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Subject: "I
want my OWN ROOM@Seaton House (men's shelter) WITHOUT! the 2-CIA African-Americans, blinking sur- veillance camera, *permanently* OPEN DOOR" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader My PRIVACY ========== I doN'T have any. Noise ===== One of the guys in my room comes in-out all night slamming his locker door, slapping the wall, stomping his foot, while talking out really loud. Own Room ========= If the Gov't can *continually* finance 10 or so PHONY POLITICAL PARTIES that are registered with Elections Canada to create the illusion that Canada has a healthy democracy, it can provide me, President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC, with my own room at Seaton House. By the way, a political party in Canada is automatically registered with Elections Canada once it has fielded 52 candidates in an election. And a political party can exist without being registered with Elections Canada. It's just needs to have members and a political platform which the É(eh)PC has. However, the Gov't has apparently ACTIVELY DISCOURAGES INDIVIDUALS: I have heard SAD STORIES of Gov't agents and the Police querying them until they give up. This seems to be STANDARD PRACTICE. It seems if it's a Gov't-financed political party run by Gov't operatives, that's OK. The É(eh)PC encourages Canadians to create their own political party in order to ensure political choice. Seaton House Shelter Front ====================== It's **THE CORE** of the drug scene in Eastside Toronto where the Poor+Homeless are. It's about DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! and drug lords, all sorts, Chinese, Russian, ... . It's a SHAM, SCAM - in my view - for North America's largest manufacture, distribution of CRACK, CRYSTAL METH courtesy of the CIA-backed Hells Angels and the Toronto Police whose boss appears to be the Hells Angels. Guys at Seaton House with their backpacks LOADED! with illicit drugs have their assigned drug routes: they go by foot or by bike. It seems to be a 24/7 drug operation involving each entire block on each side of George Street where Seaton House is located. Gabriel Panecasio was a YELLING! roommate of mine and I believe a Toronto Police undercover cop who is a FINE! crystal meth COOKER as he explained the process to me. He's now back at the O'Neil House - beside Seaton House. Seaton House Drug Information Centre ============================== Want to know WHO'S INVOLVED - in a big way - with drugs in Canada? Look at who the Seaton House CLIENTS are. The people and the history associated with the VERY! LUCRATIVE DRUG TRADE in Canada are ALL! TIED - in my view -TO SEATON HOUSE. IsN'T that AMAZING! CIA SHOP ======== What else is AMAZING? Seaton House is A CIA SHOP run - mainly - by African- American CIAs. SO IT'S A VERY! SMART OPERATION. The paintings on the wall in my 4th Floor corridor will attest to that: Henry Kissinger, President Obama, Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendricks, Batman, Bugs Bunny ... . Blake Cushing - in my view - is THE CIA GUY. I remember seeing him coming out of the US EMBASSY in Ottawa. He was a roommate of mine who in a fit of anger threatened me. Dr. Crowe is a visiting psychiatrist from the USA whose office has moved next door to my room and is - in my view - a CIA agent. ![]() She puts CIA agents undercover on provincial disability. Then there's 70 year old Mike. Mike's a retired bureaucrat, who lives Trinidad-Tobago, but comes to Seaton House every year for a while: he seems to know what's going on. There are guys at Seaton House who also stay some place else as well. There are guys who go out drinking almost every night. There are guys there that look down and out until they take out a wad of 20 $20 bills. Seaton House is NOT! a regular shelter for homeless men. There are - in my view - CIA, Hells Angels, Toronto undercover cops on staff and on 4th Floor as clients. Then, there are USELESS CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) guys and undercover RCMP. I say USELESS because Toronto has - from what I can see - a *thriving* CIA COLONY. It took me two (2) years to realize this. Why is the CIA, THE BRAINS, behind Canada's Police-sponsored drug trafficking network that GOES UNDETECTED! into Jamaica, the States with African-American cops, Mexico with the Federales and perhaps even into Australia with the Australian Police? I always thought the USA has a FETISH-DRUG WAR going on. I NEVER! thought the CIA would get involve in drug trafficking like the Chinese Gov't with their intelligence