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Subject: With
the É(eh)PC in power there will be NO! NEED for whistleblowers thanks to CLEAN! Government BY DESIGN! It's my view as President/Party Leader of the
Égalité Party of Canada
[the É(eh)PC] that Canada is IN CRISIS! Firstly, Quebecers are NOT! going to stay with the Liberal Party past 2013 (The Quebec Liberal Party was elected in 2003.) and will opt for the Parti Québecois which will "officially" make Quebec an independent state. Secondly, the Americans are - effectively - taking over Canada, the key player being the US Ambassador as far as I'm concerned using a FINELY TUNED plan that has been playing out over the decades. However, WHAT IS REALLY! SCARY is Toronto's HUGH! CIA COLONY that goes back to the Vietnam draft-dodger days from what I can see given my experience in the Ottawa intelligence business back in the Cold War days in the 70s and later, with the Muslem intelligence community since the 80s. It's NOT! ACCEPTABLE to have the CIA operating Canada. The Cold War is over. They have no business being here causing trouble. There are in my view BOTH! Chinese Ministry of State Security Agents and CIA Agents on the Toronto Police Force as undercover cops involved in the Toronto Police drug trafficking network. How did that come about - having foreign agents on the Toronto Police force going back to the early 60s? In fact, the Vancouver Chief of Police - from mainland China - could possibly also be Chinese Ministry of State Security intelligence agent. INCREDIBLY! more and more Municipal Police Forces are NOW involved - from what I understand - in THE LARGEST! Police-operated drug operation in North America that extends into the States and Mexico courtesy of the Hells Angels backed by the CIA - that involve MANY POLICE FORCES including MEXICAN FEDERALES! And it all started - HERE! - in Toronto and swept West infecting such cities as London, Waterloo, Cranberry, Lethbridge ... perhaps AS MANY as 28 municipalities and THAT NUMBER IS GROWING! And what is CSIS and the RCMP - TWO MONKEY! ORGANIZATIONS, USELESS AS MUD (in my view given my Ottawa intelligence experience) doing about it? NOTHING! THE KICKER! is we can see ALL THIS going on at Seaton House where I'm staying in the eastside red light homeless district of downtown Toronto: THE EYE OF THE DRUG STORM in North America. At Seaton House we have in my opinion CIA, Hells Angles, Toronto Police on staff and on the floors as clients. PLUS! there are MANY! full-time UNDERCOVER COPS as well as dumb ass RCMP and CSIS agents that TURN A BLIND EYE TO ALL THE DRUG ACTIVITY AROUND THEM and the DRUG MULES, guys that have assigned drug routes carrying their back- packs loaded with illicit drugs. That THIS! goes on from Seaton House and NEARLY ALL! the buildings on George Street one block over from Jarvis and Dundas by Ryerson University is the result of a MINDBOGGLING - Police sponsored DRUG OPERATION involving BOTH ENTIRE! BLOCKS with George Street running up the middle that includes HOTELS, a lap-dancing club, ROOMING HOUSES, etc. - all involved in DRUGS! What is NEEDED is a COMPLETE! OVERHAUL OF THE SYSTEM. With the É(eh)PC Canada will have SMART POLICING MONITORED! by intelligence agencies. (See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# The ONLY! political party that can *OVERHAUL* THE SYSTEM is MINE! The following two letters are to two (2) Toronto Sun journalists who pointed out in two (2) articles that the 12-year whisleblowing case of Ms. Joanna Gualtieri makes whisleblowing ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. In addition, the Government HAS TAKEN THE ADDED! MEASURE of passing legislation that makes it impossible for a public servant who's a whistleblower to sue the Government as Ms.Joanna Gualtieri has done. Both letters explains HOW my political party can SAVE! CANADA by offering 100% SQUEAKY CLEAN Government. Incidentally, the former leader of the Parti Québécois, the separatist provincial Quebec party, Mr. Pariseau, has said THE MAIN REASON QUEBEC ***NEEDS! TO LEAVE*** CANADA is due to **THE FACT** that the bureaucracy of the Government of Canada is so *unremedially* CROOKED! ![]() IT CAN'T BE FIXED in Mr. Parizeau's opinion: IT'S THAT BAD! Yet, my political party, the É(eh)PC believes FIXING IT IS DOABLE by designing government so there is ZERO! UNNECESSARY SPENDING. ~~~ Hey Greg (Mr. Weston), re: Gualtieri's fight rages and today's whistleblowing dilemma With my political party, the É(eh)PC, in power there will be no need for whistleblowing on account of Article 15 of the É(eh)PC political platform which reads: 15. Financial Mismanagement of Public Funds Any civil servant found guilty of "needlessly" spending public funds will lose his/her job and spend two (2) years in jail. Note: the reward for finding unnecessary Government spending will be $5000 TAX-FREE each time. Canadians using the Internet will be able to MONITOR Gov't spending ONLINE and learn who are making the financial decisions, the details of the those decisions, the beneficiaries, and their associations. Leaving any information out will result in a 2-year jail sentence. Article 1.2 1.2 Transparency of Government and Unions 2.1 The details of the financial decisions made by the
