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Subject: CIA+English
SEPARATISTS at Toronto Reference Library BANNED! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. It seems according to the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader the CIA+English SEPARATISTS at the Toronto Reference Library are the ones responsible for having him BANNED! for two (2) months going there nearly every day for three (3) in spite of HEAVY HANDED TREATMENT by the Library including POLICE HARASSMENT! Date: December 4th 2007 Subject: The Toronto Reference Library *SCOLDS* the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Reference_Library.htm Date: January 3rd 2009 Subject: "H-A-R-A-S-S-E-D by TWO! undercover COPS! at the Toronto Reference Library+the Library did NOTHING!" says the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Toronto_Reference_Library.htm Date: January 7th 2009 Subject: "Toronto Reference Library W-I-T-H THE Toronto POLICE **continue** to HARASS!! me. Will this be an ongoing saga?" asks the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of CaGOOGLE/nada http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/Toronto_Reference_Library_Warning.htm Date: February 9th 2010 Subject: "Undercover COP! at the Toronto Reference Library THREATENS VIOLENCE. Library does NOTHING!" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/undercover_cop.htm Date: June 10th 2010 Subject: "I was ATTACKED! by AN **UNDERCOVER COP** at the Toronto Reference Library entrance" says the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/attacked.htm The two (2) GOON! undercover COPS that had BEATEN! UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader A FEW DAYS PREVIOUSLY showed up at the Toronto Reference Library - TWICE! EACH TIME, he felt HIS LIFE THREATENED! That's ASSAULT! BOTH! TIMES he informed Library security and staff at the First Floor customer service counter and asked that they call the Police. They refused to do so BOTH! TIMES. INSTEAD the last time, Toronto Reference Library BANNED! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader when *BOTH* GOON! COPS WERE PRESENT IN THE LIBRARY: one walks right pass him, the other sits at at PC directly across from him SMILING. THE GOONS were TOGETHER! at the RED CROSS sponsored BBQ. Date: July 22nd 2010 Subject: BOTH undercover COPS (DANGEROUS! CRIMINALS) who HAD BEATEN UP the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader turned up at the RED CROSS sponsored BBQ. http://eh-ok.ca/GOOGLE/RED_CROSS_BBQ.htm REFUSING TO CALL THE POLICE IN AN ASSAULT CASE is clearly AN OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE on the part of the Toronto Reference Library: the Library had NOT! only A LEGAL RESPON- SIBILITY to call the Police. but WAS REQUIRED TO DO SO UNDER THE LAW. So WHY! did the Toronto Reference Library REFUSE! to call the Police where they should have done so? WHY! INSTEAD was the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader BANNED! by Elizabeth Sutter who describes herself in the letter as "Manager"? (Manager of what? Who knows: she doesN'T say.) The É(eh)PC President/Party Leader finds their treatment of him MEAN-SPIRITED like the CIA treatment of Russia, Iran, North Korea+Cuba. (The U.S.A. promised Russia that if it would get rid of communism, it would be there for Russia which PROVED NOT! TO BE TRUE - AT ALL.) (In fact, mentioning "Russia" to a CIA agent will always elicit a physiological reaction - every time.) ![]() Toronto CIA Colony =============== Given his DECADES! of intelligence experience with Cold War spies, with foreign students+intelligence agents, the É(eh)PC president, Party Leader sees the CIA presence in Canada as CANADA'S GREATEST THREAT to national security. They set up a Police-run drug network in Canada using the Hells Angels which originated in Toronto NOW! extending from Ontario to British Columbia. Who would have suspected that the CIA would be involved in the manuf- acture+distribution of CRACK+CRYSTAL METH in Canada using the Hells Angels+Police? This allows them to CONTROL the City of Toronto 100% along with 25+ Canadian cities. CIA+English Separatists =================== Having spent nearly every day for three (3) years at the Toronto Reference Library, the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader finds that that its staff can be characterized as PRETENTIOUS, MEAN! dowdy-looking FRUMPETTES who VERY SUSPICIOUSLY NEVER! HAVE NAME TAGS. An Intelligence Centre ================= Thought NOT! openly said the the Toronto Reference Library is an intelligence centre that monitors the PCs used including having staff pose as clients on the floor along with CSIS agents, undercover cops, members of the US Consulate who come there, British intelligence people, etc. according to the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader. Canadians doN'T realize that Canada has a $7 billion security budget for this kind of nonsense that includes the ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE of Canadians in the national interests. Consequently, the É(eh)PC urges ALL! Canadians (especially Muslims) to get a DEBUGGER to check their home for video+audio BUGS. To Kill A Mockingbird 50th Anniversary ============================== The Toronto Reference Library billed the 7p.m. Thursday July 8th 2010 event under its "NEW BOOKS. BIG IDEAS. Join the conver- sation." June/July program as "A celebration of Harper Lee's beloved novel, with Dan Hill and Clement Virgo." Two other Canadians were added to this panel, an education board trustee+a book seller. The the É(eh)PC president/Party Leader the PAINFUL! event expressing his DISPLEASURE to the organizers of the event BOTH! verbally+on the written evaluation. "To Kill A Mockingbird" is PURE AMERICANA. It has NOTHING! TO DO WITH CANADA NOR THE CANADIAN EXPERIENCE. It is NOT! A NEW BOOK - either - though the June/July Toronto Reference Library promises to deal with "NEW BOOKS. BIG IDEAS." To discuss this piece of Americana was UNJUSTIFIED+TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE in one of Canada's most important libraries. How can the Toronto Reference Library justify THIS MISSTEP? It has CIA on staff - they pushed for it? Was it ACCIDENTAL? SHOVING Americana down the throats of Canadians, WHY? ![]() INSTEAD of discussing an EERIE PIECE of Americana the Toronto Reference Library could have had a discussion on a well-known French-Canadian author. World famous Acadian, Antonine Maillet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonine_Maillet Gabrielle Roy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrielle_Roy Louis Riel. My favourite Canadian POLITICAL HERO. (See Letter 2 below.) With the É(eh)PC Louis Riel Day will be A NATIONAL HOLIDAY. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#LouisRiel The importance of AWARD-WINNING Radio-Canada programming to French-Canadians across Canada. The French-Canadian topics that could be discussed are MANY+VARIED. The TOXIC! PEOPLE who run the Toronto Reference Library are - in the view of the the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader - Canada's MOST BIGOTED! *ENGLISH* SEPARATISTS. It's A REAL SHAME that they call themselves "Canadian". Shame. THEY SHOULD! KNOW BETTER. Shame. It's SO IMPORTANT for the sake of CANADIAN UNITY that English Canadians KNOW MORE! about French-Canadians and what they're about. Of course, you caN'T expect the CIA to foster Canadian unity - now, can you? The Toronto Reference Library has AN IMPLICIT CANADIAN MANDATE to end the TWO (2) SOLITUDES the separate English Canada from French Canada for greater harmony. The Toronto Reference Library has A NATIONAL DUTY to ACT IN THE INTERESTS OF CANADA - ONLY! THAT MEANS NO! ZERO! ZIP! AMERICANA - NOT! even a bit. Discussion of an EERIE! PIECE o f an out-dated piece of Americana was NOT! in Canada's interest. Certainly NOT! DOUBLE SHAME! on the IMBECILES! that organized the event. ![]() In fact, the É(eh)PC wants "To Kill A Mockingbird" to be replaced in ALL! Canadian schools by "Agaguk", 100% CANADIANA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agaguk CIA Coups ======== The Clinton+Bush CIA specially-crafted BULLSHIT TALKS in Canada were CIA coups. DESIGNED to SHOW THE WORLD that Canada+USA are BUDDIES. NOT!!! The Canada-USA LUMBER DISPUTE going back to 1950s suggests otherwise. It even had been a U.S. Gov't practice that a NEW PRESIDENT had to make DISPARAGING REMARKS regarding the Canadian Prime Minister of the day: Kennedy was obliged to play THIS INSULTING! GAME. Besides, the US ADMINISTRATION had ALWAYS! been *BOASTFULLY* ANTI-CANADIAN. In fact, there was a song in the USA, "BLAME! it on Canada". The Americans buy IMPORTANT CANADIAN COMPANIES like BC lumber giant, MacMillan Bloedel, just to shut it down. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacMillan_Bloedel THAT'S NOT! NASTY? You bet. A BUDDY DOES NOT! BEAT YOU UP EVERY TIME IT GETS A CHANCE. THAT'S A F-ing B_U_L_L_Y (with a few screws missing) who does that. The Americans now own ALL! MAJOR CANADIAN STEEL MILLS: Dofasco+Stelco (Hamilton, ON)+Algoma (Sault Ste Marie, ON). Tim Hortons, American-owned - 100%. The Americans SABOTAGES Canada's forest industry in order to come in - later - with THEIR OWN! companies like 100% US-owned Columbia Lumber. The Americans RULE!+RAPE! Canada's energy sector PAYING VERY! LITTLE in royalty fees to Canadians. With the É(eh)PC there will be NO! MORE CORPORATE WELFARE. Mining companies will pay A FLAT 20% royalty fee. ~~~ É(eh)PC Political Program ===================== 25. The GREEN Plan The É(eh)PC GREEN Plan is also about 1. ensuring that the extraction of Canada's natural resources is done with respect and concern for the environment; 2. nationalizing any company guilty of envi- ronmental infractions; 3. setting royalty fees from the extraction of natural resources at 20%; http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#green ~~~ ![]() PLUS! The Americans living in Alberta FULLY SUPPORT WESTERN SEPARATISM in Canada. RED-FLAG CIA ============ The É(eh)PC will red-flad the CIA (Americans that have dual citizenship - American+Canadian who WORK AGAINST THE NATIONAL INTERESTS OF CANADA) in order to get rid of them. This should have been done long, long ago by the RCMP+ CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service). The É(eh)PC considers the RCMP+CSIS to be BOGUS ORGANIZATIONS run by DUMMIES who have always been INCAPABLE! of looking after the NATIONAL INTEREST. How else can Canadians explain the HUGE! CIA COLONY in Toronto? The CIA-created Hells-Angels-Police-run drug network? (See "Letter 1" below regarding Canadian intelligence BULLSHIT!) Give them SHIT! ============ - Toronto Reference Library, 789 YONGE ST (416) 393-7131 - Elizabeth Sutter is the manager of what? - WHY! did she BAN! the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader for two (2) months - WITHOUT WARNING - after he'd been frequenting the Library nearly every day for three (3) years? - WHY! discuss OUTDATED! AMERICANA under the program heading, "NEW BOOKS. BIG IDEAS." when it's NOT! NEW, NOR CANADIAN? - WHO! is going to get FIRED? The É(eh)PC G20 Report ==================== Canadians can look forward to the É(eh)PC FASCIST! Police G20 Summit Report whose "working title" is "SO MANY! **STUPID** GOON! COPS ... GONE WILD!" The É(eh)PC ========== The É(eh)PC (UNLIKE the POLITICAL PARTIES financed by the Gov't) is a REAL! political party it receives NO! financial support from the Gov't. YOU ==== Please. JOIN. ![]() SUPPORT. [$2 or $20 for the "sky-blue" EH!-revolution: Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384]. VOTE ... É(eh)PC, the only political party TO REDESIGN! Gov't TO WORK - FOR YOU! REPLACING! "law+order" SECRETIVE! Gov't with a PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't whose spending, Canadians will be able to monitor - online. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~~ Letter 1 ====== Ian Robertson, Toronto Sun journalist ~~~ Subject: ex-CSIS agent - "expert"? What makes you say that? Date: 05/11/10 17:04:01 Hi Ian (Mr. Robertson), Re: Expert warns of terrorists "offensive" What makes you think Mr. Harris is an "expert"? I believe, yes, he did work for CSIS. But was he a CSIS-DUMMY? I'd say - given what he says - YES! How bogus is Insignis Strategic Research Inc.? BOGUS! "It stands to reason ..." blah! blah! blah! "Killing infidels" is NOT! the "ultimate goal" he alleges. That was NOT! the goal in blowing up the twin towers in NYC. RIGHT THERE! you know he's BLOWING SMOKE. He alleges a "radical Islamist threat", but does NOT! SUBSTANTIATE his claim whatsoever. PURE - naive - SPECULATION on his part - AS ALWAYS it seems. ![]() That the G20 is a "choice target" is NONSENSE! based on SPECULATION as far as I'm concerned. It's THIS KIND OF STUPIDITY that makes the RCMP, CSIS, etc. SO INEFFECTIVE IN DEALING WITH TERRORISM. It has been said by Mr. Harris company in the past that there are terrorists' bases here in Canada without substantiating NOR justifying such a claim. It's my understanding that the Toronto 18 was a created by our own intelligence guys to prove their competence in detecting terrorism to the Americans. Who started Toronto 18? A Canadian intelligence person? He says "this reflects the thinking at the highest levels of our intelligence community". He forget to add "OF - OVERPAID - IMBECILES". (ha! ha!) This is YELLOW JOURNALISM at its WORST in my view: CRAP! He's suggesting there might be a "terrorist offensive" that will disrupt the G20 meeting here in Toronto. He is talking as if the terrorists have been operating for some time in Canada already - blowing up things what have you. That is NOT! the case. I guess our news people are TOO AFRAID to report about "active terrorism" in the news. (Ha! Ha!) Cheers! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life 4a bet-ter world: the EH!-revolution making the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ Letter 2 ====== Laura Payton, Toronto Sun journalist ~~~ Subject: Louis Riel: English Canadian traitor, FRENCH-CANADIAN *HERO* Date: 7/19/10 12:04:25 Hi Laura (Ms. Payton), Here are a few important points regarding Louis Riel. 1. Prime Minister McDonald wanted him hanged to let French-Canadians know they were NO LONGER WANTED beyond the Ottawa River. In fact, he sent a letter to the presiding judge insisting that Louis Riel had to be found GUILTY. The six (6) anti-Catholic jurors assured a GUILTY VERDICT just the same. Prime Minister McDonald was CANADA'S FIRST SEPARATIST. ![]() 2. Louis Riel handed the North-West Territories which his Government, separate and independent of Canada, over to Canada INSTEAD OF THE USA (The Americans always courted him.) providing the Government of Canada would respect it promises made to French-Canadians of respecting their language and culture some thing the Americans could NOT do. 3. Once the land was transferred over to Canada, the Government of Canada insisted he had to go into exile for the hanging of Mr. Scott who was a traitor under the Louis Riel Government of the North West Territories. 4. He went to teach in Montana and asked to come back to defend Métis rights. He was ELECTED almost unanimously TWICE to the House of Commons BUT BARRED BY MCDONALD from entering. He was the only MP in Canada ELECTED TWICE who was NOT! allowed to sit in Parliament. 5. Louis Riel personally knew Sir Wilfred Laurier, who accused Riel of NOT KNOWING how to play the game (i.e. THE FREE-MASONIC GAME: Sir Wilfred Laurier was a FREEMASON - for sure. As Prime Minister of Canada one of the first things he did was to OUTLAW the teaching of Catholicism in the Manitoba School System saying that the Protestants FORCED him to do it and that he did this UNWILLINGLY (ha! ha!) TO KEEP THE PEACE. 6. Saying that Louis Riel is a Father of Confederation for the province of Manitoba HIDES THE FACT that Louis Riel GAVE THE WEST (North-West Territories) to Canada (NOT! just Manitoba). 7. THE MÉTIS have nearly ALL! THE LAND TITLES to the City of Winnipeg. 8. My grand-mother, Monica Carrier, from St-Vidal, Manitoba, the home of Louis Riel, is a direct descendant of Louis Riel. Finally, we must remember Louis Riel was a BILINGUAL LAWYER who had studied in Quebec and lived in the States on a number of occasions even as a teacher in Montana LIVING IN GOV'T IMPOSED EXILE. He made clear THE DIVIDE BETWEEN ENGLISH FRENCH CANADA. It became clear with THE HANGING OF LOUIS RIEL that English Canada would NOT RESPECT IT's PROMISE TO TREAT FRENCH CANADA AS AN EQUAL - whatsoever. Our history has proven that to be true until Mr. Trudeau came into the picture. Thanks to his legacy IT'S STILL POSSIBLE TO TURN THINGS AROUND. HOWEVER, it's safe to say this at this time. Today as things stand, Quebec is leaving and the Americans are coming into Canada militarily due to the coming DESERTIFICATION of the U.S.A.. They are already DRAINING THE GREAT LAKES and NOT! TELLING US. This probably EXPLAINS WHY - in my view - Toronto has A HUGE CIA COLONY - in my view given - my Cold War experience. It's TOO BAD that our country is BEING ABSORBED already into the U.S.A and NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT. A KEY QUESTION: what percentage of City of Toronto contracts go to American companies or Canadian companies owned by Americans? THE AMERICANS OWN ALL! OF STEEL MILLS: the symbolism of this ownership is very telling. If Canada goes down the drain, English Canada is to blame. All THE BEST! Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) magna cum laude ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's *ONLY* anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4 CLEAN! Gov't 4the GOOD! life: the EH!-revolution makes the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca |