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Subject: "The
solution to
*aggressive* panhandlers is SIMPLE!" says the President/Party Leader of the Égalté Party of Canada Hi Rosie (Ms. Dimanno), I'm responding to your article on page A2 of today's Toronto Star, August 18th 2007, "Many panhandlers bullies". Right off, I have to DISAGREE with the choice of the word "many" in the title of the article: I "really" do think that is SMACKS of hyper- bole - in my view. And here is why. I'm now living in a shelter, "men's hostile", Seaton House at 339 George Street one block right (when facing North) from the corner of Jarvis and Gerrard Streets since July 26th 2007. And I've been walking the streets of DOWNTOWN Toronto, 5 days in April, and again since my arrival here in Toronto on July 19th and I'm making a point to not only notice the panhandlers, but to get to know them - at least a few. To say that there are "many" aggressive panhandlers is EXAGGE- RATING THINGS from what I can see. The ones that are "aggressive", I noticed, are the "UNDERCOVER COPS" POSING as panhandlers. They "like" to be "aggressive" with me. (I wonder why. Ha! Ha!) The way to handle "aggressive" panhandlers is to call the cops and get a Police report that will identify the panhandler something any undercover dreads. Incidentally, I noticed at Seaton House (nicknamed "Satan's House" by those who live there) that the undercover cops are (more often than not) the troublemakers. THEY seem to *RUN* THE PLACE. They'll butt into the kitchen line. Change the TV channel in the dining area. Pick anger fits and EVEN ACT! MENTALLY DISTURBED whenever it suits them and THE STAFF LETS THEM BE. The SAD REALITY is that *THE UNDERCOVER COPS* are part and parcel "shelter system" apparatus in Canada that puts people ON THE STREET or IN JAIL. I learned long ago that UNDERCOVER COPS can be NASTY. When I'd go by the shelter in Ottawa, I noticed that THE POLICE CAME BY there *REGULARLY* on a *DAILY BASIS* and when- ever they did come by there was usually AT LEAST *ONE* under- cover cop *WATCHING* everything from afar. Whenever I ate there - on occasion in the evening - at the Shep- herds of Good Hope soup kitchen just across the highway from the shelter, it was NOT unusual to have ONE OR MORE COP CARS in the yard. Besides the undercover cops eating there at the Shepherd of Good Hope, COPS IN FULL UNIFORM would WALTZ IN as if they owned the place sporting smiles on their faces. It was also NOT unusual either to have an undercover cops be- hind the counter serving meals and eying everybody that came by. Technically, THE OTTAWA POLICE come and "arbitrarily" ar- rest whomever they want: it seems very much like a PRE- PLANNED OPERATION. I can clearly remember one big lady serving at the lunch counter telling a young man that the Police had told her that they were going to come and put him in jail. Why did the Police have to tell her? I learned that the homeless are *CONDITIONED* to accept this kind of ARBITRARY POLICE BEHAVIOR: it is as if they feel they don't have any rights whatsoever and that the System has all the power and that they don't have any. Just this year I remember THREE (3) BURLY OTTAWA COPS arresting TWO (2) CUTE LITTLE OLD LADIES who waved and smiled at me while they were marched down the street to a Po- lice cruiser. Now serious could their crime have been, really? I remember another INCREDIBLE INCIDENT - again this year - when the OTTAWA POLICE decided to charge someone living at the shelter with jaywalking without even giving that person a warning whatsoever when EVERYONE living at the shelter *AL- WAYS* JAYWALK in order to cross the street to get to the Shep- herds of Good Hope. When I went over to inquire about the arrest, the cop doing the arresting called for back up. I was then faced with THREE HUGE (THUG-LOOKING) COPS. The one with the tag "team leader" on his shirt along with one other cop had TAKEN OFF their badges and name plates. When I asked for their names and badge numbersI was told that by them in a BELLIGERENT WAY they did NOT have to give that informa- tion to me. These poor souls, the two old ladies and the homeless jaywalker, get to contribute to THE POLICE AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM *STATS* that the Police and judicial system use to convince Canadians that THE SYSTEM IS WORKING, but is it - "really"? While at Seaton Place there are no BED BUGS and there are LOC- KERS, in Ottawa and Vancouver the shelters are plagued with bed bugs and there are NO LOCKERS. NO LOCKERS mean that anyone sleeping over WILL "eventually" LOSE EVERYTHING! including socks and shoes except for the clothes on his back. The homeless problem is compounded by THE FACT that the num- ber of shelters is *INTENTIONALLY* INSUFFICIENT. (Calgary might be the only exception though. Any overflow is bus over to a warehouse where the homeless can spend the night.) This is acerbated by THE FACT that there is *INTENTIONALLY* NO MORE! social (income-based) housing available in Canada. And THE WAITING LISTS are 8+ years long. Therefore, if you cannot afford to pay the high rents in such cities like Toronto or Vancouver or almost any other Canadian city for that matter you'll have to go where rent is cheaper and a job can be found or live somewhere in a tent out of the sight of the Police because if they do they will send you packing inventing any excuse they can think of. Technically, I suspect what the Government of Canada wants to do is create MORE JAILS that they can contract out to American cor- porations that will give CROOKED Government bureaucrats HEFTY KICK-BACKS and BRIBES in return for the contracts. The contracting out of Government to American corporations is a DANGEROUS TREND and THREAT TO CANADIAN SOVER- EIGNTY. The building of MORE PRISONS allows the Government to GIVE MORE! to the POLICE who technically, I feel, constitute "already" A MAFIA and could possibly be working HAND IN HAND with "organized" crime. Remember the criminals into protection racketeering in the To- ronto Police Force? And former Toronto Police Chief Fontano under whose watch these criminals were active is now the OPP Commissioner, that's NOT creepy? Was it AN ACCIDENT that the mayor of Toronto, Mel Last- man, shook the hands of the Hell Angels in a DOWNTOWN Toronto hotel several years ago? Not from an "intelligence gathering" perspective - in my view. A Toronto mayor will do what he is told, right? He just follows orders from THE CROOKS who run the munici- pal bureaucracy, right? Remember the Toronto City Oracle scandal where the City paid twice what it should have and the municipal officials involved got GREAT BRIBES and then there was a $20-million investigation into the whole matter. ![]() And who went to jail? According to the Égalité Party of Canada THE BIGGEST THREAT to Canadian sovereignty is *GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION*. It allows a rich government like that of the U.S.A. to have it's way with Canada like the U.S.A. does with NEARLY ALL Latino go- vernments to some degree. CANADA in the past year LOST 151 Canadian CORPORA- TIONS to FOREIGN INTERESTS and what percentage were American? Prime Minister Harper has TRIPLED! military spending BENE- FITING THE U.S.A. The rate of Americanization of Canada has DOUBLED! under Mr. Harper. And Canada is fighting a U.S. war in Afghanistan NEEDLESS- LY spending money and NEEDLESSLY putting Canadian lives at risk. CLEARLY, the U.S.A. is having its way with Canada, right? Maybe Canadians should nickname Mr. Harper, General Pétain, in honour of the man who willing collaborated with the Nazis ex- cept that Mr. Harper is NOT collaborating with the Nazis, but with the Americans who are seen by the Arabs/Muslims worldwide to be just as bad as the imperialistic Nazis. Also, Mr. Harper and the Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, can BOTH be called Uncle Scrooge: they both have BILLION DOLLAR SURPLUSES and WON'T HELP Toronto with its DEFICIT that is BEING BLAMED ON THE HOMELESS. Shame! Making *THE HOMELESS* THE SCAPEGOATS AGAIN! and AGAIN! And the CONTRARY TO