Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002.
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Subject: "No more teachers, no more books"
Hi Shane (Mr. Schick),
I'd just like to comment on your
June 25th article article "No more
no more books".
About technology in elementary
schools, I was shocked doing my B.Ed.
program in French at the University of Ottawa and working as a Grade 2
and 5
practice teacher for the
1996-1997 school year that the software
used in the elementary French
schools of Ontario was over a
"decade" old.
It became clear to me that the
whole issue of technology in the classroom
just NOT A PRIORITY. Students would go to the computer room and "pass
at this, that, and the other with the teacher absent, though I was
there. What did
they learn during those periods? Zip.
I was especially shocked and
horrified as I was the prime mover of H.U.G.O.
(Helpful User Group of Ottawa),
an Ottawa PC club, and I was already a great
believer in the BENEFITS OF
TECHNOLOGY and the Net in particular. Sadly, I
only had "one" university prof
mention in an offhanded
manner that he used
e-mail. None of my University profs even bothered to demonstrate
that they
were connnected let alone familar
with the Net. They seem to have their
in the proverbial fish bowl.
[Knock? Knock? Anybody home? (Ha! Ha!)]
I was shocked and horrified to
learn that the priorty of the elementary
system was SECURITY (making sure the students are safe) and
DISCIPLINE (The students had to be kept in their place.), NOT
learning, nor
the "quality" of the learning experience from the
student/parent perspective.
Such an unbalanced emphasis makes
the classroom little more than
concentration camp which, in my view, is very HARMFUL and DETRIMENTAL
to the creative learning experience as the teacher tends to reign like
Japanese Shogan, a "control freak" , arbitrarily overriding students
at will just to let them know who is boss. This type of behavior,
I saw, was
actively promoted by other teacher-tyrants. Let's face it: teachers ARE
When it comes to technology, I
suspect that teachers have an unconscious
disdain for it and the Net as it
would mean GREATER FREEDOM for the students
and result in the undermining of
their naïve sense of classroom OMNIPOTENCE.
I'm all for GREATER USE OF
TECHNOLOGY in the classroom as it will no doubt
mean GREATER FREEDOM for the
students to learn MORE, BETTER, FASTER.
Three cheers for MORE TECHNOLOGY
in the classroom: HIP, HIP, HURRAH!
Needless to say I have a strong
disdain for elementary school teachers whom
I see today as "abusive"
individuals that are somewhat of a danger to some
students in the classroom who
find themselves on their bad side.
Now, I can understand that for
some students, grade school can really be a
of sorts for them especially if
the parents of these students do NOT visit
the teacher on a regular basis to make sure that their child is NOT
being "dumped on" by the teacher.
I feel the more that OUTSIDERS
visit a classroom and the more a classroom
healthier the classroom environment will be.
of the classroom can lead to a
dislike of
school and school work by kids
who unavoidably become
rambunctious and
difficult to handle.
Incidentally, my Grade 2 teacher
had FIVE students put on ritalin and she
admitted to me that she did NOT
like noise.
She arbitrarily put an end to my
practicum saying I could never be a teacher
in her opinion. My Grade 5
student teacher did the same thing.
And in both cases, I had the
parents visiting me and the students loving me.
DEGREES going into the B.Ed. program and I'm
father of three children myself.
Because of that, the University
refused me my degree. So I took it to small
claims court to get my money
back, only to be told that the matter should
go to a higher court. I ask Judge
Houle to refund my money and he refused.
So how do I feel about the
System? Simply put, it is CROOKED. <grin>
Why? Because it is a CLOSED
I strongly believe technology and
the Net can open it up, democratize it,
and make it accountable to the
overburden taxpayer.
Once that is achieved, taxes
should start to come down.
Best wishes,
K+ President
Trn 2 K+ Web-kits 4 NetPOWer.
President/Party Leader of the
Égaltié Party of Canada
P.S.: By the sound of things, you
had an "outstanding" Grade 4 teacher.
Given the high salaries of our
elementary school teachers, they should
be of THAT CALIBRE. Sadly, given
my experience, I learned that
school teachers tend to be
"backward" and "brutal" and
if you think that
you are NOT going to be like
them, there is NO room
for you in the System.
(Somebody should have told me
that I had to
I was with when practice teaching
OR ELSE. The System is brutal, nay, barbaric.)