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Subject: "We
see THE TRUE COLOURS of the PC Harper Climate Change Accountability Act, Bill C-311", says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader The Climate Change Accountability Act (Bill C-311) ======================================= VETOED! by the Senate on November 16th 2010 (after being in the Senate for 193 days) in a SURPRISE VOTE called when 15 Liberal senators+several independent senators were absent. IMPORTANT ========== This act was IMPORTANT. According to David Suzuki, Canada's #1 environmentalist, it would have made Canada an environmental leader. It ensured the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020 [nine (9) years from now] and by 80% by 2050. The greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for an accelerated pace of climate change that is causing glaciers to melt faster as well as changing our weather patterns. Failure to reduce greenhouse gases will have CATASTROPHIC consequences both environmentally+economically - in the future. A Charade ========= By the Progressive Conservative "Harper" Government allowing the Bill C-311 to pass the House of Commons only to have it intentionally VETOED in the Senate turns parliamentary affairs into a "make work project" charade that's designed to keep the members of Parliament (MPs) BUSY FOR NOTHING in a DO-NOTHING! PARLIAMENT. The benefit to Canadians is A BIG! ZERO while the MPs get their FAT biweekly CHEQUES just the same without doing any MEANINGFUL work. Parliament could NOT be any MORE USELESS than it actually is right now. Prime Minister Harper might as well send ALL the MPs home if this is how he plans to have Parliament carry on. ![]() Lying? ===== Ironically, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised NOT to allow an UNELECTED Senate go against the will of the majority of the members of Parliament which is exactly what he did by having Bill C-311 killed in the Senate. After being elected in 2006 he said: "Restoring accountability will be one of the major priorities of our new government. Accountability is what ordinary Canadians, working Canadians, those who pay their bills, pay their taxes, expect from their political leaders." The Government PROMISED! ======================= Though the Government of Canada signed the Kyoto protocol over a decade ago, yet, it has done NOTHING concrete with regard to greenhouse gas reduction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol Oil Sands ======== Incredibly, the Government of Canada is now known internationally for its obstruction of progress on climate change largely due to its promotion of the Alberta oil sands that has RANKLED environmentalists around the world. When it comes to the environment, the Government of Canada is TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE. ====== Subject: The É(eh)PC says NO! to the Alberta Oil Sands, YES! to the ENVIRONMENT. http://eh-ok.ca/Alberta_Oil_Sands.htm ============================== The Difference ============ Prime Minister Harper has said time and again HIS FOCUS is the ECONOMY+ CRIME (NOT the environment one bit). ![]() The focus of the É(eh)PC on the other hand is the ENVIRONMENT+JOBS+PROSPERITY. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#prosperity The É(eh)PC GREEN Plan ===================== It's Article 25 of the É(eh)PC political program. The É(eh)PC GREEN Plan makes the É(eh)PC Canada's MOST FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENTAL political party. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#green 25. The GREEN Plan The É(eh)PC GREEN Plan is based on the notion the environment is sacred and to arrow harm it is to harm humanity and to care for the environment is to care for humanity. To this end the National Network of GREEN Councils will be created. 1. GREEN councils will be linked up a national Web portal. 2. Every organization will be encouraged to have its own GREEN council. 3. Each GREEN council will be made up of volunteers. 4. The Minister of the Environment of the Government of Canada will support each GREEN council. 5. Events, projects, studies, resources, suggestions, advice, tips, etc. will be posted at the national Web portal. 6. The É(eh)PC GREEN Plan is also about a. ensuring that the extraction of Canada's natural resources is done with respect and concern for the environment; b. nationalizing any company guilty of environmental infractions; c. setting royalty fees for the extraction of natural resources at 20%; Note: NO subsidies for companies involved in the extraction of natural resources. d. nationalizing the natural gas and oil sectors in order to ensure greater national economic prosperity. Support the É(eh)PC ================ The É(eh)PC receives NO! *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't (unlike some - bogus - political parties). To REPLACE "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't whose emphasis is on school+work place productivity JOIN, VOTE for, SUPPORT (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384) the É(eh)PC. Thank you. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President, Party Leader of the É(eh)PC ~~~ Count on the É(eh)PC 4YOUR! SHARE of the wealth 4CLEAN! Gov't WORKING 100% - for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |