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Subject: "U.S. flag in Seaton House 4th floor OFFICE; Obama on the WALL; CIA: staff+clients+roommates, HOW COME?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party Leader CREDENTIALS ================ GIVEN my 40 years in the international intelligence business+ my experience as A COLD WAR VETERAN+my EXCELLENT UNIVERSITY CREDENTIALS: 5 university degrees with almost 5 other university degrees as a multilingual "magna cum laude" graduate in the TOP 5% of the university population having com- pleted 15 years of full-time university+3 years part-time university +my 2-college diplomas as an "A" student, I think I can say with A fairly *HIGH* DEGREE OF CERTAINTY the following. Seaton House ============= Seaton House downtown Toronto 's men's shelter (located 1 block to the south-east of Jarvis+Gerrard intersection) is run mainly by African-American CIA agents. (On Martin Luther Kings Day in 2008, they piped over the Seaton House intercom system Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream speech.) Though "officially" (like ALL SHELTERS) Seaton House is run by the Police who are on staff. CIA agents enter the shelter system through Seaton House whose CIA medical staff puts them on disability: they are then given PRIORITY HOUSING because Toronto Housing is run by the CIA who gives them THE *BEST* HOUSING: 1-bedroom apartments. The staff+clients are CIA agents including my 2roommates: my former roommates were either CIA agents, CIA psychiatrists, or undercover cops. Seaton House 4th floor: my floor ============================== Here's the U.S. flag in the 4th floor Seaton House office: the Seaton House staff has *REFUSED* to take it down in spite of my *REPEA- TED* protestations. It has been there ever since I moved onto the 4th floor back in September 2007. http://youtu.be/tqg9SmilvNs http://www.thefreedictionary.com/protestations Here's Obama's face on the wall that has been there BEFORE he was elected president: the Seaton House staff has *REFUSED* to take it down in spite of my *REPEATED* protestations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqlowAExEYk&feature=youtu.be Seaton House: A *HIGH* SECURITY AREA ================================== A LARGE BLACK METAL FENCE surrounds the front of Seaton House. PUBLIC ACCESS is controlled in that middle at CENTRE ISLAND by employees in an enclosure. On the 4th floor, CLIENT ACCESS is controlled by a person in the office enclosure. There are BIG POLICE SECURITY CAMERAS all around the building. http://youtu.be/o-HbUNFzjAA INSIDE Seaton House, there's a LABYRINTH of *LOCKED* DOORS (RESTRICTED AREAS). Certainly, NONE OF THAT is NORMAL for a men's shelter: it STRONGLY SUGGESTS that there's something HIGHLY IRREGULAR GOING ON THERE, no? The American Hells Angels: THE BOSS ============================================ The drug-trafficking at Seaton House is run by the AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS who are the *real* BOSS of the Toronto Police+City Council with, I suspect, CIA staff+"probably" CIA councilors at Toronto City Hall. (These BOSSES of the City of Toronto can be found at the Hard Rock Cafe across from the Toronto Eaton Centre. Apparently, the LARGEST NUMBER of Hells Angels in the world is in the Province of Ontario - especially in Toronto. INTERPOL considers THE HELLS ANGELS to be A GANGSTER ORGANIZATION, but NOT Gov't of Canada. http://www.interpol.int WHY NOT? WHY did Toronto Police Chief Blair recently go to the USA for HIS HOLIDAYS? Is it UNCLE SAM'S way of putting him in UNCLE SAM'S "back pocket"? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=back%20pocket CIA: *ZERO* MORAL INTEGRITY ==================================== Behind THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS are the CIA who, I understand, "set up" THE TORONTO POLICE *INTERNATIONAL* DRUG TRAFFIC- KING NETWORK when African-American CIA agents began working for the Toronto Police Force as undercover cops in order to keep an eye on the Vietnam draft dodgers. The CIA ASSOCIATION with THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS clearly makes the CIA a *GANGSTER* ORGANIZATION with *ZERO* MORAL INTEGRITY And IT *ALL* STARTED at Seaton House back in the mid 1970s trans- forming Toronto into A MULTI-BILLION $$$ NARCO-CITY (crystal meth+ crack cocaine) with THE *AMERICAN* HELLS ANGELS now running about 25 cities in Canada from Ontario to BC THE SAME WAY it runs the City of Toronto. ![]() Toronto: *MAJOR* NARCO-CITY =============================== It's IMPORTANT to note that Mayor Ford's family, apparently, has been involved with drug trafficking going all the way back to the 1980s. His Chicago business "probably" goes KA-CHING, KA-CHING as long as THE AMERICANS run HIM+the City of Toronto which, I think, explains WHY the contracts