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Subject: The
É(eh)PC CALLING! English-Canada (on behalf of French-Canada): Allô ? Allô ? (You betta WATCH OUT! The Yankees are *poised* to become your TASKMASTER!) Canadians need to realize WITHOUT Quebec, Canada is *DESTINED* to part of the USA. Why? The Americans ARE taking over in a VERY CONTROLLED+ PREMEDITATED fashion backed by an extensive CIA network that's allowed to operate anywhere in Canada - FREELY! This takeover is HEARTLESS. For example, in Hamilton US Steel Corporation (that bought Stelco for $1.9 billion on October 31st 2007) has LOCKED OUT 900 steelworkers. These steelworkers do NOT qualify for unemployment assurance. They get ONLY $200 a week from their union. HOW! can their families get by on $200? They CAN'T! And WHAT! are the three (3) levels of Gov't doing to help? Absolutely NOTHING! Our FASCIST HEARTLESS Gov't help the rich, but NOT those in need. The sale of Stelco to US Steel Corp. AGGRAVATED matters in the Hamilton area because it resulted in AN **INCREDIBLE** LOSS OF JOBS! It's IMPORTANT TO NOTE that this lockout ONLY AFFECTS Canadians. "By March 2009, job losses totaled 2,190 at the former Stelco facilities of Hamilton and the Lake Erie plant at Nanticoke. "Toronto Star, Saturday, December 11th 2010, Steel lockout: Made in the U.S.A.: 900 Hamilton workers fear plant's long shutdown a ploy to boost American exports", p. A6. By the way, Canadians SHOULD BE CONCERNED that the Americans now own ALL THEIR STEEL MILLS. The letter below underlines the need to resurrect French-Canada in order to SAVE CANADA.. FAILURE to do so, means Canadians can expect to be VICTIMS of US-styled ECONOMIC SLAVERY as evidenced by the Hamilton steelworker lockout once the Americans take FULL CONTROL of Canada. ![]() DARE! to protest? You'll probably be treated as A THREAT TO HOMELAND SECURITY and dealt with quite severely. SO ... If English Canadians doN'T WANT the Americans to be their SLAVE MASTERS, they better ... 1. be NICE to Quebecers 2. learn French 3. support the É(eh)PC "pour un Canada FORT et INTELLIGENT" (for a STRONG+SMART Canada.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subject: A *FULLY* bilingual Canada is A MUST - for Quebec to stay. Date: 12/18/10 Hi Mark (Mr. Bonokoski), Re: your Toronto Sun, Sunday, December 16th 2010 article, "Wisdom trumps linguistic lunacy" The fact that 17% of Canada is BILINGUAL (English-French) is, I suspect, an all time high, and I believe it's A GOOD THING. Here's why. When I was practice teaching in two (2) French schools, one (1) Catholic and one (1) public, I was STARTLED to learn that those students working in three (3) languages were WAY AHEAD in ALL SUBJECTS compared to all the other students who were COMPLETELY BILINGUAL. ![]() Why? They had MUCH STRONGER MEMORIES than the those who were BILINGUAL. This - to be sure - PLEASED ME no end as I've studied about a dozen languages at the University in Ottawa earning TOP MARKS. As well as having studied in English and French, I earned a B.A. in Spanish, later a B.A. in Italian, and almost a B.A. in linguistics. With my political party, the É(eh)PC, ALL LEVELS of Government will be BILINGUAL in accordance with Canada's DUAL CONSTITUTIONAL REALITY of a French Canada on an EQUAL FOOTING with that of English Canada. Canada will also PRIORITIZE French immigration to increase the French-speaking population OUTSIDE of Quebec so that French-Canadians can live in French - anywhere - in Canada. This was *THE* PROMISE made to French-Canadians for their participation in the War of 1812 and THE KEY PROMISE MADE TO LOUIS RIEL when he handed over the North-West Territories (today's Western Canada) of which he was elected leader.over to Canada Had it NOT been for the participation of French-Canadians in the War of 1812, there would be NO Canada today. Respecting Canada's bilingualism is a matter of respecting our Canadian history: it's what makes us Canadian. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#context http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#equality ![]() OTHERWISE, Quebec is GONE and Canada is history. FINISHED! THEN! the Americans will be able to FINALIZE THEIR TAKEOVER of Canada QUITE NICELY in the eyes of the world that WATCHED! - for years - French Canada REDUCED! to the confines of the Province of Quebec. IF you want to continue to be Canadian, THEN you want A *FULLY* BILINGUAL Canada with a healthy French -speaking population living outside of Quebec. Incidentally, the É(eh)PC intends to make Spanish "unofficially" the third language of Canada. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#Spanish That's NO BIG DEAL today. In India, elementary students start learning right off the bat THREE (3) LANGUAGES: English, Hindi, the national language, and their 'own' regional language. (Unfortunately, India has a 50% literacy rate.) Clearly, language learning is *VERY* IMPORTANT in addition to being SO VERY GOOD for the mind. THANKS for your article. Le Canada, c'est mon pays - aussi. (Canada is MY country - too.) Salut (French: bye), Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President, Party Leader of the É(eh)PC ~~~ Count on the É(eh)PC 4YOUR! SHARE of the wealth 4CLEAN! Gov't WORKING 100% - for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |