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Subject: "YANKY
GO HOME! starts with GETTING RID of Toronto's mayor, Rob Ford," says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader WARNING: opinion piece WE CAN'T... ========== - WE CAN'T have the CIA run the Toronto Mayor's Office and the Mayor using CIA-run PR (Public Relations) firms and in return the Mayor's Chicago business in the USA goes KA-CHING! KA-CHING! That's TREASON! - WE CAN'T have RIGHT-WING councilors getting REGULAR CASH ENVELOPES to ensure they remain LOYAL SUP- PORTERS OF THE MAYOR, Rob Ford - WE CAN'T have the CIA running (in my opinion) the Toronto Police Drug Network using Canada's illegal (There is NO LEGISLATION to justify their existence.) SECRET (because we doN'T know how they operate) full-time UNDERCOVER cops - WE CAN'T have the CIA-backed Hells Angels running about 25 cities - more or less - like the City of Toronto, London, ON, Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Lethbridge, AB, Cranberry, BC, ... where they MAXIMIZE U.S.A contracts at the expense of Canadian companies - WE CAN'T have CIA-run PR (Public Relations) firms do the speaking for the Chiefs of Police and Mayors in those 25 (run by the CIA-backed Hells Angels) - WE CAN'T have CIA-run PR (Public Relations) firms in those 25 cities (run by the CIA-backed Hells Angels) justify increases in the Police budgets when every other municipal departments are forced to cut back and when CRIME is now at an all time 40 YEAR LOW - WE CAN'T have BILLIONS + BILLIONS OF $$$ of *UNDECLARED* MUNICIPAL REVENUE go into the pockets of the CIA to finance THE LARGEST CIA COMMUNITY - in the world - in Canada WE CAN'T! WE CAN'T! The Toronto Police Force ==================== The Toronto Police Force budget is about $1 BILLION already, nearly 1/2 of the City of Toronto budget. With CRIME at an all time 40 YEAR LOW, the Toronto Chief of Police wants to hire 200 *EXTRA* cops ON TOP the 5,500 cops, 350 AUXILIARY cops, and 150 SPECIAL CONSTABLES the Force already has. Note: - a 1st year Toronto cop's starting salary is at around $80,000 a years and makes - in my view - an additional $40,000 in *PHONY* OVERTIME - the Toronto Police Force - as far as I'm concerned - is A FASCIST Police state MONEY MAKING MACHINE that operates AT THE EXPENSE OF TORONTONIANS by EXTRACTING *ADDITIONAL* $$$ from Torontonians through *COUNTLESS* FINES, by charging for doing criminal checks, by COMMERCIALIZING THEIR SERVICES (This EXTRALEGAL WORK is *NOT* SANC- TIONED BY LAW.), etc. DISBAND! ========= WE CAN! WE MUST! We have to DISBAND the Toronto Police Force AND every other Police Force that's run by the CIA-backed Hells Angels. We have to DISBAND the RCMP, CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), the Ministry of Public Safety for allowing the CIA-backed Hells Angels to run 25 cities FOR DECADES. The Toronto 2% Property Tax Increase *RUSE* ==================================== TAXES SHOULD BE GOING DOWN 1. with the mere benefit of technology 2. with an EASY $1 BILLION of *NEW* property TAX REVENUE *EVERY* YEAR from the CONDO + COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION BINGE. But YET, Torontonians are *FORCED* to pay an *UNRELENTING* 2% PROPERTY TAX INCREASE because THE CIA CROOKS (in my opinion) want to put AS MUCH $$$ AS POSSIBLE into *THEIR* POCKETS ![]() UNDISCLOSED NEW Toronto Property Tax Revenue ========================================= Since my arrival from Ottawa in 2007 in light of the CONDO and commercial CONSTRUCTION BINGE, I figure the City of Toronto is AWASH IN MONEY this is *NOT* REPORTED: AT THE VERY LEAST $1 BILLION of NEW property tax every year. It means this: for 2007, $1BILLION for 2008, $1BILLION (+ 2007 $1BILLION) for 2009, $1BILLION (+ 2008 $1BILLION) (+ 2007 $1BILLION) for 2010, $1BILLION (+ 2009 $1BILLION) (+ 2008 $1BILLION) (+ 2007 $1BILLION) for 2011, $1BILLION (+2010 $1BILLION) (+ 2009 $1BILLION) (+ 2008 $1BILLION) (+ 2007 $1BILLION) for 2012, $1BILLION (+2011 $1BILLION) (+2010 $1BILLION) (+ 2009 $1BILLION) (+ 2008 $1BILLION) (+ 2007 $1BILLION) The ESTIMATED Total *UNDISCLOSED* NEW Property Tax Revenue: $1 BILLION (2007) $2 BILLION (2008) $3 BILLION (2009) $4 BILLION (2010) $5 BILLION (2011) $6 BILLION (2012) === $21 BILLION === É(eh)PC Policy ============ - ZERO CIAs in Canada - ONE POLICE FORCE that sees policing as an extension of social services - ALL Gov't REVENUE will be reported + accessible - in real-time - online with 1-click financials allowing Canadians to SEE FOR THEMSELVES whether every- thing adds up, checks out OR NOT + will be able to initiate CORRECTIVE ACTION for which they will be rewarded $5000 TAX FREE BACK The É(eh)PC ================ To get rid of Gov't + Police CORRUPTION, for a PROSPEROUS Canada, for YOUR SHARE of the pie, SUPPORT JOIN the É(eh)PC. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ For Gov't by THE PEOPLE for THE PEOPLE http://www.eh-ok.ca ??? ======== [In AN ACT OF PURE CENSORSHIP the Government of Canada used CIRA to get rid of the eh-ok.ca website after 5 years of operation claiming that the É(eh)PC was NOT entitled to the .ca domain name because the É(eh)PC is NOT yet recognized by Elections Canada though MOST political parties registered with Elections Canada are 100% BOGUS because - it seems - they're financed by the Government of Canada.] ======== Take the É(eh)PC Canadian FASCIST IQ Test - if you dare. |