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Subject: "BOYCOTT! the
2010 Olympics" says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada after his pail of chalk was thrown across the street by an undercover cop at the Toronto Eaton Centre Eaton Centre Incidents ================= At 9 p.m. last night on August 25th 2008 as I was chalking the sidewalk at the Eaton Centre with the word "Revolution" followed by "" under it, a busker cum undercover cop (as far as I'm concern) comes charging over to me and whips my box of chalk across Yonge Street in the direction of Yonge+ Dundas Square. Then, he starts to verbally abuse me. Then, he start to charge at me with his chest extended pushing me all over the place. Another undercover cop coming to support him is intercepted by tourists who keep him busy by asking him questions. He finally allowed me to continue chalking. This morning everything had been washed away. So I repeated everything I had done yesterday evening. Another undercover cop come by to say that I was defacing public property. This type of Police behavior is typical of a FASCIST "behind closed doors" POLICE STATE. Dumb Police State Cops =================== In Canada the starting salary for a municipal cop is around $70,000: s/he will get an EXTRA $40,000 in overtime. (By the way, the overtime pay range of an ordinary cop de- pending on seniority is between $65 to $125 an hour.) How smart is s/he? NOT! A couple of years of college at most is what s/he will have with the Chief have a 3-year university degree. Technically, a cop is a zombie: cop culture tells him/her what to say and how to think. Consequently, there is NO SUCH THING AS A SMART COP. A GOOD COP is considered to be one apparently who is willing to lie in Court, afraid to lose his/her job, and NOT! smart whose UNDIVIDED LOYALTY is to THE FORCE and NO ONE ELSE. The City Police in Canada can be considered GANG- STERS because they NEVER! want to justify the size of their budgets to City Council. Yet, City cops claim to want to have a "dialogue" with youth because it's a great way to pass the day while get- ting paid BIG BUCKS: they're now in the high schools in Toronto. The first RCMP commissioner I saw in the Senate in the 1970s did NOT strike me as a particularly smart guy. Then, there is THE WORST BREED OF COP: undercover cops. They PROVED THEIR LOYALTY TO THE FORCE often doing illegal activities. How they operate is SECRET. Wherever the Poor+Homeless are to be found, they are there. A BILLION $$$ plus network criss-crossing the country who use ENTRAPMENT as the chief means of sending people to jail and they'll sell drugs to do it and POCKET THE $$$. The cops in Canada doN'T go after Bay Street white collar crime NOR crime in the gov't. They go after the Poor+Homeless, the derelicts, the drug addicts. No Government employee is to be found in Canada's 200+ apart from a few exceptions because Canada does NOT! have a Police force that looks for crime in the Government. Consequently, Canada has become A PARADISE for criminal activity especially coming from Latin America, but also the Middle East. It appears that the main concern of the Attorney Generals of Canada is to after those that are easy to put in jail in or- der to have higher conviction rates each year in order to GROW THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Going after white collar crime that can defend themselves will deprive the Attorney Generals of Canada of the high conviction rates they want. So white collar crime is NOT A real CONCERN of the judiciary. GOOD NEWS FOR SMART CROOKS, no? Consequently, Bay Street crime goes *unchecked*. Meanwhile the POLICE FORCES IN CANADA ARE GROWING LIKE A CANCEROUS TUMOR. The cops are on the buses, in the metro, in the schools, manning kiosks on the streets including the bus+air terminals, and acting as street performers, buskers. CANADA NEVER HAD SO MANY COPS+SO MUCH UNDETECTED CRIME. It appears that the Police with the intelligence services are now involved in the running of the shelters, food banks, and wherever FREE MEALS are offered because is seems the Poor+Homeless now being officially treated as SECURITY RISKS. Why? Because it's GOOD BUSINESS for the Police and intelli- gence security apparatus: they can ask for bigger budgets +MORE! manpower. Is THIS WASTE OF TAXPAYER'S $$$ necessary? NO! The É(eh)PC believes taxpayers are being FORCED! to support a FASCIST "behind closed door" POLICE STATE APPARATUS that is UNACCOUNTABLE+OUT OF CON- TROL. Two (2) OUT OF CONTROL Cost Areas =============================== The two (2) areas where Gov't COSTS are OUT OF CON- TROL + NOT MONITORED by the Auditor General: those of the hospital system + the judicial sytem. By the way it's estimated that 1/3 of hospital patients are sick because they live in extreme poverty. The É(eh)PC will institute SMART POLICING eliminating 2/3s of the Police Force personnel and 2/3s of the judges+get rid of undercover cops completely. The É(eh)PC will nationalize colleges, universities and hospital and rationalize their service regionally. This will result in dramatic savings to the taxpayer. EXAGGERATED! Military + Security Costs ================================= Canada's military budget has traditionally been $7 BILLION dol- lars. (Mexico's is $6 BILLION.) It's currently MORE! than $35 BILLION dollars+some want it be $50 BILLION dollars like that of Germany. PLUS! the Gov't puts aside $7 BILLION dollars annually to secure public institutions like churches, colleges, universities, etc. without saying what specifically is being done. This includes having intel- ligence personnel and undercover cops on Canadian campuses. The É(eh)PC would limit the military budget to $10 BILLION and get rid of the SECURITY BUDGET. National security would be assured by a NEW! Canadian Police that will replace all other Police Forces. It will require a 4-year uni- versity degree and will be monitored by the intelligence apparatus. Police State Tyranny ================ Overpaid, poorly educated cops+undercover cops, intelligence apparatus that's out of control, EXAGGERATED military + security budgets, ALL! confirms CANADA's BEHAVIOR AS A FASCIST POLICE STATE that has the full approval of the media+religious authorities. THAT'S SCARY! WRECKLESS! Spending by the Gov't ============================= The December Auditor Generals annual reports repeatedkt decry the fact that 20% of Canadian taxpayers' money goes missing due to A LACK OF GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL CONTROLS. NOBODY! gets demoted NOR loses their job. With the É(eh)PC unnecessary Gov't spending would be treated as a crime: civil servants would lose their jobs as a result. With the É(eh)PC Gov't departments, agencies, + organization would NOT spend every cent in the budget, but will graded by the amount of $$$ remaining for public appreciation of their good financial management. Victim of Gov't Tyranny ================= The Gov't took ALL the money out of my bank account, tried to put me in a mental institution and in jail, denied me social assistance in Ottawa and again in Vancouver all because I believe in providing Canadians with a NEW CANADA and a BETTER LIFE thanks to my political party, the É(eh)PC. Canadians, Victims of Gov't Tyranny ============================ Our Canadian athletes live in poverty because the Gov't doesN'T care. With the É(eh)PC in power athletes representing Canada would get at least $2,400 monthly allowance and have the Gov't cover their cost. The Gov't promised to get get rid of child poverty over 20 years ago. Did it do it? NO! Why? Because the Gov't doesN'Tt care. With the É(eh)PC social initiatives there will be NO MORE CHILD POVERTY because social assistance levels will be DOUBLED! First Nation Peoples live in squalor. What has the Gov't done to remedy this? NOTHING! Why? Because the Gov't doesN'T care. With the É(eh)PC land claims will get settled and in the meantime social assistance levels to 1st Peoples would be TRIPLED! Post-secondary tuition goes up and up, What does the Gov't do about it? NOTHING! Why? Because the Gov't doesN'T care. The Government sees post-secondary tuition as an EASY TAX GRAB on the vulnerable. With the É(eh)PC PUBLIC EDUCATION WILL BE FREE. The people on social assistance starve and what does the Gov't do? NOTHING. Why? Because the Gov't doesN'T care. With the É(eh)PC social assistance levels will be DOUBLED! Current assistance levels are SO INADEQUATE that they con- stitute blatant criminal negligence and contravenes Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Liberties whereby the Gov't promises to look after the Security of ALL! Canadians and Section 12 whereby the Gov't promises to keep Canadians from unusual punishment. NO! Effective Gov't Criticism - BY DESIGN ================================= Possibly the reason the religious authorities doN'T dare criticize the FASCIST POLICE STATE GOVERNMENT of Canada is their fear of losing their tax exemptions. The media perhaps are afraid to lose Gov't ad revenue. So-called "independent" criticism levelled at the Gov't seem to be coming from Gov't operatives in all facets of the anti-poverty movement in Canada including the Canadian Taxpayers Asso- ciation in my view. BOYCOTT! the Elections+Vancouver 2010 Olympics ======================================== Say NO! to GOVERNMENT FASCISM by BOYCOTTING the elections as well as the Vancouver 2010 Oympics. Vancouver 2010 Oympics is run by VANOC, a mafiosi-style, closed-shop outfit that evicted the Poor from 10 hotels in downtown Vancouver. It even had a NEW! Court house built whose sole purpose is to *arbitrarily* prosecute Eastside skidrow derelicts in order to get them off the street. VANOC is EMBLEMATIC of GOVERNMENT FASCISM in my view. END! Gov't Tyranny =============== For 100% CLEAN! Gov't, for a people-driven democracy FOR! the PEOPLE whose spending is monitored BY! the PEOPLE, JOIN or/and SUPPORT the É(eh)PC for a better life for ALL! Canadians. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ~~~ Let's DEcriminalize Government in order to end poverty. ~~~ DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement afin d'enrayer la pauvreté. ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) = |