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Monday, 11 Sep 2001
Chief Crucified
by Slandermonger
Att.: Editor of the Ottawa Citizen This letter is in response to your article on page A17 dated Wednesday, September 5th, 2001 "Native Affairs: Look again, Grand Chief." Right off the title is meant to "belittle" in my view. Why? It suggests - at least "unconsciously" - that Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come has been giving himself "airs" and "pretensions" of greatness by choosing to behave the way that he has in Durban, South Africa. The First Paragraph Then again, right away in the very first paragraph his behavior is described as "antics". The "intentional" negative achieved by the choice of this term seems to be further "intensified" by adding the demeaning term, "bragga- docio" at end of the sentence. This "heightens" the damning sentimental effect of the author who seems intent on portraying the Grand Chief as being childish, if NOT a silly eunuch. The underlying intention throughout the article and as is evident at the very beginning is to humiliate the native leadership and the Grand Chief in particular intimating that they are NOT worthy of respect NEITHER by the Canadian non-native population, but also by the very population they serve. Obviously, the intent of the article is to suggest that he had NO RIGHT to make the declarations that he did about Canada being a racist country in regards to the HISTORICAL and CONTINUED MISTREATMENT of its First Peoples as evidence so very recently in the Burnt Church, New Brunswick, renewed confrontations with the Department of Ocean and Fisheries and non-native population. The self-righteous quasi-sanctimonious KKK White Supremacist tone is set at the very outset of the article, I feel. For me it is reminiscent of White (racist) Americans horrified by the pacifist African- American population civil rights movement that wanted "equality" and the "same chances" as White America. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that this article at the very beginning is MOTIVATED BY RACISM. I sense it's has all the ingredients of classical HATE LITTERATURE and deserves prosecution to the full extent that our criminal law on hate litterature will allow. The Second Paragraph The second paragraph is even MORE INSIDI- OUS as it suggests that the allegations of native people being "beaten up" is laughable when in fact it has been a common occurence throughout Canadian history, most notably in the Winnipeg area with both Métis and native popu- lation. It is also a fact of Canadian life that native men and wo- men getting beaten and/or roughened up e- specially if inebriated and laying on the street. This is NOT LAUGHABLE NOR something to be taken lightly as the author would have us believe. In fact, at the very end of the article he suggest that such allega- tions are "FALSE TALES of victimization and op- pression". Yet, the author, Lee Morrison, chooses to make light of this as if it's amusing by suggesting that the Chief's comments were meant "to warm up his audience" as if he were a comedian, an entertainer, and thereby deriding the seriousness of the Grand Chiefs comments of their poignancy and voiding them of their inherent horrific value. The Grand Chief comments were not made for comedic effect as he grossly intimates. There is no- thing funny about the humiliation and mistreat- ment suffered by the native population at the hands of the Ca- nadian Gov't. A native person could NOT change his window frame without the permission of the Department of Indian Affairs. They were totally and utterly SUBJUGATED BY THE CANADIAN GOV'T AND *MARKED* FOR EXTINCTION at the very outset of British rule it seems when one looks back on Canadian history which proved to be 100% suc- cessful in Newfoundland. ![]() ![]() The Third Paragraph The third paragraph suggest that the "reputed" $7.2 billion spent by the Canadian Gov't on native affairs is WASTED thanks to the allegedly incompetent and irrespon- sible leadership of *ALL* NATIVE CHIEFS according to Mr. Morrison. ![]() By his calculation every native SHOULD BE GETTING $9,800. With $9,800 "the native population should be rolling in money". Even if what he suggests were true, that they should each be getting that amount of money, in reality Mr. Morrison forgets that the cost of living in the far flung reserves is "exorbitant" and therefore the alotment of $9,800 is in fact MERE PITTANCE. By arguing in this fashion it illustrates that he is ignorant of the realities of the native population. They're NOT NOR ever have been wealthy under British occupation/forced tutelage. The native population live in shacks and their leaders do NOT live in Hollywood mansions either. Anyone visiting a reserve understand that the native popula- tion is an OPPRESSED POPULATION and that the Canadian Gov't (SPECIFICALLY, the Liberal Party of Canada and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, the only two (2) parties that have been in power)is to blame and NOT the native leadership as Mr. Morrison would have us wantonly believe. ![]() The Forth Paragraph The forth paragraph states categorically AGAIN WITHOUT ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER that there is an elite (organized) class of "crooked" native po- liticians and administrators. Surprise! Surprise! Ironically, the Canadian bureaucracy at *all* three (3) levels of Gov't have such a "crooked" class: I believe they are THE FREEMASONS both in the public and parapublic sector. What does the Ottawa Citizen or Mr.Morrison have to say about that? I believe the FREEMASONS with their hands on the controls of Gov't who were the ones responsible for Canada's FIRST PEOPLES' active genocide policy in the 1930s whereby native and Inuit women were forced to have their tubes tied whenever they vi- sited a hospital so that they would have NO MORE CHILDREN. The Fifth Paragraph The fifth paragraph states that the Chief has a SIX FIGURE salary: is that FACT or FICTION? My understanding is that the "salary" itself is $80,000 - 1/2 the salary of "a", ONE member of Parliament. The Sixth Paragraph ![]() In paragraph six he states that a chief's salary is $44,234. (And how many cents?) Really! In the far recesses of Canada that con- stitutes almost subsistence living. The author in his naïveté seems to think that is a lot and leads me to think that Mr. Morrison is a fairly young person who is seri- ously "misinformed" about the daily oppressive, desolate reality faced by the First Nation Peoples of whom Chief Mathew Coon Come is an excellent spokesman and defender contrary to the assertion that the Grand Chief is NOT only incompetent and NOT worthy of re- spect NEITHER of non-native Canadians, NOR his very own people, but MOREOVER he's really some sort of buffoon. The Seventh Paragraph In paragraph seven the use of the expression "the most disgusting example of native leaders taking care of themselves" aims it ap- pears to evoke disdain for the native leadership in general. ![]() In fact, given my nine (9) year experience on Parliament Hill the com- bined words, "native leaders", could be replaced by one (1) word, "politicians", and then, it would ring true. Incidentally, contrary to the UNSUBSTANTIATED RAM- BLINGS of Mr. Morrision, the Innu community leaders of Labrador have worked very hard to get a fair deal with Quebec Hy- dro that will greatly help their community. Mr. Morrison's tone and condemnation throughout this ar- ticle is nothing short of that of a Gov't-paid propagandist as he offers no substance for his very irrationally strong, acer- bic, and false allegations that ALL NATIVE LEADERS are be- ing unconscionably irresponsible towards their own people. It is this paragraph - in particular - that is so blatantly deceitful and wrongfully condemnatory that classifies his whole article as a work of hate literature - in my opinion. Mr. Morrison should be reminded that the Innu leaders IMPOSED ON Prime Minister Chrétien in order to help solve the addiction problem of their teenage population and the Prime Minister's positive response celebrated in the national Canadian media was such that it helped him clinched the election. So contrary to what Mr. Morrison is alleging, the native leaders in Labrador have demonstrated that theyère very responsible when it comes to looking after their people. Surprise! Surprise! Then, in paragraph six he throws in the Health Canada Virginia Fontaine treatment centre debacle. Ironically, I have come to view Health Canada as one of the Gov't ministries having the greatest infestation of FREE-MASONS and consequently the most corrupted of Gov't ministries: I have worked there a number of times in the past. To bla- me the debacle on the native community is errone- ous. Health Canada is to be blamed for that as far as I'm concerned. Mr. Morrison should know that the Canadian Gov't has had its own hotel in Paris for political junkets and *all* politicians at *all* levels of Gov't have availed themselves of political junkets as an UNSPOKEN PERK for being a *crooked* politician: at least that's how I interpret that. I suspect that Mr. Morrison is just "projecting" onto the native community the "crooked practices" of the Canadian politicians being himself a FORMER MP. This is TOO MUCH as it borders on the hilarious. What political junkets did he avail himself of? How crooked was he as a politician? Very? So-so? Just a little bit? How little? (Ha! Ha!) Let me suggest to Mr. Morrison that if there are native leaders AS CROOKED as our politicians they are "VERY FEW indeed - percentagewise". It is my view that the mess that the native population finds itself in of which the Grand Chief wants to extricate his People is the making of *OUR* CROOKED POLITICIANS and NOT the making of the native leadership as Mr. Morrison would have us INCORRECTLY believe. In fact, only until the last part of the last century could we have prime ministers who were NOT FREEMASONS. The Judiciary, Parlia- ment, and *ALL* LEVELS of Gov't bureaucracy were run by these "BUREAUCRATIC GANGSTERS". They had the run of the mill in my view. Today, we can now put them behind bars where they belong along - perhaps with Mr. Morrison. (Ha! Ha!) ![]() In paragraph seven there are allegations of fraud, nepo- tism, and breach of trust. Well! Well! And - what pray tell - is the Heritage Ministry about? Is it NOT A PORK BARREL for the children of the members of the Liberal Party? And the Auditor's Report? Does it NOT itemize bureaucratic fraud (overspending, misspending)? And yet, no one goes to jail. What does Mr. Morrison have to say about that? That 's NOT criminal negligence? And that is NOT a breach of trust? What about a welfare recipient who get a measly $520 that canNOT even cover the rent? The is a crime under Article 228 of the Criminal Code "the killing of the mind" and contrary to Articles 7 and 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Liberties. So our welfare programs are NOT only inadequate, but criminal. That is NOT a breach of trust by the Canadian Gov't? That is also criminal negligence committed by the Canadian Gov't. And add to that the historical mistreatment and neglect of the First Nation Peoples, you have a history of cri- minal negligence committed by the criminals run- ning the Canadian Gov't. In fact, important Gov't bureaucrats get HUGH wage increases at the end of the year. I remember I'd get a 3% wage increase in the Senate of Canada while those above me who were in a position to take advan- tage of the system like find plum jobs for their children upon university graduation were getting 6% increases. Is that BRITISH FAIRNESS? I suggest to Mr. Morrison that the FREEMASONS who run the Gov't in the Commonwealth nations have *al- ways* practiced nepotism. And the Gov't has always been guilty of breach of trust towards the First Peoples all the way back to Sitting Bull who sought refuge in Canada. What about Chief Tecumseh? He was promised land for his people in return for fighting for the British Crown in the War of 1812 against the Americans. The British *lied* to him. If Canada is a separate nation today it is thanks in no small part to Chief Tecumseh: where is his statue on Parliament Hill? Instead, he was invited to Britain where he was made a Freemason, but the Crown gave him NO LAND for his people. The British consistently *lied* to the First Peoples of Canada promisng to look after their security saying time and again: "THE CROWN WILL LOOK AFTER YOU. DON'T WORRY." Many, many First Peoples DIED OF STARVATION BELIE- VING IN THIS PROMISE. Half the Inuits have STUN- TED GROWTH because they canN'T feed themselves adequately. And the 600+ First Nations communities canNOT afford to buy food at their General Store: THE FOOD IS TOO EXPENSIVE. SO THEY GO HUNGRY. Does Mr. Morrison realize that the First Peoples World War I and II war veterans were *NOT* eligible to receive war veteran pensions? WHY? That's NOT racism? SURE IT IS. SHAME on you, Mr. Morrison, and DOUBLE SHAME on the Ottawa Citizen for publishing such an amateurish, irresponsible, slanderous arti- cle that openly denigrates native leadership on the one hand and challenges the competence of Chief Matthew Coon Come on the other. The Eighth Paragraph In paragraph eight HE mentions that natives have contacted members of Parliament to complain of native leadership. So what? They are "reportedly" fed-up about corrupted practices. O.K. Like what? This is clearly anecdotal in the first place. And secondly seeks to defame, slander, and vilify *ALL* NATIVE LEADERS not to mention to tar and blacken their bona fide leaders. WITHOUT ANY SPECIFICS in his accusations and using ONLY INNUENDO, I think, Mr. Morrison is DELIBERATELY fanning the flames of hatred toward ALL NATIVE LEADERS stating see- mingly that native leaders act in bad faith and only for personal gain: this is pure ribaldry. The Nineth Paragraph In paragraph nine he puts in doubt Chief Matthew Coon Come's assertion that *MOST* BANDS are well ma- naged. How can Mr. Morrison expect to be credible given the overtly slan- derous nature of this article? The intent of the article does NOT SEEM TO BE TO INFORM, but to be PERNICIOUS in its intent TO DAMAGE THE CRE- DIBILITY of native leadership in general and to CHAL- LENGE the Grand Chief's COMPETENCE in particular suggesting throughout the whole article that the Grand Chief, in fact, does NOT have the authority to make any statements outside of Canada and intimates in short that he should SHUT UP. ![]() I would like to point out to Mr. Morrison that the native population had only one defence against their systemic Gov't-generated abuse: THEIR SILENCE. And, now, that they have found a competent chief to represent them, Grand Chief Matthew Coon Cone (whom I believe one of the MOST COMPETENT CHIEFS), you want to shut him up? The emblematic native person who has been pushed around and kicked when down for far too often and for far too long and of whom the Grand Chief is representative stands up and DEMANDS JUSTICE for his People, NOT favours, handouts, justice. And that is exactly what Chief Matthew Coon Cone bent on doing and obviously Mr. Morrison and those of his ilk don't like it. However, remember this: the World is watching, listening, and applauding. I *applaud* the Grand Chief. The Tenth Paragraph In paragraph ten, the expression "violation of native rights" is open to mockery by suggesting that the only time that it is used is by "crooked native leaders" who want to hide their incompetence and who do NOT want to be scrutinized. Ironically, what Mr. Morrison is admitting to is that the Department of Indian Affairs CAN HARASS and INTIMIDATE native leaders using false pretexts if it chooses to do so In fact, its Minister, probably another FREEMASON, made an open threat to Chief Matthew Coon Cone when in Durban, South Africa in order to rein him in like a dog. The Elleventh Paragraph In paragraph eleven, it's obvious that the Minister of Indian Affairs would like to have natives eating out of his hand rather then have to deal with the native leadership who gets extensive media at- tention outside of Canada and who have been quite effective at furthering the native agenda, an agenda that the Gov't rather NOT deal with as the native leadership (more than any other entity) can oblige the Gov't to be clean up its crooked past as corroborated by the Auditor's Reports provincially and federally. Of course, Mr. Morrison sees the Minister as being "reasonable" as I suspect he quite possibly paid Mr. Morrison to write his article and the Citizen to have it printed. [I'm just gues- sing, but wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. (Ha! Ha!)] (How about a little investigative journalism to find out if this is the case? Did Mr. Morrison write this article on his own? Was it commissioned by a THIRD PARTY? Did he get paid to write this article? If so, how much? Who all was involved in drafting this article? I'd like to know: the answers or lack of an- swers would tell a lot in and of themselves. Was anyone in the Ottawa Citizen bribed to publish this article? How could anyone at the Ottawa Citizen have thought that this WAYWARD ARTICLE could have any merit? Did the Gov't pay the Ottawa Citizen to have it published as part of an organized Gov't smear campaign?) The Twelveth Paragraph In paragraph twelve, the rhetoric reaches its FULL CRESCENDO in the alleged affirmation that "Canadians and MOST natives" have been "A-B-U-S-E-D by the I*N* D*I*A*N I-N-D-U-S-T-R-Y". WTF! His last sentence suggests that Chief's behavior was so appalling that it would hopefully generate reform whereby perhaps the De- partment of Indian Affairs will be able to run the native popu- lation right into the ground buffered by their native leaders. Is this the kind of reform that Mr. Morrison is wishing for: the an- nihilation of the First Peoples? Hitler tried that with the Jews. Was Hitler a racist? Is Mr. Morrison a racist - down deep? And the Ottawa Citizen for publishing such UNINSIGHTFUL, BLATANTLY MALICIOUS MATERIAL, is it not guilty of fan- ning the flames of hatred towards *ALL* NATIVE LEA- DERS? I think so. You bet! Big time! A
Citizen has been
caught with its pants down. It's Canada's capital number one newspaper which makes this HATE PROVOKING ARTICLE against the native leadership all the more heinous. This begs the question again: was the Gov't involved in the publishing of this article? I suspect so as the Ottawa Citizen has long been considered to be a propaganda organ of the federal Gov't. I say: let's find out. ![]() But the BEST PART of this INSIDIOUS, WORTHLESS DIATRIBE is at the very end and confirmed in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that this is a piece of hate propaganda when the author states that the words of Chief Matthew Coon Cone are nothing but "TALES OF VICTIMI- ZATION AND OPPRESSION". Really... ? Really... ? This is tantamount to saying that native abuse and oppression by the Canadian Gov't exists only in the realm of fiction when in fact the GOVERNMEN- TAL SUBJUGATION of the native population has been both endemic and systemic. Sadly, it's very much a hidden part of the very dark, dark side of Ca- nadian history. The native populations were roundly subjugated, dispossessed, and relegated to INTERNMENT CAMPS known as RE- SERVES in Canada's hinterland to be forgotten for good where many starved and died from neglect. The missionaries tried to help them; the Gov't did NOT. Yet the missionaries were forced by the Gov't to betray the native population by having them help with the sending of the native children to far away schools for the sole pur- pose of FORCED ASSIMILATION. Ironically, it is those children today who can best defend native rights and concerns. What is so sad is that the native population betrayed time and again by - it seems - everyone. And for Mr. Morrison to lay the blame solely on the shoulders of the native leaders for the predicament of the First Nations is GROSS- LY, MORALLY IRRESPONSIBLE because it has NO HISTORICAL FOUNDATION neither today nor in the past. What is SO INDESCRIBABLY HORRIFIC about this article is that it's A BETRAYAL OF THE FACTS and the WHOLE ISSUE OF CA- NADIAN NATIVE AFFAIRS. Mr. Morrison canNOT possibly think the systematic genocide of First Nations is the fault of the native leadership and the most squalid of conditions with entire families living in one-room shacks, conditions that are meant to make life intentionally difficult for First Nation communities in order TO ENSURE THEIR EVENTUAL DEMISE. The United Nations has *repeatedly* pointed an accusing finger at the Gov't: the United Nations has found NO FAULT WITH THE NATIVE LEADERSHIP who is forced to deal with a very bad situation because of Gov't negligence. It is my personal belief that the native leadership is doing every thing it can so that their people will have a bright future, but their hands are tied by the Gov't: the Assembly of First Nations of which Matthew Coon Comb is the Grand Chief is financed by the Gov't of Canada. Being of native ancestry myself, I personally salute them and wish them every success as should EVERY CANADIAN including Mr. Morrison. However, Mr. Morrison, former Reform MP, AND the Ottawa Citizen ought to be prosecuted for the PUBLICATION AND DISSEMINATION OF HATE LITERATURE as this article obviously purported to have its readers believe that the NATIVE LEADERS ARE THE PROBLEM AND CAUSE OF THE MISFORTURE OF THE NATIVE POPULATION and NOT the Canadian Gov't. The article does this by ridiculing and slandering ALL NATIVE LEADERS characterizing then as self-conceited oppres- sors who care for no one but themselves and in whom the non-native and native populations of Canada can have NO CONFIDENCE. Without facts and good examples to support such outrageous allegations Mr. Morrison has FABRICATED an article of HATEFUL PROPAGANDA that wants to make the Department of Indian look good and the native leadership and the Grand Chief in parti- cular look bad. I assert that Mr. Morrison and the Ottawa Citizen, the number one news- paper in Canada's capital have perpetrated a crime of hatred and libel upon *ALL* NATIVE LEADERS and the Grand Chief in particular. I hope they will ask for financial compensation for the damages suffered to their reputation and the publication of THIS LETTER, MY LETTER, in the Ottawa Citizen in addition to an apology and a retraction by the Ot- tawa Citizen for *falsely* accusing the native leadership of what amounts to allegation of gross incompetence. ![]() Mr. Morrison's article should have explored to what extent the Canadian Gov't is deserving of condemnation in line with the comments of the Grand Chief. This could have lead to AN ATTEMPT AT AN EXAMINATION OF THE COLLECTIVE CANADIAN CONSCIENCE vis-a- vis the historical mistreatment of the native/Inuit/Métis population. It could have been an important step towards RECONCILIATION and COMPENSATION by the Canadian Gov't to the native po- pulation for broken promises of the past for a history of neglect and abuse. I'm sure that was the intent of Chief Matthew