
Newsgroups: ott.politics, can.politics, qc.politiquedc.politicsalt.mexico

            like Canada is POINTLESS! Take the day
            OFF! instead+be
good to yourself,"
            the President/Party Leader of the Égalité
            Party of Canada 

The É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) is coming to YOUR!
town - hopefully - by the the time the NEXT! election rolls round.

THE GR8! SHIFT towards **TRUE** Democracy
Here's the GOOD NEWS: with the É(eh)PC Canada will make

Canadians will THE POWER [POWER 2THE PEOPLE, is *the*
slogan of the É(eh)PC] to monitor Government spending online.

Canada will go from a Law+Order FASCIST POLICE STATE run
by a secret men's organization, the Freemasons, to an OPEN,
whose PROSPERITY is the creation+promotion of small businesses
that generate jobs and make their owners independently wealthy.

Traditionally, the emphasis has always been on putting more+more
people in jail, the undesirables, the derelicts,  - year after year - in
order to justify the building of more+more jails, the hiring of more+
more cops+undercover cops that BALLOONS! the judicial system..

The end result is MORE!+MORE! taxation to pay for this BALLOO-
NING Law+Order apparatus..

The people MOST VICTIMIZED are the poor+the working class
who canNOT afford to pay MORE! TAXES.

With the mere benefit of technology TAXES SHOULD BE GO-
, NOT! UP.

The É(eh)PC believes that with a prosperity-based Government whose
priority is small business and with É(eh)PC's proposal of VIGOROUS
whelming cost of poverty
can be reduced to zero and TAXES can
come down, down, down which means that Canadians will have more
$$$ to spend which is good for the economy.

Incidentally, small business already creates 80% of the jobs, yet the
Government REFUSES! to help them in any way. 

The impediment of open, fully transparent government is the "behind
closed doors" government bureaucracy run by the Freemasons who
run ALSO the judicial system: this is the case for every country of the
Commonwealth. It's the British legacy of "law+order" government.

However, for there to be a democracy, the judicial system must be
SEPARATE from the rest of the government: that is NOT! the case
in Canada - nor in any other country of the Commonwealth.

In fact, Canada's FIRST! Prime Minister was not only a reputed drun-
kard, but also a Freemason who had the doors of the House of Com-
mons barred TWICE! to Louis Riel when trying to take his seat in the
House of Commons after being elected TWICE! to the House of Com-
mons because Louis Riel as leader of an independent country to the
west of Canada hang a Freemason guilty of treason. In fact, once his
country was integrated with Canada the very same Prime Minister
MacDonald forced the devout French-Canadian Roman Catholic
Riel into a 5-year exile.

That was DESPICABLE TREATMENT of Louis Riel, a Father of
Confederation who handed the North West Territories over to Ca-
nada providing the promises made by Britain to French-Canadians
("les Canayiens") in order to have them fight against the Americans
in the war of 1812, a war won by French-Canadians in the hand to
hand combat in the streets of the City of Quebec. Canada exists
today thanks to French-Canadians.

The British had promised French-Canadians that their language,
religion, Catholicism, + legal system would be respected by the
British in return for their full participation in the war of 1812.

This resulted in the creation of TWO (2) CANADAS at the time of
Confederation: a FRENCH Canada and an ENGLISH CANADA
on EQUAL FOOTING one with the other. This was referred to as
Canada's DUAL CONSTITUTIONAL REALITY as witnessed by
Canada's Coat of Arms and by the fact that they each have their
own national anthem.

With the É(eh)PC FRENCH-only IMMIGRATION for the next 10
years - at least - will be necessary in order to put French Canada
on an equal footing with English Canada outside of Quebec.

With the É(eh)PC CANADA WILL STAY TOGETHER and the unity
question will be resolved as CANADA WILL RESPECT ITS CON-
STITUTION, the rule of law that provides for two linguistic entities

It became very clear to French-Canadians every where in Canada
given Prime Minister TREACHEROUS TREATMENT of Louis RIel
that the survival of French Canada outside of Quebec was in great
danger: the death of French Canada outside of Quebec was the
hanging of Louis Riel and ALL! French-Canadians knew it.


In fact,  Prime Minister McDonald made it clear that Quebec was to
be the only place for French Canadians and that they were NOT!
going to welcomed any place else in Canada. They were to stay
put in Quebec: they were NOT! to cross the Ottawa River.

Let's NOT! French-Canadians have historically ALWAY! been badly
 treated by English-Canadians until the arrival of Prime Minister Pierre
Elliot Trudeau: Canadian writer+historian, Gordon Sinclair pointed this
out often.

English-Canadians even made it a habit of making French-Canadians
feel INFERIOR with their FROGY JOKES up until the late 1960s and gave
them dirt-poor jobs to the point that French-Canadians began to refer to
themselves by the time the FLQ (Front de Libération du Québec) crisis

French-Canadians OUTSIDE! of Quebec were told *repeatedly* to
SPEAK WHITE or GO BACK to Quebec: it happened to my family.

Prime Minister McDonald, Canada's FIRST PRIME MINISTER

The rule of law of the Canada, Canada's Constitution, meant nothing
to him: the English were going to see to it that they were going to have
their way every where in Canada - except Quebec. 

English-Canada did its very best to STAMP! OUT all vestiges of
French-Canada outside of Quebec that had been there for several
hundred years.

Yet there are some French-Canadian communities that persist through-
out Canada by creating French-Canadian enclaves like the City of Vanier
within the City of Ottawa or the City of St. Vital just outside of Winnipeg
or the very old city of Windsor across from Detroit.

French-speaking communities grew up along the Eastern Ontario in the
1900s including mine, Hearst, Ontario with its own bishop. 

400 years of French history was UNFORTUNATELY celebrated only in
Quebec with the President of France as a guest, but NOT! THROUGH-
OUT Canada as it should have been because Canada has an anti-French

The Parliament of Canada should have been involved in the celebration
of 400 years of French history in Canada.

This was clearly AN AFFRONT to French-Canadians living in French out-
side of Quebec, one of many that they have had to endure. 

to be BILINGUAL: ALL! provinces including ALL! municipalities are sup-
posed to be bilingual. Till now, there is ONLY ONE PROVINCE that re-
spects the Constitution of Canada: New Brunswick.

Canada is supposed to celebrate BOTH LINGUISTIC HERITAGES IN A
FAIR MANNER: it doesN'T!

With the É(eh)PC the provinces+municipalities would become FULLY!
BILINGUAL: it's a matter of respecting the Rule of Law, the Constitution
of Canada.


Because of Canada's refusal to acknowledge French Canada outside
the of the Province of Quebec THE WHOLE! WORLD has accepted
Quebec as an INDEPENDENT NATION - for decades. At the Spanish
book fair in Retiro Park in downtown Madrid in June 1975 Spanish
publishers telling me that Quebec independence was INEVITABLE!

Nowadays, it's almost a customary habit for a young French-speaking
person visiting Quebec to say when leaving: VIVE LE QUÉBEC LIBRE !

Incidentally, this happened to me just the other day in the Toronto Eaton

Plans are currently underway to integrate an independent Quebec into
the European Community.

Quebec declaration of independence means the USA will walk into
Canada and take what they feel is theirs saying that they are doing
it for security reasons: they need to boot out foreign-born Muslims
from Canada.

After 10 years as a US protectorate Canada will be fully integrated
into the US state machinery.

What can Canadians expect?

Security-graded cards probably based on your security risk level
and SLAVE WAGES for working class Canadians working for US
companies which has ALWAYS! BEEN THE CASE in Latin America.

The is NOTHING! accidental about the AMERICANIZATION of Canada.

It has ALWAYS! been THE! TOP US foreign-policy priority.

It's the view of the É(eh)PC that EVERYTHING! is going according to plan
as far as the US EMBASSY in Canada is concerned just like the takeover
of Hawaii by the US Government.

Thanks to Mr. Harper the RATE! of AMERICANIZATION is more than DOU-
BLED doubled - if not TRIPLED!

Tim Hortons, Hudson's Bay, Zellers, Sears,  ... ALL! American owned.

In fact, "Made in Canada" label will soon mean that it was made in Canada
by an company owned by the Americans.

The US Government seems to be pursuing a SLASH+BURN strategy when
it comes to the Canadian economy.

Americans buy a Canadian company and transfers it to the States: a classic
case of this was McMellan Bloedel, Canada's largest privately owned lumber
business bought by Weyhauser, a US company. Canadians opposed to the
purchase predicted that it would be shut down three (3) years later and the
US company said that it wouldN'T.

As predicted, the Weyhauser shut McMellan Boedel down three (3) years later
transferring everything to the States.

A LOT! of jobs are disappearing in Canada because US companies close
their Canadian companies down saying that they need to create jobs in the
States, NOT! Canada.

Then, Hillary Clinton, Obama's Secretary of State, suggested that NAFTA
benefited Canada more than the US.

It seems that the US Government does NOT! want to benefit Canada if it
can avoid it.

Is this HOSTILE behavior from Canada's BEST FRIEND?

Looks like it doesN'T it?

Regarding NAFTA, Mr. Harper should have pointed out how the US com-
panies are buying up Canadian companies at a phenomenal rate. How-
ever, when Canadian businesses try to penetrate the US market they find
that they are STONEWALLED + forced to backtrack.

Mr. Harper should have pointed out that Canadian oil+gas goes to the
States without tariffs thanks to Canada *willingness* to be a GOOD!

Did Mr. Harper do that?


What did he do?

NOTHING! Absolutely nothing.

It seems he believes that the take over of Canada by the USA is a GOOD!
think because the States are our friends. IT'S A FRIENDLY TAKEOVER.


HOSTILE US BEHAVIOR requires TARIFFS on Canadian oil+gas destined
to US markets.

Social Concerns NOT! A Parliamentary Concern
The last Parliament - like so many others - was a DO-NOTHING! Parliament.

The social concerns of Canadian are NOT! addressed by Parliament:

There's the Impoverishment of Canadians due inadequate employment insur-
ance program.

There's DEBILITATING POVERTY that results in starvation of those forced to
live in a ghetto because they canNOT! afford public transportation and poor
mental health as a result.

The É(eh)PC would offer the Poor+Homeless FREE! public transportation as
well as FREE! food+used furniture stores as soon as possible.

There's too many people sent to jail summarily often just by a justice of the peace.
Most are drug addicts who are sick and should therefore NOT! be sent to jail, but
sent for treatment instead.

The É(eh)PC with SMART POLICING would ensure very few person would be
sent to jail and jail would be a place where people get help and a professional
orientation for their lives.

The É(eh)PC intends to get rid of AT LEAST 2/3s of the members in the judicial
system including the jails and Police.

Then, there's inadequate social housing: in Toronto alone, 65,000+ families
according to Habitat Canada require social housing + nothing is being done
about this. The waiting lists for social housing in Canada is 10 years.

There's the fact that 20% of children are STILL! living in poverty after Prime
Minister Mulroney had promised in the early 1980s that the Government was
committed to ending child poverty over a 20-year period.

What was done over this 20-year period to solve the problem?


There's the fact that Canadian families need to earn at least $70,000 in order
to be able to afford to pay for a home.

Starvation wages makes it impossible for many to be able to have their home
for their children to grown up in.

Starvation wages means that the birth level been continually decreasing forcing
Canada to rely more+more on outside immigration.

With the É(eh)PC's program of vigorous social initiatives Canadians can be
productive, have families, and work towards homeownership.  

There's the problem of EXORBITANT! university+college tuition fees that
forces students to work while being in school and SEVERELY LIMITS THE
AMOUNT of education a person gets in Canada especially at a time when
education around the world is being touted as THE COMPETITIVE ADVAN-
TAGE OF THE FUTURE as creativity will become the key to financial success.

With the É(eh)PC public education would be FREE.

The É(eh)PC believe that DO-NOTHING Parliamentarians could end being
responsible for DOMESTIC TERRORISM because the pressing social con-
cerns of Canadians go unaddressed by Parliament.

Until the pressing social concerns of Canadians get addressed by Parliament,
the É(eh)PC feels VOTING is POINTLESS: Canadians should take the day
OFF! instead in order to be good to themselves instead.

The É(eh)PC: Canada's Social Justice Party
Vote for CLEAN! **PROPERITY-based** Government that REDISTRIBUTES
THE WEALTH and makes THE! PRIORITY of Government the GROWTH of
small businesses.

Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude"
President/Party Leader
of the Égalité Party of Canada
Let's DEcriminalize Government
in order to end poverty.
DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement
afin d'enrayer la pauvreté.
"talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman)
http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk&mode=related&search =