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Subject: Undercover
COP ASSAULTS! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @Toronto Library; another makes DEATH THREATS. On August 14th 2010, Saturday morning at 9:45 a.m. a lean middle-aged medium-size undercover cop sporting with shortish ash-blond hair standing at the entrance of the Lillian Smith Library by College+Spadina (where China Town is) smoking a cigarette asks the É(eh)PC Presi- dent/Party Leader, "What happened to your knees?" Osgoode Hall Horror ================ Ever since the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was beaten up at the back of Osgoode Hall at 11 a.m. on Sunday July 18th 2010 undercover cops ask him about his knees. He *YELLS* back: "I doN'T want to be harassed by undercover cops." He then keeps his distance knowing they are looking for a fight. What was PARTICULARLY DISTURBING about the Osgoode Hall incident was the fact that the LAWYERS+JUDGES serving the FREE meal REFUSED! to call the Police when the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader had been beaten up+was bleeding. Instead a big 300 lbs. African Canadian undercover cop laughingly gave him a few band aids. THEIR REFUSAL WAS AN OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by members of Canada's judiciary, how ironic is that? *AND* the person in charged told the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader that he was *BANNED* from Osgoode Hall. The largest number of undercover cops in Canada can be found in attendance at the Sunday FREE meal offered in the basement at Osgoode Hall served by judges+lawyers. ![]() *AND* these undercover cops are 100% ILLEGAL as there is NO LEGISLATION to justify their existence. How BOGUS is that? It's clearly a REFLECTION on our BOGUS JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Date: July 18th 2010 Subject: Undercover COP BEATS! UP É(eh)PC President/Party Leader @Toronto Osgoode Hall Faculty of Law while other undercover cops look on and laugh. Lillian Smith Library =============== The undercover cop sits one (1) PC work station across from the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader and leans over towards smiling+making faces at him. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader asks him TWICE, "Are you an undercover cop here to HARASS me?" The undercover cop jumps up+comes over with his fist clenched and arm raised up in the air ready to hit the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader saying, "I doN'T know who you are, but I'm going to find out. I'll be waiting for you outside." The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader says: "That's a threat. I'm going to call the Police if I see you outside waiting for me." A librarian comes up to the 3rd floor where the incident had taken place and suggested that any future altercations should be taken outside. The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader says that he was assaulted The librarian later reappears saying, "the guy is on the 2nd Floor" and "the Library is keeping both of you apart." The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader said the proper course of action was to call the Police and failure to do so was OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and that he had this very same problem with the Toronto Reference Library. ![]() Date: July 24th 2010 Subject: CIA+English SEPARATISTS at Toronto Reference Library BANNED! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. Seaton House DEATH THREATS ========================== The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader has brought it to the attention of a handful of Seaton House staff that he has been received DEATH THREATS from the 250 lbs. football-looking full back with grey-white pony tail in his former room, Room 253. The staff's reaction including that was a supervisor was to ask, "What's your name?" pretending *NOT* to know the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. This has happened before and yet, the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader has been at Seaton House for three (3) years. They obviously intend to NOT take him seriously. On two (2) separate occasions when John was in the washroom alone with the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader he made two (2) DEATH THREATS. The first, "you will go on a long ride+NOT come back (alive)". The second, "we'll take you down to the lake and chop you up in little pieces". John came to at sit at the table of the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader knowing that he's NOT wanted there. John treats the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader AT ALL TIMES AS A MENTAL CASE while the staff looks on and allows this demeaning, denigrating behavior to happen. Constant Seaton House Harassment ================================ The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader was put in Room 432 on the 4th Floor in September 2007 with two (2) undercover cops and one (1) CIA African-American, Mark Russel. ![]() In February 2008 he was put in Room 453 with four (4) undercover cops+ Ivo, a mentally ill guy from Serbia. In September 2009 he was put in Room 451 with two (2) African-American CIA guys. This kind of ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE constitutes *FASCIST* Police State HARASSMENT of a political leader. It interferes with THE POLITICAL PROCESS+POLITICAL CHOICE. Obviously, the Americans are CONCERNED that the É(eh)PC under the name eh-USA sets up shop in the USA+changes US politics for evermore for the better. Seaton House: an African-American Stronghold ======================================== African-Americans run Seaton House. On Martin Luther King's Day they will play over the intercom his "I have a dream" speech. There's the American flag in the 4th Floor office. On the 4th Floor walls are HUGE PICTURES of Batman, Bugs Bunny, Mother Theresa, Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Marley, Henry Kissinger, President Obama. Seaton House: Drug House ======================== There are Hells Angels, CIA (many African-American CIA)+Toronto Police on staff. On the 4th Floor they have all the above plus RCMP+CSIS intelligence agents. Yet, Seaton House specializes in the manufacture of crystal meth+crack cocaine for the national police drug pushing network that extends into the USA, Mexico, Jamaica+probably Australia. ![]() It supplies the Chinese, Pakistani+ East-European drug traffickers in Toronto with product. Yet, the Gov't of Canada fails to deal with the *LARGEST* CIA colony in Toronto+ Canada's Police drug trafficking network preferring to talk about the $18 BILLION purchase of fighter planes. Does Canada need them? BOGUS Gov't =========== From the É(eh)PC perspective Canadians have a 100% *CROOKED* BOGUS Gov't with a 100% BOGUS judiciary because it's a *FASCIST* Police State. É(eh)PC Solution ============== The É(eh)PC solution is *CLEAN* Gov't BY DESIGN along with *RADICAL* judicial reform, one (1) university- trained Police force that sees policing as an extension of social services+folding of Canada's intelligence apparatus (CSIS) into the Canadian Information Agency (CIA). 1.2 Public Interest - *FIRST* FULL DISCLOSURE of Gov't financial transactions and expenses 1.6 Radical Judicial Reform 22. One Smart Police Force 23. The Canadian Information Agency (CIA) Call === 1. Toronto Chief of Police, William Blair, (416) 808-8000 Say the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader requires POLICE PROTECTION having been beaten up by two (2) undercover cops, assaulted by two (2) others+having received DEATH TREATS by another, all this SINCE July 18th 2010. ![]() Say a POLICE TASK FORCE needs to be set up to apprehend these *DANGEROUS* CRIMINALS 2. Seaton House (416) 392-5542 (4th Floor) Say they have to get rid of John in Room 453 that has been harassing the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader since June 2009 saying that he's a "nut case", "a camh mental case" etc.+because he made the death threats: ALL THAT is CRIMINAL HARASSMENT. 3. Lillian Smith Library (416) 393-7746 Say when a crime like assault is committed on the premises they have to call the Police. The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC Toronto G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! * GOON! COPS ... GONE ... WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== (It's UNLIKE ANY OTHER POLITICAL PARTY.) Unlike THE MAJORITY OF CANADA'S POLITICAL PARTIES, the É(eh)PC receives *NO* "backdoor" FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't. YOU ==== JOIN SUPPORT ScotiaBank account #: 91132 08463 84 VOTE ... É(eh)PC It will *REDESIGN* the Gov't TO WORK - 100% - FOR YOU! It will *REPLACE* "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! *anti-fascist* political party ~~~ for *GOOD* jobs for the *GOOD* life for *CLEAN* Gov't that WORKS ... 100% ... for YOU! |