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Subject: "There
are three (3) kinds of BAD! GUYS in the Gov't," says the É(eh)PC President, Party Leader 1. The Freemasons. They run BOTH! the bureaucracy+the judiciary. For there to be a democracy the people running the Gov'T canNOT also be running the judiciary. For that reason, Canada has NEVER been a democracy because it has used the judiciary to target people. Historically, it targeted French-Canadians outside Quebec to KILL French Canada. It targeted First Peoples+Métis (those of French-Canadian+First Nations ancestry) in order to harass+get rid of them. Today, those targeted seem to be VISIBLE MINORITIES (especially African-Canadians). This is blatant *JUDICIAL* RACISM. To solve this, the É(eh)PC will OUTLAW Freemasons in the Gov't. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#no-Freemasons 2. Undercover cops. The *ILLEGAL* BILLION-dollar-plus network of undercover cops used to TERRORIZE the Poor+Homeless. They use ENTRAPMENT to send the Poor+Homeless to jail. These undercover cops get paid a $200,000+ salary. They operate IN TOTAL SECRECY. They are the MEANEST, the NASTIEST, the CREEPIEST, the MOST AGGRESSIVE - DIRTY - cops. The have proven their loyalty to the Police Force by lying in Courst, providing false evidence+doing criminal activity. They act as KING OF THE HILL with the Poor+Homeless. They act as THE BOSS. Their "thing" is to go after VULNERABLE, POOR GIRLS for FREE SEXUAL FAVOURS. I've seen girls put in this situation by nasty gizzards that doN'T take NO for an answer. They also are THE UNDERPINNINGS of the *combined* Hells Angels+Police DRUG MONOPOLY in Canada which seems to have been set up by African-American CIA guys on the Toronto Police in the late 60s when there were 40,000 US Vietnam draft-dodgers seeking refuge in Toronto. The undercover cops sell the drugs, pocket the $$$ while their clients+young pushers (who they recruited) go to jail. They can be found in any END OF THE MONTH WELFARE LINE from coast to coast. They LQQK mean+nasty+no-good because they are. The É(eh)PC will create a COMMISSION to investigate the METHODS+PRACTICES used by undercover cops to TERRORIZE the Poor+Homeless. PARANOID Policing ================ The Police have gone from using ENTRAPMENT (which is ILLEGAL) to********PREEMPTIVE****** POLICING. The Police will ARREST anyone who says they are THINKING of committing a crime ***AS IF*** THE CRIME HAS BEEN ALREADY COMMITTED. At the Toronto G20 Summit we saw how this played out in the Sunday University of Toronto arrest of 70 young Quebecois [15 of whom I had met around 11.00 p.m. on Saturday (the day before) near Queen+Spadina]. They had DONE NOTHING ILLEGAL, but the Police suspected they MIGHT+therefore, when ahead+shackled them CSIS intelligence people (often recent university) grads seem to now be used to SOUND people OUT that the Police **suspect** MIGHT be **thinking** of committing a crime. It has even happened to me on many occasions with both CSIS agents+undercover cops. The É(eh)PC will discontinue ENTRAPMENT+PREEMPTIVE POLICING because it's totally ILLEGAL. They are THE HALLMARKS of a CROOKED! FASCIST "behind closed doors" Police State (which Canada has always been). The É(eh)PC suspects there is NOW a lot ILLEGAL POLICE SURVEILLANCE due to this PREEMPTIVE policing approach which was obviously IN EFFECT *prior to* the Toronto G20 Summit as evidenced by the *pre-Summit* arrests of many Ontario anarchists. 3. Our municipal Police forces. Our municipal Police forces are now involved in DRUG TRAFFICKING with the Hells Angels. Historically, they seem to have had a habit of acting as a law onto themselves just like gangsters. They appear to have AN EXTENSIVE *cross-Canada* POLICE-driven DRUG NETWORK where the KEY PLAYERS are the undercover cops+Hells Angels. It seems to have started with the building of Seaton House designed probably for the manufacture+ distribution of crystal meth+crack cocaine. Seaton House, is a shelter for homeless men run "unofficially" by the Toronto Police. I live there. It's *also* THE LARGEST DRUG OPERATION in Canada that INCLUDES two (2) ENTIRE BLOCKS one on each side of George Street where Seaton House is. There are CSIS intelligence people, RCMP undercover cops at Seaton House who live there+accept the situation -as is - (without condemning it, thereby condoning it). There are also Hells Angels+CIA on staff+on the floors. Then, there are the DRUG LORDS. You can stay at Seaton House if you are part of the drug scene (like a delivery drug mule) or are oblivious to what goes on. Drugs+$$$ exchange hands there. I've seen it. To solve this problem the É(eh)PC will expropriate both city blocks for social housing+transform Seaton House into a parking lot. The É(eh)PC will create ONE national police force comprised of University graduates to replace ALL OTHER Police forces in Canada. Policing will be seen as AN EXTENSION OF SOCIAL SERVICES. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one The É(eh)PC will legalize personal drug consumption+keep drug peddlers out of the jails. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#marijuana É(eh)PC Political Platform ==================== 1.6 Radical Judicial Reform Basic principle of judicial reform: the State exists TO SERVE the People (NOT to brutalize them). B. Reform of the Criminal Code http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal B.6 The consumption of illegal drugs will NOT be treated as a crime. B.7 No one found guilty in the commercialization of illegal drugs will ever go to jail. DRUG-FREE ========== The É(eh)PC is committed to promoting a DRUG-FREE+HEALTHY life style. The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC Toronto G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! * GOON! COPS ... GONE ... WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== (UNLIKE MANY POLITICAL PARTIES) the É(eh)PC receives NO! *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't. YOU ==== JOIN. SUPPORT. (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384). VOTE ... É(eh)PC TO REDESIGN! the Gov't TO WORK - 100% - for YOU! TO REPLACE! "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't that OPENLY! serves ALL! Canadians. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! ***anti-fascist*** political party ~~~ 4GOOD! jobs 4the GOOD! life 4CLEAN! Gov't that WORKS ... 100% ... for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |