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Note: I
arrived in Vancouver in mid-April and lived in downtown Vancouver for three (3) month in the Spring+ Summer of 2007. |
Subject: "The
NEW Downtown Eastside
Vancouver Commuity Court is the 'hamster in a cage' effect of a *SELF-SERVING* GOV'T that DOES *NOTHING* for the POOR," says the President. Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada *CLASSIC* Case of System Abuse ============================ It's just *ANOTHER* CLASSIC CASE of blatantly spending public money that *ONLY* BENEFITS *THE SYSTEM* from what I can see. It allows THE SYSTEM to "pour" *MORE* MONEY into *its* pockets, that is to say the pockets of the judiciary+the penal system+ the Vancouver Police Force. Basically, it's A FASCIST *SCAM* that *ROBS* Canadian taxpayers. Background Information ==================== About Downtown Eastside Vancouver About Vancouver Community Court http://www.communitycourt.bc. First! The Bureaucratic BULLSHIT! ============================ Premier Gordon Campbell at the September 2008 inaugural opening of the Downtown Eastside Vancouver Commu- nity Court in the presence of the Attorney General Wall Oppal, Chief Judge Hugh Stansfield, and Solicitor General John Van Dongen said that the community court facility "represents a new approach in tackling some of the most difficult issues facing downtown Vancouver." (In this - allegedly - new approach, what's *really* new?) What *specifically* is the Attorney General doing regarding white collar crime or crime at the municipal and provincial Gov't level? *NOTHING* it seems. 200+ jails in Canada and no civil servant ever goes to jail. Is this what the Attorney General calls dealing with "white collar crime" effectively by IGNORING IT, but he woN'T ignore Vancouver Downtown Eastside crime, NO SIREE! That's where he draws the line in the sand. (Ha! Ha!) In his news release he adds "the community court brings a range of services and agencies together to find inno- vative solutions to the problem of crime in Vancouver's downtown." (What innovative solutions is the At- torney General referring to? *MORE* UNDERCOVER COPS that use entrapment to send people to jail? Convections rates are going up and up while crime are going goes down and down year after year: is THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM WAY of *intentionally* DEFRAUDING the Canadian taxpayer with pointless convictions? IT LOOKS LIKE IT. Auditor General John Van Dongen, (the Province's Chief Public Accountant whose job it is to ensure that taxpayers get VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY), jumped into this 3-ring CIRCUS as well. He's said: "Dealing with crime effectively means getting at the root causes of why crime happens in the first place. This approach will ensure that chronic offenders are dealt with effectively to prevent them from reoffending. That will in- crease public safety for everyone." That's THE RHETORIC! This TYPICAL GOV'T RHETORIC makes it sound all FINE and DANDY. But is it? Public safety rhetoric is only good for THE FASCIST THAT RUN THE SYSTEM: they benefit from it - the Police - the Judiciary - the penal system (the prisons) It does NOTHING regarding THE *SOCIAL* COSTS OF *DEBILITATING* POVERTY where a poor per- son costs THE SYSTEM anywhere from $35,000 upwards to $65,000: publicly paid lawyers, $900 a month medication, innumerable Emergency visits at $250 a visit; hospital stay at $1,000 a day, Police/judiciary/jail costs, etc.) *ALL* this PUBLIC SAFETY RHETORIC is *SINIS- TER* because THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO THE POOR of Eastside Vancouver after all the mil- lions of $$$ are spent. THE TAXPAYER GETS A BLACK EYE. *PRETENDING* to Help ================== It's NOTHING, but PRETENDING to help the poor by creating DUMMY JOBS (jobs that are *NOT* "really" needed) for Crown attorneys, defense lawyers, Police, social/health services, and court workers. Its especially good for the Vancouver Police De- partment as it allows them to STAY BUSY while *artificially* "RAMPING UP" their statistics in order to justify higher deployment numbers: it's POLICE *RACKETEERING at the taxpayer's expense. Clearly, *THE SYSTEM* is using the Vancouver Downtown Eastside derelicts as a GOLD MINE to LINE ITS POCKETS. *THE SYSTEM* is set to process 1,500 persons using this community court system, that's 1,500 out of 15,000+ who will be accused either of mischief, assault, auto theft, and/or drug possession. Note: the Gov't *estimated* population of the Poor and Homeless is 15,000+. The mile-long length of Eastside Vancouver would suggest that this figure is quite low, but it's a figure that suits the Gov't. (The Gov't claims that there are 15,000 people in the Downtown Eastside: that's the figure published by the Carnegie Centre monthly newsletter run by Gov't operatives - I suspect - like everything else in Canada involved with the anti-poverty movement like Vancou- ver's Pivot Legal (housed *NOT* surprisingly in a former Gov't welfare office on Hastings). The Bureaucratic SHUFFLE ====================== What *THE SYSTEM* will do is *SHUFFLE* the POOR and the Homeless around so *THE SYSTEM* gets the *BIGGEST* BANG possible in terms of much more manpower hours NOT to mention all sorts of over- time: EASY MONEY FOR THEM. What the POOR and Homeless get? ZIP! NADA! They will be *SHUFFLE* FIRST to the Police who will pass them off to the Judiciary who will pass them off to correctional services who will pass them off to health services who will pass them off to social services. Those that get considered to be mentally ill - nearly *ALL* - (That seems to be THE TREND in correc- tional services these days.) will have to consume medication daily worth $900 a month. And once they leave the penal system, they will go on mental disability paid by the Province (*NOT* the City) getting $900 a month to live on. Total monthly cost to the Province: ($900+$900) $1,800. After all that , they will *NOT* be much better off because they still *WON'T* HAVE ENOUGH MONEY live on. The POOR *NEED* $$$ ===================== *ALL* this Gov't *NONSENSE* does *NOT* give the POOR what they need: *MORE* MONEY. *ALL* this Gov't *NONSENSE* does *NOT* solve the MOST *BASIC* PROBLEM of the POOR:having*TOO* LITTLE $$$. *ALL* this Gov't *NONSENSE* BLEEDS *NEEDLESSLY* the BC taxpayers. What's *SINISTER* about the Vancouver Community Court? The people involved with it get to justify their good highpaying jobs processing the derelicts of Down- town Eastside Vancouver without *really* helping the POOR with their most pressing pro- blem: A LACK OF $$$. The POVERTY is SO *EXTREME* that the POOR are forced to live in DEPRESSING CONDITIONS that reminds them that they doN'T have any future whatsoever. SO they take drugs to forget tomorrow and just concentrate on getting by - by getting high today. The word that best describes the Vancouver Com- munitY Court is BETRAYAL! *BETRAYAL* OF THE POOR *Self-serving* Gov't Apparatus ========================= This *HUGH* GOV'T APPARATUS built around Vancouver Community Court housed in a BRAND *NEW* multi-million FACILITY (by Main Street Vancouver Police Station) will *NOT* give the POOR a penny. The MONEY SPENT on this *USELESS* APPARATUS doesN'T solve THE PROBLEM of the Poor: LACK OF $$$. TheY need $$$ so they can - live *decently* - have a chance of building a future - give themselves a better tomorrow - start to believe in themselves once again - start dreaming of getting back on their feet and reintegrating into society by working at a job like everyone else. MAKING ZOMBIES out of them by MEDICATING THEM to the gills is *NOT* THE SOLUTION though the psychi- atrists, the pharmaceutical companies, along with o- thers in *THE SYSTEM* would like to make Canadians believe it is. The money spent on Vancouver Community Court would have been