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Subject: "WHO owns the University of Toronto? The CIA-back *AMERICAN* Hells Angels, I suspect," says É(eh)PC President/Party Leader the QUESTION: *WHO* OWNS the University of Toronto? the ANSWER: "probably", GANGSTERS! *AMERICAN* GANGSTERS WHY? The University of Toronto (U of T) has *ALL* THE TRAPPINGS of A $$$-MAKING MACHINE. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/trappings Let's TAKE A LOOK! 1. U of T uses MINIMUM WAGE workers wherever it can (like in the U of T cafeterias) 2. U of T has a 1/2 BILLION DOLLAR maintenance backlog (*HUGE* RED FLAG: maintenance in a "healthy" business is ongoing.) 3. the prices at the U of T bookstore+distributing machines are QUITE HIGH! 4. apparently 1/2 U of T professors are contractual getting paid $15,000 to teach a course (HOW *QUALIFIED* are they?) 5. U of T apparently replaced full-time professional student services workers with part-time minimum wage student 6. students taking 3 or more part-time courses at U of T are forced to pay FULL-TIME TUITION FEES that the University calls "flat fees" which allows it to get $$$ from the Province for that student that it would *NOT* get: if that is so, THAT'S *EXTORTION* of the Ontario taxpayer 7. and all the research $$$ it gets from the Gov't, into whose pockets does that go? GANGSTERS? WEIRD ====== We do NOT know WHO owns our universities+colleges+hospitals in most cases: it's *NOT* the Gov't+they are *NOT* charitable institutions either. The É(eh)PC will *NATIONALIZE* them making ALL WORKERS civil servants. http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#health_ http://eh-ok.ca/egal.htm#sante (en français) http://eh-ok.ca/egalite.htm#education http://eh-ok.ca/egal.htm#education (en français) WEIRDER! ======== There appears to be COPS on campus IN ADDITION to the Campus Police along with CSIS agents like probably those serving coffee at the 2nd Cup at the St. George Street Arts+Science University Centre as part of Canada's SECURE THE CAMPUSES SECURITY CAMPAIGN like in *ALL* other 80 some campuses in Canada. This is IN ADDITION to the Gov't OPERATIVES running the student newspapers like on other campuses in Canada. THEN, there are Gov't OPERATIVES inviting students to join the Communist Party of Canada or to FIGHT CAPITALISM or to get involve in a movement for democracy (that usually involves a "monitored" talk at the U of T Hart House) or to participate in the DROP THE FEES PROTEST held in mid-September with a lot of fanfare. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fanfare CLEARLY, our *CROOKED* FASCIST Police state Gov't is treating the students AS SUCKAS! TO BE FAIR, these SUCKAS have A RIGHT TO KNOW the kind of FASCIST Police state Gov't *SURVEILLANCE* they are paying for with their HIGH TUITION FEES, doN'T you think? TO THINK our university students are paying *TOP* $ for this NONSENSE! AS IS, it's ... *NOT* FAIR. *NOT* nice *NOT* NECESSARY +A *WASTE* of taxpayers' $$$+TUITION FEES U of T 2013 Annual General Student Meeting ================================== *WHY* were 3 of the 4 hours taken up dealing with procedural issues forcing everything to be done in the last hour? TO ME, it looks like A VERY *OLD* TRICK by Gov't operatives. 2014 U of T Student Council Elections ============================= Ryerson University students were on campus helping to get some U of T students elected: were they American students helping out other American students? Were they CIA students? QUESTION: *WHICH* GANGSTERS own U of T? let's see ... *IF* the CIA-back *AMERICAN* Hells Angels run the City of Toronto, [which the É(eh)PC believes it does along with about 25 cities in all]+Ryerson University "possibly" owned by the CIA, (ASK YOURSELF: is Ryerson University run by the CIA after watching the following 2 videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXNxt2V0x8Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er_BUGZdhcE) *THEN*, it would seem TO FOLLOW that, in ALL LIKELIHOOD, it's .... YEP! You guessed it. :o) Kenneth Selin (say'leen) ~~~ B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin., B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude" ~~~ É(eh)PC President/Party Leader ~~~ the É(eh)PC for *your* share of the pie http://www.eh-ok.ca |