the identities of those who made them and those who benefitted from them, and who they are all associated with, this data will be posted online for "public review" because Canadians have the right to know what is going on with their tax dollars so the can have the power to monitor their Government to ensure that its serving them to the best of its ability. That is what is meant by the É(eh)PC slogan: "POWER! 2the PEOPLE". 2.2 The É(eh)PC will ensure that the Government implements independent third party bank-branch auditing practices for all government agencies to be done by outside auditors who will work with the "policing auditors" of the Canadian Information Agency (CIA), an elite, specially-trained group. 2.3 All public employees will be obliged to make public
to any "outside" association like the Freemasons, Club Richelieu, Islamic Brotherhood, etc. Failure to do so will result in termination of employment. Any UNNECESSARY! SPENDING will be reported at the Canadian Information Agency (CIA) website. ------->See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# Now, do you want to continue to have 100% CROOKED "in camera" (behind closed doors) Gov't that will continue to FLEECE YOU! and jeopardize your children's future OR do you want a 100% open and transparent É(eh)PC Gov't whose spending is monitored by the People? Cheers! Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4the GOOD! life 4a bet-ter world: the EH!-revolution
making the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v= ~~~ Hi Althia (Mr./Ms. Raj), I'm happy to hear that Joanna Gualtieri won her case after 12 years. It's a NEWS WORTHY STORY given that we have a FASCIST! Police State "behind closed doors" Government whose bureaucracy is run (like in all Commonwealth countries) by Freemasons including the Judiciary which means Canada NOR any other Commonwealth country is a democracy because in a democracy the judicial system has to be separate and independent from the rest of the bureaucracy. (By the way, the É(eh)PC intends to make it illegal for a Freemason to work for the Government. See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# External affairs have ALWAYS! BEEN NOTORIOUS! for spending extravagant amounts of $$$. After having worked in 25 Gov't departments doing 85 temp jobs in the Gov't through 15 temp agencies including the Public Service Commission, I have to say that External Affairs is THE WORSE! for NEEDLESSLY spending $$$. (It seems to me that EVERY! Gov't organization has its own
"internal" mafia
and there seems to be NO EXCEPTION to his rule.) The Government is - in my view - thoroughly CROOKED - 100%! Allegedly, 10,000 people, mainly LARGE! Muslim families have
into Canada through the back door by "bribing" officials in External Affairs. The parents doN'T speak English and their high school children have to work and go to school. And I believe that they have to pay a yearly fee to the same officials so they doN'T have immigration issues. My political party will replace all embassies with Gov't
(See http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm# It's pointless to vote in such a CROOKED! system that's inevitably faced with SYSTEM FAILURE down the road because NOTHING! IN THE GOVERNMENT ADDS UP NOR CHECKS OUT. You caN'T have confidence in such a DARK! oppressive,
By the way, I got PSAC (Public Service Alliance of Canada) on Parliament Hill by myself in 1984 after working nine (9) years in the Senate of Canada where I was told that if I did NOT start to abuse the System like everybody else I'd lose my job though I was married with two (2) kids. Thanks for the GOOD NEWS! article.
Cheers! Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! anti-fascist political party ~~~ 4jobs 4the GOOD! life 4a bet-ter world: the EH!-revolution
making the Gov't work 4U! http://www.eh-ok.ca ~~~ "talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman) http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v= |