better spent by giving the Poor what they need the most: *MORE* $$$. And what has the Gov't done? *TAKEN* away their future. *DEPRIVED* them of a *BETTER* TO- MORROWby having them live in a STATE OF CONSTANT CRISIS. This causes them to sleep a lot of the time as a means of coping with their desperation. Obviously, the *POOR* in BC - like in the rest of Canada - are VICTIMS of a senseless, HEART- LESS *self-serving* GOV'T. The BEST WORD to decribe this kind of FASCIST Police Gov't is CRUEL! Making the POORWork forFREE! =========================== The Gov't wants to round up the derelicts of Vancou- ver's Downtown Eastside skid row and bring before the Vancouver Community Court which will then *FORCE* THEM to do "commu- nity service" like cleaning up the neighbourhood, working in community kitchens, and dining rooms (Which ones? There are less than handful.), cleaning up and maintaining roads and community gardens. That's the FASCIST thinking behind the Van- couver Community Court. This means they'll be charged by the Vancouver Police either with mischief or loitering or something or other to get them before a community court judge who will *ORDER* THEM to do "community service". The POOR and Homeless *forced* to live in HELLISH CONDITIONS in Vancouver's Downtown *Eastside* will *NOW* be *forced* to WORK for the GOV'T - FOR FREE? Is the GOV'T *WHACKED* or what? Who's running the Gov't in B.C.? *OVERPAID* QUACKS! The *BOTTOM* LINE ================= Essentially, all this Vancouver Community Court stuff is *ALL* about the Gov't *PRETENDING* TO CARE and nothing more because it does NOTHING for the Poor except cause then A LOT OF MORE TROUBLE. Is that FAIR? ABSOLUTELY NOT! The Vancouver Harm Reduction Program is more of the same "MAKE BELIEVE" thing and nothing else. The BOTTOM LINE is our FASCIST Po- lice State Gov't has *NEVER* GIVEN A DAMN for the Poor. The Harm Reduction Program Hoax: Catholic Church+Media DoN'T Care ============================= When I asked for assistance from the Vancouver Catholic Church, the Bishop's Office gave me two (2) sheets of pa- per: one (1) indicating where I could get a FREE meal; the other indicating where the *FEW* shelters for men were. (The Bishop's assistant told me *NOT* to bother them for anything else and on another occasion made it clear they were *NOT* going to help me any further. Sorry.) Note: being a practicing Catholic, I was refused help by the office of the Archdiocese of Toronto at 1155 Yonge Street in April 2007 before leaving for Vancouver. HOMELESS
This is what I learned about the homeless when in Vancouver LAST YEAR from April till July. There are *VERY* LITTLE RESOURCES that the Homeless can depend on. In fact, Vancouver can accomodate*LESS THAN*500 homeless men foodwise and shelterwise,*LESS THAN*1/3 of them. The situation for women might even be WORST! What's ABSOLUTELY STUNNING is the fact that *NONE* of the resources are co-or- dinatedand are for the most part volunteer-based. The City of Vancouver Surprisingly, the City of Vancouver is *NOT* directly INVOLVED *WHATSOEVER* except in the case of - two (2) community centres - the Vancouver Injection Clinic (next door to the Carnegie Community Centre). - By the way, Mr. Harper wants to close Vancouver Injection Clinic because he and the Police want to treat drug addiction as a criminal problem rather than a health problem which it is. What I find *SHOCKING* is the fact that this *INTOLERABLE* SITUATION for the Homeless is *NOT* denounced by - the media people - Vancouver's largest Church, the Vancouver Catholic Church nor any other religious denomination. THEY're *willing* ACCESSORIESto Police State FASCISM. Clearly, they doN'T care when the Gospels make it clear we are responsible for the Poor and will be judged according to the help we give or withhold: WHY RISK the *wrath* of the Almighty? Evidently, taxes are *NOT* going up because the Gov't is doing *MORE* for the Poor.
Two (2) Community Centres for the POOR ================================== NEITHER
1. the Gathering Place downtown off Granville Avenue (around the corner from where I lived at the Vogue Hotel) 2. the Caregie Centre at "the heart" of Downtown Eastside Vancouver Inexpensive Meals - WEEKLY ======================== The Gathering Place Community Centre, downtown, 609 Helmcken Street, (on the same block where I lived, around the corner from Granville Avenue) offers 32 in- expensive meals weekly: once in the morning, once at noon, once at night. 96 meals in a week. The *NOTORIOUS* Eastside Carnegie Community Centre at the intersection of Main Street and Hastings, (THE KEY DRUG DISTRIBUTION SPOT diagonally across from the Police station) serves 40 inexpensive meals weekly: once in the morning, once at noon, once at night. In all, the City of Vancouver *ONLY* subsidizes (3x32 + 3x40) = (94+120) 214 meals per week to the Poor and Homeless. THAT'S IT! THAT'S ALL! NOT A PENNY MORE. (Ha! Ha!) HOW SERIOUS does City of Vancouver takes it's "harm reduction program"? There are *NO* - BIG - BUCKS being spent here. <grin> Note: people regularly get thrown off social assistance for no reason. This is illegal, but it's done regu- larly. I've spoken to those to whom this has happened to. Treating the Poor as DIRT is THE HALLMARK OF FASCISM. Yearly membership: $1 =================== The Gathering Place For a $1 yearly membership, the HOMELESS can use the facilities like the washers and dryers to do one's laundry. The have a small computer room as well as a weight room. A person can get a haircut from a volunteer if the volunteer shows up. There's a FREE movie every Thursday evening. Note: many of the VOLUNTEERS are on probation and doing Court- imposed community service. As a result, they doN'T always show up when they're supposed to. The Caregie Centre Unlike the Gathering Place, it houses a branch of the Vancouver library. It also has a small computer room on the third floor that I was in the habit of using after having had my FREE supper at the Union Gospel Mission. There are various areas where people can sit around inside and outside on the patio as well as a board room and a class room both of which are located on the third floor. Note: it'sODDthat the Poor and Homeless Note: have to pony up $1. (The membership card requirement allows the Police to track those using the facilities. I got a membership card at both places.) Note: undercover cops hang out at these places - wherever the Poor and Homeless are. Vancouver City Volunteers - SCANDAL! ================================ THE LITERATURE put out by the City of Vancouver re- garding their treatment of volunteers at *both* of these community centres is 100% deceitful. THE LITERATURE states that the volunteers are taken on excursions and out to public restaurants - monthly. Where are the pictures on the bulletin boards to confirm that? There areN'T any. I learned, should a voluteer shows up *ALL* the time, s/he will get a few cafeteria meal tickets at the end of the month: NOT MUCH for their labour, eh? ZERO COST to the City of Vancouver. Is this FAIR PLAY? NO! BUT this is HOW Police state FASCISM WORKS? THE PROBLEM The volunteers doN't show: there is *NO* service. For example, if the volunteer assigned to the Computer Room doesN'T show up, NO ONE can use the Computer Room. This hap- pened several times to me at the Carnegie Centre. THE TWOFOLD ABUSE The ABUSE by the City of Vancouver is TWOFOLD. It MISTREATS its volunteers that serve the Poor and the Homeless at both community centres. It DENIES the Poor and Homeless services that they de- pend on when volunteerS doN'T show up. Gov't ABUSE The City of Vancouver *PRETENDS* (like the Provinces and Federal Gov't) to help the Poor and Homeless when in fact they do very little because they're *CROOKED* FA- SCISTS with no social conscience. Criminal Negligence Make NO MISTAKE: all three (3) levels of Gov't (the municipal, the provincial, and the federal) are guilty of ciminal ne- gligence by *DENYING* the Poor and Homeless THE NE- CESSITIES OF LIFE because it has THE ABILITY TO DO SO, but REFUSES TO DO SO "intentionally" SHORTENING THEIR LIVES by imposing CRIMPLING, life-sucking