Coon Cone comments in the former Land of A- partheid. The Grand Chief is NOT only A VERY SMART MAN, but has demonstrated by his person that he is deserving of THE GREA- TEST OF TITLES: THAT OF "G-R-A-N-D C-H-I-E-F". For Mr. Morrison to MALIGN the Grand Chief is NOT only reprehensible, but unfortunately consistent with the kind of PSYCHOLOGI- CAL ABUSE native chiefs had up with. What is poignant about this article is that it makes a mockery of Nelson Mandela's honorary Canadian citizenship. I hope Mr. Mandela in an act of solidarity with the First People Nations of Canada will be invited to PUBLICLY RESCIND IT in light of my letter as I'm sure he does NOT want to be seen to be A PARTY TO THE DERISION OF THE NATIVE LEADERSHIP OF CANADA to which the Ottawa Citizen has associated itself by the publication of Mr. Morrison's article. Perhaps, the Canadian Gov't is even implicated either directly or indirectly. Canadians need to know if their Gov't had anything to do with the publication of this MOST HEINOUS ARTICLE that tarnishes the good reputation of the native leadership with half truths at best and uses a broad brush of innuendo that plays upon the stereo- types of native peoples as being more or less stupid and, AT BEST, NOT TOO SMART. These dreadful stereotypes conveyed by a very irresponsible, CY- NICAL CANADIAN PRESS lends itself to this kind of ne- farious propaganda against the native population. This article published by the Ottawa Citizen coincidentally serves to confirm this. Mr. Morrison's villainous article would have the reader believe that it's the natives themselves (or more specifically the native lea- dership which amounts pretty much to the same thing) who are to be blamed for their misery and NOT the Canadian Gov't, NOT the Canadian population, and NOT the cynical Canadian Press - God forbid! Eh? Hitler said the same thing of the Jews. He said that the Jews were the problem: NOT Germany. And that the Germans had to get rid of the Jewish problem. Mr. Morrison is saying the very same thing regarding his negative charac- terization of the native leadership by saying that the native leader- ship is the problem and the solution is "reform" that will do away with this native leadership altogether. Clearly, THE PROPAGANDA THRUST of his article is to get rid of native leadership. Neuter it. Then, KILL IT. It is meant to heap scorn and derision on the oppressed native population and EXONERATE THE GUILTY: the Canadian Gov't and its partner in crime, the Canadian Press. SHAME ON THE OTTAWA CITIZEN! S-H-A-M-E! And D-O-U-B-L-E SHAME! ![]() What "reform" is Mr. Morrison alluding anyway at the end of this shameful and most distasteful article? By the Department of In- dian Affairs? Did the Department of Indian Affairs put him up to writing this article? Did they pay him to *TRASH* THE NATIVE LEADERSHIP? IT LOOKS THAT WAY TO ME. How much? Was anyone in the Ottawa Citizen bribed by the Gov't to have this article printed? How much? It has been my view that BRIBES and KICKBACKS have ALWAYS BEEN A "STANDARD" PRACTICE OF DOING BUSINESS WITH THE GOV'T. SO how much bribe-money did the Ottawa Citizen get for the publishing of this article? What DIRTY DEAL was made AGAIN WITH OUR very DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY PRESS? I think ALL CANADIANS want answers: how could such a CRIMI- NALLY INSANE ARTICLE get published in number one newspaper of Canada's capital. Do we need yet another royal commission to get to the bottom of this? Let's get answers so this NEVER GETS REPEATED AGAIN: NEVER. Does Mr. Morrison have a psychiatric past, history, and/or problem? The person at the Ottawa Citizen who had the unmitigated gall and who manifestly displayed very poor judgment in allowing the publication of what is tantamount to hate literature, what is her/his problem? Does s/he have a psychiatric past, history, and/or problem? Questions need to be asked and people at the Ottawa Citizen need to be fired and the truth of how come this RACIST ARTICLE got to be published in Canada's MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPER needs to be told. Do we need yet another royal commission to get bottom of this? Let's get answers so this NEVER GETS REPEATED AGAIN: NEVER. I don't like the smell of this article. Because what is so sad is the fact that being born native or Métis or Inuit is a "definite liability" in Canada and it shouldn't be. These children should be "happy" and "proud" to be NA- TIVE, MÉTIS, and INUIT, but it's *NOT* easy thanks to - the likes of Mr. Morrison - a spineless Canadian Press - a criminally-run, crooked Gov't. I cry for these native children. Their inalienable right to A FAIR CHANCE at success and EQUA- LITY is molested by FASCISTS like Mr. Morrison and the Ottawa Citizen who want the Gov't to SPEND LESS on them as if they were dogs and NOT people. Remember the time when the African-Americans were treated like dogs? We in Canada do NOT treat our native population that way, Mr. Morrison? How smug can you be? Why? So the Gov't can splurge its money on bribes to the Press and MORE political junkets for its mandarins, their family members, and friends for being part of a crooked FASCIST SYSTEM that serves them FIRST? And Mr. Morrison thinks there's NO NEPOTISM in the Gov't? (Ha! Ha!) My 25 years in 25 Gov't ministries after having had 85 jobs have taught me the Gov't is riddled with nepotism: at least 50% of the jobs can be at- tributed to nepotism in my opinion. It's the old story of Gov't mandarins living beside each other and one saying to the other you hire my children and I'll hire yours and I'll give the exam answers to the hiring test to you so that they'll pass with flying colours; we'll arrange it so we can't lose. (Wink! Wink!) And so the story goes. ![]() Perhaps, Mr. Morrison believes the Gov't is Santa Claus: everyone gets presents, but NOT Canada's First Peopless. The "deserve" a piece of coal. Is that what Mr.Morrison is saying? Is he suggesting that we should BE CHEAP WITH OUR FIRST PEOPLES because we are spending too much money on them already? Perhaps, Mr. Morrison believes our native population should live in *SMALLER* 1-bedroom SHACKS and LIVE ON A DIET OF POP AND CHIPS (because they can't afford to buy anything else at their Genera Store) so the Gov't can save more money ONLY TO WASTE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE? Perhaps, Mr. Morrison was NOT aware that when the railway was built ,the people riding the trains were shooting the bisons that the natives depended on to survive for sport and the Gov't allowed this. This resulted in the starving of the native population who became dependent of the Gov't for their food (which was more than likely withheld). What kind of genocidal "reform" does he have in mind? The native population appears to be victims of an inhumane horror story whereby they're treated like dirt and Mr. Morrison seems to feel HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ONE BIT. And yet, he has the gall to gratuitously blame the native people (NOT the Gov't who is "officially" responsible for them, NOR the Crown who promised to look after them) for their abject conditions - or should I say, he blames the native leadership which is pretty much the same thing. Thus, he *ROBS* the native leadership of THEIR RIGHTFUL DIGNITY. And the Ottawa Citizen aproves of this hatemon- gering by an ex-member of Parliament no less? Shame! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Adm., B.Comm., B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ forMORE! ~~~ P.S.: please note this letter which is meant to be a rebuttal of the article written by Mr. Morrison is being sent to the Editor of the Ottawa Citizen (though it probably won't get published) at the behest of Mr. Jean Larose, Communication Di- rector of the Assembly of First Nations, after explaining to him how upset I was by the article. P.P.S.: he said that it would be useful to send him a copy. I am NOT only sending him a copy but also to other national native and Métis organizations including the High Commission of South Africa in the hope that a concerted effort will be undertaken to have the article pu- blicly condemned by the political lea- ders of Canada and hopefully eventu- ally debated in Court. as hate literature. P. P.P.S.: I was told to get on the gravy train at the Senate of Canada in the Summer of 1983 (after joining the Senate staff in 1975) or else, I would lose my job. Six months later I received a 6-month termination notice though I was by then a permanent employee. The reason given for my termination was that I was a "contractual" employee which was NOT true. I requested from Mr. Lussier, the Senate Clerk, for a grand father clause only to be ignored I then turned to the Union and helped to singlehandedly get the PSAC (Public Service Alliance of Canada) union in on Parliament Hill with the help of union activist Yolande Viau. I still lost my job, however, several months after being unemployed, I was asked by PSAC to do my union steward course which I did in French on a weekend in March 1985. |
budget of the Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations was reduced 50% from $24 million to $12 million "immediately" after his comments in Africa. |