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Subject: Ottawa Police/Crown SMEARS Égalité 
               President/Party Leader

Kenneth Selin (say'leen), Égalité President/Party Leader, is 
FORCED TO RESIGN from his place of employment in order
to deal with malacious prosecution charges brought by the 
Police and the Crown. To make matters worse , on April 12th
this year he was arrested at the Ottawa Police Elgin Street 
Police Station, assaulted, handcuffed, and "illegally detained"
for more than three (3) hours. (By the way, the person who
committed the assault in no longer with the Ottawa Police.)

In his resignation letter he accuses the police-judicial apparatus
MANY "UNNECESSARY" CHARGES whose sole purpose seems
to be to keep way too many cops and Crown Attorneys employed
and for that reason claims that THE WHOLE JUDICIAL PROCESS
IS STATS-DRIVEN to the ridiculous point that as crime is going 
down, charges are exponentially going up as are Police and Crown
Attorney Offices' budgets CREATING "UNDUE HARDSHIP"

Following his letter of resignation, below, is
the 2-page "Final" 
Disclosure Report of the Ottawa Crown Attorney's Office that 
was hand-written, which according to Mr. Selin, is PURE 
FABRICATION OF EVIDENCE by the Police and the Crown
when they "officially" state "several times" that he suffers from
mental illness: NOT TRUE!

P.S.: Come to the Elgin Street Court Room 7 on July 17th
____and assist at the pre-trail. See how the Police justify
their case against Mr. Selin.


Ottawa, July 7th 2006

Convergys CMG Canada Limited Partnership

1670 Heron Road, Ottawa K1V 0C2

Attention: to whom it may concern

Due to serious legal matters in both Family Court and Criminal 
Court that require my
full attention, I am forced to resign from my 
new job promotion as a Time Warner Cable
Business Class 
Help Desk Agent.

As I'm representing myself , I have to prepare for my criminal 
pre-trial on July 17th at
the Elgin Street Court House.

Last Thursday, June 29th, I had to appear in Family Court: the
matter will be dealt with
on August 30th by a judge only (no jury)
at the Nepean Court House.

I should also point out that I was arrested at 9 a.m. and assaulted
by the Police at the Elgin Police Station on Wednesday, April 12th,
nearly three months ago. I was then handcuffed and put in a jail cell
till 12:30 p.m. at which time I was "processed" and
30 minutes later,
let go. By the way, the Police have informed me by letter that the 
person who committed the assault is no longer with the Ottawa 
Police. (What about
the laying of criminal charges for assault? 
Assault is not a serious criminal offense?
The Police can commit 
crimes and not go to jail. Is this true? Is it because they're
employees, agents of the Crown who are immune from prosecution?

It would look bad for the Queen of Canada, is that it? What's going 
on here? Foolish
me! I thought NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. I 
guess NOT?)

Incidentally, the Detective responsible for laying the charges in both 
the Family and Criminal Court admits to NOT speaking to me 
regarding the charges. This means
that her reports are "incomplete"
and yet, the Crown Attorney's Office approved
them. This constitutes
a "serious" BREACH OF "the due process" PROTOCOL.

This is A REPEAT of a malicious criminal prosecution case of over
a decade ago
that cost me dearly. After dealing with two (2) lawyers
(one who did absolutely
nothing for me), I took charge of the case 
myself and made the judge understand
that the matter was NOT a 
criminal one, but a Family Court issue: that, after having
bargained which resulted in a conditional discharge, and after 
having an abusive probation officer for a year who brought me 
back in front of a judge for the most ridiculous of reasons in the 
hope the Court would impose on me a 3-year mandatory psychiatric 
treatment. After having unnecessarily been put through all that by the 
Criminal Court, the judge determined that the whole matter was - in 
fact - a Family
Court children-access issue, NOT a Criminal Court
matter - at all.

Page 2

To give you an idea of how DANGEROUS the Ottawa Police can be,
last year on
April 27th, after having called the Chief of Police Office to
inquire about compensation for that malicious prosecution case, the
response by the Chief of Police was to send over the Ottawa Police 
4-person psychiatric team with stretcher and oxygen tank to
apartment door only 30 minutes after that call.

In response to a complaint I made regarding the incident to the Ontario 
Civilian Commission on Police Services, the Ottawa Police admitted 
that their intent that
day was to take me away for a mandatory psychiatric 
assessment and that they
were within their legal rights to do it. That's 
SCARY! However, I feel, it provides
a very good insight into "how 
malicious" the Ottawa Police can really be. Given
what they've put 
me through, I'd swear it's run by A BUNCH OF GOONS!

What is "scary" it that the malicious criminal prosecution case back 
over a decade
ago is very much like this criminal one. In fact, it's a 
variation of the same thing.
The detective responsible involved also 
refused to speak to me about the charges.
Why? He said when he 
called me asking if he could come over with a partner that
I was 
unreasonable on the phone and that he had to hang up on me after 
with me a long while and he had a person in the Department
who listened to him
speak to me while on the phone that could 
corroborate his story. This is SO NOT
TRUE. I told him that, yes,
he could most definitely come over, but that I didn't see
how he 
could believe that he could go forward with the charges. Having 
said that,
he hung up on me. The conversation was not more than
a couple of minutes
contrary to what he alleged in a Police report. 
When he did NOT show up at the
appointed time, I called a whole 
slue of cops at the Police Station to tell them that
the whole affair 
was not a criminal matter. The response of the Police was to 
harrass me on five (5) occasions and each time I made an official
complaint. And
when before Judge Bélanger, reputed to be especially
mean, I told him the same
thing. He got upset. Told me where to 
sit down and left the Court Room for 15
minutes. WHY ALL THIS
DRAMA? For what? Police stats?