PO- VERTY the ends their lives early: THIS IS GENO- CIDE OF THE POORby THE FASCIST GOV'T OF CANADA. THIS INHUMANE TREATMENT OF THE POOR AND HOME- LESS is A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Article 1.8 of the É(eh)PC program Serving the Poor "A Gov't lead by criminals WILL NOT worry about those living in poverty." "THE WORST THING for the economy? Poverty! Kenneth Selinsay'leen founder of the É(eh)PC To help the Poor, the É(eh)PC will 1. create FREE self-serve food banks open 24/7; 2. offer the Poor FREE monthly bus passes; 3. create FREE self-serve used clo- thing stores; 4. create FREE self-serve used fur- niture stores; 5. create the Office of Employment Help and Training for the Poor. The É(eh)PC income
securitymeasures Mens' Shelters: A *HORROR* Story ============================ 1. Catholic Charities Men's Hostel It is 95-bed facility located at 828 Cambie Street in Downtown Vancouver just off Robson Street (next to the Bishop's office): a homeless person has to REGISTER EARLY in the day for a bed at night. It has no lockers and bed bugs are A BIG PRO- BLEM problemTHERE; the building is old and rundown. Note: I met men on the street because there was no room for them at the shelter. (This happened to me later in Fredricton, New Brunswick, mid-July 2007.) 2. Belkin House The Salvation Army has a BRAND NEW downtown building, Belkin House (just a block from the Holy Rosary Cathedral on Dunsmuir Street, a few block up from Grenville). To stay there you have to be admitted to one (1) of their programs by a social agency and you're obliged to participate in the program in order to stay there. (It's THE *ONLY* DECENT LODGING a homeless man can expect in the City of Van- couver.) The only other really decent shelter is Hyland House in Surrey, a 35-bed facility. EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS! 3. First Baptist Church It's located at 969 Burrard Street downtown Vancouver at the corner of Nelson and Burrard, three (3) blocks up from where I was staying on Granville Avenue. It can accommodate 30 men with floor mats after the FREE 9 p.m.Monday meal. Those that sleep over will also get a FREE breakfast at 6 a.m. Note: I'd go there for the FREE Monday supper and sometimes made it to the FREE early Tuesday morning breakfast. 4. Anchor of Hope It's located at 134 Cordova Street East in Vancouver's Gas Town just next door to Downtown Eastside Vancouver. This seedy-looking Salvation Army shelter can accomo- date 50 men with floor mats. Tent City Needed? =============== On August 11sth 2008, Housing and Social Development Minister, Rich Coleman, said that Vancouver has a place for every homeless person. "There is room at the shel- ters. Our shelters run at about 90-per-cent capacity." He was responding to the demand made by the Homeless for a tent city in Vancouver due to a *LACK* of shelter space. http://www.streamsofjustice. Is there ENOUGH space for the Homeless or NOT? Shelters have a total of 210 beds. The Gov't Minister is - lying - doesN'T want to help the homeless because the Gov't doesN'T care. Gov't RUSE ========== The Gov't always likes to speak CONVINCINGLY WITH GUSTO of the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS spent on the Poor and Home- less WITHOUT SPECIFICS when asked what's being done for them giving the *FALSE* IMPRESSION that 1. the Gov't cares 2. is doing something about it. But it's just A RUSE. A TRICK. *ANOTHER* LIE. Remember how the Prime Minister Mulroney in the early 1980s *PROMISED* - WITH A LOT OF MEDIA FANFARE - that the Gov't of Canada was going to accomplish its goal of *NO* CHILD PO- VERTY - WITHIN 20 years. What was done THEN? NOTHING! What's being done NOW? AGAIN! N-O-T-H-I-N-G. The Gov't *LIED* - THEN. The Gov't *LIES* - NOW. Is the Gov't run by GOOD GUYS OR BAD GUYS? City Evicts Tenants from 10 Hotels ============================ The City of Vancouver purchased of 10 low-rent hotels in order to refurbish them for budget-sensitive tourists arri- ving for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. These evictions by the City have greatly aggravated the shelter situation. *BOYCOTT* the 2010 Winter Olympics =============================== Given THE GOV'T'S *NEGLIGENT* TREATMENT OF THE HOMELESS AND THE POOR, the É(eh)PC is calling upon the World to *BOYCOTT* the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. FREE FOOD PART 1. A Church Affair ============= 1. St. Paul's Anglican Church Food Bank http://www.stpaulsanglican.bc. It's at 1130 Jervis Street just off Davie Street which is the centre of the Gay District of Vancouver in the West End. It opens every Wednesday at 10 a.m. Note: HALF (1/2) the stuff they give out makes little sense: bread, but no margarine; cereal, but no milk; no meat ever, etc. That is true of all food banks. Once I got a tin with only Chinese lettering on it and was told "DON'T COMPLAIN: IT'S FREE!" It turned out to be squid in some sort of strange milky white liquid. YACK! Because it's the only Food Book around in down- town Vancouver serving single people, there's always a LONG LINEUP. Those at the back of the line get a fraction of what those at the front of the line get. Note: once I knew how to get there, I went weekly. 2. Union Gospel Mission (Baptist Church) The $7 million donation-based operation located at 616 Cordova Street East serves both men and women, but separately. Note: for women, there's the Union- Gospel-Mission-run Women's Drop-In at 601 Hastings Street East - not far away. They're located about a mile further to east of the Main and Hastings Carnegie Community Centre. They have a modest addiction program for men who can live there and work in the kitchen. Note: men came by to say how they were helped are were no longer homeless. They offer two (2) meals in the evening serving 100 tasty hot meals - each time - at 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. after a 30-minute service given by various Baptist churches often with music and singing. Note: the Union Gospel Mission turns aways those are drunk or high on drugs. I was impressed when I visited several times the Union Gospel Mission residencial tower for the Poor in downtown Vancouver next door to the Gathering Place Community. Note: this is where I would go six (6) days out of seven (7) to get my one, good, FREE meal: a six (6) mile walk from the Vogue Hotel, where I lived down- town. 3. United Church The United Church at 20 Hastings Street East on the other side of Main Street from the Car- negie Community Centre seems to be the PREFERRED SPOT for the derelicts who are stoned or drunk. It serves about 70 meals. Unfortunately, they may be closing their doors due to burnout and a lack community support. 4. Gospel Church It's a few blocks "before" the Carnegie Commu- nity Centre smack in the middle of skid row. This very seedy-looking building is run-down, but it has convenient street-level access. They serve a meal after their 30-minute 9 p.m. service. Note: I went by it almost all the time. Dropped by once to look in af- ter the 9 p.m. service. The in- terior was totally white and well lit up. It attracted blacks. 5. Franciscan Sisters The Francisan Sister on Cardova Street, two (2) blocks from the Vancouver Main Street Police Station serve soup and sandwiches to about 35 people and will give clothes to those who need them. Note: their website says they serve 400. Not in one day maybe in a month. They room for more NOT more than 35 people at a time. They're well-liked. Unfortunately, they're OPEN A FEW DAYS A WEEK. Note: whenever I went by there, their white, little place, was empty. 6. Central Presbyterian Church http://www. They're located at 1155 Thurlow Street - just behind St. Paul's Hospital on Burrard Street, three (3) blocks up from Granville Avenue. It offers a monthly Sunday 8 a.m. breakfast the last week of the month just before the people receive their welfare cheque to 200+ persons. The place is always packed. 7. First Baptist Church It's located at 969 Burrard Street downtown Vancouver at the corner of Nelson and Bur- rard, three (3) blocks up from Granville Ave- nue where I lived. It serves a very good hot meal at 9 p.m. to 120+ homeless persons : meal tickets are given out at 8 p.m. along with 3 pieces of soft toffee candy. You have to wait on outside on Burrard Street for an hour. FREE FOOD PART 2. on the Sidewalk ============= 1. Muslim Food Convoy It consists of tow (2) small cars and a panel truck parked outside the Carnegie Centre on Hastings Street. Four (4) or more serve a warm meal with orange juice to about 60+ Street People about 9:30 p.m. many Fridays: they're *VERY* friendly, helpful, understanding, efficient, and sincere. 