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Subject: É(eh)PC
President/Party Leader PISSES OFF the *FASCIST* Police State Gov't of Canada at Craigslist-dot-com Toronto Politics Leader I can NO LONGER post at Craigslist-dot-com Toronto
Politics without having a telephone # (I doN'T have a phone: I doN'T have the $$$ to own one,) so i'm posting my response here. I'm writing in response to my online attacker. RE: K. Selin....Mentally Ill Loser.... http://toronto.en.craigslist.ca/pol In my defence I write the following :D ~~~ I'm THE *GOOD* GUY FROM OTTAWA I'm here in Toronto to MAKE THINGS ... RIGHT :D You're the *BAD* GUY Dick, the Stick, my friend, you need to take the stick out of your arse +WHACK YOURSELF over the head with it. That doesN'T WORK? Then, get a pyschiatric evaluation. What you're doing is *NOT* RIGHT, man. You're attacking ME - compulsively - online. That's *NOT* FRIENDLY. It tells me that you have MENTAL HEALTHE ISSUSES, that you need HELP. My heart goes out to you, Bro. FIRSTLY! Let me be clear the Toronto Police - in my opinion - 1. should *NOT* be involved in the manufacture+distribution of drugs - nationally+internationally 2. should *NOT* have anything to do with the licensing of bars in Toronto (That *SMELLS* of EXTORTION.) 3. should *NOT* be IMPOSING THEMSELVES under the guise of "COMMERCIALIZING THEIR SERVICES on Toronto con- struction sites where they are (i'm sure) *NOT* needed+*NOT* wanted. The Toronto Police Force is *NOT* A PRIVATE COMPANY. DAHH! Toronto cops are behaving as HOODS!
THAT'S *NOT* COOL Calling me *unsubstantiated* DEFAMATORY NAMES is A CRIMINAL OFFENCE, but it does mean I've HIT A NERVE. THAT'S *NOT* COOL You're being CHILDISH+immature. Dick, where are you coming from? WHAT SHIT are you smoking? ![]() I mean you must be AN ALIEN or something, NO? (Ha! Ha!) PROBABLY, you're an *angry* COP who wants his way - OR - you've been *HIRED* by the COPS to do me, A GOOD GUY, harm or perhaps you're looking for love. (Ha! Ha!) Are you perhaps a Gov't-paid agent from some *MESSED* up PR or Law firm - gawd forbid. Dick, you're *BAD* KARMA. You're giving out A BAD VIBE *NOT* GOOD You need to CHILL! Take a PILL. BE COOL! Your WILD, CRAZY *ANGER* SCARES ME, Bro. You're PISSED OFF because you're a cop is that it? Sure, *I* PISS OFF our 100% CROOKED "behind closed doors" FASCIST Police State Gov't that runs Canada for *personal* PROFIT through OVER TAXATION. It's ... MY JOB It's ... AN AWAKENING! It's ... the eh-revolution. Canadians NO LONGER want their 100% CROOKED Gov't to stick it to them in the "A"double"SS" with EVER HIGHER TAXES *EVERY* YEAR with NO RELIEF in sight. It's *NOT* THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE of Canada to be *perpetually* BULLIED into paying all sorts of taxes inclu- ding *NEW* ones that increase all the time. The immaginative Toronto Mayor Miller came up with a NEW TAX: the $60 re- newal drivers' license tax. *MORE* taxpayer GRIEF. I'm going to provide them RELIEF. With my POW!er 2thePeople approach to ensure Gov't *SERVES* thePeople (*NOT* the bureaucrats+ their families+relatives) I want to give our 100% CROOKED Gov't A deserving *KICK* in the arse. BECAUSE 1. *NOTHING* adds Up 2. *NOTHING* checks Out - in Gov't With theÉ(eh)PC in power 1. *EVERYTHING* will ADD UP 2. *EVERYTHING* will CHECK OUT because you'll have 100% financially transparent, CLEAN-BY-DESIGN Gov't. Thanks to *GOOD* DESIGN you'll be able 1. to CHECK how+where the Gov't is spending *YOUR* $$$ 2. to SEE for YOURELF if YOU'RE are getting value for YOUR* $$$ in terms of COSTS/BENEFITS ![]() Anyone responsible for *UNNECESSARY* Gov't SPENDING will get 2 years in jail+lose his/her Gov't job+benefits because it will be A CRIMINAL OF- FENSE. However, *THE* PRIORITY of Gov't will be BUSINESS. The Gov't will offer FREE places with FREE kiosks where products+services will be sold TAX-FREE - without any need for a license. *THE* PRIORITY will be to do *EVERYTHING* to PROMOTE those small businesses, products+ services. With theÉ(eh)PC you get PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't (*NOT* law+order Police Sate Gov't that *BLEEDS* thePeople mercilessly). NO MORE BLOOD-LETTING with theÉ(eh)PC. That's theÉ(eh)PCGUARANTEE! This means Canadians will NO LONGER be held HOSTAGES by a *FASCIST* secretive - 100% CORRUPT - Police State Gov't. So for jobs for the GOOD life for a bet-ter world: join+support the eh-revolution in order to *MAKE* the GOV'T WORK ... FOR YOU! *FLIP* our *FASCIST* Police State Gov't THE BIRD [the "official" É(eh)PC sign] http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#sign *HELP*by putting $$$ in Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84 *MOST* importantly, with theÉ(eh)PC, Canada will respect our Constitution on bilingualism FRANCOPHONE immigration will BE INCREASED to ensure French is entrenched all over Canada to ensure *ALL* LEVELS of Gov't are BILINGUAL. Quebec's legitimate excuses for leaving Canada BECAUSE 1. it's *IMPOSSIBLE* TO LIVE IN FRENCH OUTSIDE QUEBEC 2. CANADA HAS *FAILED* to respect French Canada's RIGHT to EXIST ON THE *SAME FOOTING* AS English Canada as *GUARANTEED* by our Constitution. Be a PLAYER! I need you to WIN! I need you to *SAVE*Canada *PISS* the Gov't OFF by *FLIPPING* it THE BIRD by putting $$$ in Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84. *NEED* the $$$ to *kick* thing into gear LET'S make it ... happen LET'S get THINGS ... POPPING Think EH-OK http://www.eh-ok.ca |