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Subject: "TELLING QUOTES from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's book, 'COMMON GROUND' ", says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader FOREWORD
tells you pretty much what he's prepared to do for you: it appears NOT MUCH and NOT MORE THAN IS NE- CESSARY TO GET RE-ELECTED. Is that THE PRINCIPLED THING TO DO? MOTIVATION
MOTIVATION FOR THE BOOK "COMMON GROUND" (Copyright date: 2014) "I wanted to write a book explaining how I came to be the person I am." (p. 34) WORKING
I hope I have made clear throughout this book, ... I am working hard to earn this country's trust." (p. 288) REFRAIN
and hard work" (p. 265)"Hope and Hard Work" (p. 267) (The title of Chapter Nine) "hope and hard work" (p. 268) "hope and hard work" (p. 269) "hope and hard work" (p. 307) WILL
I am a man who knows how to draw us together to make it happen." (p. 295) Note: *WHAT* he will make happen, he doesN'T say? We are left guessing. (Ha! Ha!) *HILARIOUS*
of his own Brébeuf education, my father had been a fluent Latin speaker from his teenage years and he used it to navigate the far corners of the world ... ." (p. 60) WHO ELSE from Brébeuf spoke Latin? His dad couldN'T have been the only one. (Ha! Ha!) However, NOT VERY LIKELY though: there have been only two (2) Vatican priests to ever have claimed to be able to carry on a conversation in Latin. THIS HILARIOUS ASSERTION does set THE TONE for his book. Is he to be TAKEN SERIOUSLY? AN ASINE,
was HIS TRICK: "My goal for my first year (as MP, member of Parliament) was to figure out a simple trick: keep my head down while holding my head high." (p. 144) THIS PRICELESS LINE, in my view, BECAUSE IT nicely sets up THE BLAH-BLAH TONE OF THE BOOK. But, SERIOUSLY? He comes off, I think, as YOUR *REGULAR* BLAH- BLAH MINISTER, but with SUNNY WAYS and SMILING FACE and A WAVING and TAKING SELFIES. LIKE ALL PREVIOUS PRIME MINISTERS, he has NO PLANS OF SUBSTANCE WITH TIMELINES to deal with Canada's important issues: LETTING THINGS SLIDE IS NOT THE WAY TO GO. In fact, it's IRRESPONSIBLE. THIS MILLIONAIRE (perhaps MULTIMILLIONAIRE) GUY, I think, should PICK UP HIS MARBLES and GO HOME. :D "Justin Trudeau:
Common Ground"
Collins Publishers Ltd, 2014, 343 pages.
According to him national unity comes from FINDING THE COMMON GROUND and making the economy stronger by BUILDING THE MIDDLE-CLASS. True? *NOT* TRUE? Justin Trudeau (believes like his predecessors) (NO *NEW* THINKING HERE): "Canada's prosperity de- pends on our ability to develop our natural resources and get them to world markets." (p. 251) CLICHÉ THINKING. Canada's prosperity is dependent on WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION (SHARED PROSPERITY),THE ELI- MINATION OF *UNNECESSARY* GOV'T SPENDING for A STRONG ECONOMY where everyone can be productive and being productive can contibute to making the economy strong ensuring Canada's prosperity: that's theÉ(eh)PC GAME PLAN. And like his predecessors, he says: " ... the people who lead Canada need to be ... generous of spirit toward all ... ." (p. 258) ANOTHER OVERUSED, CLICHÉ LINE, no? HIS *ONLY* CONCERN FOR THE MIDDLE- CLASS *excludes* a lot of Canadians. This is *NOT* INCLUSIVE POLITICS. WHY POLITICS?
MOTIVATION (like that of his predecessors) he says is service: "There was my desire to serve Canada." (p. 253) SUCH A CLICHÉ LINE that lacks specificity, and hence, lacks sincerity. THANK GOD, he's NOT another Hillary or BILL CLINTON taking advantage of THE PUBLIC PURSE and all that it has to offer: THAT'S A RELIEF. (HA! Ha!) "I believed Canada needed new leadership and Canadians a new plan." (p. 270) WHAT! A PLAN? WHAT PLAN? Have we seen ANY PLAN as of yet? "I am running because I believe this country wants and needs new leadership." (p. 304) What have we "substantially" (not stylistically) seen in the way of NEW LEADERSHIP so far? "When was the last time you had a leader you actually trusted?" (p. 305) He can't be trusted if it' ALL GOING TO BE SAME OLD SAME OLD. "... a leader who will 'begin, spend, and end every day' thinking about how to make this country better ... ." (p. 305) DIRECTION
Mr. Harper's government was taking Canada in the wrong direction ... ." (p. 254) ALRIGHT. However, IN WHAT DIRECTION is *he* taking Canada? Did he ever say? Does he know? (OR is letting THE BACKROOM BOYS – THE JEAN COUTU GANG OF *multimillionaire* QUEBEC LIBE- RALS - *multimillionaires* like himself, THE GOLDEN BOY - decide that for him on an AD HOC BASIS gi- ven THE PREVAILING WINDS of the day?) By the way, he promised to TAX THE RICH MORE, didN'T he? Has he? It appears he's looking after himself+*HIS* RICH LIBERAL FRIENDS. Is this about PUBLIC SERVICE or SELF SERVICE? What do you think? Hint: in Canada, historically, PUBLIC SERVICE has ALWAYS been about SELF SERVICE, LAPPING IT UP at THE PUBLIC TROUGH. SLURP! SLURP! RICH
had ... traveled enough to hang out with the types who skied in Europe." (p. 73) AVERAGE
... my erratic grades." (p. 81) "... my average academic performance at Brébeuf." (p. 79) THE
Trudeau promised us "a new kind of politics. One that sought to bring people together to build on common ground ... ." (p. 265) He said: "My friends, we will do better." (p. 304) BETTER? He claims his Liberal Party is "building a better country" (p. 306) He says: "I can bring new forces to bear on old problems." (p. 304) NEW FORCES? Is he keeping them in the closet for now? (Ha! Ha!) "Canada needs a better government, not just a different government." (p. 262) "the right plan, and the right people to implement it, in the right way." (p. 274) WHEN are we going to get THIS *NEW* KIND OF POLITICS he promised? $$$
to professionalize fundraising" (p. 238)"The supporters ... would ... create a broad base for raising money ... ." (p. 240)#0000FF (We now know about his $1,500 Liberal Party fundraising dinners: http://www.theglobe WHAT's the #1 preoccupation of the Liberals? $$$? THE
party of values and ideas" (p. 227)"a better kind of liberal political movement" (p. 243) "We needed to remind the voters of the values and philosophy behind Liberal Red." (p. 177) Please, REMIND ME. (Ha! Ha!) With "the fall-out of the Gomery Commission ... the party's basic integrity was called ... into question." (p. 238) "... the party had become too self-centred and concerned with its own success ... . (p. 261) "We needed a new mission, new ideas, and new people." (p. 270) NEW? "... too many Canadians don't know what the Liberal Party stands for."(p. 280) (Do you?) (Ha! Ha!) PROSPERITY
Canada's prosperity depends upon our ability to develop our natural resources and get them to world markets." (p. 251) SAID TIME AND AGAIN by the prime ministers of Canada: NO NEW THINKING here. POOR
to the 2006 census, Justin Trudeau's riding of Papineau has the lowest average family income in Canada. "In Papineau I represent too many parents who are so poor they routinely send their children to school without breakfast." (p. 202) "Papineau ... taught me a lot about the problem of income and wealth inequality in Western so- ciety," (p. 202) "I felt I had gotten to know the people of this ri- ding and their concerns." (p. 185) "I heard about the economic challenges that many ... faced ... . Their debts were growing but their incomes weren't. Many ... emerging from that grocery store could barely afford the food to feed their families." (p. 179) So WHAT? WHAT has he DONE about that? NOTHING? COMMON
the Liberal Party ... since Wilfred Laurier has tried to focus on building common ground a- mong people." (p. 238) "When we feel better off by sharing common ground, we seek it out, build on it, and ex- pand it for others." (p. 272) "... to find common ground. That is how we have worked toward a just and prosperous country." (p. 284) "I tried to build common ground around common values." (p. 188) "... a new kind of politics. One that sought to bring people together to build on common ground ... ." (p. 265) "We have problems ... . And solve them we will ... by building on common ground." (p. 288) FINDING COMMON GROUND does *NOT* put food in the EMPTY BELLIES of those suffering FOOD INSECURITY - the majority of whom are our indi- genous peoples. MIDDLE-CLASS
our ... middle-class is Canada's centre of gravity" (p. 330) "I say this to the ... middle-class ... : under my lea- dership, the purpose of the Liberal Party of Cana- da will be you." (p. 323) "The hallmark of ... my leadership would be a plan for economic growth that works for middle-class Canadians." (p. 270) "growth that works for the middle-class" (p. 284) "Our ... economic objective will be prosperity for the middle-class and those .... who are working hard to join it." (p. 310) "We've focused on the big issues like the pros- perity of the middle-class ... ." (p. 312) "Helping the middle-class make ends meet." (p. 321) "... the key to growth, to opportunity, to progress, is a thriving middle-class." (p. 301) "I said in my speech 'it is the middle-class, not the political class, that units the country.' " (p. 271) "It is the middle-class that makes this country great." (p. 302) THE BEST THING you can do for the economy is provide A LIVING WAGE [$20 an hour mini- mum wage with theÉ(eh)PC] and A GUARAN- TEED INCOME which theÉ(eh)PC offers. THE
CHALLENGES are: 1. stalled middle-class incomes 2. climate change 3. the erosion of our democracy 4. getting our natural resources to global markets (p. 254) THE CHALLENGE is to REDO Gov't so that it is 100% financially transparent, 50% SMAL- LER so it can give back MUCH MORE to Ca- nadians so they can be as productive as they want to be that's what theÉ(eh)PC intends to do. FIRST PEOPLES
place is not on the margins. It is at the very heart of who we are ... " (p. 300) "I have spent too much time in too many re- mote reserve communities to be anything but clear-eyed about the challenges many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people face." (p. 235) "... we have failed to achieve a respectful, functioning relationship with First Nations." (p. 235) "The predicament of First Nations, and our willingness as non-Aboriginals to abide the abject poverty and injustice that affect so many, is a great moral stain on Canada." (p. 235) They suffer from bad housing, contaminated water, sporadic electricity, bad health and bad education. Until now, WHAT has he done to improve THEIR 3rd WORLD LIVING CONDITIONS? "Canadians share deep values ... . Optimi- sm. Openness. Compassion. Service to community. Generosity of spirit." (pp. 322-323) NEVER TOWARDS OUR INDIGENOUS FIRST PEOPLES whose INHUMAN LI- VING CONDITIONS demean and deni- grate them. TheÉ(eh)PC intends to make them MODEL COMMUNITIES. HIS
says: "I took so seriously the responsibility of responding to correspondence sent to my office ... ." (p. 218) THEN, he adds, he recruited "volunteers ... young people, mostly students, who would each come in for a few hours a week and help respond to the piles of letters, in ex- change for work experience in a parliamen- tary setting ... ." (p. 219) SO, does he do his own correspondence or do young, student volunteers do it? Youth,
claims he will be "fighting for youth in Canada" (p. 224) because of his "resolve to speak loudly and clearly for young people across the country." (p. 224) He even appointed himself as the Minister for Youth. As much as he says he cares about youth, he seems to use them as AN UNTAPPED WORKFORCE TO BE *EXPLOITED* FOR FREE which he has been doing. He even used *UNPAID* University of To- ronto interns at his Leadership Campaign Office on John Street in Toronto. THE GUYS IS RICH: HE HAD THE $$$ TO PAY THEM. That's NOT abuse? SURE! TheÉ(eh)PC is 100% *OPPOSED* to the use of UNPAID INTERNS. VOLUNTEERISM
with a massive volunteer recruitment campaign, we set in motion ... the largest ef- fort to engage people in politics. We took great pride ... that our campaigned was fuelled by (12,000) volunteers." (p. 284) "... we built a countrywide network of volunteers ... working ... to reconnect our party ... ." (p. 287) "... we can convince young Canadians that ser- ving this great country is its own reward." (p. 271) "I ... wanted ... a study ... on volunteerism and how the government might encourage it through a framework for a national youth service." (p. 223) "... if young people came up to me and said they were interested in politics, I'd tell them they were welcome to come into my office and help out." (p. 219) "... young volunteers stuffing envelopes or writing on a computer, ... ." (p. 219) "Others will apply their civic-mindedness through volunteer work." (p. 241) "Lunch was usually shared with volunteers in the campaign office ... ." (p. 206) (All TOP 3 POLITICAL PARTIES have $80+ million going into an election.) GIVEN THEIR ABILITY TO PAY, couldN'T they pay their campaign staff? SURE! Where's THEIR SOCIAL CONSCIENCE? IF THEY CARED, THEY WOULD. But they DON'T! *CROOKED* FASCIST Police State
FROM LOBBYISTS+KICKBACKS from EVERY Gov't contract, loan+FREE money (CORPORATE WELFARE) given to CORPORATIONS make our politicians BAD GUYS+their political party, A GANG- STER ORGANIZATION? Yep! Do you AGREE? TheÉ(eh)PC
GOOD LIFE+your share of the piethanks to 100% financially transparent DEMO- CRACY+STRONG INCOME SECURITY MEA- SURES likeguaranteed income+a $20/hr living wage, join+support theÉ(eh)PC. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ forMORE! |