2. Baptist Panel Truck A Baptist panel truck will pull up on Hastings across from the Carnegie Community Centre sometimes around 8 p.m. on Friday to offer something to eat and drink. It'll serve about 30+ Street People. 3. Sikh Yellow School Bus It arrives every three (3) weeks or so with a lot of young people who are laughing and smiling and parks on Hastings close to the Carnegie Community Centre. They offer brown bag lunches. They bring a lot of positive energy: nice to see. Inspiring. 4. Ragtag Catholic Street Group A few adults along with several young people make up this group. A group of five (5) will go down Hastings Street offering smiles, hugs, (sometimes some candy) and socks around 8 p.m. on most Fridays. The individuals vary: the are NOT always the same. It's clearly A HALFHEARTED EFFORT by the Catholic Church. The women who are Street People like to see them and talk to them. The men tend to ignore them all together. MOST versus LEAST Given their ability, the various Baptist churches do the most hands-on for the Poor and Homeless by far and the Catholic Church does the least. As a Catholic I'm SO ASHAMED! It tells me there is something seriously wrong: there is clearly an "unexplained" lack of leadership in the Ca- nadian Catholic Church when it comes to dealing with the Poor and Homeless. Note: the bishops have been "coddled" by the laity living "high on the hog" in palatial residence, with cottages, expensive cars, and globe trotting. The Catholic Church historically has always referred to the Poor and Homeless as being THE TREA- SURY OF THE CHURCH. Evidently, *NOT* in Canada because the Chuch is in- dolent and supports 100% crooked FASCIST Police State Gov't that oppresses the Poor. Note: I heard the Catholic Bishop on a Sunday in June 2007 tell the congregation *NOT * to give $$$ to the Poor and Homeless. I thought the guy is INCOMPETENT. Note: the Catholic Church historically has always commited itself to respond to the Poor and Homeless. To NOT do so is OUT OF CHARACTER. BINNING:for a decent meal ====================== Binning: going from trash can to trash can looking for beer cans/bottles and wine bottles for which the person will get 10 cents or 20 cents per item at the Bottle Depot on Hastings Street right in the middle of skid row. Binning goes on In Vancouver 24x7. After about 10 hours of work the person using his grocery cart or bags or suit case will have picked up enough bot- tles to earn about $10-$15 to buy ONE DECENT MEAL. Note: Police will come around 9 p.m. and arbitrarily pick up a gro- cery cart and put it in the back of the Police truck after scat- tering the person's contents on the street leaving him up- set and the Police smiling. Note: I talked to a person who had the papers to prove he was the owner of the cart. The Police still took it away from end his binning days. Note: I saw the Police in uniform *routinely" go down Hastings Street in Eastside Vancouver and kick around the things the Poor and Homeles had to offer to earn some $$$. $1 Pizzas ======== The Poor and Homeless in Vancouver get by on $1 pie- shaped pieces of pizzas. I "usually" bought mine at the corner of Granville and Helmcken near the Gathering Place Community Centre. Note: I relied on this daily. "FORCED" 3-day FASTS ==================== Due to having SO *LITTLE* MONEY, the Poor and Home- less often foget to eat after 24 hours when the pangs of hunger go away. However, on on day three (3) they triy to catch-up and eat as much as possible wherever they can. Note: after 24 hours a person forgets s/he's hungry because the hun- ger pangs go away. Note: EATING *SO* LITTLE affects the ability to think clearly and to keep track of time. Note: in line outside at the Union Gosper Mission waiting for my free supper, I saw a young man in his 20s walking on the side edges of his feet. I was told it was the result of doing too much walking. Gov't Myth versus Reality ===================== According to a fairly recent, major