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Subject: "I
was charged with TRESPASSING at the Dundas+ Yonge Square by what - I suspect - is a CIA-backed Hells-Angels-run Toronto Police involved in North America's largest drug network" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Re: trespassing offence # 4860 999 00 0142700A-00 FIRST POINT, I was ON YONGE STREET beside Dundas+Yonge Square and NOT! on Yonge+Dundas Square across from the Eaton Centre. So WHY! did the Toronto Police charge me with trespassing on Dundas+Yonge Square when I was NOT! on the Square, but on the street? Why did they do it? It's a MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE. Are they just DUMB, STUPID FASCIST! Police State COPS? SECOND POINT, I was there EXERCISING MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH in accordance with Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Liberties: I was denouncing the presence of the Canadian Forces kiosk at the August 2nd 2009 Turkish Festival and the killing of innocent Muslim civilians in Afghanistan. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/1.html#anchorbo-ga:l_I-gb:s_2 It seems to me THE MAIN REASON for the BATTERING OF MUSLIMS in Iraq and Afghanistan by Western military forces is to help Israel, the world's only OFFICIAL RACIST STATE. The BATTERING OF MUSLIMS in Iraq and Afghanistan it A TOTALLY! UNPRODUCTIVE WASTE OF RESOURCES and UNNEEDED LOST OF LIFE especially CIVILIAN LIFE due to collateral damage which is NOT! supposed to happen. Plus, it increases the likelihood of international terrorism in the USA as of September 11th 2011 which could possibly kick start domestic terrorism in Canada. THIRD POINT, what I was doing was TOTALLY! POLITICAL. I was asking those passing by if they thought the Canadian Forces kiosk should be there and if they agreed with the killing of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan to which everyone answered NO! At the same time, I was handing out to them my political party card. http://eh-ok.ca/card.htm FOURTH POINT, the action taken by the Toronto Police was TOTALLY! UNNECESSARY. They could have WARNED me, but they didN'T. ![]() In NO TIME, a cop car comes along. Two (2) cops approach me on Yonge Street FROM BEHIND. One taps me on the shoulder to which I respond, "DoN'T HARASS ME!" This happened TWICE! Then, BOTH! cops took me by the arm and lead me to the cop car. They leaned me against the cop car, handcuffed me, and drove me me away from the area. They told me NOT! to come back in the next 24 hours. Then, one hands me a $75 trespassing violation KNOWING THAT I WAS HOMELESS and living at SEATON HOUSE - a shelter for homeless men. FIFTH POINT, why give a homeless person a $75 fine? What's the sense in that? He will have to panhandle to raise the $$$. He will then be FINED - again - FOR PANHANDLING - unless he's an undercover cop. HE IS TRAPPED by the Police who TARGET! the Poor+Homeless STICKING THEM with fines that they canNOT! be expected to ever pay. I know homeless guys that have over $10,0000+ in such *RIDICULOUS* fines. That is NOT! Police harassment of the Poor+Homeless? ![]() Do the Police go after BAY STREET ORGANIZED CRIME that are getting nearly all the Government contracts? NO! NOT! really. Do the Police go after WHITE COLLAR CRIME? NO! NOT! really. WHY? They doN'T seem to have THE SMARTS. So they go after the Poor+Homeless. Is this what POLICING is supposed to be about? This kind of policing serves THE PUBLIC INTEREST? This is NOT! *SHAMEFUL* 100% BOGUS POLICE WORK? What kind of *STINKING* low-life police force does SUCH A NASTY THING? ONLY SICKO! COPS do that - as far as I'm concerned. IT'S despicably SICK! Unfortunately, it also suggests that Canada is PARADISE FOR CRIMINALS. SIXTH POINT, the cops were NOT! wearing their badges. I therefore had NO MEANS of identifying them. ![]() Was this an intentional act of POLICE HARASSMENT? Police INTERFERENCE in the democratic POLITICAL PROCESS? I was exercising my right to promote my political party. That right is guaranteed under Section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/1.html#anchorbo-ga:l_I-gb:s_2 SEVENTH POINT, when I pointed out to the Crown Attorney on March 16th in Court Rome 5F at 60 Queen Street West in the Old City Hall that Dundas+Yonge Square is a PUBLIC PLACE NOT! covered by the trespass act she just laughed and said what counted was the fact the it's owned by the City of Toronto. But even the sidewalks are owned by the City of Toronto: that doesN'T mean the trespass act applies to them. Is she a KOOK? I asked to have my trial in French so I have to come back on June 8th to the same room at 10 p.m. Should I go before a Justice of the Peace that is NOT! a judge who perhaps has little education who is going to listen to the Crown Attorney who will tell him/her that the Police doN'T lie and that my contradictory story canNOT be believed? This is how THE MAJORITY of court cases in my view are dispatched: SUMMARY CONVICTIONS by a Justice of the Peace with NO! JUDGE, NO! JURY. The result is GUILTY SENTENCES - I suspect - EVERY TIME. That's NOT! a kangaroo court? It looks like it to me. MORE IMPORTANTLY, it's a MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE. With the É(eh)PC NO ONE will ever goes to court without judge+jury and only in THE PUBLIC INTEREST ONLY IF NECESSARY. ![]() http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#criminal With the É(eh)PC there will be university-educated SMART! COPS who see policing as as social services. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one My concern with the Toronto Police is that it comes across as a GANGSTER ORGANIZATION run by the CIA-backed Hells Angels. This raises a number of questions. FIRST QUESTION, is Fantino (former Chief of the Toronto Police Force) and now the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Commission a mafioso? Date: October 30th 2009 Subject: "Fantino, TOP! Cop+alleged TOP! MAFIOSO telling truth about CRACK?" asks the É(eh)PC http://eh-ok.ca/Fantino.htm SECOND QUESTION, WHY! is the Toronto Police "commercializing" their services by IMPOSING! themselves on ALL! construction sites in Toronto when there is NO! BENEFIT to having them there? THIRD QUESTION, is that NOT! POLICE EXTORTION? Because the Toronto Police Force is NOT! a private company, the É(eh)PC believes this practice NEEDS TO BE STOPPED! FOURTH QUESTION, how is it that there are CIA and Chinese Government agents on the Toronto Police Force involved in the Toronto Police North American drug trafficking network according to the É(eh)PC? FIFTH QUESTION, have the Toronto Police been operating an extensive North American drug operation from George Street [one street over from Jarvis Street and two (2) streets over from Ryerson University] just south of Allen Garden Park that include the ENTIRE! two (2) blocks, one on each side of George Street? The É(eh)PC suspects that Seaton House and the youth detention centre whose back entrance is across the street from Seaton House seems to have been built back in the late 60s with illicit drug-making in mind. SIXTH QUESTION, why do the Toronto Police Force and other Police forces in Canada use UNDERCOVER COPS for which there is NO! LEGISLATION who act OUTSIDE! of the Law? ![]() Apparently, undercover cops hang out in Toronto bars and have A FINAL! SAY on whether an establishment gets a liquor licence or NOT. This raises privacy concerns and concerns of UNLAWFUL! surveillance which seems to be THE NORM since September 11th 2001. SEVENTH QUESTION, has the CIA taken over the City of Toronto and the Toronto Police using the Hells Angels along with 25 other Canadian cities or so ... like London, Waterloo, Lethbridge, Cranberry ... ? The É(eh)PC believes a CIA colony consisting mainly of African-Americans+Latino-Americans has built itself up in Toronto since the U.S. Vietnam draft dodger days. The CIA according to the É(eh)PC seem to be THE ONES operating Seaton House with CIA as clients, on staff and a U.S. psychiatrist who helps Hells Angels+CIA agents go UNDERCOVER on mental disability. Though Seaton House is run by the City of Toronto, it's the Toronto Police who "technically" run the shelter just like the Police elsewhere run ALL! the shelters. Seaton House seem to be a sham+scam with undercover cops+Hell Angels on staff and on 4th Floor along with CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) + RCMP including those involved in the 24/7 drug business who carry a backpack of drugs to the assigned drug route. So it seems to the É(eh)PC THE YANKEES are buying up Canada AND! taking over MANY! important municipalities. Meanwhile, Quebec will SOON! become an independent country once Quebecers vote for the Parti Québécois next time round. The Americans are probably 100% READY! to walk into Canada *militarily* once Quebec declares its independence. EIGHTH QUESTION, WHO CARES? CSIS? NO! The RCMP? NO! ![]() Any of the major political parties? NO! JUST the É(eh)PC. NINTH QUESTION, WHICH! political party then should you join, financially support (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384)? The É(eh)PC. Give them SHIT! ============ Re: offence # 4860 999 00 0142700A-00 that's clearly politically motivated and BOGUS! CALL 1. Chris Bentley, Attorney General, 416–326–2220 (Toronto) or 1–800–518–7901 - online e-mail form http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/feedback.asp 2. the Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000, 3. his Executive Officer (416) 808-8015 4. the Toronto Mayor Miller's Office (416) 397-2489 Tell them to LEAVE ME Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC ... ALONE! Tell them to QUIT! *INTERFERING* in the DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL PROCESS. Tell them we need to SUPPORT! POLITICAL CHOICE for a HEALTHY! democracy. By calling, you will be helping to END! Police State F_A_S_C_I_S_M, *THE* KICKER! is this: Police State FASCISM has THE FULL! SUPPORT of ALL! the religious authorities+the media. HOW SICK is that, eh? Thanks for your help. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |