return education |
Subject: "100%
FREE! education will be THE
KEY to Subject: Canada's resounding ECONOMIC SUCCESS", Subject: says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader Why? Because THE FUTURE is ALL ABOUT education. Education will be the 2nd PRIORITY of theÉ(eh)PC - after jobs. Under an É(eh)PC lead Gov't, education will be 100% FREE. In order to do that, theÉ(eh)PC will NATIONALIZE+REGIONALIZE colleges and universities in order to deliver cost-effective education that equips graduates for the job market. Education is SO IMPORTANT that the Gov't has to take charge in order to make sure college+university students are getting THE BEST education ensuring they're *both* JOB-READY + able to start their own small business. To achieve this, theÉ(eh)PC will put in place QUALITY CONTROLS and make sure there is A DELIBERATETIE-IN TO THE JOB MARKET DEMANDS. Believe it or NOT, we doN'T know who owns the colleges+universities. It's *NOT* the Gov't. TheÉ(eh)PC solves this problem by nationalizing them. Our *FASCIST* FOR-THE-RICH Gov't tells us we need LIFELONG education to ensure we are always EMPLOYABLE. However, LIFELONG education is NOT POSSIBLE when TUITION FEES keep going UP to the point that they're UNAFFORDABLE. This has a NEGATIVE IMPACT on college+university students because IT LIMITS THEIR JOB OPTIONS which in turnLIMITS THEIR JOB MOBILITY and THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE. ![]() Here's WHY THE FUTURE IS ALL ABOUT EDUCATION. Let's start with the MOST BASIC of economics+business concepts: MARKET VALUE. You have FIXED ASSETS (things, TANGIBLES): you can sell them only if they have A MARKET VALUE. In the car industry this value is known as THE BLUE BOOK value of your car. If the thing has NO MARKET VALUE, it's WORTHLESS because NO ONE WANTS IT. In A WEAK ECONOMY, FIXED ASSETS (things, tangibles) LOSE THEIR MARKET VALUE. They can become WORTHLESS as everyone becomes more careful how they spend their money. In A WEAK ECONOMY, JOBS are *NOT* BEING CREATED. WORST, people lose their jobs or work less hours. This means they have LESS+LESS $$$ to spend which in turn makes the economy WEAKER! Let's NOT FORGET we have 1.6 MILLION JOBLESS whose lives will be *RUINED* by social assistance. The 22,000 jobs created this past December does little reduce the number of jobless. JOB LOSS is A GLOBAL PROBLEM. ![]() PLUS! FIXED ASSETS (things, tangibles) DEPRECIATE becoming OLD+OUT OF DATE. However, that's *NOT* the case with education (AN INTANGIBLE). MARKET VALUE does *NOT* AFFECT education. In fact, THE MARKET VALUE OF education **APPRECIATES** AS it ACCUMULATES. SO which is WORTH MORE? Education (an INTANGIBLE) or things (TANGIBLES)? The CORRECT ANSWER is education. Job options+ job mobility+ quality of life DEPEND ON IT. PLUS! INNOVATION is THE *CREATIVE* BYPRODUCT of education. The MORE education people have, THE MORE INNOVATION we can expect along with a better quality of life. Historically, the Protestant work ethic favoured the ACCUMULATION OF *MATERIAL* WEALTH as A VISIBLE SIGN of GOD'S GRACE. That perspective is NO LONGER PALATABLE especially due to its INHERENT FASCIST OVERTONES that allows FASCIST GOV'TS like Canada's to serve theRich turning everyone else into slaves of the state. $$$ - after all - is JUST A THING. $$$ has NO *INTRINSIC* VALUE - unlike education. For that reason, education - today - is EVERYTHING on account of ITS INTRINSIC VALUE. ![]() For that very reason, education is INVALUABLE. Why? It teaches us to SEE+UNDERSTAND THINGS thanks to "a trained eye". Possibly, this is what is meant by THE WORDS OF HOLY SCRIPTURE "and the blind will see". It can CAST LIGHT on a dark situation that leads to its resolution - by discussing it - by looking at it from different angles. It allows us to figure things out in order to BETTER UNDERSTAND - where humankind came from - where it's heading. It's the cornerstone of civilization that has allowed us to GO FORWARD. It helps us to understand - who we are - what we're about - how much we all have in common (We all *SHARE* 99% of THE *SAME* DNA.) In other words, education HUMANIZES US, SENSITIZES US to the condition of others. It teaches us what BEING HUMAN is ALL ABOUT. It helps us to BETTER CHART OUR FUTURE. Educationis also the UNDERPINNING of litterature+culture. Education is our GREATEST *LIBERATING* FORCE because it