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Subject: "UNFORTUNATELY, it really does *NOT* matter who is the U.S. President," says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader
Let's be HONEST.
The Democrats and the Republicans (like the Liberals and Conservatives in Canada) want to win the elec- tions for THE BRIBES from the lobbyists and THE KICKBACKS from every Gov't contract and the cor- porate welfare they give. (BECAUSE THE U.S. GOV'T *GIVES* MORE THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO CORPORATIONS, the USA is *NOT* A CAPITA- LIST COUNTRY, but A FASCIST POLICE STATE - LIKE ALL OTHER BANANA REPUBLICS whose claim to being a democracy is A SHAM because the poor, working poor, and working class are DIS- ENFRANCHISED!) [As the U.S. presidential candidates admitted repea- tedly, the Gov’t spends $300 for $100 of product or service: this means means Americans are paying THREE (3) TIMES THE TAXES than is necessary due to CROOKED GOV't.] CONSEQUENTLY, THE MAJOR STRUCTURAL PRO- BLEMS DON'T CHANGE. THE NUMBER ONE MAJOR PROBLEM for the NAVEL- GAZING USA (living in its SELF-MADE PSYCHOTIC BUBBLE) is that EVERYTHING is subordinated to THE $650 billion WAR MACHINE. NOTE: Germany has a $50 billion WAR MACHINE for less than 100 million people. THE USA,THEREFORE, should *NOT* SPEND MORE THAN $200 billion for less than 400 million people. (It's therefore *NOT* SURPRISING its education system is THE PITS built on the FAKE NOTION OF AMERICA THE GREAT.) THE 2ND MAJOR PROBLEM is THE U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY NET is 100% DEBILITATING. THE 3RD MAJOR PROBLEM is HIGHER EDUCATION IS OUT OF REACH: who can afford to pay $40,000 university tuition fees? (The problem today is no longer the ugly American, it's THE STUPID AMERICAN.) THE 4TH MAJOR PROBLEM is the Poor and the WORKING CLASS have little if no health care. (They doN'T count in A FASCIST POLICE STATE run by CROOKS for THE RICH just like every other BANANA REPUBLIC.) THE 5TH MAJOR PROBLEM is HOW INCREDIBLY LOW the hourly minimum wage is: $7.25 federally. (In some states it's $6.00 making the USA A FASCIST POLICE STATE SLAVE LABOUR CAMP FOR THE RICH: such SLAVE WAGES HURT DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION.) AN ASIDE NOTE Bernie Sanders says THE *NEXT* TIME the Democratics are in office, Americans can look forward to a $15 minimum wage and FREE college. THE *NEXT* TIME! He says this with A STRAIGHT FACE just as the Democrats are finishing two (2) terms in office. In the USA, BULLSHIT HAS WHEELS.) (Ha! Ha!) THE 6TH MAJOR PROBLEM is the 2nd Amendment. It results in the killing of 33,000 Americans EVERY YEAR. (The Rifle Association that defends the 2nd Amend- ment is AN EXTENSION of THE WAR MACHINE.) (The Americans have AN AMMUNITION-BASED SOCIETY: that's SCARY! It's THE WILD WEST.) This MAKE THE USA A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE because of there are SO MANY ANGRY, TRIGGER- HAPPY AMERICANS living A HELLISH LIFE who ARE FRUSTRATED ... 1. EARNING A SLAVE WAGE 2. THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY NET is SO GROSSLY INADEQUATE. THIS CREATES A *TOXIC* ENVIRONMENT THAT PROMOTES DOMESTIC TERRORISM that results in the killing of 33,000 Americans - every year. THE 7TH MAJOR PROBLEM is GREED! The RICH refuse to pay their fair share of taxes. "Many millionaires pay a lower federal tax rate than many middle-class Americans." BACKGROUND INFORMATION (RE: the U.S. Gov't) Here are some *TELLING* REMARKS made by James Carville and his wife, Mary Matalin, who co-wrote the book “Love & War” made in the book after spending two (2) decades in Washington including working at the White House. NOTHING CHANGES
“... what’s wrong with Washington is all the money and power that the interest groups have. What’s wrong is the mindless gridlock on Capitol Hill and a general lack of leadership.” p. 58 GIVE THOSE MUSLIM HELL!
“Our plans for retaliation and bringing justice to the evil doers had to be front and center.” p. 157 U.S. INTELLIGENCE
“... by the time the intel made its way up the chain *NOT* WORTH MUCH of command, it was often diluted and distorted.” p. 162 ‘Ironically, the bigger our intel community grows, the less human intelligence we seem to get.” p. 162
“National security was foremost in everyone’s mind.” p. 169 THE IRAQ 2003 WAR
“We kicked out the UN inspectors. They said, ‘Give us another sixty days and we’ll be through,’ and the White House said, ‘No, no, no, we’ve got to start now.’” p. 185 GREED DRIVES THE GOV’T
“... the people doing the real harm are ... the lobby-ists and other deal makers who are helping to write bad legislation that helps the rich get richer ... . So much of it comes down to the god-awful amount of money that is spent by special interests in Washing- ton.” p. 199 “These are the people who are actually running the country.” p. 200 “You can’t pass anything unless you go through this committee chairman or that Speaker of the House. And that same guy – because the place is basically run by special interest groups – is really cautious about not pissing off the lobbyists he’s going to go make a gazillion dollars for when he gets out of office.” p. 202-203
“ ... partisan gridlock on Capitol Hill ... you cannot change it.” p. 203 “There is only one way that business is conducted in Washington and that is ‘as usual’.” p. 203 POLITICAL DISINFORMATION
“There is arguably more political disinformation than policy truth ... .” p. 204 THE RICH RUN THE SHOW
“The 1 percent is becoming more and more power-ful economically and politically. I mean, they’re really running the country now, and that’s not a good thing.” p. 218 THE HARD TIMES
“It’s always that times got so hard they had to move in with one of their kids, or one of their kids moved in with them. Or they’re working at two jobs just to scrape by.” p. 218 INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIT
“The hard choices we should be making are the ones to build and fund better schools, to put more money into community colleges, to create tons of new jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges and airports. Hard choices like not wasting billions of dollars and thousands of lives on stupid wars and unnecessary tax cuts. Our priorities are so screwed up as a nation. ... The infrastructure’s crumbling, incomes are stagnant.” p. 216 SEGREGATION
“Today, the neighborhoods have become more segregated, no doubt about it. ... If you go to Washington, for example, there’s a huge dis- parity between where the white people gene- rally live and where African Americans gene- rally live. There’s a giant demographic dividing line between northwest Washington and south- east Washington.” p. 254 TOUGH LIVING IN WASHINGTON
“We’d endured the Clinton years and the Bush years. That’s a long stretch.” p. 261 “ In Washington, you can go to a fund-raiser for the Kennedy Center. You can give money to this cause or that museum. It’s a nice thing to do. It’s a tax deduction But it doesn’t exactly move the needle.” p. 261
“... it’s staggering the number of people who have little or no health care, who are suffering from mental illnesses, who are underfed or underemployed.” p. 281 Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ for MORE! |