sociological study of Eastside Vancouver only one (1) in four (4) persons has a drug problem: the drug problem is NOT as wide- spread as it is commonly believed. Given my 3-month, 6-day a week experience there, this is GOV'T SPIN (GOV'T PROPAGANDA) to "jus- tify" their negligent treatment (lack of action towards the Poor and Homeless. It's A "classic" *FASCIST* POLICE STATE GOV'T RESPONSE that denies the seri- ousness of the problem and justifies the Gov't inertia in dealing with the problem. DRUG ADDICTION HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH BEING HOPELESS and tired DUE TO EXTREME FI- NANCIAL STRESS. Drug addiction has to be seen as a health problem that is "treatable". The Gov't on the other hand wants to see DRUG ADDICTION as a criminal matter because in doing so DRUG ADDICTION can benefit OUR FASCIST POLICE STATE "law and order" *costly* APPA- RATUS - the Police - the Judiciary - the prison system We know today for a fact that THE PROBLEM BEHIND DRUG ADDICTION is POVERTY. The addition is driven by *HOPELESS* due to *NOT* HAVING ENOUGH$$$. POVERTY *forces* the Poor and Homeless to - commit crime - become SEX-TRADE WORKERS Note: I worked as a CR4 taxation clerk with a blonde, slim University graduate in his early 30s at the International Taxation Office in the early 1990's on Colo- nade Road in Nepean (Otta- wa) who "voluntarily" admit- ted with tears on the bus one spring night to having been forced into the sex trade be- hind the Château Laurier - at wintertime. Undercover COPS: Pushers ====================== I saw some evenings undercover cops (along with short, squarish Mexican undercover cops) sell drugs in front of the steps of the CarnegieCommunity Centre. One day I saw what I took to be a tall, slim Chinese intelligence official sells drugs as well. (China town is right beside Eastside Vancouver: I wanted to know if there was a connection between the two: there is.) Note: Mexican workers hired at $4/h were the first to start building the Olympic facilities. The Mexican worker where I stayed at the In- ternational Youth Hostel said the in Mexico he'd be paid $8/day. Note: the Chinese Gov't bought and run a hotel downtown where tenants are undercover cops and addicts on social assistance. (The person at desk at the entrance looked like a smart intelligence official.) Note: there are strong indications in Van- couver that the Chinese Gov't seeks to take charge of organized Asian crime - around the world. (Does it run the Yakuza - Japanese mafia- in charge of the major cities of Ja- pan? That would be very telling.) Note: the *NEW* Vancour Police Chief (from Mainland China) was De- puty Chief. This is *ODD* because a *NEW* Chief is supposed to come from the outside. Otherwise, it sug- gests that something is *NOT* A- BOVE BOARD, *NOT* RIGHT. The Final Analysis
SYSTEM* (our *crooked* FASCIST Police
State Gov't) use the presence of the =============== Poor and Homeless in Eastside Vancouver for its own benefit. THE BEST EXAMPLE is the invention of the multimillion $$$ Downtown East- side Community Court designed to be a $$$-maker for - the Police - the Judiciary - the prison system In return, what do the Poor and Homeless get? ZIP! And the taxpayer gets SCAMED! This is NOT FAIR to - the taxpayer - the Poor and Homeless FASCISM is *NEVER* FAIR. In the final analysis, regarding its neglect of the Poor and Homeless, the Gov't is guilty of - criminal negligence - committing a crime against humanity The religious authorities and the media are its criminal accessories. *BOYCOTT* Elections ================== The Gov't neglects the POOR and the Homeless because it doesN'T care. Does the Gov't care about YOU? SUCH a *silly* question. (Ha! Ha!) Do its FASCIST SUPPORTS (the media and the religious authorities)? A *silly* question. SO *WHY* should you bother to vote and give these *uncaring* crooks your vote of confidence? Prosperity ============== For - jobs - a productive Canada You'll be RICH+happy with - only 10% of your $$$ will go to the Gov't (instead of 50%) - a 100% financially transparent democracy serving you 100% For your share of the pie and THEGOODLIFE join+support the É(eh)PC Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ forMORE! |