the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where the Government of Canada under Section 7 promises to look after the security of ALL! Canadians and under Section 12 promises to keep them from cruel and un- usual punishment. *FORCING* THE POOR onto the streets where clearly THEIR HEALTH WILL DEGRADE is NOT looking after their security and YES! IT IS *CRUEL* and *UNUSUAL* punishment. The Government of Canada has NO MONEY for the homeless, but it has BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for fighting a U.S. WAR in Afghanistan, that is of NO BENEFIT whatsoever TO CANADA. And THAT IS FINE by Mr. Harper and company? Now THAT'S CREEPY! This strongly suggests that the New Conservative Party (as the OLD PC Party) is run by the U.S.A. probably as far back as the days of DaltonCamp. That is to say the U.S.A. KNOWS WHO TO BRIBE in that Party so that it can have its way with the Party like it does with other Latino governments like Guatemala. Now THAT'S SCARY! What else is SCARY? At the end of the year in December the provincial auditors along with the Auditor General of Canada WILL REPORT *BILLIONS OF DOLLARS* WENT MISSING (about 20% probably) DUE TO "A LACK OF FINANCIAL CONTROLS". And NO ONE is demoted, fired, or loses his/her job as a result. But at the end of February and beginning of March *EVERYONE* GETS BONUSES and/or PAY INCREASES while THE HOME- LESS GET ZIP! Nada! Nothing. ZERO! ![]() Now, THAT'S CREEPY, HEARTLESS, and INCONSCIOUS- ABLE. In Canada we have just over 200 jails and you will NOT find any Government employees in any of them doing time. They doN'T go to jail. In fact, in Canada we don't have a Police Force nor an intel- ligence agency that looks for crime in the Government. How convenient is that for the crooks in the Government? And NO ONE MONITORS THE ABUSES committed by the judicial system where MINOR SENTENCES are expedited SUMMARILY and ARBITRARILY by either a judge or a justice of the peace WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF JURY. Apparently, in a secret Osgood Hall study of judicial sentences it was found that judges only respected the Law ONLY 50% of the time in their sentencing. Judges will say that they are INTERESTED IN ONLY *ONE THING*: if the person broke the law or NOT. Judges are saying in these case that they are NOT interested in anything else that might apply like criminal intent, extenuating circumstances, whether due process was respected or not. This has THE EFFECT of turning the Canadian judicial system into A KANGAROO COURT SYSTEM where everyone that is brought before the courts to be found guilty REGARDLESS of the presence of criminal intent, extenuating circumstances, en- trapment, whether due process was respected by the Police or not, etc. Consequently, the judges BASING THEMSELVES solely ON THE DISCLOSURE REPORTS PUT TOGETHER BY THE CROWN *AND* THE POLICE invariably FIND EVERYONE! brought before them to be GUILTY AS CHARGED! Surprise? Surprise? WHAT are we dealing with here? It looks like FULL-BLOWN RACKETEERING (NOT JUST BY POLICE, CROWN ATTORNEYS, AND JUDGES), BUT BY THE *ENTIRE* GOVERNMENT. CROOKS? What do you think? WHAT'S THE SOLE SOLUTION to *THE TRADITION OF CROOKED GOVERNMENT* in Canada? It's the one provided by the Égalité Party of Canada: 1. AN INTERNET-BASED GOVERNMENT that THE PEOPLE! CAN POLICE themselves. 2. Public accountants (auditors) with Police enforce- ment powers that can rid the Government of the CRIMINALS. The É(eh)PC ========= Want to say NO! ... to poverty? to UNFAIR taxation? to HEARTLESS Government? to SYSTEMIC Government corruption? For CLEAN! inexpensive Government that redistributes the wealth and makes small business creation the priority, SUPPORT, VOTE for the É(eh)PC. JOIN the EH!-revolution! BECOME A MEMBER of the É(eh)PC. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada ( http://www.eh-ok.ca) ~~~ Let's DEcriminalize Government in order to end proverty. ~~~ DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement afin d'enrayer la pauvreté. ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) |