107 newsgroups: ott.politics, can.politics, qc.politique, dc.politics, alt.mexico ...

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003

 Subject: CONGRATS on running in the
               November 11th municipal election


Hi Angela (Ms. Rickman),

CONGRATS on running!

I had your brochure come through my apartment door slot just now.

I checked out your website: CONGRATS on that too!

Mom with two children: that's GREAT!

I noticed you worked our Parliament Hill: I did too, from 1975 to 1984,
and I singlehandedly got the Union on Parliament Hill. 

Seven months later and unemployed, PSAC (Public Service Alliance 
of Canada) called and asked me to do my Union Steward Course for

which they'd give me $50, so I said OK. Interestingly, I was the only

unemployed person doing the course. :D

Incidentally, I have also created my own political party to deal with
political issues that are NOT being addressed like "the sexual ex-
of women" (the most taboo of all taboo subjects) in the 
sector most notably in our hospitals, but also 
in the Armed/Police Forces
and in fact, in any Gov't department/
agency/ministry where financial
mismanagement (fraud) is out
of control.

Then, there is the whole issue of the Gov't - like in every Common-
wealth country --being run by that
secret all-male society, - 
those "bureaucratic gangsters" in my view -
the Freemasons.

Then, there is the whole issue of the Gov't's policy of passive ge-
- again in my view - of our indigenous
population. (Sure, 
we do give them a little here and there, but NOT MUCH and
when it's nearly TOO LATE.)

In my view, where we can be saving lots of money at the muni-
cipal level is
cutting into the Police Force: there's way too many 
cops and undercover
cops for the little bit of crime there is. The Cops 
and the Firemen have
a knack of doing "needless overtime". It's 
more money in their pockets what
do they care, right?


Interestingly, when talking about our judicial system, we have to bear 
mind all the judges including the Crown Attorneys were at one 
time ALL
Freemasons and most still are even today: by the way I 
insisted that the NEW
Crown Attorney be a woman and thankfully my 
wish came true.

I feel strongly that our system is ONE CROOKED LITTLE SYSTEM.

Just look at our "prison population": how many of them are ex-gov't 

Very few. 

It's clear you can be a crook in the Gov't and NOT do jail
time. So 

When I was in the Senate of Canada for nine (9) years,

those at the bottom, where I was, got 3% wage

increases while those higher up got 6%. 


Add to that the fact that the money we give someone in financial need

constitutes a "criminal offence" according to Article 228 of our Cana-
Criminal Code: it's Criminal Negligence, Killing of the Mind. 

And it also contravenes Articles 7(Gov't promises to look after 
our security.)
and Article 12(Gov't promises to keep us from 
cruel and unusual
punishment.) of the Canadian Charter of
and Freedoms. 

All this seems to suggest that the Gov't is run by "CRIMINALS".

Then, you add to  THIS BOILING WITCH'S BREW the fact that 
of Canada's Constitution, New Brunswick, and you
have a 
COMIC TRAGEDY where the Gov't clearly does NOT respect 
The Rule of Law, Canada's Constitution.

I intend to change all that. (Ha! Ha!)

In any case, it's great to see that there are "brave women" 
such as
yourself who want to do their part for the Public 

Best wishes to you, your husband, and your family,


President/Party Leader 
of the Égalité Party of Canada

Let's DEcriminalize Gov't: at ALL levels! :D