To give you an idea of the kind of "quality" and "the flavour" of 
NATURE of the disclosure reports that I've been
given, I've decided to fax over
to you the "final" 2-page disclosure
report handed to me by the Crown Attorney's
Office when in 
Criminal Court on June 16th.

It's so blatantly obvious that "nothing" is substantiated (So much
for the pursuit of
truth by the Police.) The effect is to compound
the injustice that I have to suffer at
the hands of AN ILLEGITIMATE
CANADIAN JUDICIAL PROCESS. You'll agree, nothing but 
INCOHERENT CRAP!. No university professor would ever
want to bother to grade it. And who took those notes? A more
than well-paid bona fide detective. How competent are the

people making these "incredibly silly" UNSUBSTANTIATED 
are more than well-paid? Not! (If you ask
me. They're MAD!)

Page 3

The people involved in putting this "final" disclosure report together
seem to be DRIVEN BY THEIR STATS. The object of the game 
seems to be: LAY AS MANY CHARGES
means LIBEL! Keeping their big-salaried jobs depends on it.
(Does it matter that libel
is a criminal offence? Apparently NOT 
- if the Crown Attorney's Office is in on it, eh?)

According to my understanding of judicial things based from 
experience, that seems
to make perfect sense given THE 
SYSTEM. It's seem to be "a classic case" of SCREW THE 
TAXPAYERS! LET'S (the police-judicial apparatus) BILK 

I think, the Ottawa Chief of Police has found a way of DOUBLING 
the size of his office: LAY MORE CHARGES. MORE CHARGES! 
Keep those Police car sirens whining. Let the People of Ottawa 
know what a "fine" Police Force they "truly" have. Let those sirens

remind them. I imagine him telling his staff: "I WANT TO HEAR 
THOSE SIRENS! You're enemy: they're the criminals. Get them! 
Jail them! That's what cops do."

Tell me, is crime in Ottawa - seriously - on the rise? Or is it just 
the number of Police charges that the Crown Attorney's Office 
RUBBER STAMPS that's on the rise? It
might be GOOD 
BUSINESS for them to lay charges every which way, but is it 
the PUBLIC GOOD to do so? Unfortunately, THERE IS NO 

I've come to the conclusion that the Police, the Crown Attorney's 
Offices, and the
judges in Canada are DEFRAUDING CANADIANS 
has a cop, judge, or 
crown attorney gone to jail - in Canada?

Will the Police compensate me for malicious criminal prosecution 
or will they try to
put me in the loony bin - again, instead? They've 
tried that tactic already. Will they
try it again? I guess it depends: 
how dumb are they? I'll let you be the judge of that.

Please forward my employment record at your earliest convenience.

Thanks for everything.

Kenneth Selin

B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours),
B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude
President/Party Leader 
of the Égalité Party of Canada

704-125 Stewart Street, Ottawa K1N 6J3
Attached document: Crown Attorney's 2-page Final Disclosure Report
Note: the following disclosure was received by Mr. Selin June 12th 2006.
_____The date stamped on it is May 10th 2006.
the following disclosure is published here for "public review" as
the Courts have determined that disclosure material is the property
of the Public.
Note: according to Mr. Selin the Police and the Crown have SMEARED
him in the notes below by officially stating "repeatedly" that he
suffers from mental illness. The is PURE FABRICATION OF
_____EVIDENCE that puts the administration of justice in disrepute.

Domestic Interviews

Date: May 8, 06
Case: 06-68477
Accused: Kenneth Selin
Victim: Agnes Van Esbroeck
Charge: 46(2), 300 CC
Crown: Duforth
Investigator: Det. Babcock
Notes: Det. Jennings

1126 hrs - Interview commenced
- interview at the Crown's request
- ordered notes will be disclosed to the defence
- rest. order imposed 1992
- accused has his own personal polictical party
- accused has crystalized delusion
- separated since 1989 - never resumed a relationship
- was diagnosed at Royal Ottawa with morbid jealousy
_____with crystalized delusions (1987) vitim says the Accused will deny this
- victim upset with name on the website and defammatory comments
- resolution victime requests - no contact and name removed from website
- he does suffer from a mental illness
- goal ----> as per victim protect her name and no ill
- has posted new messages - refers to my wife ---> her current work place
- no chat room - just postings
- if it goes to court he'll go to the Sun and Citizen - he does like attention

_____always defends himself
- victim would like to resolve this out of court
- concern that he will become aware of where she lives
- victim has not sought an injunction
- Crown: breach of rest. order Family Court -----> sentencing could be
_____sentenced to ISP Provider
- accused does not have a lawyer - next court date to speak with legal counsel
- accused has difficulty staying on topic
- discussed CWIh(?) remedies
1143 Interview concluded.

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DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement : 
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a ¡TODOS! los niveles.

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pido la protección de nuestra Señora de Guadalupearrow