offers us GREATER DEGREES OF FREEDOM. ![]() That's why LITERACY IS SO IMPORTANT. (That's why it's SO SAD to learn that India has ONLY a 50% literacy rate.) People today recognize THE NEW ECONOMIC REALITY of temporary jobs means - they'll be EARNING LESS - their employability depends on their education Lifelong employability is dependent on lifelong education: this is A PARADIGM SHIFT. We are going from a material-based society to A LESS MATERIALISTIC ONE where KNOWLEDGE+INFORMATION is THE NEW CURRENCY and where FIXED ASSETS are BURDENSOME because we have a more MOBILE LIFE STYLE. SO WHAT'STHE POINT of owning a multimillion dollar home+many vehicles if those things become WORTHLESS due to a weak economy? Going from a society that prizes TANGIBLES (things) to one that prizes INTANGIBLES like education+ PERSONAL SKILLS is A PARADIGM SHIFT. It means that education now replaces wealth as *THE* POWER+STATUS SYMBOL. SO, it's NO LONGER HOW MUCH YOU HAVE that counts, but HOW MUCH YOU KNOW. Our goal in life will NOT BE to ACCUMULATE THINGS, but TO KNOW THINGS. We'll be able to ADD VALUE thanks to our education+INSIGHT (derived from education) to contribute to THE GREATER GOOD. SO, do you want to be A HOLDER OF THINGS or A KNOWER OF THINGS transfoming you into A MOVER+SHAKER because you *know* how to influence change - in the right direction. ![]() With education, you can become AN AGENT OF POSITIVE CHANGE that IMPROVES THE HUMAN CONDITION. This makes you a hero (heroine). This PARADIGM SHIFT is THE BYPRODUCT of postmodernism. Postmodernism is about being service-based, well-connected, information-savvy international society. The Internet+portable phones reinforces postmodernism. Postmodernism is about - EVERYONE *wanting* TO HELP EVERYONE - EQUALITY replacing HIERARCHY (THE BUTTRESS OF FASCISM). Postmodernism contributes to organizations being flatter, matrix-based (instead of hierarchical) as exemplified by the *authentic* dot-coms where everyone is HIGHLY VALUED TEAM MEMBER who contributes to THE OR- GANIZATIONAL SYNERGY. With this postmodern service-oriented, fraternal sensitivity+PARADIGM SHIFT THE SLOGAN OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION of liberty, equality, and fraternity (liberté, égalité, fraternité) Fis becoming true in today's age of postmodernism. This PARADIGM SHIFT means A NEW *compact* LIFE STYLE: - one of DE-COLLECTIVIZATION for greater mobility, greater freedom of movement, flexible job hours, MORE CHOICES, IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE - one of being environmental friendly REUSING+REDUCING+RECYCLING This nomadic MENTALITY of living with less (reduced consumption) is GOOD for the environment. In the future, we'll be MATERIALLY POORER, INTELLECTUALLY RICHER+HAPPIER because we'll have GREATER CONTROL over the direction of our lives. The future prosperity of our knowledge- based society HINGES ON one thing: FREE education. FREE education will let Canadians get as much education they feel they need throughout their lifetime. FREE education will allow the JOBLESS to be PRODUCTIVE by going back to school to be MORE EMPLOYABLE. PRODUCTIVITY is THE CORNERSTONE of theÉ(eh)PC because it's THE KEY TO A STRONG, VIBRANT ECONOMY. Tomorrow's PRODUCTIVITY is directly dependent on FREE education. ![]() SO, why is Prime Minister Harper SO GUNG HO on acquiring 65 *NEW* F-35 jet fighters. ShouldN'T he be thinking in terms of education instead of war planes? Are HIS PRIORITIES in the wrong place? What do you think? HIS DISPLAY OF *INCORRECT* will cost the taxpayers dearly with NO DIRECT BENEFIT to them. He's giving the taxpayers A KICK IN THE ARSE, is he not? What do you think? Personally, I think we need to give him THE HEAVE HO. We need FREE education NOT more fighter jets. TheÉ(eh)PC sees FREE education as being THE KEY to CANADA'S FUTURE. Our Conservative Party Prime Minister does NOT! SO, do you want FREE education or BILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of fighter jets? Which will benefit you more? FIREpower or BRAINpower? TheÉ(eh)PC gives you FREE education +A BRIGHT FUTURE. That's what any you want. A BRIGHT FUTURE. With Harper IT'S BACK TO THE PAST. TheÉ(eh)PC will REDESIGN the Gov't to work 100% for YOU! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ theÉ(eh)PC for *YOUR* SHARE of the wealth for *CLEAN* Gov't WORKING 100% for YOU! |