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Subject: "Why
did the 'made in China' Toronto Santa Parade (1/2 the size of the past) have so many triangular ad-carts?" asks the É(eh)PC President/Party Leader A 2-hour Parade ============= 2:00 p.m.: the parade turns right from Dundas Street onto Yonge Street by the Eaton Centre 4:00 p.m.: Santa appears on his float at the end of the parade There was mass disappointment over a total of 60 minutes of intermittent delays. This means the size of the parade was reduced this year by 1/2. Few Floats ========= There were only about 18 floats in all - a far cry from the reported 30+ by Toronto newspapers. The floats seemed to have been "made in china" do-it-yourself kits consisting of a lot of stereo-foam, paint, dress material, and a glue gun. The floats, though they were big, there was NOT much on them. Plus, they lacked detail giving the impression that they SLAPPED TOGETHER - FAST. The overall effect was the floats LOOKED BLAND and NOT - at all - Christmassy. The Time Gaps ============ The Toronto Sun article by Don Peat had this to say about the time gaps. "Many of the ... parents who brought the kids to this year's parade left Sunday asking one question: Why were there so many long gaps in the parade this year?" "The gaps were horrible. We waited 30 minutes with nothing between the Torys'R'Us float & Santa." "Some families were so tired of waiting in the cold for Santa, they left before Jolly Old St. Nick arrived." Toronto Sun, Wednesday, November 24th 2010, "Worst.Parade.Ever.Crowd frustrated by long gaps between floats", p. 2. Depressing ========= The whole affair was so ANTICLIMACTIC that the Toronto Metro News noted "many of the children on floats appeared to have have lost their holiday cheer." Toronto Metro News, Thursday, November 25th 2010, "Parade-goers vent over Santa's sloth", p. 8. The complaint from this one parent summed it up: "Our kids were so tired and cold that they didn't care if they saw Santa or not." Toronto Star, Thursday, November 25th 2010, "Santa fans disappointed by long gaps in parade", p. GT3. Lies? ==== But the cherry on the sundae comes from no other than Santa Claus Parade president, Peter Beresford's comment to the Toronto Star this past Wednesday: "This is the biggest parade we've ever run, so we're learning as we're growing." Toronto Star, Thursday, November 25th 2010, "Santa fans disappointed by long gaps in parade", p. GT3. One is left wonder what public relations firm came up with that overworked line and how much were they paid for it. Parade of Costumes+Ad-carts ======================== Essentially, the Toronto Santa Parade consisted mainly of many small groups dressed in very bright, colourful - probably "made in China" - 1-size fits all costumes and about 50 ad carts each pushed by two clowns all of which was interspersed with LAME marching bands and a few floats. The whole thing was PAINFULLY TEDIOUS to watch and ended being a waste of time according to many. ![]() Ad Revenue ========== How much revenue for each cart did the Toronto Santa Parade take in? $10,000? More than $10,000? And HOW MUCH $$$ was earned by broadcasting the parade on TV? The É(eh)PC is calling on Mr. Peter Beresford, the Santa Claus Parade president to provide Torontonians with these answers along with the related budget, revenue+expense figures. With the É(eh)PC in charge of Government Canadians will have automatic access to this information - online - and they will know WHO'S RESPONSIBLE for what in terms of dollars and cents. ============= É(eh)PC Article 1.2.C.1 Businesses and non-profit organizations (including places of worship) must provide 1-click access to their financials. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#transparency ============================== A Tourist Trap =========== Unfortunately, apart from the unlimited FREE coffee offered by McDonald's at Yonge+Dundas Square across from the Toronto Eaton Centre, this year's Toronto Santa Parade was a real FLOP and tourist trap. For turning a world-class event into A TAWDRY AFFAIR with little thought behind it, THE ORGANIZERS SHOULD BE FIRED! Crooks Running the Show? ===================== This Santa Parade - like the City of Toronto - seems to be run by crooks who are shortchanging Torontonians. That seems to be the underlying impression. Support the É(eh)PC ================ The É(eh)PC receives NO! *backdoor* FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the Gov't (unlike some - bogus - political parties). To REPLACE "behind closed doors" Gov't with PROSPERITY-BASED Gov't whose emphasis is on school+work place productivity JOIN, VOTE for, SUPPORT (Nova Scotia Bank account #: 911 320 846 384) the É(eh)PC. Thank you. Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada) Canada's ONLY! ***anti-fascist*** political party ~~~ 4GOOD! jobs 4the GOOD! life 4CLEAN! Gov't that WORKS ... 100% ... for YOU! http://www.eh-ok.ca |