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Subject: "The
Toronto 2010 G8/G20 Summits turned into a *monumental*, *FASCIST* Police State FARCE" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Police Ass-kissing
=============== The London, England, 2008 G20 involved 5,000 cops and the cost was $30 million; The Pittsburgh, USA, 2009 G20 involved 4,000 cops and the cost was $12,2 (US); The Toronto, Canada 2010 G8 at Huntsville on Friday and Thursday and G20 on Sunday at the Toronto Metro Centre involves 14,000 cops, 5,000 security personnel and the cost is $1.1 billion when it was supposed to have been $179 million. The installation of EXTENSIVE 3-meter-high SECURITY PERIMETERS along with the installation of *LOTS* of Police CAMERAS throughout the downtown core, the road closures and closed shops made for A CREEPY Police State FEELING. *PLUS* there are - apparently - RCMP planes fitted with video cameras in the air 24/7 filming everything. That Police State feeling is reinforced by the fact that THE *BIG* WIN- NERS here are the cops. And THE *BIG* LOSERS are the Canadian tax- payers. Overkill ====== The provincial Gov't of Ontario passed on June 2nd by order-in-council the Public Protection Act that lets the Police arrest anyone within five (5) meters of the security perimeter, anyone who does NOT allow the Police to search his/her backpack or refuse to identify him/herself and answer Police questions. This is ENTRAPMENT because INNOCENT PEOPLE are being BAITED by the Police and without any warning being arrested. That's *NOT* FAIR. That's *NOT* democratic because it DISCOURAGES people form exercising their right to protest. It's FASCIST! Canada, Leading by Example? ======================== The Harper Gov't has been saying that Canada is LEADING BY EXAMPLE. EXAMPLE? *WHAT* example? 80% of Canadians say spending $1.1 billion on the G8/G20 is A BAD IDEA. The building of a FAKE indoor LAKE right beside Lake Ontario is NOT JUST A BAD IDEA, it's NUTS! LOONY! ![]() Meanwhile Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says: "It's NOT an exaggeration to say that we are the envy of the world. It's in everyone's interest to listen to those who get it right." Did the Gov't get this G8/G20 Summits RIGHT? Did it? NO! A Gov't that spends TOO MUCH $$$ - unnecessarily - is BAD *irresponsible* GOV'T that NO ONE WANTS. Gov't Operatives ============= Council of Canadians organized the People's Summit. 100+ groups presented 100+ workshops between June 18th and June 20th. They appear to be ALL! GOV'T OPERATIVES because there financing seems to be coming from the Gov't. http://www.canadians.org http://peoplessummit2010.ca http://toronto.mediacoop.ca/story/3671 http://www.vancouverpeoplessummit.ca Was this $$$ well spent? NO! Why would G8/G20 protesters want to attend these workshops knowing that their presence will be documented by the Gov't. It's ENTRAPMENT. Is it FAIR? NO! It smacks of *DIRTY*, *DIRTY* Police State FASCISM. Public Protest: A Democratic Right =========================== A healthy democracy respects the People's right to protest: it's a *vital* expression of FREE SPEECH whose freedom canNOT be suppressed by a legitimate democratic gov't. TO MUZZLE Canadians by *actively* DISCOURAGING THEM from doing so is to tell Canadians that they are living in a *FASCIST* Police State. ![]() *FASCIST* Police Provocation ======================= Witnesses said Saturday's demonstration began with a quiet sit down by the protesters, MAJORITY OF WHOM where CARRYING CAMERAS to document the event. Cops came and grab 10 protesters in order to PROVOKE the protesters. Then, they retreated living two (2) cop cars with no little gas for the protesters to bash and set on fire. The protesters moved up Yonge from Queen Street. The first window to be busted was at Urban Outfitters across from the Eaton Centre. No windows of the Eaton Centre were damaged. I counted 65 damaged windows going up Yonge Street going West onto College passed Bay Street. The protesters marched to the Parliament Buildings. There, witnesses said a cop batoned an old lady. This provoked those around her. The Police then *CHARGED* on bikes: some were arrested or others got away. One said that he had a rifle with a teargas canister pointed right at him and the Police YELLED: MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! Needless to say, he got out of there fast. Another was also hit by a baton, but was able to escape arrest, but *NOT* his girlfriend. Cops then retreated to form a complete circle around the protesters. Such Police tactics are meant to DISMANTLE a protest and *SCARE* the protesters away. Many said that the Police *CONTROLLED* the protests from A to Z by pushing them into the side narrow streets. By TAKING *TOTAL* CONTROL of the protests the Police were treating the protests as A JOKE. It is important to note protesters noticed that the Police were sending in GOV'T AGENTS among them who'd *INTENTIONALLY* CAUSED TROUBLE so that the Police could then *ATTACK* the protesters. That's *NOT* Police PROVOCATION? *UNNECESSARY* Damage ===================== The trashed cop cars and busted window panes happened because THE POLICE LET IT HAPPENED according to those who saw what it first hand. ![]() With 14,000 cops including 5,000 security personnel hired, the Police had THE CAPACITY to ensure *ZERO* DAMAGE by LINING THEMSELVES UP along the street to keep the protesters from getting access to the window. When they could have prevented it, THE POLICE *chose* to LET IT HAPPEN. What's even *MORE* MADDENING is the Police seemed to have ENCOURAGED IT. WHY? 1. to discredit the protesters 2. to justify the expense of hiring 14,000 cops. Is that responsible policing? NO! SMART POLICING? Definitely, NOT! You would think that cops in Canada who are all in the $100,00+ salary bracket should know better. So *WHO* did THE BASHING OF THE WINDOWS? Gov't operatives it seems as the bashing appears to have been done in a very controlled fashioned. In other words, the Gov't did the damages. HOW CRAZY is that? Over THE TOP? I'd say so. In fact, I think, the Harper Gov't's DISPROPORTIONATE RESPONSE to the G8/G20 protesters gives the World the *BEST* EXAMPLE of a *FASCIST* Police State. Canada's *ONLY* Anti-fascist Political Party =================================== Join. Vote for+financially support theÉ(eh)PC. Nova Scotia Bank account #: 91132 08463 84 Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) ~~~ Canada's *ONLY* anti-fascist political party ~~~ for jobs for *CLEAN* Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the eh-revolution making the Gov't work for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |