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Subject: "Are you *VOTING* FOR NOTHING?" asks É(eh)PC President/Party Leader *NO* CHANGE
AFTER THE ELECTION, *WHAT* WILL CHANGE? NOTHING! Then, *WHY* BOTHER voting? YOUR TAXES+THE PUBLIC DEBT WILL GO UP. IN *MY* VIEW ... you will still have a 100% CROOKED "behind closed doors" SECRETIVE *BLOATED* (ram- pant with nepotism) Gov't run by the Freema- sons using *ILLEGAL* full-time undercover cops+Gov't operatives (ILLEGAL because there is *NO* LEGISLATION to justify their existence) whose FASCIST POLICE STATE "LAW+ORDER" BIG-BROTHER *SPENDING* PRIORITY is... 1. THE POLICE 2. THE JUDICIAL+PENAL SYSTEM NOTE: we are adopting the HOMELAND SECURITY MEASURES of the USA 100% *WITHOUT* ANY PUBLIC DISCUSSION because it's *FINANCIALLY* GOOD for 1+2. NOTE: cops ILLEGALLY ARRESTED OVER 1,000 *INNOCENT* PRO- TESTERS so 1+2 could make *EASY* MONEY (*ALL* SORTS OF OVERTIME PAY) in what can be *READILY* CONSTRUED as POLICE GENERATED CRIME. NOTE: apparently, THE MAJORITY of the people are being sent to jail on *SUMMARY* CONVICTIONS by a Justice of the Peace (NO JUDGE, NO JURY) because of drugs. *WHO* apparently sells the drugs? COPS. MORE PO- LICE GENERATED CRIME be- cause it's good for (their) business. NOTE: cops on construction sites, cops deciding who gets liquor licenses, FIVE TIMES THE SPEED TRAPS in Toronto than any other major North American city ... ALL THIS can be READILY CONSTRUED as POLICE *EXTORTION*. ===>THE SYSTEM clearly SERVES *ITSELF*. (*NOT* thePEOPLE) THE *CROOKED* BUREAUCRATS will get *BRIBES*+THE PARTY IN POWER GETS *KICKBACKS* IN RETURN FOR Gov't con- tracts often via lobbyists (ex-gov't employees who know WHO+HOW to bribe+give kickbacks. Contracts will "continue"to go to ORGANIZED CRIME with the American Hells Angels (with the help of THE LARGEST CIA COMMUNITY in Toronto) taking over organized crime+running about 25 cities like Toronto, London, Kitchener- Waterloo, Lethbridge, Cranberry, BC, ... getting their Police forces involved in BILLION DOLLAR *INTERNATIONAL* DRUG TRAFFICKING whose backbone are Canada's ILLEGAL UNDERCOVER COPS to which *ALL* THE POLICE FORCES con- tribute manpower. Thanks to the American Hells Angels, the USA is now CAPABLE of running Canada JUST LIKE ANY OTHER *CROOKED* LATINO COUNTRY like Guatemala for instance. INCREDIBLY, this 100% *CROOKED* SYSTEM (being run more+more by the USA) has THE *FULL* BACKING OF *ALL* THE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES+*ALL* THE MEDIA. É(eh)PC = CHANGE
With theÉ(eh)PC, you get 100% FINANCIALLY TRANSPARENT *DEMOCRACY* that SERVES *YOU* 100% thanks to the yet-to-be-created Canadian Information Agency (CIA) See It's *KEY* PHRASE is "PROSPERITY BASED ON PRODUCTIVITY". THANKS TO theÉ(eh)PC, Canada will A SMALL, SMART, NATIONAL *UNARMED* POLICE FORCE, the yet-to-be-created Canadian Police Force (CPF) that sees policing as an extension of social services: any armed intervention will be done by the military. The operations of the CPF will be monitored by the Canadian Information Agency. See NOTE: *ANY* UNNECESSARY GOV'T SPENDING WILL BE A CRIME. *BIG* BONUS: THE CANADIANA LAW will *STOP* THE TAKEOVER of Canada by the USA. See JOIN+SUPPORT theÉ(eh)PC. BECOME an eh-recruiter. See Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ for MORE! |