of the Toronto 2015 PAN-AM Games went to AMERICANS. Toronto 2015 PAN-AM Games ================================ ALL CONTRACTS - thanks to the CIA, I bet - are going to AMERICANS *SCREWING* THE CANADIAN TAXPAYER: unlike the Toronto Sun, the CIA-run (in my opinion) Toronto Star has nothing but the highest praise for the games: WHY am I *NOT* surprised? THE BACKBONE =================== The BACKBONE of the alleged Toronto Police *INTERNATIONAL* drug trafficking network is - unbelievably - Canada's ILLEGAL UNDERCOVER COPS, "illegal" because there is NO LEGISLATION exists to justify their existence: they came into being in the 1960's with the intent to infiltrate ORGANIZED CRIME. They are now used to put people in jail: they are to be found wherever THE POOR are like in social housing, shelters, food banks, places offering free food, etc. Wherever they are, Canada's intelligence service wants to be present which adds to the INCREDULITY OF THE WHOLE SURVEILLANCE BUSINESS. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/incredulity These undercover can easily make over HALF A MILLION $$$ in a year if involved in drug trafficking: THEY ARE THE *BEST* PAID *NASTY* COPS earning 6-figure salaries. INTERESTINGLY, they'll "readily" admit to dealing with the CIA+ THE AMERICAN HELLS ANGELS saying THE AMERICANS are taking over Canada anyway. TREASON =========== This is *MASSIVE* TREASON by *ALL* of Canada's Police Forces since they *ALL* contribute manpower to Canada's ILLEGAL under- cover Police force who sell drugs to pushers to only put the pushers+ their clients in jail LATER ON because the Police, from the looks of things, have A INCARCERATION QUOTA SYSTEM that yearly *INCREASES* Canada's prison population because it's LUCRATIVE or our FREEMASONIC "law+order" system. Now, OTHER POLICE FORCES have "supposedly" adopted the Toronto Police Drug Trafficking model like the Mexican Federales (national Police force) who "ironically" are going after the "independent" drug traffickers who they associate with LOS ZETAS+the Australian Police Force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas Gov't SOLUTION ================== The Gov't needs to GET RID of ... - the CIA Seaton House staff - the CIA Seaton House clients - the CIA agents at Toronto City Hall - Obama's face off the Seaton House 4th Floor wall - the CIA agents in the shelter system+social housing - the U.S. flag out of the Seaton House 4th Floor Office TheÉ(eh)PC SOLUTION ====================== The É(eh)PC will ... 1. enact the Canadiana Law http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#Canadiana_Law http://eh-ok.ca/egal.htm#loi_Canadiana en français 2. replace *ALL* current Police forces with A NEW, SMALL, NATIONAL one http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#one 3. pursue a NON-INVOLVEMENT POLICY with the USA for a 10-year period (which will be extended - if necessary) 4. ensure NOBODY goes to jail because of illicit drugs (Personal consumption will be legal: it will be controlled like alcohol is today. Those caught selling will be brought to court "with jury" to take away the $$$ earned from the sale of illegal drugs getting a 2-year criminal record that disappears if the person is NOT brought back to court.) Note: MOST people are going to jail on A SUMMARY CONVICTION by a Justice of the Peace who may NOT even have his/her high school diploma.) 3 Buildings =========== I believe associated with Seaton House drug trafficking is the ... - O'Neal House to the right (drug lab) http://youtu.be/fdSHKzaGp_0 - School House to the left (a distribution centre) http://youtu.be/n4tzAukm1rw - Seaton House is *BOTH* a drug lab+drug distribution centre. ![]() 3 Salaries ========== In my view, *ALL* Seaton House personnel get 3 salaries: 1. from the CIA 2. from drug-trafficking 3. from the City of Toronto 3 Groups ========= In my judgement, there are 3 groups involved in the drug-trafficking at Seaton House: 1. the Chinese - on a small scale - run by their intelligence service 2. the Pakistanis - on a large scale - (as evidenced by the number of Pakistanis on staff at Seaton House) run their intelligence service 3. the East European Mob DRUG LORDS that are mainly Polish speaking The BRUTAL* U.S. Mindset ============================= 1. The USA has NO FRIENDS only interests. 2. If you are *NOT* AMERICAN, you doN'T count. CIA-run Toronto Housing ========================== Toronto Housing is run for the benefit of the CIA. My African-American CIA Seaton House roommate, Blair, got a *NICE* 1-bedroom apartment in the Martin Grove area. Note: Gene Jones, an American, was in charge of Toronto Housing. http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2014/04/22/gene_jones_was_american http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/04/25/rob-fords-housing-boss-eugene-jones-fired Remember THE FIRE at 200 Wesley social housing tower near the top floor? It was, I suspect, a drug-lab related fire. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/06/03/two-former-tchc-executives Note: there were more than $1-million in "fraudulent" expense claims associated with that fire when the repair costs were estimated to be in the $20,000 range. Drug-lab AREA ================ It's located in THE POOREST AREA OF TORONTO: this only makes sense as this is where drug-making activity will be THE LEAST NOTICED by the uneducated, the unaware, on social assistance. THE AREA stretches from Jarvis Street in the west to Parliament Street in the East, from Gerrard Street in the North to Queen Street in the South, but can include the SOCIAL HOUSING TOWERS like the one at 200 Wesley Street, about 5 blocks NORTH above this area. THE FACT that the Police have *NOT* FOUND any drug labs in this area - THE MOST LIKELY PLACE for drug labs - is VERY TELLING. THIS AREA *ALSO* includes - in my view - the 3hotels: The Grand Hotel, which I've dubbed "THE CIA FORTRESS"+Paris Hilton Garden Inn+Econolodge - ALL on the same side of Javis Street within a few minutes walking distance. http://www.grandhoteltoronto.com http://www.econolodge.com/hotel-toronto-canada-CN761 http://hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/ontario/hilton-garden-inn-toronto.html Tunnels ======== If you got a thriving narcotics industry, you got TUNNELS like the one "supposedly" linking Seaton House with the drug lab across from Seaton House that houses the Jarvis Street Provincial Court+ youth detention centre that straddles the Jarvis-George Street block. *NEW* Criminal Trend ======================= TODAY with criminal activity at an all time low, it appears it's THE COPS who are the ones generating the crime using *ENTRAPMENT*: - undercover cops sell drugs to pushers - female undercover cops attract johns to "catch" them COPS will turn A BLIND EYE to sex trafficking provided, I suppose, they're PAID to do so: Filmores at the corner of Dundas+George Street (a few minutes walk south from Seaton House) is "allegedly" considered to have always been part of the sex trafficking network in the GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA). http://www.filmores.com/filmoreshotel/filmoreshotel.htm ![]() SHOCKINGLY, these criminals use Gov't property - like Seaton House - to commit crime. Distribution ============== The distribution is done - in my view - in a myriad of ways: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/myriad - A WHITE BOX TRUCK rented in Toronto by an African-American New York City cop who stays at Seaton House: he'll later cross the border at a specific time on a specific day - through TORONTO'S PEARSON AIRPORT via the security guards [The É(eh)PC will replace *ALL* airport security guards with the military.] (Incidentally, the guy in charge of the airport is from China.) - in all entertainment clubs which have A Toronto COP present to make sure everything runs smoothly - in most hotels+many restaurants (Drugs are delivered on foot, by bike, by metro, ... DAILY!) - to cities run by the American Hells Angels like London, Kitchener-Waterloo, etc. by bus - ONCE A WEEK The NEW Face of the CIA =========================== A scraggy homeless guy opening the Tim Hortons door at Ryerson University. A scowling Latino CIA woman sitting cross-legged on the street holding a cup n her hand in front for a CIA-run (in my opinion) McDonald's 1 block north of the College+Yonge intersection. A guy acting crazy at Yonge+Dundas Square, a PPP (Private Public Partnership between the City of Toronto+the American Hells Angels, I suspect). A guy picking beer cans on CIA properties who smokes crack+ pot. They run bars, I suspect, near the University of Toronto on College Street, etc. The *TRADITIONAL* WHITE SHIRT CIA guys "strutting their stuff" like peacocks are hard to find, but they are still around. The NEW face of the CIA is NOW "ethnic": African-Americans claiming to be Jamaican, followed by Filipinos, Kenyans, French- Americans, First Nation Americans, gays, ... . CIA Properties =============== The CIA has properties, their so-called "safe places", all over the world, but where they have THE *MOST* is in Toronto: - hotels+bars, - Ryerson University - coffee shops like Starbucks - apartment buildings where CIA professionals live - book stores+fast food restaurants like McDonalds+Wendys... CIA Professionals ================== From what I can see, they can be found in Toronto as ... 1. UNDERCOVER COPS (along with Chinese intelligence agents) on the Toronto Police Force 2. as NURSES+DOCTORS in the health care system 3. librarians in the Toronto library system (Every library branch seems to have AT LEAST 1 cop on staff; the cameras seem to be Police cameras; the Police, I suspect, have direct access to to what any person takes out of the library because Canada is adopting THE VERY SAME homeland security measures as the Americans, A GOLD MINE for Canada's cops+intelligence service, but UNFORTUNATELY, A BLACK HOLE for the taxpayer.) 4. electricians+plumbers working on CIA properties 5. university students especially at CIA-run (in my opinion) Ryerson University that has a fair size contingent of American Muslim CIA agents: they'll work at CIA-run establishments like (in my view) McDonald's+Starbucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXNxt2V0x8Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er_BUGZdhcE 6. writers for the Toronto Star - I suspect. (An historical example is Ernest Hemingway who spied, I think that's obvious, on the European intel- ligentsia on behalf of the U.S. Gov't by being a Toronto Star reporter.) (See: http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/racial_hatred.htm) 7. Catholic priests+African-American evangelical ministers 8. bums on the street 9. window washers CIA "theatrics" ============== With the CIA it has ALWAYS BEEN about "theatrics": agents pretending to be blind, mentally ill, crippled, handicapped in a wheel chair, dying from some disease, etc. ![]() For example, the CIA staff at Seaton House will use a "broken" English to suggest they are NOT that SMART or a *phony* Jamaican accent to suggest they're from Jamaica when the person is really an African-American. With the CIA it's all about THE SHOW: it's Hollywood, LIVE! CIA culture =========== All CIA agents are "programmed" (brain-washed) with A HANDLER in charge of them. There is *NO* DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER between them+under- cover cops: they play THE VERY SAME GAMES+LIE "shame- lessly" JUST AS MUCH. They go to the same bars. They are even chummy with each other. Like any undercover cop, a CIA agnet can have more than one name. WITH THIS USE OF *DECEPTION* AT THE CORE of CIA culture, it's clear the U.S. Gov't has turned its back on TRUTH using THE BEHAVIORIST WAY OF SEEING THE WORLD: this explains why it will *READILY* use DISINFORMATION (information meant to deceive) - without giving it a second thought. Consequently, it does *NOT* MAKE ANY SENSE to listen to THE AMERICANS because, IF YOU DO, you are going to GET PLAYED: it's GOING TO COST YOU - meanwhile THEY'RE LAUGHING. http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/get-played GAMING ======== THIS APPROACH makes the U.S. Gov't *DANGEROUS* because it's *NOT* TRUSTWORTHY. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/gaming IT PLAYS, it seems to me, parent-child transactional analysis GAMES where it's THE PARENT forcing the "other" party to play THE CHILD who seeks to please the parent in order TO CONTROL THE FRAME+WIN THE GAME. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transactional_analysis Add SOME YOUNG HOOKERS to the equation, the U.S. Gov't can control NATO: THE END RESULT is A *SINKING* EURO thanks to "listening" to THE AMERICANS+A MESS for Europe in the Ukraine. SO WHEN Germany's leader says, "BUT WE NEED THE AMERICANS", she looks TOTALLY DAFT especially given that the Germans have had THE *BEST* intelligence service, BUT "obviously" NO LONGER as they "willingly" let themselves BE *CUED* by THE AMERICANS for THE BENEFIT OF THE AMERICANS. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/daft http://www.thefreedictionary.com/inane http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cued SO WHY the CIA BUILT-UP - since the mid 1970's? ====================================================== The USA intends to *INVADE* Canada; stay 10 years; THEN, ANNEX Canada. THE EXCUSE =============== They'll say THEY HAVE TO FOR NATIONAL SECURITY REASONS. THAT EXCUSE will be used TO EXPEL the Muslims in order to reduce THE "potential" TERRORIST THREAT from Canada. Canada's Police+Intelligence Service: WORTHLESS! =============================================== Canada's Police forces+intelligence service (who are GROSSLY *OVER- PAID*) have proven themselves to be GROSSLY *INCOMPETENT* in pro- tecting Canada's NATIONAL SECURITY by exposing Canada to *ENEMY* AGENTS "determined" to *ENSLAVE* Canada. It's A *MEGA* NATIONAL DISASTER! Worse, A NATIONAL DISGRACE! BUT, it's THE PRICE, WE, AS CANADIANS PAY, for having *CROOKED*, behind closed doors, "law+order" FASCIST Police state Gov't. DEMOCRACY+PROSPERITY =========================== That's what Canadians want: DEMOCRACY+PROSPERITY. That's what they'll get from ttheÉ(eh)PC: DEMOCRACY+PROSPERITY. STAND with theÉ(eh)PC ====================== WE, CANADIANS, MOST CERTAINLY doN'T want to be TREATED LIKE SHIT by GANGSTA AMERICA, do we? For a Canada, STRONG+FREE! STAND with theÉ(eh)PC. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ theÉ(eh)PC for *your* share of the pie http://www.eh-ok.ca |