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Subject: "The
US Gov't has been sponsoring THE KILLING
OF 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE OF 250,000 women for the benefit of foreign and Canadian mines. The Catholic Church does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Preface
Friday February 17th 2012 at 7 p.m. I attended an information
session ====== based on the film entitled "Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth" at the University of Toronto as part of Black History Month in the context of Pan-African Solidarity. https://ulife.utoronto.ca/ It was SUPPOSED to be held at the 40 St. George Street Bahen Centre in Room 1170. INSTEAD, it was held across the street in the engineering building at 35 St. George St. in Room 245, A LAST MINUTE CHANGE OF LOCATION. Thanks to A STROKE OF LUCK, I found out where it was. This STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO ME GOV'T OPERATIVES were be- hind this: NEVER MIND, I thought, it should be GOOD JUST THE SAME. And it was. It became QUICKLY CLEAR that the people who did find their way to the right place "by hook and by crook" were VERY WELL INFORMED regarding what's happening in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) once they took part in the panel discussion following the viewing of the film about THE KILLING OF 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE of 250,000 of their women OF *ALL* AGES (many of whom are now infected with AIDS) and THE KEY ROLE played by the USA (specifically, United States Special Operations Command) in the arming and training of the soldiers from Rwanda and Uganda (BOTH CATHOLIC COUNTRIES) that did a large part of THE KILLING and THE RAPING. Note: the U.S. Gov't since its inception has always been at war with the Catholic Church. That will only change once the Latinos run the USA which they intend to do with the help that is being provided by Mexico. (And by THE GRACE OF THE ALMIGHTY, they will.) Note: the U.S. Gov't has CIA pastors in Toronto and Latin America. They - promote evangelicalism - distribute anti-Catholic lite- rature The motive: GREED! +++
The *RAPE*
of the DRC=================== The DRC has THE SECOND LARGEST RAIN FOREST in the world and MORE THAN $24 TRILLION WORTH of mineral assets. FOREIGN MINING companies (Many are Canadian.) want to get at those mineral assets AS CHEAPLY AS POSSIBLE. They do this by DISPOSSESSING the East Congolese BLACK Catholics of *their* land. Note: they are NOT squatters. They are the rightful ow- ners of the land. The foreign mining companies have them KILLED and RAPED. The US funded war on Congo and the war on African women resulted in the killing and mutilation of the body of Sister Kavira Tsongo. http://uhurunews.com Note: the USA is A FORCE FOR EVIL in the region doing the work of THE DEVIL. The Great War of Africa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The African-American Lobby? ======================== The
KKK-freemasonic U.S. Gov't Administration
successfully gotten rid of the once powerful African-American Lobby that put Prisident Aristide back into Haïti after he was *kidnapped* by the U.S. Gov't. Today, African-Americans have *NO* POLITICAL VOICE. *My* Lament ========== MILLIONS of BLACK African children (5 years old and younger) die due to - starvation - unaffordable medical care. MILLIONS are orphaned due to AIDS. The CULPRITS ============ - The British Commonwealth African countries They could co-ordinate their resources to effectively deal with this but they doN'T. The Commonwealth is *USELESS*. Note: you canNOT do business with the Gov't of a Commonwealth country if you doN'T know how the bribes and kickbacks work. - The United Nations It has been *helpless* to deal effectively with this situation due to budget con- straints. Note: the USA is to be blamed for this. The USA is THE ENEMY OF BLACK AFRICA. - International Aid It has been INEFFECTIVE in improving the lot of Africans in general. - FOREIGN-owned MINING COMPANIES They *ALL* pay SLAVE WAGES: this is A MAJOR BARRIER to eco- nomic growth. Note: paying bribes and kickbacks to Gov't officials is part of this sordid affair. =========================================================================== THE *NEEDLESS*
===========================================================================A BLACK Miner's PAY: $1/day ========================== After charges, the African BLACK miner gets to keep a *MEASLY* $1/day a day in the Congo and elsewhere in Africa. That's *SHAMELESS* EXPLOITATION OF LABOUR of the "Nth" DEGREE. It *REDUCES* the BLACK African to little more than A BEAST OF BURDEN. NO HUMAN BEING should be treated like that. It's SO DISRESPECTFUL! SO EVIL! ![]() *ILLEGAL* U.S. Gov't Intervention in the Congo: TERRORISM! ============================== The arming and training of the Rwandan and Ugandan armies (the overwhelming MAJORITY of whom are Catholics) to RAPE and KILL *defenseless* East Congolese BLACK Catholics are ACTS OF TER- RORISM by the U.S. Gov't: the U.S. Gov't is "actively and knowingly" SPONSORING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: it's *NAKED* TER- RORISM. South Africa + THE OTHERS! ======================= South Africa and the *OTHER* African countries including the African Union are *EQUALLY* GUILTY because they're COMPLICIT in this whole VICIOUS AFFAIR by *NOT* ACTING and by *NOT* DENOUNCING THE KILLING OF 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE OF 250,000 of their women OF *ALL* AGES (many of whom are now infected with AIDS). African Union http://www.au.int Why is South African, the *OTHER* African countries, and the African Union SILENT? Silence is *NOT* THE SOLUTION. ACTION is. *FOREIGN* Murderous, Raping ARMIES Clear the Land for the Mining Companies =============================== These *FOREIGN* armies from Rwanda and Uganda (armed and trained by the U.S. Gov't) are used to *DISPOSSESS* the East Congolese BLACK Catholics by KILLING THE MEN and RAPING THE WOMEN of *ALL* ages in order to get them off *THEIR* LAND coveted by *FOREIGN* mining com- panies - MANY of whom are CANADIAN! *ALL* BLACK Africans agree this is U.S. Gov't SPONSORED TERRORISM by a 2-face Gov't that claims to be the world's champion of democracy EVEN NOW by a BLACK President - NO LESS! How *IRONIC* is that? How can President Obama possibly think THE KILLING AND RAPING of East Congolese BLACK Catholics for *BLOOD* MONEY can be IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST of the USA? This is *NOT* Iran *NOR* North Korean who's behind such VILE WICKED- NESS. It's THE USA! President Obama, Ghana =================== On July 11th 2009 in Accra, the capital of Ghana, a country in West Africa, President Obama SAID THE INCREDIBLE that have MADE AFRICAN LEADERS GROAN IN *DISBELIEF*: "Africa does NOT need strong men: it needs strong institutions." It's AS IF he said: We (The United States of America) want STRONG African institutions, but WEAK political leaders." The President's SUBTEXT MESSAGE seems to be that the USA wants WEAK POLITICAL LEADERS because THEN, the USA can have it's way with them. This is accomplished - in my view - using the U.S. Gov't EXPERTISE in MIND CONTROL in its dealings with foreign Gov'ts along the lines of parent-child transactional analysis with a Hollywood TWIST meant to HUGELY IMPRESS with THE HIGHEST DEGREE of PSYCHOLOGICAL DOMINANCE POSSIBLE so that it can IMPOSE its views. ![]() Transactional Analysis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ This has been SO EFFECTIVE that the USA has the Chinese Communist Party imitating the Americans to the same extent the Japanese did after the war. The use of MIND CONTROL has been VERY EFFECTIVE also in the MID- DLE EAST by getting the countries there to *HEED* THE U.S. Gov't INTE- RESTS in the region. Interestingly, the Arab Spring Revolution has as one of its KEY OBJECTIVES the reducing of U.S. Gov't influence in the region to ZERO! The Arab Spring Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Saying "Africa does NOT need strong men: it needs strong institutions." shows *VERY* BAD JUDGMENT on the part of President Obama. 14:57 (14th minute of the recording) http://www.youtube.com/watch? The world knows nothing replaces STRONG, POLITICAL LEADERSHIP, but AH! President Obama begs to differ. OF COURSE, the USA likes WEAK POLITICAL LEADERS because THEN the USA can MORE *READILY* HAVE ITS WAY - like A BULLY. [Assuming that the USA knows what it's doing (and no one else does - NOT likely) then that would NOT be a BAD THING, but SINCE WHEN does the USA knows what it's doing? The USA thinks IT KNOWS BET- TER than anyone else, but does it? My limited Cold War experience tells me that's *NOT* LIKELY.] That's - probably - why the USA was OPPOSED the reelection of Putin in Russia. THE AMERICAN GAME is such that they ALWAYS have to win and the other party ALWAYS have to lose: they want to become stronger AT THE EXPENSE.OF THE OTHER PARTY: it has ALWAYS been a 1-sided affair. For that reason alone, I think, it's in EVERYBODY'S INTEREST that the Americans get KICKED OUT of everywhere but Latin American where the USA is viewed as THE BIG BROTHER ("EL HERMANO MAYOR") who can and should help Latin America because it's in its VERY BEST ECONOMIC INTERESTS do do so and should have done so a long time ago had the U.S. Administration NOT been run by Freemasons who are anti-Catholic. The U.S. African Disaster =================== The *disastrous* involvement in Africa by the USA can be summed up in ONE WORD: Liberia. It's AN American BASKET CASE: 85% of the population lives below the international poverty line. Who ran the country? *ALL* political and economic SECTORS were run by Americo-Liberians. Interestingly, President Obama made NO REFERENCE to American-run Liberia. How HONEST is that? NOT! Can the USA be TRUSTED TO TELL THE TRUTH? Evidently, NOT! ![]() The U.S. Ambassador: THE CHIEF! =========================== THE PROBLEM with American companies outside the USA - as far as I'm concerned - is the U.S. Ambassador: he's THE *BIG* BOSS. The *OTHER* associated PROBLEM (I have experienced this first hand.) is *ALL* NON-AMERICANS in an American company are *SCRUTINIZED* by the U.S. INTELLIGENCE APPARATUS. Foreign language schools are noted SCRUTINIZING their clients for their respective Gov'ts, but the USA takes it to the n-th degree, I think. It goes BEYOND THE BOUNDS of what President Obama mentions in his Ghana speech of "MUTUAL RESPECT" and "MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY" CROSSING THE LINE into the realm of INTERFERENCE in the affairs of "another" nation. President Obama says that the USA wants to be "PARTNERS" with Africa in developing its prosperity. FINE! But A GOOD PARTNER MINDS HIS OWN BUSINESS. IMPERIALIST COUNTRIES like the USA have A REPUTATION for NOT minding their own business and therefore *CANNOT* BE TRUSTED. And that's EQUALLY TRUE of *ALL* FORMER COLONIAL POWERS. It's ALSO the reason for the existence of NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES. Non-Aligned Countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Where's the "COHERENCE" in U.S. Foreign Policy? ============================== WHICH of these does the U.S. Gov't support? TERRORISM? Dictatorships? Democracy? Evidently, *ALL* THREE! eh-USA, caN'T? DoN'T! ================== IF the Americans caN'T vote for eh-USA, THEN, they shouldN'T vote at all: it's IMMORAL for them to do so in my opinion. Right now, they're voting for A SYSTEM MAN that come's from the 1% who will look after the interests of the 1%. The wealth in the USA is NOT being redistributed: that's BAD for the economy especially as we go into a 20 year down turn around the world due to BAD DEBT and NEGATIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH. The 1% have ALREADY experienced WEALTH CONTRACTION this PAST YEAR. I expect this to continue for THE NEXT 20 years: THE SEVERITY OF THE CONTRACTIONS will depend to what extent the 1% is willing to have the wealth of the USA redistributed. Fortunately, eh-USA - IF ELECTED - will ensure that the wealth gets redistributed to the 99% because it's in EVERY- BODY'S INTEREST to do so. The Congolese President, Joseph Kabila: A FRAUD? ============================== INCREDIBLY, the current Congolese President, Joseph Kabila, NOT even Congolese: he's from Rwanda and he's GUILTY of participating in THE KILLING and THE RAPING of East Congolese BLACK Catho- lics. ![]() The Constitution of the DRC does NOT allow a foreigner to be president. However, he's been getting THE FULL SUPPORT of the USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Japan and other countries who are "acting in THEIR NATIONAL SELF-INTEREST". In A SHOW OF INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY FOR the current *FRAU- DULENTLY-ELECTED* CONGOLESE PRESIDENT, Mr. Kabila, the 30th "Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (The Assembly of French- speaking Parliamentarians) http://apf.francophonie.org/ was held on July 3rd 2011 and "Le Réseau des femmes parlementaires de l’Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie" (The Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Francophone Assembly) held their meeting on July 5th 2011 in the Capital of the DRC, Kinshasa. THIS YEAR the 14th "Sommet de la Francophonie 2012" (The Summit of French-speaking Nations) will *ALSO* be held in Kinshasa. http://www.francophonie.org/ This SHOW OF INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY gives the DRC THE FALSE SEMBLANCE of normality when that's clearly NOT the case: it's nothing less than *DIABOLICAL* DECEPTION! By CHRISTIAN Gov'ts - NO LESS! And Canada is AS GUILTY AS THE REST in THESE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: THE *MASSIVE* KILLING OF 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE OF 250,000 of their women - OF *ALL* AGES (many of whom are now infected with AIDS). These international EVENTS SPONSORED BY FOREIGN GOV'TS are *obviously* INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF SUPPORT for a *FRAUDULENT* PRESIDENT whom the Congolese consider to be A GENO- CIDE KILLER! "Un génocidaire." http://en.wiktionary.org/ EVEN the DRC Catholic Church has declared the November 28, 2011 reelec- tion of Mr. Kabila to be FRAUDULENT! Who should have been declared president is Mr. Tshisekedi wa Mulumba. NGOs Benefiting from the *BLOOD* MONEY ============================== Apparently, the mining companies wanting to be "perceived" as GOOD CORPORATE CITIZENS have donated money to a few NGOs (Non- Governmental Organizations) in the area like World Vision. IF TRUE, I find this PARTICULARLY REVOLTING that some NGOs are knowingly accepting *BLOOD* MONEY - MOTIVATED BY GREED, PAID TO KEEP SILENT. Canadian Mining Companies ====================== Approximately 43% of the mining companies in the world are Canadian and they ALL HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. Foreign pension funds doN'T want to invest in them because there are NO CONTROLS NOR REGULATIONS governing their activities. In fact, their NOTORIOUSLY BRUTAL METHODS have resulted in the word "Canada" becoming SO REVILED that travelling Canadians are advised NOT to wear the Canadian flag. It's TRUE! There are NO REGULATIONS NOR CONTROLS governing the activities of Canadian mining companies. This has been denounced by the MiningWatch Canada, a mining watchdog based in Ottawa. http://www.miningwatch.ca ![]() MiningWatch Canada and the Halifax Initiative, (also a mining watchdog based in Ottawa) have denounced Canadian mining companies for buying guns, hi- ring paramilitaries, bribing officials, and using force to relocate entire communi- ties in Third World countries. http://www.halifaxinitiative. The Third Wold http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://www.merriam-webster. *AND* the Gov't of Canada LETS THEM. 2002 UN Report =============== In 2002 the UN report entitled "Report on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Congo" implicated eight (8) Canadian mining companies: the UN panel said American Mineral Fields, Banro, First Quantum, Hrambee Mining, International Panorama Resources, Kinross Gold, Melkior Resources, and Tenke had violated OECD (Organi- zation for Economic Co-operation and Development) mining activity guide- lines during the Congo war. OECD www.oecd.org OECD mining activity guidelines http://books.google.ca/books? The First Congo War http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The Second Congo War http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Canadian Mining Companies: BAD! =========================== The "Mirror" reported that the Australian-Canadian copper, silver mining company, Anvil Mining Ltd., had helped soldiers end a uprising in a village near an Anvil mine by killing MORE THAN 80 rebels and villagers and it reported that Foreign Affairs Canada *REFUSED* to comment. REGARDLESS of the evidence, Canada's CLASSIC RESPONSE is to SAY NOTING that will damage Canada's GOOD REPUTATION. HOW RESPONSIBLE is that? It's NOT! And "Le Monde Diplomatique" reported that Canadian mining companies Barrick and Banro funded military operation in the DRC in exchange for lucrative contracts. THE EVIDENCE shows that *BOTH* the Gov't of Canada and the Cana- dian mining companies operating in the DRC are *ALSO*- RESPONSI- BLE for THE KILLING OF 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPING OF 250,000 of their women OF *ALL* AGES. Gov't of Canada: EQUALLY Wicked! ================================ How can the Gov't of Canada be a party to SUCH WICKEDNESS! In effect, this says that our FASCIST Police State Gov't (that serves THE RICH) has NO MORAL COMPASS: SHOCKINGLY, it's NOT any better than the USA. The É(eh)PC SOLUTION =================== Article 16. of the É(eh)PC political program: Canadian Companies Oppressing the Poor Abroad For those Canadian companies abroad involved in economic slavery and oppression, the CEO and members of the board of directors will do two (2) years in jail. ![]() The company will be delisted on the stock exchange in Canada until the company offers the best wages and social benefits it can afford. If necessary, the Gov't will nationalize it. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# The PARALYSIS of the Catholic Church: WHY? ============================== Why has the Catholic Church NOT vehemently DENOUNCED the killing of 6 MILLION East Congolese BLACK Catholics and THE RAPE of 250,000 of the their WOMEN - OF ALL AGES many of whom are now infected with AIDS? PART OF THE PROBLEM had to do with the appointment of TOO FEW BLACK CARDINALS. THE OTHER PART OF THE PROBLEM has to do with the Catholic Church *NOT* DENOUNCING FASCISM (which has been THE HALLMARK of Catholic countries) that creates HAVES and HAVE-NOTS because FASCISM does NOT redistribute the wealth of a country: it's *IN- HERENTLY* CORRUPT. FASCISM only bothers to serve the Rich and that allows in turn THE FASCIST BUREAUCRATS (nearly everywhere democracy is proclaimed) to be 100% self-serving. FASCISM is UNETHICAL, MORALLY WRONG, but yet the Catholic Church when IT SHOULD KNOW BETTER *chooses* to UNQUESTIONINGLY support it - especial- ly in *ALL* Latino countries, but also in the USA and Ca- nada. And yet, the Catholic Church claims to be HOLY! Has the Catholic Church become an INDOLENT, DE- CADENT institution run by STUPID "sanctimonious" FREELOADERS who have become OUT OF TOUCH with the Gospel? It certainly LOOKS THE WAY, doesN'T it? The fact that it's CATHOLICS killing CATHOLICS on *SUCH* A MASSIVE SCALE and the POPE, the Vati- can, the Canadian Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church, and THE OTHER Catholic CHUR- CHES do NOTHING is TOTALLY INCOMPREHEN- SIBLE because THE NUMBERS are ASTOUNDING! The Catholic Church needs to STRATEGICALLY COMBINE ITS intellectual, moral, and material RE- SOURCES to *permanently* END THE KILLING and THE RAPING of the East Congolese BLACK Catholics. What's the POPE's PREOCCUPATION? =============================== NOT the killing of 6,000,000 BLACK Catholics in the East Congo. NOR the raping of 250,000 of the women that have left many with AIDS. NO! NO! Prancing around in all his papal finery enjoying THE GOOD LIFE seems to be his preoccupation. IRONICALLY, he began his papacy by reminding the world HOW CRUEL the Muslims have been suggesting the Catholic Church was ABOVE RE- PROACH. [FORGET how murderous the Christian crusaders caused THE SPLIT of the Christian Church between Rome in the West and Constantinople (Istan- bul, Turkey - today) in the East that lead to the creation of the Orthodox churches who TO THIS DAY *REFUSE* to recognize papal authority see- ing the Pope as A BAD GUY.] ![]() Just like Pope John-Paul II was responsible for the massacre of Catholic Rwandans [especially because the Catholic Church of Rwanda had in- formed the Vatican three (3) years in advanced that there was going to be A MASSIVE MASSACRE], Pope Benedict must accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the HUMAN CATASTROPHE involving the *DE- HUMANIZATION* of the East Congolese BLACK Catholics at the hands of foreigners, notably Rwanda, Uganda, and the USA, the champion of democracy in the world claiming to be the greatest country on earth, but it's NOT!. Papal Authority =========== The POPE's TEMPORAL AUTHORITY (as symbolized by the Papal Tiara) makes him THE PERSON responsible for the well-being of Catholics in countries where THE MAJORITY of the people are Catholics like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The POPE must use his TEMPORAL AUTHORITY to *END* the killing and raping of East Congolese BLACK Catholic. The ONLY OPTION: *LIBERATION* Theology ============================== Liberation theology is based on THE FIGHT for SOCIAL and ECONO- MIC JUSTICE (LA LUCHA por LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA) coming out of Latin America. Terrorism has its roots in poverty. By eliminating poverty, the global economy becomes stronger and the world safer. The thinking of the É(eh)PC is EXACTLY THAT of liberation theology. Was Refused Church Help ==================== Arriving in Toronto in April 2007 after being chased out of Ottawa by the Police, I requested help from Bishop Collins (now Cardinal Collins) at the Archdiocese Office on Yonge Street. I was told by an adminis- trative person that I would NOT get any help. In Vancouver, I tried my luck again only to find out that the upper- class, patrician, self-satisfied Bishop there was, I understand, "up- set" that I should even bother to ask for his help. Date: June 28th 2007 Subject: President/Party Leader of the Égalté Party of Canada Can Only Receive Social Assistance from the BC Go- vernment *IF* He Declares Himself Mentally Ill. Subject: http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/assistance.htm As Canada's only Catholic *ANTIFASCIST* political leader, I have to ask myself: what are these bishops GOOD FOR? In my case, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! What's the Role of the Catholic Bishops? =============================== They appear to be FAT CAT Church bureaucrats "playing Church" while PRETENDING all is well as they "LIVE HIGH ON THE HOG"? That reminds me of Bishop Gervais, the Ottawa's Catholic Bishop: he got FATTER and FATTER and FATTER while NOT wanting to deal with anyone's problems saying that he was NOT a psychiatrist. ![]() He seemed to view his job as a dispenser of sacraments and real estate manager rather than a pastor who's interested in the indivi- dual lives of his flock: protecting them and looking after them. And I'm sure he most certainly did NOT want to deal with THE NON- CONSENTING CULTURE OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION in the Gov't where THE ABUSE OF THE PUBLIC PURSE is VERY SERIOUS. As far back as August 12th 2004, I "handed delivered" a French letter to the new offices of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in Ottawa requesting help: they did NOT even BOTHER to acknowledge my letter. Date : le 12 août 2004 Objet : Une Église *PERCUTANTE* et d'actualité - ou - une Église *MORTE* du passé ? Objet :http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/apostolique. The IRONY of all this is the fact that the Catholic bishops likes to remind the laity of its responsibility regarding SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES - especially NOW during Lent season. The É(eh)PC response to THE INERTIA of *ALL* religious authorities in Canada who go along with the media in *NOT* DENOUNCING our FASCIST Police State Gov't is the É(eh)PC "10-year 10% Punitive Religious Revenue Tax" policy. Article 20. of the É(eh)PC program 10-year 10% Punitive Religious Revenue Tax The É(eh)PC will impose 10% punitive tax on religious revenue over a 10-year period because all the religious authorities failed to denounce our "behind closed door" FASCIST "law and order" Police State Government that has systematically been oppressing the First Peoples of Canada, the Métis, and the Poor by treating them as "undesirables" and by "criminalizing" them using sum- mary convictions (without the benefit of trial by jury) and very often by only a Justice of the Peace. Note: the 10-year 10% Punitive Note: Religious Revenue Tax Note: will financeFREE youth Note: facilities in every com Note: munity. Note: http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# Ashley Smith ========== The whole INSANE AFFAIR of the DRC ties in with the JAIL KILLING of Ashley Smith, A TEENAGE GIRL form Moncton, NB, who when 14 years old threw a few crab apples at a postal worker. For this, she was jailed and "continually" kept in SOLITARY CONFINE- MENT in 17 jails over four (4) years due to "institutional charges". She was SEXUALLY ABUSED and KILLED . Her treatment at the hands of our *NASTY* FASCIST Police State Gov't constitutes A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY like the massive killing of 6 million East Congolese Black Catholics and the raping of 250,000 of their women - many of whom now have AIDS. http://www.eh-ok.ca/ Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology),B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ Gov't by THE PEOPLE serving ALL THE PEOPLE http://www.eh-ok.ca |