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Subject: Economic
F_R_E_E_Z_E [10 points by the É(eh)PC + its 10-point solution] 1. Gov't stimulus spending is done during a recession. 2. Canada's **BIT** of economic growth is due to stimulus spending. 3. WITHDRAW the stimulus spending and Canada is *STILL* in a recession with NO JOBS STILL for 1.6 MILLION PLUS JOBLESS. 4. Stimulus spending ends March 2011 (rather than October 2010 as promised by the Gov't). 5. We are heading for a 10 year worldwide ECONOMIC F_R_E_E_Z_E due to BAD DEBT on the books of insurance companies, banks, pension funds, ... . (Global institutions must refinance more than $4-trillion in debt over two years ... . Toronto Globe and Mail, Wednesday, October 6th 2010, "Banks face funding crunch, IMF warns" page 13) 6. We are looking at possibly 20% (structural) unemployment WORLD- WIDE (except perhaps in Asia) due to little to *NO* *durable* JOBS. (In Spain it's already 24%.) 7. You'll be working reduced hours: A TREND that is GROWING. 8. You'll therefore have LOTS OF FREE TIME. You'll be able to take advantage of FREE college+university once theÉ(eh)PC is in power. 9. Being its TOP PRIORITY an É(eh)PC Gov't will do everything to PROMOTE small business because small business in Canada create 80% of the jobs. 10. Due to LESS TAX REVENUE on account of NEGATIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH, theÉ(eh)PC will reduce Gov't by 50%. And by another 50% when Canada becomes a parliamentary republic without provinces+ without the Senate. TheÉ(eh)PC 10-point Solution ================================== TheÉ(eh)PC will achieve an initial 50% Gov't reduction by 1. NATIONALIZATION+REGIONALIZATION of educational+health care institutions 2. having A SMALL, EFFECTIVE, cost-efficient university-trained Police force 3. REDUCING judicial costs by 90% thanks to radical reforms 4. *NOT* having more than one (1) person per family work in the Gov't (outside the education+health care sector) as well as ... 5. ELIMINATING PATRONAGE 6. ensuring corporations do *NOT* DIFFER their TAXES 7. ELIMINATING SUBSIDIES 8. imposing a FLAT royalty RESOURCE EXTRACTION FEE of 20% ![]() 9. ensuring THE MAXIMUM Gov't SALARY (outside Parliament) does *NOT* exceed $120,000 10. ensuring the MILITARY budget NEVER exceeds $25 billion Economic War ============ Once elected, theÉ(eh)PC will declare Canada to be in A STATE OF ECONOMIC WAR until Canada has at least 2.5% economic growth. *ONLY* theÉ(eh)PC CAN SAVE Canada's economy by implementing *CLEAN*, prosperity-based, productivity- centred GOV'T whose SPENDING can be MONITORED by YOU. There will be a $5,000 REWARD for reporting UN- NECESSARY SPENDING that will result in a Gov't em- ployee losing his/her job+doing two (2) years in jail. Because YOU'll be able to CHECK Gov't SPEN- DING ONLINE - AS IT HAPPENS -, YOU'll have A 100% TRANSPARENT GOV'T. TheÉ(eh)PC calls this the eh-revolution. *ONLY* then YOU'll have 100% transparent democracy thanks to the eh-revolution. Support theÉ(eh)PC =============== TheÉ(eh)PC receives *NO* *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't unlike the majority of the other political parties. REPLACE "behind closed doors" Gov't that SCAMS YOU with PROSPERITY-BASED, productivity-centred Gov't that WORKS 100% FOR YOU! JOIN. Support. Vote for theÉ(eh)PC. ScotiaBank account #: 911 320 846 384 Thank YOU! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) ~~~ for *GOOD* jobs for the *GOOD* life for *CLEAN* Gov't that WORKS 100% FOR YOU! |