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Subject: "My
new Toronto Seaton House men's shelter roommate, Laval-Montreal Police undercover cop (in my opinion), Blondin, has come to THE RIGHT SPOT if he's looking for A CRACK BINGE," says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Montreal Cop He said his last name was "Blondin". He did NOT want to give his first name: however, he's registered at Seaton House as "Sylvain Cardinal". Seaton House seem to have set him up with all the drugs he wants+a 2 a.m. drug route. (It's like a newspaper route.) His presence confirms that the Montreal Police are now into drug trafficking imita- ting the CIA-backed Hells Angels Toronto Police drug trafficking network. Question 1 Did the CIA-backed Hells Angels set-up the Montreal Police drug trafficking network? Question 2 Where are their crack cocaine+ crystal meth facilities? In a ware- house down by the port of Mon- treal? In a downtown Montreal shelter like Seaton House or in the unused space of court house like just across the street from Seaton House in order to ca- mouflage the operation? Toronto Cops The Toronto Police are OUT OF CONTROL because they're IMPOSING THEMSELVES FOR A FEE (The Police call this "COM- MERCIALIZATION" of their services.) in places where they should *NOT* be like construction sites. That's EXTORTION! THE LAW GOVERNING THE POLICE DOES *NOT* ALLOW FOR THAT. THE POLICE IS CONDUCTING ITSELF A A PROFIT ORGANIZATION: THE LAW DOES *NOT* ALLOW FOR THAT. THE POLICE ARE ACTING *ILLEGALLY* BEYOND THE LAW. The Toronto Police apparently even have "THE LAST SAY" on who gets a liquor license: WHY? ALL THIS indicates we have FASCIST Police State Gov't because it LETS THE POLICE conduct itself as A *GANGSTER* ORGANIZATION. TheÉ(eh)PC intends to replace *all* Police forces with A NEW NATIONAL POLICE FORCE, The Canadian Police Force (CPF). See: http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one Police Harassment ============== Putting this 6'plus 250 lb. guy in my room that acts like a cop and takes up almost all the space in the room by pacing up and down and placing his things on the window sill is FASCIST Police State HARASSMENT. CRACK HOUSE for Cops+CIA Agents ============================= There are VERY FEW HOMELESS people at Seaton House. However, there are DRUG LORDS, Hells Angels, undercover cops, CIA agents. Technically, the Toronto Police are THE BOSS, but the de facto boss is the CIA-backed Hells Angels who run Toronto and HOW MANY OTHER Canadian cities? London, Kitchener-Waterloo, Lethbridge ... about 25 or MORE! ![]() President Obama's mural painting along with that of Henry Kissinger's along with OTHER AMERICANA mural paintings on the 4th floor (NOT ONE CANADIAN) that African-Americans respond to testify to the fact that African- American CIA agents have taken over Seaton House probably for quite some time perhaps as early as the late 1960s and THEIR BUSINESS is DRUG TRAFFICKING. CHINESE GOV'T+Pakistani GOV'T are ALSO INVOLVED. The undercover cops (to which all the police forces contribute manpower) are "the backbone" of the drug trafficking oper- ation earning $200,000+ salary+make AN EXTRA $300,000+ from the CIA-Hells Angels drug trafficking network. *ALL* Seaton House STAFF benefit from KICKBACKS+ earn MORE if directly involved in the production. Note: a Seaton House staff retired owning 3 homes in Toronto. Where did he get the $$$? The CIA have put the Police in their backpocket. TREASON! MULTIBILLION DOLLAR Drug Operation ================================ It essentially covers about 12 CITY BLOCKS+includes hotels. It goes from Gerrard Street in the north to Queen Street in the south from Jarvis Street in the west to Parliament Street in the East. All those involved are drug addicts: it's A PREREQUISITE! ONE BIG Gangster ORGANIZATION ============================= Canada's Police forces have become ONE BIG gangster OR- GANIZATION involved in the CIA-Hell's Angels drug trafficking. They have to be replaced. TheÉ(eh)PC intends to do just that. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one. National Public Inquiry ================= TheÉ(eh)PC is calling for a national public inquiry into the use of - *ILLEGAL* UNDERCOVER COPS (There's no legislation to justify A SECRET POLICE FORCE that's NOT AC- COUNTABLE to anyone and that uses entrapment to send people to jail.) - *ILLEGAL* Gov't operatives (There's no legislation to justify their exsitence.) EXIST among other thingsTO CONTROL CRITICISM of the Gov't by taking charge of demostrations+by doing the criticizing like the Canadian Taxpayers Fede- ration. See http://taxpayer.com. ![]() Re: Gov't operatives Date: May 28th 2008 Subject: "I was *PROHIBITED* BY Gov't OPERATIVES from speaking with 1st Nation People who came to Toronto's Queen's Park to protest the incarceration of Robert Lovelace," says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/gov-operatives.htm Date: April 23rd 2011 Subject: "BILLIONS of TAX $$$ spent on *SO-CALLED* INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS financed by the Gov't" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/indy_orgs.htm CSIS wants to be wherever the undercover cops are because Police work is now *also* A SECURITY CONCERN. That's *NOT* LAUGHABLE? It sounds like "a make work project" to me at the taxpayer's expense of course? http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca TheÉ(eh)PC intends to replace CSIS with the Canadian Information Agency. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#info. The UNWRITTEN GOV'T Law ======================= Each Gov't department or agency is independent to the extent that their autonomy goes unquestioned: this means that no department no agency can pry into the affairs of another. THE END RESULT - given my 25 year experience in 25 Gov't departments - is this: EACH+EVERY Gov't department is run by a group of INDEPENDENT Gov't MAFIOSI including the Port of Montreal, Pearson Airport, Port of Vancouver, ... . I think THE SAME can be said for ALL our colleges +universities. BECAUSE of this UNWRITTEN LAW of Gov't, the Premier of Ontario who thought he could reduce university fees by 30% was FORCED *INSTEAD* TO OFFER A REBATE - of course - WITH CONDITIONS! *THE* NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE ============================= TheÉ(eh)PC says *NOT* KNOWING the details of Gov't spending is our *GREATEST* NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE. TheÉ(eh)PC intends to SOLVE THIS by allowing YOU to monitor online the details of Gov't spending as it happens+REWARDING YOU with $5,000TAX- FREE each time you report UNNECESSARY Gov't spending. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#peoples-money BOGUS National Security =================== For over a decade the RCMP+CSIS apparently ave been hiring university graduates from visible minority groups to SPY on THEIR COMMUNITY in the name of national security. They also run the DROP THE FEES CAMPAIGN on campuses and run campus demonstrations looking for people to add to I NTELLIGENCE LISTS some of whom will be targeted for ILLEGAL POLICE SURVEILLANCE. ![]() They also used to CHAT UP *potential* criminals as part of ITS PREEMPTIVE POLICING POLICY imposed on us by the USA. THIS IS both ILLEGAL+UNACCEPTABLE! Is this going overboard? The libraries in Toronto appear to be equipped with Police cameras. Toronto Police apparently have DIRECT ACCESS WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED to any library card file so they can find out what items are being taken out of the library. The Toronto Police seem to even have Police working as part of the library staff. Note: one of the Toronto Reference Library staff was caught on camera working with the Police during the G20 Summit. The library computers seem to be monitored by the Police. There are even undercover cops hanging around Toronto libraries. IS THIS NECESSARY? ShouldN'T Torontonians know that they are being subjected to this kind of *INVASIVE* Police surveillance? É(eh)PC policy states: 1.6 Radical Judicial Reform 1.6.B.14 Canadians must be warned by well-displayed signs whenever they're somewhere being watched by surveillance cameras. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal The Gov't has said the ALL PLACES OF WORSHIP+CAMPUSES have been "SECURED" without explaining what "SECURED" means. ALL THIS NONSENSE serves to *REINFORCES* Police State FASCISM! THESE ridiculously *INVASIVE* CLOAK+DAGGER INITIATIVES are TAX- PAYER FRAUD because they're NOT NECESSARY. In addition, they *DEMEAN* us by treating us as ENEMIES OF THE STATE when THE REAL ENEMIES are THE CROOKS that run the Gov't. Gov't SCAMS =========== Less than 1/2 of Canadians benefit from employment insurance (EI) though they pay into it. THE MAXIMUM a person can get in 52 weeks is $24,000, but NO ONE gets 52 weeks. This SCAM permits THE ACCUMULATION OF FUNDS that Paul Martin as Finance Minister allegedly used to reduce the national debt. The CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) gives Canadians very little money: the Gov't allegedly *SIPHONS* the Plan and use the money for other things. Seaton House allows undercover cops to stay there ON THE TAXPAYERS' DIME while earning an annual $200,000 PLUS Gov't salary and making $300,00 PLUS from DRUG TRAFFICKING thanks to the US Gov't running the place using the CIA + American-led Hells Angels. With the Department of Public Safety allows THIS+ LOOKING THE OTHER WAY - when it comes to Canada's SECRET MULTIBILLION DOLLAR *ILLEGAL* UNDERCOVER POLICE NET- WORK involved in US Gov't run drug trafficking - IGNORING THE OPERATIONS OF ILLEGAL, SECRET Gov't OPERATIVES, This has to be SCAM as well, no? See http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca.nd Basically, Canada's DO-NOTHING-Gov't along with its DO-NOTHING-parliament have become THANKS TO THE BRITISH CROWN a monumental BLACK (irre- deemable) FARCE as Quebec is leaving Canada+ the US Military intends to come and stay for 10 years after which Canada becomes just another state like California. ![]() BOYCOTT the Queen's Celebrations ============================= Given Canada's BOGUS "behind closed doors" SECRETIVE Gov't that SCAMS+ABUSES us by subjecting us to NEEDLESS user+licence fees, hidden taxes GALORE! Immigrants+refugees have to pay A HEAD TAX (Canada is the only country in the world to have A HEAD TAX.) + all sorts of COST RECO- VERY CHARGES. PLUS, our FASCIST Police State Gov't (that serves the Rich) does *NOT* REDISTRIBUTE the wealth so you don't get YOUR SHARE OP THE PIE: theÉ(eh)PC intends to do just that. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#economy. I've been *continually* harassed by the Police and security services for over a decade now: SO WHY would I want to celebrate Canada being a FASCIST Police State like ALL THE OTHER commonwealth countries created by the British Crown? The CROWN has given us BAD, IRRESPONSIBLE, *CROOKED* SE- CRETIVE Gov't - that justifies Quebec's exit from Canada - allows for the DIABOLICAL TAKE-OVER of Canada by the CIA-backed Hells Angels running 25 cities including Toronto+huge American corporations like Target that will make Canadians WORK FOR PEA- NUTS while their AMERICAN MASTERS make THE BIG BUCKS. USA Election 2012 ============== WHY SHOULD Americans vote for SOME RICH GUY to become JUST ANOTHER *ZOMBIE* PRESIDENT who'll only look after the interests of the 1%1% at the expense of the 99%? That's A RECIPE FOR CIVIL WAR. That's when THE RICH AMERICANS living in gated communities will MOVE NORTH o Canada with ALL THEIR MONEY turning the USA into MORE OF A BASKET CASE than it already is. I'm calling upon all Americans who care about their future to encour- age Alec Baldwin whom I met with last year in Toronto to lead the Égalité Party of the USA (eh-USA). See http://eh-ok.ca/eh-USA.htm. Alec Baldwin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Baldwin É(eh)PC Recruiting ==================== TheÉ(eh)PC will be recruiting college, university+ high school students to invite Canadians to join theÉ(eh)PC for $2. Please join and SAVE CANADA. *REMEMBER* Ashley Smith ====================== Ashley Smith from Moncton, New Brunswick, was A VICTIM of VICIOUS Police State FASCISM as INSTITUTIONAL CHARGES kept her IN JAIL INDEFINITELY locked in solitary confinement in 17 jails while subjected to sexual exploitation and INCITED by prison officials TO KILL HERSELF which she finally did. See http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/AshleySmith.htm. Her CRIME? Throwing A *FEW* CRAB APPLES at a postal worker. HOW WICKED is the Gov't of Canada? VERY! VERY ... WICKED! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ Gov't by THE PEOPLE serving ALL THE PEOPLE http://www.eh-ok.ca |