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Subject: "This
L-O-O-N-Y, BULLSHIT!!! DIRTY TRICK budget does NOT! ADDRESS THE PROBLEM of **permanent** J-O-B LOSS: it's CATASTROPHIC!" says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada Loony, BULLSHIT! Budget ===================== This is a loony, BULLSHIT! budget because it does NOT! address THE PROBLEM of **permanent** J-O-B LOSS. Hundreds of thousands HAVE LOSS their jobs. Hundreds of thousands WILL LOSE their job. Perhaps 1,000,000 JOBS - GONE! THE SOLUTION has to be JOB CREATION that where the emphasis of the budget should have been. For this reason the budget is CATASTROPHIC! The ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada) intends to make JOB CREATION its TOP PRIORITY. The ÉPC will REDESIGN! GOV'T so EVERYTHING POSSIBLE is done - by the Gov't of Canada - to help Canadians create their own businesses CREATING - badly needed - JOBS! The budget MESSAGE to the JOBLESS is T-O-U-G-H! B--A--N--A--N--A--S. LOSE! your CAR. T-O-U-G-H! B--A--N--A--N--A--S. LOSE! your HOUSE. T-O-U-G-H! B--A--N--A--N--A--S. Family BREAKS UP. T-O-U-G-H! B--A--N--A--N--A--S. FRANKLY! because the Gov't DOES NOT! GIVE A DAMN. With this budget NOTHING! really CHANGES. Employment insurance and social assistance subsistence levels REMAIN THE SAME at a time when we are FACING SYSTEM FAILURE from having TOO! MANY PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED and NO! JOBS. SYSTEM FAILURE! Are we ready for that? This BULLSHIT! BUDGET is a DIRTY TRICK on the jobless. This BULLSHIT! BUDGET is a DIRTY LIE because it P-R-E-T-E-N-D-S to solve the problem of job creation when it clearly doesN'T COME EVEN CLOSE. It's blatantly WANTON and MISDIRECTED. In short, it's UNCONSCIONALBLE! It's INTRINSICALLY FASCIST because it does NOT! STRUCTURALLY CHANGE the Police State which Canada is. SHAME! What does the Gov't care about NOT! the jobless, but POLICING. OUT OF CONTROL Fascist! POLICE STATE SPENDING ============================================ To POLICE Canadians *secretively* there is $7 BILLION! There's ALL! SORTS of $$$ going into policing. And WHO! CONTROLS municipal Gov'ts and municipal police forces MORE and MORE? THE HELL'S Angels! Ontario has THE HIGHEST concentration of Hells Angels in the world with 15 ACTIVE! chapters. Beyond its TORONTO HEARTLAND, THE HELL'S Angels! is solidly ENTRENCHED! in such cities as Kitchener-Waterloo, London, Niagara Falls, Sudbury and Thunder Bay: that's just Ontario. THE HELL'S Angels are ON THE MOVE throughout Canada. What's the Gov't doing? NOTHING! GIVEN that THE KEY HELL'S ANGELS are Americans with DUAL CITIZENSHIP STRONGLY SUGGEST the US Gov't (the US Embassy in Ottawa) is ACTIVELY INVOLVED. Incidentally, the USA has a MILITARY BASE in New York Sate right by the Canadian border whose purpose is THE INVASION OF CANADA. The US is buying Canada up at an UNPRECEDENTED RATE since Mr. Harper took power: 150+ key Canadian corporations LOST in HIS FIRST YEAR in office. Soon, I suspect, the USA will ARBITRARILY DECLARE Canada the 51st state as it did in Hawaii after securing it. Seaton House Example ================== For example, at Seaton House, the Toronto Police manufacture crack from what I can tell: they have guys on staff and posing as homeless people, but so do the Hell Angels. And who's THE BOSS? THE HELL'S Angels, NOT! the Police. STUPID! Cops ============ Having had dealings with the RCMP and the Ottawa I have come to believe that POLICING IN CANADA is a MONUMENTAL FARCE because THE COPS are SO STUPID and SO UNEDUCATED to the point that IT'S DANGEROUS to even speak to them. $50 Police Criminal Check ===================== When applying for a job Canadians are FORCES! to pay to DUMB-ASS OVERPAID! COPS $50 for a criminal check. Does that make any sense? The Police are there to serve NOT! to RIP Canadians OFF. It's EXTORTION! SHAME! 100% Crooked Gov't ========================= Where the abuse is really bad and where there's a lot of money in the Gov't, you will ALWAYS! find to be sure a *non-consenting* CULTURE OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN from what I saw. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, I've come to believe that EVERY! Gov't Department or Agency has it's OWN *internal* mafia. PPP (Public Private Partnerships) are a GREAT EXAMPLE where Gov't mafiosi sits down with private sector mafiosi and guarantees 15%+ return on investment they get the bribes and kickbacks they want and who assumes ALL! the risk? The Canadian taxpayer - of course. I find the Gov't of Canada to be CROOKED! TO THE CORE. With the ÉPC - those PPP agreements will be renegotiated ON FAVOURABLE TERMS for the Gov't. With the ÉPC - Canadians will have 100% CLEAN Gov't. ONE NATIONAL POLICE FORCE ========================== The ÉPC is proposing ONE NATIONAL POLICE FORCE supervised by intelligence agencies so Canadians can have SMART! POLICING thanks to UNIVERSITY GRAD COPS that Canadians can TRUST! Policing will seen as SOCIAL SERVICES rather than being nothing more than a CONVICTION RACKET *geared* to higher conviction rates year after year. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one Gov't Spending MARGINALLY! MONITORED =================================== Gov't spending is ONLY MARGINALLY! MONITORED by the Auditor Generals, but NOT! in TWO (2) KEY AREAS where COSTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL: hospital and judicial. Badly Needed STRUCTURAL CHANGE =============================== With the ÉPC - Gov't spending will be MONITORED BY CANADIANS - themselves - via the Internet. Canadians will be able TO KNOW WHO! are making the financial decisions. Canadians will be able TO KNOW WHO! are benefiting from those decisions. Canadians will be able TO KNOW WHO! they are ALL! ASSOCIATED WITH. HIDING! any one association will mean that someone will lose his/her job or NOT! do business with the Gov't of Canada. THE KEY is *forensic* ACCOUNTANTS with POLICE ENFORCEMENT POWERS. The Canadian Information Agency (CIA) will INVESTIGATE! ALL! FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT complaints posted at their website and REPORT WEEKLY there regarding the THE ACTION BEING TAKING to resolve the problem. THE RESULT will be 100% CLEAN GOV'T that Canadians can TRUST 100% because they WILL KNOW EXACTLY where their tax dollars are going. Right now it's BLIND! TAXATION due to BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Gov't. We have NO WAY OF KNOWING that the budget promises (as CRAZY AS THEY ARE) will be carried out. The Gov't could for the most part be LYING AGAIN! With the ÉPC Canadians will be ABLE TO TRUST the Gov't of Canada because they will be ABLE TO VERIFY what is being done by the Gov't. RIGHT NOW! there is NO WAY TO TRUST the Gov't. That's DANGEROUS! ONLY! the ÉPC is offering REAL STRUCTURAL CHANGE. STRONG ECONOMY = Strong Canada ==================================== When it comes to REINFORCING Canada's ECONOMY, you canN'T beat the ÉPC political platform. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#economics With the ÉPC Canadians will get MORE! BENEFITS. A person on Employment Assurance gets very little $$$; there's a RIDICULOUS TWO (2) week waiting period: the MAXIMUM benefit is under $450 a week. Which means a Canadian will have LESS than $24,000 which is THE POVERTY MARK for a single person in Toronto. Social assistance for a single person is $535 MAXIMUM, $350 has to go to pay rent leaving LESS than $200 to live on FOR THE MONTH. It's therefore NOT! surprising that Canada spends 50% LESS on social assistance than does Europe; yet Canada is NOT! a poor country. What's THE PROBLEM? Basically, Canada has FASCIST Police State bureaucratically run by Freemasons, a secret men's society, that favour ONLY! the rich like the USA and all other Latino countries. (Perhaps Mr. Harper, himself, is a Freemason: it would explain a lot of things in my view.) Consequently, you can expect it to be SOCIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE like this L-O-O-N-Y, BULLSHIT!!! budget. THE SOLUTION is an ELECTION BOYCOTT! Election Boycott ============= To protest ***TAXPAYER ABUSE*** the ÉPC urges Canadians to participate in the "The F-U Gov't Middle-Finger PROTEST" ELECTION BOYCOTT. Give them SHIT! ============ Still being HARASSED! CALL! - the Toronto Chief of Police (416) 808-2222; - Toronto Mayor Miller's Office (416) 397-2489; - Seaton House (416) 392-5522 and ask for the 4th Floor. TELL! THEM: "LEAVE!me, Kenneth Selin (say'leen), the President/Party Leader of the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada) ALONE." Take this action to END! POLICE STATE FASCISM. Thanks. The ÉPC's VICTORY! Campaign ========================== To MAKE CANADA STRONG! and FREE! JOIN or SUPPORT the ÉPC CONTINUALLY! HARASSED and sharing a room with undercover cops+C.I.A. agents at Seaton House, Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada) ~~~ the ÉPC: 4 a bet-ter life le PÉC : pour une vie meil-leure http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk&mode=related&search = |