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Ottawa, August 14th
Mr. Erwin Cutler
of Justice
Wellington St.
Ottawa K1A 0H8
Dear Mr. Cutler:
clear $648 in Unemployment Insurance
and the Justice
Department takes 1/2 of that in family support payments
leaving me with $324 to live on for the month. My ex-wife
is not in financial need earning about $50K per year: she
has a home and has just bought a new car.
This action by your Department is not only senseless,
heartless, it is both immoral and illegal. In fact, it constitutes
a crime according to Article 228 of
Canadian Criminal
Negligence, Killing of
the Mind,
and con-
7 (The Government promises to
look after
our security.) and 12
(It promises to protect us from cruel
and unusual punishment.) of the Canadian
Charter of
and Freedoms. My rent is
$650. I cannot pay my
I believe I'm the victim of Mafiosi Government. Here's why.
The Canadian government bureaucracy like that of any
Commonwealth country [being freemasonic-based muni-
cipally, provincially (except in Quebec), and federally with
Attorney Generals, judges, and Crown Attorneys being
nearly all Freemasons and with every government agency,
department, ministry, college, university, and hospital
being run by its own internal mafia in my opinion, and
given the fact that only one province respects our Canadian
constitution with regards to official bilingualism] does
not respect the Rule of Law and is illegitimate.
My party, the Égalité Party of Canada plans to
that by DEcriminalizing the Government: at ALL levels!
It is determined to put an end to what it regards as
freemasonic gangsterism once and for all.
The Government run by a person whose company never
paid Canadian taxes obliges me to ask fellow Canadians
for their financial support.
Kenneth Selin
704-125 Stewart St.
Ottawa K1N 6J3
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admn.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna
cum laude
Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada
Vote Égalité
or doN'T vote!