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Subject: "É(eh)PC
*proposed* EI benefits are BEST!" says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Hi Althia (Ms. Raj), I'm responding to your Toronto Sun September 15th 2009 article, "Feds top up EI benefits". I personally believe a *MORE* APPROPRIATE title could have been "Feds *DELAYED* toping up EI benefits that - in the end - benefit THE FEW - *ONLY* temporarily." I canNOT believe the conditions of this **FIX to the Employ- ment Insurance Program that will last just until the fall of 2011: only those that contributed for seven (7) out of the 10 past years qualify provided that they did NOT collect EI benefits for more than 35 weeks in the past five (5) years. Currently, EI is DISCRIMINATORY because *ONLY* 58% according to Stats Canada who pay into it it. It means that 42% are being *DOUBLE-CROSSED* by their Gov't. Is this FAIR? NO! It's - BLATANTLY - NOT! The Gov't is saying that - the *BROKEN* EI program is FINE! - it only needs A TEMPORARY FIX. Why NOT fix it for good? The UNEMPLOYED doN'T matter? Is that THE *REAL* MESSAGE? What's MADDENING is the fact that it does NOT solve the problem of there being *NO* JOBS in the future. This means TODAY'S JOBLESS are faced with the pros- pect of LOSING *EVERYTHING* (investments, savings, salable assets) in order to get social assistance which comes with the "obligatory" social worker. And *IF* they work part-time, the $$$ they earn will be taken off their NEXT month's social assistance cheque which means they canNOT supplement their meager social assistance income with part-time work. HOW *RIDICULOUS* is that? With an É(eh)PC Gov't things will be far different. You'll NOT have to lose everything before qualifying for social assistance and social assistance levels will be MORE THAN DOUBLE THAN WHAT THEY'RE NOW. You'll AUTOMATICALLY get social assistance once your em- ployment insurance (EI) runs out. ![]() *PLUS*, on social assistance you'll be able to supplement your income with $$$ earned from a part-time job or a 3-month-or ful-time job. Why? TheÉ(eh)PC wants you to be RICH+HAPPY. *PLUS*, on social assistance you'll get a FREE METRO PASS. Right now, those on social assistance are *IMMOBILIZED* because they do *NOT* have the $$$ to take public transportation. Needless to say this lack of freedom of movement *NEGATIVELY* impacts - on their health - on their freedom - on their quality of life. Today's social assistance is SO INADEQUATE that it's CRIPLING. TheÉ(eh)PC *proposed" EI benefits are THE *BEST*+ EASY TO UNDERSTAND. They're outlined in Article 1.7.4 of theÉ(eh)PC political platform http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#economy Employment insurance (EI) will be - 100% of salary - automatic (no waiting period). 6 months of EI for 4 months to 1.5 years of work 8 months of EI for 1.5 years to 2 years of work 12 months of EI for 2 years of work or morefor six (6) months Note: there will be no penalty
Note: for quitting. Note: you'll be able to work part-time
Note: or at a 3-month or less full-time Note: job with no financial penalty. Note: the employer applies for EI Note: on behalf of the employee. Are YOU FED UP with 100% *CROOKED* FASCIST "behind closed doors" Gov't that SCAMS YOU? Do YOU want prosperity-based *CLEAN* Gov't whose expenses YOU can monitor online in real time? Do YOU want a socially responsible Gov't that will REDISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH to createprosperity+Gov't that will CREATE JOBS by making the promotion of small business *THE* PRIORITY? THEN, YOU want theÉ(eh)PC for A *BETTER* LIFE. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada) ~~~ the ÉPC: 4a bet-ter life le PÉC : pour une vie meil-leure http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk&mode=related&search = |