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Subject: Will
the Toronto *FASCIST* G20 security apparatus put - global - MEDIA ATTENTION on the É(eh)PC? In my opinion, the dummy CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) organization (that behaves as if the Cold War is *NOT* over), the backward RCMP (stuck back in the 1970s - doing same old - same old), the Toronto Police (renown for operating in TOTAL SECRECY: got something to hide? I GUESS!) and the 100% ILLEGAL **zombie** under- cover cop, THUGS! might end up by putting *GLOBAL* MEDIA ATTENTION on the theÉ(eh)PC. Why? Because these TAXPAYER **BLOOD SUCKERS** are STUPID. They doN'T know what they are doing: take the G20 graffiti and G20 protesters seen in the Toronto newspapers. The G20 graffiti does *NOT* look like the work of a graffiti artist. It's G20 message "G20 = NWO" (New World Order) is nothing but CSIS, Police *OUTDATED* JINGLE - to me. *WHO* talks about the NWO? The COPS+CSIS DO! ![]() A guy talking to me by Victoria+Dundas (just across from the Yonge+Dundas Square two (2) nights ago brings up the NWO IMMEDIATELY! I think WTF! This guy is a COP! And he's TALKING TO ME! WTF! Ironically, Canada's SECURITY APPARATUS is into this *NWO* SHIT BUT YET does NOTHING regarding the *largest* thriving CIA COLONY in Toronto since the 1970's from what I can see and ... *THAT'S* ... OK? *NOT* to theÉ(eh)PC's way of thinking - it isN'T. In fact, theÉ(eh)PC plans to close *ALL* embassies including Canadian embassies to get rid of foreign intelligence personnel - like the CIA. Article 1.2 .A.9 of theÉ(eh)PC political platform ========================= All federal international agencies will be amalgamated under a new organization called "Canada Abroad" in order to on the one hand further peace and prosperity and on the other hand to better serve Canadians abroad. Note ==== in lieu of "embassies" abroad, Canada will have "Gov't offices" to serve you and those wanting to visit Canada or do business with Canadians. Foreign countries will be asked to close their embassies in Canada and open "ordinary" Gov't offices. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency So what's THE PROBLEM with this picture? ![]() It's *ALL* WRONG! The Canadian SECURITY APPARATUS is **ignoring** THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Why? INCOMPETENCE? IGNORANCE? STUPIDITY? OR ... *ALL* THE ABOVE. :D: And *WE* THE TAXPAYERS are expected to vote FOR THIS 100% crooked, 100% shitty SYSTEM that SCREWS US. Why bother? *WHO* wants to vote for a *CRAPPY* *FASCIST* "behind closed doors" "stick-it-to-the-taxpayer" *self-serving* *FASCIST* Police State that benefits the Police, THE SYSTEM+theRich and *SHITS* ON YOU? *NOT* ... ME! WHY? Because THE SYSTEM does *NOT* work *FOR* ME. THE SYSTEM works *AGAINST* me. THE SYSTEM shuts me out - telling me I doN'T count. But YET, I'm expected to vote come Election day? ![]() COME ON! *WHAT* for? *MORE* Gov't ABUSE. I get *PLENTY* of *FASCIST* Police-sponsored ABUSE at Seaton House, Toronto shelter for homeless men. And I want ... MORE! Am I ... CRAZY? NO! I doN'T WANT *MORE* ABUSE. AND DON'T FOR a PHONY Gov't-sponsored political party registered with Elections Canada that'll keep things as is and whose members are - probably - all Gov't operatives: it was created to give **THE ILLUSION** of a healthy democracy and that's the case for THE *MAJORITY* OF CANADIAN POLITICAL PARTIES. Speaking about PHONY ... are these G20 organizations+protesters LEGITIMATE? ================================== The Toronto Community Mobilization Network http://g20.torontomobilize.org http://www.attacktheroots.net Groups associated with http://www.rabble.ca Indigenous Sovereignty http://www.cfis.ca Defenders of the Land http://www.defendersoftheland.org Ontario Coalition Against Poverty http://www.ocap.ca The Canadian Abilities Foundation http://www.abilities.ca The Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations http://www.womensrightscoalition.org Labour Rights http://www.labourrights.ca Queer Rights http://www.samesexmarriage.ca http://www.samesexmarriage.ca ![]() Justice for Migrant Workers http://www.justicia4migrantworkers.org No One Is Illegal http://www.nooneisillegal.org Toronto Coalition to Stop War http://nowar.ca Canadian Peace Alliance http://www.acp-cpa.ca Canadian Arab Federation http://www.caf.ca Summit Legal Project (Kevin Tilley) http://g20.torontomobilize.org/node/232 Kevin Tilley works for the Movement Defense Committee of the Law Union of Ontario http://www.lawunion.ca Make Poverty History http://www.makepovertyhistory.ca Global Positioning Strategy http://www.onlinecic.org/blogs Canadian International Council http://www.onlinecic.org ~~~ KEY QUESTION: who is FUNDING these guys? ANSWER: you can*NOT* find out by visiting their websites. Is that A GOOD SIGN? I think NOT! YET, they're getting AMPLE MEDIA ATTENTION. We know it's *ALWAYS* ABOUT the $$$ SO *WHERE* is the $$$ coming from? It seems THE GOV'T. ![]() If that's the case, THAT'S DECEPTION! THAT'S *NOT* RIGHT. THE SOLUTION Join. Vote for+financially support theÉ(eh)PC. Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84 http://www.eh-ok.ca It's Canada's *ONLY* anti-FASCIST political party and the only party that will REDESIGN THE GOV'T to SERVE YOU - 100%. *YOU*'ll be able to MONITOR GOV'T SPEN- DING. Article 1.2 .A.3 of theÉ(eh)PC political platform ========================= The details of the financial decisions made by the Gov't, the identities of those who made them and those who benefitted from them, and who they are all asso- ciated with, this data will be posted online for "pu- blic review" so that you can ensure that the Gov't is serving you to the best of its ability. That is what is meant by theÉ(eh)PC slogan: POWER! 2thePEOPLE http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency Article 1.6.A.3 of theÉ(eh)PC political platform ========================= Auditors with Police enforcement powers from the Canadian Information Agency (CIA) will: .1 (hand in hand with Canadians) monitor the Government for financial mismanagement; .2 prosecute those committing financial abuses. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal TheÉ(eh)PC will *ALSO* make UNNECESSARY Gov't SPENDING a criminal offence: the person respon- sible will lose his/her job, job benefits, pension+do two (2) years in jail. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#peoples-money TheÉ(eh)PC calls this "CLEAN Gov't BY DESIGN" APPROACH the eh-revolution. THE GUY FROM OTTAWA [aka Robin Hood] =================================== *WHICH* public relations firm was paid by CSIS, the RCMP, or the Toronto Police with taxpayers' $$$ to attack me on Toronto's Craigslist? http://toronto.en.craigslist.ca/tor/pol/1786388973.html I *DESPISE* these TAXPAYER **BLOODSUCKERS** because they use the taxpayers' $$$ AS IF it were their own. *GIVE* THEM **THE theÉ(eh)PC FINGER**. Join. Vote for+financially support theÉ(eh)PC. Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84 |