high unemployment, high high school drop out rate, majority of women in prison being First Peoples, etc.? NO! Do they think First Peoples COUNT? NO! (BUT THEY DO. THEY *DO* COUNT. They make Canada UNIQUE.) What did they promise regarding JOB CREATION: THE KEY to a strong economy? NOTHING! NOT-A-THING. This is *TOTALLY* IRRESPONSIBLE! WHAT! Recession? =============== ALL! TOP three (3) political leaders have been mum regarding the recession we're are in: they want to pretend its *NOT* true, *BUT* it is: Canada is in a recession. In fact, Prime Minister Harper listens to his Mom regarding the stock market and he's an economist who claims ALL IS WELL - fundamentally speaking. A few days ago he was quoted as saying: "Let's be clear we're not in a recession now." And went on to say: "I remain fundamentally optimistic about the Canadian economy." Canadians by THE THOUSANDS have been losing their jobs recently and he's optimistic. Everyone is saying we're in a recession, but they don't see it: THERE IS NO PROBLEM TO FIX. Are these political leaders LOOPY or what? Here we go LOOPY LOO; here we go LOOP LIE; all the way down into a deep depression and they doN'T see it. Obviously, the SELF-LIFE of these political parties IS OVER. It's time for Canadians PULL! THE PLUG and have them go DOWN THE DRAIN. How? By NOT! VOTING. It's TIME FOR A CHANGE. NOT! SAME OLD SAME OLD which is what they're offering Canadians. There's *NOTHING* new. There's *NOTHING* for you and me. Here's YOUR CHANCE to GIVE the Gov't THE FINGER: S-T-A-Y H-O-M-E on Election Day Here's YOUR CHANCE to GET EVEN. Take advantage of it. *SUPPORT* the ÉPC ================ For NO! POVERTY through WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION, for 100% *CLEAN* Gov't financially policed by Canadians via the Internet, for a STRONG ECONOMY based on SMALL BUSINESS CREATION, SUPPORT the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada). ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ~~~ Let's DEcriminalize Gov't in order to end poverty. ~~~ DÉcriminalisons le Gouv. afin d'éliminer la pauvreté. ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) |