apparatus. THAT WAS A SHOCKER! Is it for the $$$? ![]() Does the US Government need THE CASH that bad? It looks that way. Having dealt with Cold War spies in Ottawa - for free - for love of Canada, I canNOT understand how the Government of Canada has BLINDLY! ALLOWED a thriving CIA COLONY in Toronto. By the way, the É(eh)PC intends to close ALL! embassies and ask foreign intelligence personnel - like the CIA - to leave. Article 1.2 .A.9 of the É(eh)PC political platform ========================= All federal international agencies will be amalgamated under a new organization called "Canada Abroad" in order to on the one hand further peace and prosperity and on the other hand to better serve Canadians abroad. Note: ==== in lieu of "embassies" abroad, Canada will have "government offices" to serve its citizens and those wanting to visit Canada or do business with Canadians. Foreign countries will be asked to close their embassies in Canada and open "ordinary" government offices. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency Conclusion ========= The Government of Canada is ---------------->>>F*CKED! I guess that's what happens when CROOKS ARE RUNNING THE SHOW, eh? Toronto Police: DIRTY COPS? ======================== I NEVER! considered the Toronto Police to be A GANGSTER ORGANIZATION which, I now suspect, they knowingly and shamelessly are. They IMPOSE THEMSELVES on the construction sites and call it "commercializing their services" when it really seems to be EXTORTION. The É(eh)PC Difference =================== The É(eh)PC will fold CSIS into the Canadian Information Agency (CIA). http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info It will put in place SMART POLICING with one federal - university-trained - Police force monitored by intelligence people. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one With the É(eh)PC no Canadian goes to jail without jury. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal ![]() With the É(eh)PC everything in the Gov't will add up and check out. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency This means Canadians will be able to have confidence in their Gov't. ILLEGAL! Undercover Cops ====================== There is NO LEGISLATION for full-time undercover cops in Canada. They're TOTALLY! ILLEGAL. They're wherever the Poor+Homeless are: social housing, food banks, shelters, free meals ... . What's WORSE, they use ENTRAPMENT to put the Poor+Homeless (the most vulnerable) in jail. For example, they'll sell illicit drugs, pocket the $$$, and their client goes to jail. The Judicial System depends on them to fill the jails+ get higher conviction rates - often summary convictions by just a Justice of the Peace. Do the Police go after Bay Street Organized Crime that get the Gov't contracts and white collar crime? NO! The Police doN'T have THE SMARTS. Plus, white collar criminals know how to defend themselves and bribe those in THE SYSTEM so the case is dropped allegedly for LACK OF Police EVIDENCE. CALL! the Office of the Attorney General in your province. Chris Bentley, Attorney General of Ontario, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) or 1–800–518–7901 online feedback form http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/feedback.asp ASK! 1. for the PAY SCALE for undercover cops 2. how undercover cops are paid? 3. what do they do? 4. WHY? ![]() Gov't Abuse ========== By voting you give your support to a FASCIST! secretive Police State that will tax you more without any benefit in returen. THE GOV'T IS CHEATING! CANADIANS BECAUSE IT CAN. When you vote, you give your approval to Gov't to continue to CHEAT+ABUSE YOU! WHY! VOTE FOR MORE! ABUSE (unless you are voting for the É(eh)PC)? Join, vote for, financially support (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384): the É(eh)PC. Give them SHIT! ============= CALL! 1. the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000, 2. his Executive Officer (416) 808-8015 3. the Toronto Mayor Miller's Office (416) 397-2489 4. Seaton House for my own room, (416) 392-5548, 4th Floor Supervisor Tell Seaton House I need my own room for the sake of privacy and a good night's sleep. Tell ALL! of them to LEAVE ME, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ... ALONE! Tell them to QUIT! *INTERFERING* in the DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL PROCESS. Tell them we need to SUPPORT! POLITICAL CHOICE for the sake of democracy. By calling, you’ll help END! Police State F_A_S_C_I_S_M in Canada. Thanks for your help. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |